City of Sin: One zero six conspiracy on

So after changing his face several times in a row, Third Prince stared bitterly at Niris and gave way. Niris walked along the middle line of the avenue, taking the steps of elegance, stability, and both. Looking at the back view of Niris, Third Prince‘s complexion became more and more gloomy, and his eyes almost burst into flames. He grabbed a follower next to him and said, “Go and find out why he suddenly used up all the temporary quota! No matter what means you use, anything, anyone, let me find out!”

At this moment, the door of the Royal Treasury, not far away, opened slowly. A team of muscle-tightened Lux ​​lifted the heavy magic seal box and piled them up on a dedicated truck. Then a team of Royal Guards escorted the three trucks Walk towards the teleportation array.

“Wait!” Third Prince called the captain of the Royal Guard and asked, “What are these and where are they going to be delivered?”

When the captain saw Third Prince, he immediately answered respectfully: “The car is equipped with a standard enchanted equipment, which was purchased by Young Master Richard of Archeron Family.”

“Well, I know, let’s go.” Third Prince quietly gave way. When the team walked away, a shadow flashed in his eyes and said to himself: “Richard? Is he already hooked with Niris?”

A follower said, “Richard? Is it the new Imperial Runemaster?”

Third Prince ’s face was even more gloomy, he snorted, and said: “No matter what his identity is, what Niris can give him, I can give double copies! But if he is not interested, hum!”

“I heard that the dead will be funny!” said a tentative follower.

Third Prince just grunted and said nothing.

The next afternoon, in the most famous restaurant of Faust, Niris sat with Agamennon again. In the face of the table full of dishes, he looked a little bit appetite.

Agamennon looked up at him and said stiffly, “Eat! I pay the bill.”

Niris cried: “You look down on me! I should have paid the bill this month!”

Agamennon said lightly: “The bankrupt guy is not arrogant. ~”

Niris choked, and then bowed his head angrily, dumping his anger on the dishes full of tables. A table full of dishes, in fact, could not stand the torment of these two guys, and was wiped out in an instant.

Agamennon called into the waiter and said, “Come on another table.”

His tone is very plain, but in the face of a table of nearly ten thousand gold coins, how does this sentence sound domineering. Niris snorted and said, “You seem to have gotten rich recently?”

“Well! The bet won, and by the way, a few hard-working guys were taught.” Agamennon remarkably increased, apparently very proud of this gambling battle.

However, Niris did n’t listen to his intention to show off, but fell on the table listlessly and said, “My points this year … I must have died so ugly.”

But in a blink of an eye, he was refreshed and pulled Agamennon and said, “You said, will there be any good way, can … That without getting too much, get a lot of points immediately?”

Agamennon snorted and only said one word: “Dark Blue.”

The Niris instantly became sluggish again. Phillip has a weird temperament, and suddenly introduced a very complicated points system many years ago to evaluate the performance of various princesses and determine the budget for the second year according to the level of points. Each prince will get a certain budget, this is the royal family’s full funding for each prince. In addition to this, no prince and princess will get extra help. Various activities of the prince, such as increased personal strength, more family support, performance in Planar War, contributions to the royal family and alliance, etc., are counted in points. The higher the points, the more the budget. And the more budget, the easier it is to increase points. Therefore, each prince can easily fall into a positive or negative cycle. In order to improve points, the princes are always full of thoughts and exert their own advantages to the extreme.

Such a system that has never appeared in the mainland royal family is from dark blue, and the core computing system is from Legendary Mage Sharon.

When Agamennon mentioned dark blue, Niris understood what he meant. Legendary Mage is a master mathematician in the whole Norland. Perhaps there is a flaw in this system, but it is definitely not something that Niris can find and use.

After eating this meal listlessly, Niris suddenly finds that Agamennon is staring at himself, with regret on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Niris began to panic.

“You forgot an important thing.”

“What’s the matter?” Niris‘s feelings are getting worse.

Agamennon said calmly. “Richard. Now, he has returned to Faro. Don’t you want to go with him?”

“Ah!” Niris screamed immediately.

“This time is to teach you a lesson. Keep in mind that no matter what setbacks you encounter …” Agamennon‘s tone is almost exactly the same as Phillip. Only when teaching Niris, he did not hesitate to talk.

At this time, Richard has returned to Faro Plane. After staying in Norland for less than a day, I prepared everything I needed, which made Richard very satisfied. If it were not for Niris to directly raise a large amount of supplies from the royal coffers, it would not be possible to return so quickly. Faro Plane is already late at this time, only seven days have passed.

However, Richard just stepped out of the teleportation circle, and suddenly heard a scream from a distance, seeming to be Viscount Zim.

Richard was shocked and immediately commanded the entourage: “It seems to be Zim! What’s the matter, go and see!”

When the entourage ran out, Richard gave orders to several followers at the same time. However, Phaser seems to be in the vicinity of the sensed follower position. Richard also sent a conscious command to Phaser to let her immediately check the status of Zim. But Phaser was a bit sluggish, and he didn’t respond.

Richard did n’t have time to wait for the follower reaction, rushed out of Time Lighthouse, blessed himself with an acceleration, and then ran in the direction of the Zim cry. Zim Viscount is an important and sensitive person. In the case of Bluewater Oasis City, there are more than 10,000 troops related to Viscount, and they are all elite troops. Richard does not want Zim to happen. Now Richard knows how important the value of the unicorn bloodline is.

Richard‘s anxiety, the whole body began to bloom faintly, and the acceleration footwork in Elven Secret Sword has been enabled, and the speed is increased by half again, as far away as electricity.

The place where the cry came was an ordinary residential house, which had been burnt down in the war, just like the roof of cover. What makes Richard accident/surprise is that Phaser is standing outside the house, looking like nothing.

“What about Zim?” Richard asked as soon as he reached the door.

Phaser pointed to the room and said, “Inside.”

Richard walked into the room and saw that Zim was lying on back on the ground, his expression was dull, his hands were covering his neck, and there was a pool of blood on his chest. Richard was taken aback, but when he looked closely, he found that the Viscount had a strong heartbeat and vitality, and did not look like he was seriously injured.

Richard squatted down next to the Viscount, patted his shoulder, and whispered softly: “Zim?”

The eyes of Zim Viscount slightly rolled, Richard appeared in the diffuse pupil, and a faint sound came out of the throat: “Yes … Richard? Are you back?”

Richard frowned, said solemnly: “It’s me! I’m back, please don’t move first, let me see your injury.”

Which unexpectedly Zim suddenly screamedRichard!”, even fell into the arms of Richard, crying out loud! This made Richard too busy, and finally used magic to help the Viscount calm down from the collapse. Intermittently, Richard finally understood what happened.

It turned out that Zim Viscount relapsed, and he began to pursue beautiful women in the city, but he didn’t have to use robbing and changed to temptation. The title of Viscount Highland Unicorn and strong family background are still very useful. Within a few days Zim got two beautiful girls to get started, one of them is Low Level Cleric of Spring Water Goddess. Just today, Zim suddenly saw half of the human face of Phaser, and was immediately shocked by heaven and earth, desperately entangled, and promised countless circumstances before he was brought to this residence by Phaser. Zim was shocked and delighted, thinking that he could start a flesh fight immediately. Unexpectedly, he had just entered the house, and suddenly a dark shadow rushed from the window, hitting him on the neck, and immediately started blood sucking!

Zim was not born to be a bold person, and was suddenly bitten by an unknown giant creature. The neck and the blood vessels were cruelly blood sucking. On the spot, he was completely scared and collapsed. He only screamed a few times, then fell to the ground, his hands and feet were cold, and he waited to die. .

Richard pulled down Zim‘s hand and looked closely at his neck, where there were really two deep wounds, as if bitten by a giant bat. And listening to the description of Zim, the attacked monster is indeed like a bat. However, the wound has stopped bleeding, and the injury is not serious at all. A maximum of Healing Spell is enough.

But in addition to the dozen elite bats of Richard in Oasis City, where are the giant bats that can attack humans?

Richard heavily photographed the shoulder of Zim and said, “Okay, I can’t die! Just find a Cleric to treat you, just look for the little Cleric you hooked on!”

Zim was overjoyed: “Really? But, is that little Cleric OK? I think her bed time is much more reliable than Divine Spell level.”

Richard stood up and lifted up Zim, and said with a smile: “Go! If you go late, be careful of poison.”

Zim was taken aback, immediately rushed out of the house and went all the way.

Richard walked out of the house, looked at the Phaser sneaking away, and said with a deep voice: “Stop! What is going on?”

Phaser stopped and did not look back, grunting and said a long list of words that no one could understand. The problem is that Richard doesn’t understand it either.

“Don’t play tricks, say!” Richard drank.

Phaser shrank subconsciously, and then slowly said: “Zim, he regards me as a human female and wants to do what you and Liusha often do with me. So I led him to no one, Called an elite bat and took a bite. Anyway, if you bite Undead (not dead), you wo n’t be disabled

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