City of Sin: One, two, six, unwilling defeat

Salenville stands on the roof of its own office wagon and looks at the distant battlefield, constantly roaring and giving orders. && He has used the power of magic to amplify his voice as much as possible, but in the battlefield of killing, shouting, and howling, his voice can only reach a limited range.

At this time, the mage had long lost his grace and calmness, and the beads of sweat kept seeping and rolling off his forehead. Even with the help of magic, his throat had become hoarse for a long time, but he himself was completely Unconsciously.

The loyal herding soldiers still shuttled under his carriage and between the teams in front, but in the face of the ever-changing battlefield, even the immediate orders issued by Salenville are difficult to be accurately executed, let alone delayed Arrived in a few minutes.

“Right wing! The right wing withstood! Asshole, who asked you to send the heavy cavalry, withdraw the cavalry! Did not see the other party’s rear row is preparing to assault … Oh! Damn, they are already attacking! Block … Oh, no … Nice, send a team of imperial knights to the right to attack the arrows of the enemy, remember to bring an Priest. “

With the roar of Salenville, the twenty imperial knights with distinctive armours drove slowly from the carriage, and then gradually accelerated. After hundreds of meters, they reached their maximum speed, and their long lance has been flattened. With the huge inertia of the horse sprint, welcome the black armor Bearguard Knight that has broken through the front right wing!

Two torrents of steel hit hard together, but the violent collision ended in a fiasco of the Imperial Knights. The tall and powerful imperial knights made a full circle in front of the Bearguard Knight, and the power gap was even greater than the size. Most of them even brought their horses to the ground, and the magic horses of the Bearguard Knight burst out with incredible power. The resistance to the collision seemed to be completely non-existent, and even there was no pause. Instead, they accelerated to chase down and fly out of the Imperial Knights. Under a sword wheel, many knights were even cut into two sections with horses!

Bearguard Knight is like death possessed, swept back and forth twice, and there are no more Imperial Knights. The gap on the right is getting bigger. Fortunately, these black armored Demons seem to be unsustainable. After rushing to the right wing formation, they retreated and changed back to countless clothes and chaos. The Warrior, which is a variety of weapons in hand, rushed into the right wing and began to fight the melee.

The right wing was completely chaotic, and at this time, a team of Bearguard Knight suddenly cut into the middle road, tearing a gap in the strict front, so a large number of fierce Warrior followed Bearguard Knight into the array.

Seeing that most of the Iron Triangle Empire and Sequoia Kingdom coalition battles will be in chaos, at this moment, the nearly collapsed midfield suddenly shines a piece of Sacred Radiance, and the Warriors shrouded in glory seems to everyone drink a bottle of magical energy Potion In general, the spirit was instantly boosted, and the strength, reaction, and even the defense were greatly improved, causing tragic casualties to the enemy immediately, and even two Bearguard Knight were pulled off the magic horse.

Not far away, Sinclair standing on the back of Manticore narrowed his eyes, gently licked his lips, and murmured: “It is the smell of Divine Spell again, I hate Priest …”

For most of her time standing on the edge of the battlefield, she neither commanded the army nor joined the assassination. It seemed that the little girl with abnormal wits stood blankly at on the spot and kept talking to herself repeatedly.

But thinking about it, the figure of Sinclair suddenly disappeared. For a moment, she maintained the posture before disappearing, and she was as if full of confusion, innocence, and innocence, but people appeared on the battlefield behind the one by one name High Priest. At this time, she had spanned hundreds of meters from her original position. Then, like a little girl who got lost, she looked away and screamed and quickly fled to her front.

A small team of Temple Knight with High Priest on the periphery did n’t come with reaction at all. I only saw a petite and beautiful girl like a puppet, but she was almost naked. She screamed and ran from the front. No one even thought of reaching out to block a bit.

From beginning to end, she seems to have done nothing. However, Divine Spell of High Priest was suddenly interrupted, and then Divine Spell, which was originally blessed in Warrior, also disappeared one by one.

High Priest full face stunned, looked down at his chest, I saw that the luxurious and expensive Divine Robe chest did not know when a big hole was broken in his chest, through the hole in the clothes, you can see a bare chest also appeared a The terrible void, empty inside, nothing.

Is n’t that where the heart is? With the final doubts, High Priest quickly lost all the looks in his eyes and fell to the sky. And the little girl who was running didn’t know when there was an extra heart.

But this heart is not High Priest. The heart belonging to Priest has entered her stomach. As for the heart of the hand, Sinclair just sniffed it and threw it aside, and then there was another heart miraculously in her little hand. The hot heart was still stubbornly pulsating, and she did not know that she had left her original body. .

In this way, the figure of Sinclair disappears in the battlefield where thousands of people fight each other. Her demeanor is tender and immature, and it has nothing to do with Iron Blood‘s fierce fighting. Just like a willful little girl, she picks the fruit of the tree all the way and bites it deliciously. It’s just that other little girls picked up real fruit, but she picked up the enemy’s heart. Wherever she walked, there were a lot of coalition forces Warrior suddenly stagnation, and then fell without any warning, only to see a mass of blood under the body is spreading rapidly.

Sinclair just walked through the battlefield and walked back to her front. She squeezed her heart into the mouth of Manticore and jumped the head of Manticore. She looked at the battlefield, and suddenly shouted loudly, reaching for a finger forward, ten Bearguard Knight immediately driven the magic horse, and launched a shock in the direction she specified!

There is exactly the direction where she crossed the enemy line, just in front of the Bearguard Knight charge, one after another Temple Knight suddenly fell. The chaos in the right wing and the central array began to expand outward, trying to involve the left wing together.

“Damn! There’s no way to hold it there!” Salenville smashed the barrier on the roof of the car. He suddenly turned around and shouted: “One team of imperial knights, one team of Temple Knight! One hundred heavy infantry followers, plus one Priest!”

After the order was completed, Salenville suddenly stopped, and behind him, the strong reserve team that had been arranged in a neat square array was now sparse. As soon as the new order came out, there was a corresponding Warrior out, rushing into the battlefield to reinforce the crumbling defense. However, after this group of reinforcements was dispatched, only 100 soldiers remained in his hands. Among them, the knights had only one team of 20 riders, and the mage and Priest were all on the battlefield.

The only Spell Casters that has not been used yet, in addition to Salenville himself, there is also a Level 15 Grand Mage and a Level 16 High Priest. The latter two discuss the status of status, and both belong to the real top level in Sequoia Kingdom, which is not lower than Salenville. They all belong to real big men, and it is impossible to get involved in danger.

Devil … She is the real Devil! We must destroy her! At all costs!” High Priest‘s gray beard trembles, and the wrinkled old face is also distorted by anger. The anger is not enough to express his anger, and he is still striking the roof of the foot with his golden scepter heavily.

“That’s my carriage!” Salenville roared in his heart, but didn’t really call out this sentence. The sentence he has not shouted out is: “Since you hate Devil so much, then wipe her out in the past.”

But Salenville is very clear in his heart. After seeing another High Priest, which is also Level 16, was taken out of the heart by Sinclair strangely and easily, this High Priest said nothing to fight again. The most he can do is bless the reserve team that is about to attack.

The God of Courage Neian has very limited power in Sequoia Kingdom, and there are only three High Priests of Level 16. Among them, there must be a future cardinal Priest. Now that accident/surprise has killed a High Priest, the chance of promotion for the survivor has been increased from one third to half. This is a huge improvement, but if he also died, the chance of not playing will become 100%.

The math is very simple, but it is not simple.

Even under the honor of Gods, it will allow believers to retain a little selfishness.

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