City of Sin: One six two collar underground


Richard sprayed magic water onto the Duke ’s left shoulder, then chanted the mantra softly, activated the Rune part, and spread Rune carefully on the Duke ’s left shoulder. When Rune touched the Duke’s skin, it immediately made an ablated chirp, and then its lower part was completely dissolved and penetrated into the Duke’s skin. Half a minute later, Rune‘s Magic Array is like growing on the Duke’s left shoulder, but the skin color is different from the rest of the body.

Quick sand waved a hand and applied a minor wound to the Duke, eliminating the pain caused by Rune implantation. In fact, this pain is nothing for any professional. Quicksand just wants the Duke to see that he is performing Divine Spell.

The Duke moved his body without feeling any discomfort, and the turbulent power made him feel unexpected surprise. He put on his robe and said, “Go! Let’s go to the driving range to try the power of this thing!”

Soon, the Duke ’s personal soldiers erected three humanoid targets on the martial arts field, which were covered with mail, plate armor and thickened plate armor. The latter is designed to simulate the defense of magic armor. The Duke’s weapon is an ordinary two-handed giant axe, without any magic effect attached to it, and the material of the giant axe is also ordinary steel.

two-handed giant axe was lifted by the Duke with one hand, light as a piece of paper. The Duke did not hesitate, striding forward, the axe has cut the humanoid target with the mail and plate armor in the center! He went to thicken plate armor again, took a deep breath, did not bless any Battle Aura on the giant axe, but waved the giant axe with pure power and slashed on plate armor!

A deep crack immediately appeared on the thickened plate armor. The humanoid target made of hardwood shattered instantly, thickened with plate armor and yin, completely twisted and transformed into a pile of scrap iron, but it was not cut into two pieces . The giant axe in the Duke’s hand was completely curled, and the surface of the axe was obviously twisted, and the axe handle made of jing steel was even twisted. This ordinary two-handed giant axe can no longer bear the great power of the Duke and is completely scrapped.

Appreciating the immense power of the moment, the Duke threw the giant axe to the ground, and then laughed heartily, said: “Okay! Very good! Now I want to see the old thing of Baiyan Grand Duke, what can I rely on to resist it My battle-axe! “

The atmosphere of the dinner was very warm, and everyone felt the joy of the Duke.

The Duke on the table chatted loudly, constantly describing the prospect of going straight to the enemy’s nest, the powerful gestures and vigorous voice, even making Richard a little bloody. At the dinner, Richard saw the other side of Direwolf Duke as a speaker and agitator.

The dinner was larger than expected. The adult sons of the Duke, chief mage, chief administrative officer and financial officer, as well as a noble court marquis with no corresponding territory, and several generals who commanded the corps All were present. It can be said that all the head and face characters of Deepcliff City are here.

Just in the face of such a warm atmosphere, Richard is not sure how much the Duke ’s joy comes from Rune, and how much comes from Perrin ’s hope.

The dinner did not end until midnight. Shortly after Richard returned to his room, the Duke ’s housekeeper knocked on the room én, instructing the two servants to bring in a suitcase with a magic seal effect, saying that this was a gift from the Duke to Richard, and then withdrew .

Richard then opened the suitcase and found that it was divided into dozens of small cells, each of which contained the same magic material, and a description was attached with the name of the material, its purpose, place of origin and reference price. . Several of the grids are empty, and only the instructions are inside. Richard picked up the paper and looked at it. The reason why there are no additional samples for these materials should be too expensive. The price is calculated in grams.

The significance of this box of samples is more important for the Richard than a whole box of single magic materials. Collecting and sorting the product resources of this Plane was originally one of the most important things for Richard at present, which determines the ways to increase revenue after the two Plane Channels are opened in the future.

This is essential for the formulation of the Plane conquest and development strategy. Blackgold once used two real-life examples as a comparison, vividly illustrating that even two very similar Plane, but between well-managed and poorly managed, the income can differ by more than ten times. The box of samples sent by the Duke directly completed most of the work of Richard.

In the next few days, almost all of Richard‘s time was spent on officials in Dukedom.

The actual knighthood is completely different from the Pioneer Knight with only one empty document. Confirming the boundaries of the territory, reporting to the Royal House of Lords, and confirming the emblem symbol are a series of tasks that are extremely tedious and complicated.

Kase has become a powerful assistant. Although he is incompetent, he is a little helpless, but the basic literacy of the noble children is still there. He organizes the documents, especially the formatted text.

After the dinner was successfully held, Marvin, which had not been seen since Richard entered Deepcliff City, also appeared. According to him, he has lived in a post under the name of the Duke, and the specifications of the reception are equivalent to any official emissaries of the Duke ’s vassal . But everyone knows that if Richard can’t form an alliance with the Duke, Marvin may never have a chance to show up.

With the effectiveness of two noble family members, Marvin and Kase, although all the work is cumbersome, it is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

The most uncomfortable thing about Richard is to report a complete family tree. In the eyes of high society, a family with no history is incredible. Marvin had previously inherited the title of an extinct noble family to Richard. Richard hesitated for a long time with the entire pedigree of that family, and filled in the surname Ake éngde.

The next work will be taken over by Marvin and Kase. They will skillfully add such a side branch in the history of the noble family. For this small difference, the official appointed by the Duke has already grasped the idea.

The trivial procedures were not completed until a week later, and the troops that Richard sent to their territory in advance had heard that the villagers in the original village of Bran had been killed and turned into one. Dead village. After receiving this news, Richard sighed, it turned out to be the case, so Sinclair only appeared in Twilight Castle.

If the territory is to develop, citizen is required.

In the territory that the Duke assigned to Richard, the property is very rich, but on the surface, it is mostly forests, mountains and vast grasslands. Because it is bordered by a turbulent land and a **** land, it is often looted by various eccentric Demon Beast and horse bandits, so this land is sparsely populated. If there are only three or five villages in a large area, the total population is only more than 2,000.

Farming, mining, repairing roads, building castles, making weapons and tools, and even building Dragon of Eternity and Time altars all require large populations. As for the military, it is the Richard with Broodmother that is the least worrying thing. There are now more than one hundred Shaman cavalry, more than thirty Barbarian Warrior, and less than twenty human descendants under Richard. Zendrall has only four Dark Warriors. The most terrible thing is that Infantry Knight is finally lost, which also means that Richard has lost the most reliable middle- and lower-level officers.

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