City of Sin: One hundred fifty-two harvest

In the end, Richard chose to increase the number of combat units and that strange increase in eating speed, range, and energy reserve. Broodmother eats more to create more combat units. As long as you feed Broodmother and have enough time, Richard will have endless Warrior. While the combat unit strengthening is not yet in a hurry, Richard is ready to make a choice after careful consideration.

In the middle of the battlefield, Acid Mist has become much thinner. When Richard approached, Broodmother began to breathe strongly, absorbing all the thin Acid Mist back, exposing the hill-like body.

At this moment, standing in front of Broodmother, Richard has felt the invisible pressure. Broodmother‘s somewhat strange head and carapace colors have obvious new and old differences, which is just a sign of growth. On the dark black carapace, there are still scratches left by Manticore and the wind blade.

Richard looked up, looked at Broodmother, and asked, “What is it that you are looking for me so urgently?”

“It’s about the creation of special units, master.” Broodmother replied.

“Special unit?”

“Yes, special units! They are produced only by accident and need to consume divinity. You gave my female Assassin to have the attributes of Devil and death. She inspired the divinity I got and opened it. The ability to create special units. But the creation process of special units cannot be seen by anyone, including Miss Quicksand. “Broodmother said.

“Not fast sand? Why?” Richard was very surprised. Both quicksand and seeds are from Temple of the Eternal Dragon. In the understanding of Richard, they should have belonged to the same camp.

“I don’t know, but I was supposed to be able to do so. Except for you, it is best not to let anyone know, anyone!” Broodmother replied.

“Okay.” Richard nodded, waved a dark spell, enveloped itself and Broodmother, and said, “Now can start.”

Broodmother has passed on a lot of information one after another, and formed three options about the special unit form: human form, beast form, mount form.

Richard chose human form without thinking. He needs a strong and special Warrior.

Then Broodmother gives three options: use all the divinities to create a special unit, use a Demigod to create a special unit, and use a third of the divinity to create a special unit.

At present, the holy nature of Broodmother hoarding is roughly equivalent to the ancestor totems of fifteen small Orc tribes. The minimum divine level required to create a special unit is the ancestor totems of five Orc tribes. In the information system of Broodmother, this lowest divine quantity is defined as a divinity.

Richard quickly learned how to measure Broodmother: “What is the difference between the special units created with three divinities?”

“Combat ability, potential, and special abilities must exceed one divine unit. If you create with one divinity, you can get three special units.” Broodmother replied.

“Create a special unit with three divinities.” Richard immediately made a decision. He does not lack cannon fodder now, but the strong. If there is no Broodmother, the combination of four hundred heads will not solve Manticore. In the battle against Sinclair, almost all resources were gathered, and the execution of the tactical plan was almost perfect, only to get such a tragic victory. If the place of battle is not the castle, but the wild, there is almost no hope of victory.

“As you wish.” After answering Broodmother, there was a moment of silence before the sound continued to sound: “Now is the last option, you can choose to maximize the spot combat power; the second option is to maximize the potential, the future may be The combat power achieved will exceed the first item, but you will get a new Warrior, which is currently very weak. The last option is to add special abilities, because special units are excited by Sinclair, so there are currently three special abilities , Stealth, flash strike, and assassination. If you choose a special ability, your potential and combat effectiveness will be reduced. “

This time it was the really difficult choice. Richard began to think seriously, Wisdom Blessing started with all his strength, but he didn’t get results. However, at this moment, the Sinclair volley disappeared, and the scene that suddenly flashed in front of the eyes appeared again in front of Richard. The fierce momentum of the one-hit kill makes the Richard still fresh in memory.

“Maximize the strength and add all three special abilities!” Richard said firmly.

“Are you sure?” It is Broodmother hesitating now. In its calculations, such a plan does not get the most powerful combat power. But Richard is very firm, he almost experienced the horror of Sinclair with his life. In many cases, extreme roles like Sinclair will cause a headache, and it is much more terrible than the balanced Warrior.

“Just do it!”

“As you wish. Please wait five minutes.” Broodmother replied. Its abdomen began to vigorously agitate, and a moment later a giant oocyst with a height of one person was discharged from the tail of Broodmother. As soon as it fell to the ground, it began to vibrate rhythmically. Unexpectedly, Richard unexpectedly stabbed a blade from the oocyst and cut the egg wall. The blade cuts a few times, breaking the egg wall completely, and then a humanoid walks out of the egg.

This is a very strange creature with a well-proportioned and slender body covered with a carapace like armor. However, the carapace covers very few areas, exposing large, delicate skin like white jade. It has a human face, very charming and enchanting, but only half of it, and half of the face is wrapped under a carapace like a covered helmet, and the eyes are dark-red crystals. Its right hand is long and slender, with a slender hand like a human female, while the left hand is a metal blade.

The blade Richard became more familiar with each other, and finally realized that it was originally a short knife of Sinclair, which was swallowed by Broodmother, and finally merged with the special unit created. There is almost no luster in the short knife, but there is always a feeling of palpitation when looking at it. Richard threw a Detection Spell up and found that it actually retained all the attributes, including extraordinary armor and annihilation.

Richard‘s gaze returned to the Plane hole of the freshman’s special single. As soon as it appeared, Richard had a very familiar feeling, as if it had just been seen somewhere. In fact, when seeing the blade, Richard understands where the familiarity comes from. If you don’t look at its appearance carefully, Richard will think that you have seen Sinclair again! But its human half face and Sinclair are only partially similar. Richard stared at a long time/half of the day before discovering why this face gave him such a strong sense of familiarity.

Broodmother, the face of the special unit, who created it with reference to you?” Richard asked.

Sinclair, quicksand, water splash.”

Sure enough!

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