City of Sin: One hundred and four days

Eternal Day City, this time still lives up to its name, and still insisted to the end, never fell.

However, after the **** battle, fewer than three hundred surviving strongmen have survived, and nearly one hundred of them have suffered irreversible serious injuries and are hopeless to return to Saint Realm for life.

The **** battle is over. In this war, both sides suffered heavy losses, and the loss of the Daxodas people is greater. Therefore, the pattern of Land of Dusk has only changed slightly. Where the Sun Rises is at least kept in a short time.

Sacred Alliance lost a lot of strong men, and the national power was suddenly thrown away by Sacred Tree Empire and the Millennium Empire. However, this was a battle related to dignity, which made Sacred Alliance win a lofty reputation in Human Country. Sacred Tree Empire and Millennium Empire have successively stated that they will give With assistance from Sacred Alliance and opening up the supply of some strategic materials, many of the free men of the human race have also chosen to join Sacred Alliance, even if only temporarily, it is enough to support Sacred Alliance through the immediate crisis.

The eternal glory is finally extinguished, but the burning fireball will be regarded as the spiritual totem of the entire fortress in the future, and it will be passed down by mouth.

The **** battle has ended for several days, but the traces of the war are still everywhere. Although Faust has sent many craftsmen and logistics personnel, but now the whole Eternal Day City activity is less than a thousand people, most of them are busy cleaning the battlefield and rebuilding The most important defense Magic Array is simply unable to repair the entire fortress.

The Land of Dusk environment is harsh. Only the strongest Saint Realm in the human race can resist the environment. Even the core area of ​​the corps fortress within the protection range of temple is not for ordinary people. The artisans who can normally work here must be at least Alchemy Mage.

At this time, Richard, White Night and Splash were lying side by side on the bed of Lawrence. The whole body was wrapped like a mummy. The old man became the busiest person, spending a lot of time on three people every day. The old man naturally had to whine and complain, complaining that they did not know how to cherish themselves, and even hurt so badly that they could not get out of bed after so many days.

And after finishing their treatment, the old man’s work has just begun, because there are a large number of wounded people who can’t get Divine Spell or magic treatment outside, waiting for his treatment.

Many severely injured strongmen are sent back to Norland for treatment, and Richard and others are more willing to believe in Lawrence. Deep down, Richard does not want quick sand to see what she is now, lest she will worry and let him loose The tone is a bit lost, quick sand is not in the team sent by temple after the war.

Although lying on the stage has nothing to do, but does not hinder the good mood of Richard, it is a pleasure to be able to survive first.

After the final **** battle, Richard discovered that his Elemental World tree did not know when he grew from Rank 3 to Rank 4, perhaps because he used enough destructive magic, the Elemental World tree of Rank 4 gave Richard the bloodline ability is an element break out.

When this ability is used, it can change the damage of attack magic such as Fireball Spell into pure elementless elemental damage, and greatly enhance the power of magic itself. Therefore, when dealing with highly magically resistant enemies, such as Daxodas Black Mage , The elemental explosion will become extremely effective, after all, in contrast, full magic resistance like Devil Fish is extremely rare.

In the original plan of Richard, when life and nature World Tree also reached Rank 4, a key step towards Archmage would be taken.

On the seventh day after the **** battle, Richard recovered from his injury. With his resilience like Daxodas, he was still able to get out of bed one day later than White Night and Shuihua. It can be seen that Richard was seriously injured.

In fact, when the blood was the most difficult, Richard used many times to block the weapon that stabbed towards the water splash and White Night, but afterwards, Richard only said lightly: “The stabbing died on me. No, the sting will kill you. “

However, this kind of “undead” minor injury has accumulated more and will be deadly. If it were not for Lawrence, Richard would be difficult to heal.

As soon as he was able to get out of bed, Richard found himself immediately overwhelmed by the large and small piles of things.

The first is to repair the Rune that was badly damaged in the **** battle. White Night, Shuihua and many Runes on his own are enough for him to spend three or four days.

In addition, Richard also has many real friends in Eternal Day City. Although most of them have been sleeping in this land during the **** battle, there are still more than a dozen who survived, most of them are not worth mentioning. It is the ordinary Saint Realm of the strong. Rune means more to them than Divine Artifact, because they can’t get Divine Artifact in their lifetime.

The real powerhouse, even Sky Saint Realm, always has the ability to hunt and get more sacrifices in exchange for or buy a better Rune, but these ordinary Saint Realm are actually the objects to be hunted on Extinction Area Battlefield, If in normal times they dare not leave the fortress too far, even those who never leave the fortress alone.

These people who live at the bottom are generally attached to the caravan or the military, and then take on some labor-related work in this Jedi where ordinary people cannot survive. They live on hard work, not merit. Yes, they have no ability to take credit, so naturally there is a huge gap in wealth and status from the real strong, and this gap, at least until there is no major turbulent change, can hardly be narrowed, it will only continue Expand.

Perhaps for them, accumulating wealth in Extinction Area Battlefield is faster than taking risks in this Plane or relying on a family to participate in the Plane pioneering war, but the rules and gaps in this distribution are true regardless of Plane. of.

As the core of the wealth of the strong, Rune, for ordinary Saint Realm, Rank 3 Rune is the ideal of life, but for Sky Saint Realm, Rank 3 Rune is a bottom line. A real strongman such as Legendary Mage breaks the dream, and will depend on Rank 3 Rune For shame.

Blood fighting is like a brutal beast, filled with flesh and life, but the output is not necessarily wealth and glory.

The demise of many Daxodas people does mean a huge amount of sacrifices, but do n’t forget that the lasting glory continues to burn. Every inch of its glory is derived from the sacrifices, so everyone can share the sacrifices at least Will be halved.

Extinction Area Battlefield is another place that is strictly contributive to gain. Contributor Lundstedt of Eternal Day City is just as old-fashioned as it is. It is an unshakable principle that there is no qualification for distribution of remuneration without results.

In this **** battle, those ordinary Saint Realm defended the battlefield with their blood, but the killing figures were often very shabby, and the battle damage was exceptionally high. In the post-war distribution, most of the friends of Richard had a record They can only get the most basic war subsidies. These subsidies may only be enough for them to repair Rune and purchase Magic Potion, and may not even be enough.

When Richard was still lying on the hospital bed, people kept coming to visit him, and there were more posts of various condolences. After knowing that Richard could be active, the number of visits increased dramatically. Among them were those friends of Richard, as well Many surviving Sky Saint Realm.

The purpose of their visit is different. Most ordinary Saint Realms come for a drink time, and most of the Sky Saint Realms come for Rune. They need to repair the most precious Rune. If possible, I hope to order. Go to the new Rune to replace the less powerful Rune.

There are only two Imperial Runemasters in Sacred Alliance. Luno and his workshop on the other side of Transfer Gate are almost buried by the Rune parts to be repaired. It is said that Luno has to start subcontracting some processes to other Rune workshops, otherwise This royal conquest alone can take up all the work he has left for the next year.

Although no one publicly discusses and compares, many Eternal Day City powerhouses believe that the Rune repaired by Richard is better.

The next day Richard was able to move, the old man walked into the Richard‘s residence again and again, looking east and west, looking ready to do something bad.

Richard is drawing Rune attentively in front of the workbench, without looking at the old man. On his workbench, it is not a complete Rune, but seven or eight pieces of different sizes.

These pieces are the raw materials for repairing the damaged Rune. Richard needs to draw the relevant function Magic Array on it, and then integrate it into the original Rune. In fact, if you encounter a special point of Rune, the repair difficulty may even be drawn. Above the new Rune.

If the scarcity and cost of non-magic materials, especially the key materials of the special Rune, even if there are gold coins, they cannot be guaranteed to be acquired at any time, otherwise the Runemasters may not even open such repair items.

When the old man saw a piece of paper on the table next to it, like a list, he picked it up and looked at it. There was a table with the names of people, the name of Rune, and the estimated time.

The list is not long, there are more than a dozen of them, all of them are recognized by Lawrence. The list is also very simple. At a glance, it is known that Richard is preparing to repair the Rune schedule, but the people on this list, but the old man. See how awkward.

The old man asked: “Hey, Richard, what’s going on with this list, such as this, and this … how come even Rank 1 Rune came out.”

Richard said indifferently: “Rank 1 Rune, it is also possible to repair it. Are they all my friends, you should know.”

“But there is not even one Sky Saint Realm in it, there are still a few Sky Saint Realm in your friends.”

“Which guy in Sky Saint Realm will lack the money to repair Rune? Besides, they still have priority and do n’t have to wait in line. Let them toss Luno to go. I do n’t have time.”

{飘 天文学 Thank you all for your support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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