City of Sin: One growth


This is a gratifying season. After a long winter, people can finally start the new year without having to endure the cold. Food is easier to obtain and the variety is gradually becoming richer. Therefore, when winter comes to spring, it is the most important festival of the year, not just humans, dwarves, Orc, elves and even Ogre all put the most important celebrations in spring. Of course, the world is so complicated that there are always exceptions. For example, the residents of the underground world, spring has little meaning for them. Exceptions can develop to extremes, such as the snow demon, the most hated race of this race is spring. In any case, for most humans, spring is always pleasant.

When the warm and humid air flow difficultly crossed the coastal mountain vein and reached Rutherland Village, people in the village knew that spring was here again.

Rutherland is located at the foot of coastal mountain. It is an insignificant spot in this huge mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, and it is also one of tens of thousands of human settlements. It belongs to the Baron Tucker domain and is also the territory of the sacred Sacred Alliance Empire. However, even with straight-line distance calculations, the castle of Baron Tucker is nearly 300 kilometers away from here. Only when it is harvested every autumn, people in the village will see tax collector of Baron. It is only at this time that the lord has a negligible presence. Baron‘s tax is very light, just collect some of the local products of Ritter in the mountain, and hardly see any impact on the daily life of the villagers. However, the output of the village is limited, and if the impact of taxation is greater, it will involve survival problems.

Life in the mountains is actually not difficult, as long as you work hard for a year.

As soon as spring arrives, the land outside the village needs to be replanted, sowing the food that can be harvested next summer. The hunters began to enter the forest. At this time, the hungry Demon Beast deep in the forest gradually woke up and began to forage. They became very dangerous and extremely aggressive. However, some special products of Demon Beast, such as some glands that can be used as precious medicinal herbs or spices, can only be sold at the highest price at this time. Every year, this season, hunters will have deaths and injuries, but every year hunters will go to the mountain as usual. So in Rutherland Village and Goddess of Forests and the Hunt, I got the most beliefs. Be aware that besides the eternal dragon, the gods and beliefs on Norland Continent are as many as the stars above your head.

Norland Continent is a land of rich production, a land of advocating strength, and a land of strict hierarchy.

Even a remote and peaceful village like Rutherland is deeply imprinted with the era. The villagers are simple and sincere, but they also respect the strong and despise the weak. There are only dozens of small villages, but they also have hidden ranks.

A small figure appeared outside the village. This is a boy, but on his back he carried a hamper about the same height as himself, filled with breadfruit. In the spring, the winter reserves have basically been exhausted, and when the new crops have not yet been harvested, this kind of fruit that does not taste very much is a very important ration. It is easy to obtain, just go to the woods next to the village to pick it up.

Behind the little boy, three teenagers, who were all taller than him, appeared together. In their hands was the short bow of the hunting bow, a short knife in their waist, and back with prey such as deer and rabbit. Although they are less than ten years old, they can also go hunting in the mountains. Their prey is of course not Demon Beast, but some tame animals. The way of hunting is mainly relying on traps, but this is not easy anymore. Most of the civilians and noble children in towns are still learning and practicing under the wings of their parents.

The young boy headed suddenly shouted, “Hey, Richard, what about your father? Did n’t he teach you to hunt? I ’m at your age, but I ’m already in a mountain trap and catching rabbits!” /

A boy next to him smiled and said, “Children without father will only pick fruits!”

Three big boys, laughed, crossed the little boy and ran towards the village, walking easily, and could not see that everyone had brought dozens of kilograms of prey. The little boy ignored the ridicule and continued to walk to the village with his basket in his back. A middle-aged strong man sitting at the entrance of the village saw everything in his eyes. He beckoned to the little boy, called it, and then stuffed a piece of dried Demon Beast jerky in the boy’s hand and rubbed it lovingly. His head asked, “Little Richard, Beirut, they bully you like this, aren’t you angry? When you look back, Uncle will teach them a meal. Even a child, you can’t talk too much.”

Unexpectedly, the little boy shook his head and said, “No, I’m not angry.”

“But …” The man scratched his hair with his rough, dark hands. It was a little difficult to understand. He thought he was afraid of the big boys, and wanted to say something. Children in the mountains can lack everything, but they cannot lack courage.

Which little boy said with a smile: “Although I don’t have a father, I have a best mother!”

After listening to this sentence, the man could only continue to hold his head, smiled happily, and said, “That is, that is.”

The little boy hummed a song, carrying a big basket, and bounced towards the village. At this time, Little Richard heart‘s obscurity had already been swept away, and he became happy again. Because his mother told him to make himself happy no matter what time.

This year, Little Richard is six years old. At the age of six, he learned to be happy.

The middle-aged man’s name is Bobby. He is a blacksmith in the village, and the boy’s mother is said to be an Magic Acolyte. When she came to Rutherland Village alone, Little Richard in her arms was still in her baby. It was a woman whose appearance was not very beautiful, but she was gentle like water. Her arrival brought a new weather to the little Rutherland Village. For the first time in the village, there was a doctor, no longer had to go to a town tens of kilometers away for a little illness, or simply endure it, wait for it Heal naturally. Her name is Elaine, and she opened a small Potion shop by the village. Although she can make only Potion of the most Primary Level, she saved the lives of more than one villager in the first year. So the village head and the elders decided to give Elaine a piece of land and formally accept her as a member of Rutherland. Among the small Rutherland Villages, the most is the hunter. There are only three professionals, that is, the blacksmith, Elaine who is also a doctor, and the village chief of the retired sergeant. These three people supported the operation of the entire village.

The life of Rutherland Village is calm and slow, time passes unconsciously, and in a blink of an eye, it is a new spring.

Little Richard grows more than a dozen centimeters tall, and looks similar to an eight- to nine-year-old child. According to the tradition of Rutherland Village, he should already learn to make and lay traps to hunt rabbits and other grass-fed small Demon Beast. In a forest not far from Rutherland Village, there are many such small Demon Beast, while the large Demon Beast is almost disappeared. That is a reserved place for the children to train in the village. Hunters never hunt small animals there, but they will patrol regularly to clean up the dangerous large Demon Beast that occasionally breaks into the depths of the forest. But every few days, Little Richard will still carry the basket to the mountain. The basket on the back seems to be not so out of proportion, but it shows that he is still picking fruit. Breadfruit is not delicious, and the mountains are everywhere. People in the village prefer the delicious Demon Beast meat. Even if you don’t think about the taste, it will give you strength.

However, Richard still has to pick up fruits at the age of starting hunting, which is the mother’s request. Not only that, he also collected herbs by the way, there are four in each season, and then processed according to the established and complicated procedures. Half of the process is done when the herbs are picked, and the other half is done after returning home. What he didn’t understand is that breadfruit also needs to be treated similarly, and the process and time will be much more. No one in the village has ever done this. Breadfruit is the easiest food to get. After it is cooked, it will naturally fall to the ground one night, and it can be directly imported when picked up. However, my mother requested that the breadfruit should not be picked up on the ground, but must be picked from the trunk. The size and color of the selection have fixed requirements, and the picking method is also special. Richard did not understand why, and did not feel any difference in the taste of the breadfruit brought back by the special method, but as long as he did not pick the breadfruit according to the requirements, his mother would pick it out. After several reprimands, Little Richard no longer plays tricks, but takes it seriously and does every tedious step well. It wasn’t until winter that he could no longer pick breadfruit, and his mother told him that it was to give him perseverance.

This year, Little Richard is seven years old. At the age of seven, he remembered to be persistent in doing things. To say that there is something unpleasant in the memory of the seven-year-old is that every dinner is breadfruit. This little thing eventually became one of the lingering nightmares of his childhood.

The new spring is coming, Rutherland Village is still the same. The blacksmith Bobby is still single, the business of the Potion store in Elaine has not improved, the village head is still strong, and he is at the forefront of every difficult Demon Beast.

Richard can finally learn to set traps. By this time, Beirut had begun to take a short bow and followed the village hunters into the mountains. After crossing the threshold of ten years old, they can already be called teenagers, and the tall figure is placed in the city, which will make people think that it is the age of fifteen or six.

Laying traps is a matter of knowledge. It requires a lot of experience, a pair of observing eyes, a pair of dexterous hands, and some luck. In the case of only simple tools, in addition to experienced hunters, novices are likely to hurt themselves when creating traps. Little Richard is very talented in learning. For the first time, it showed the advantage of overwhelming the young people in the same village. The trap laid on the first day was a great success and was praised by adults in the entire village. The blacksmith Bobby even said that everyone rejoices as if Richard is his own son. But almost everyone in his mind village knows that if Richard can call him his father, it is estimated that Bobby is willing to close the blacksmith shop.

A few days have passed, and Richard has mastered several traps. He began to enter deep into the reserve and set up several large compound traps. But here occasionally there will be large Demon Beast infested, he wants to try his luck. Richard had good luck. A Kamchatka wild boar appeared in the field of vision and hit a trap. The beast clip composed of thorns, rattan and iron nails firmly clamped its front legs. Although the wild boar has great strength, the trap of Richard is finely crafted, and the balance of power in all aspects is handled very well. After a crazy pull and shaking, it has not been freed by it. The Richard hiding from the side watching was so sweaty in the palm that the hunting knife held in his hand was not so reliable for the first time. The injured wild boar is very dangerous. Although the Kamchatka wild boar is very small and brave, he is only a child.

Just when Richard determined that the prey could not break free for a while, and was about to rush out, suddenly a strong force came from behind, pushing him out. Richard heavily fell to the ground, only to feel the whirlwind, and a scent of breath in his mouth and nose. He heard a bow, and then the wild boar screams. A few cheers sounded beside him, the sound was very familiar.

Richard slowly climbed up, and saw Beirut with three teenagers unknown when they appeared, just one of them just pushed him out. The Beirut was holding a hunting bow in his hand and was proudly looking at the poor Kamchatka wild boar. An arrow is sticking to the neck of the wild boar. It is not easy to be able to hit the point with one arrow, even if trapped in a trap. The wild boar has been rambling wildly.

“You rob my prey!” Richard suddenly understood what they were about to do and screamed angrily.

“Everyone here can prove that this wild boar was shot by me. How is it called robbing? Just because you set a trap, good hunters know that this kind of trap is only used to catch rabbits.” Beirut Speak slowly and watch with disdain Richard .

He is nearly a head taller than Richard, and his body is obviously stronger. And his strength is actually greater than that of his peers, almost similar to that of an adult. This is because Beirut is the son of the village chief. As the retired sergeant, the village chief can often hunt some powerful Demon Beast back from the mountain. This kind of Demon Beast meat is very useful for strengthening the body.

“Then why did you come here to shoot wild boars?” Richard replied to let Beirut stop. They look down on Richard‘s thinness, but have to admit that Richard is indeed very smart. It is said that he will write a lot of words. But Beirut did not respect Richard for this. They could write and cannot be used for hunting. Why do you know so many words?

But Richard‘s rhetorical question made Beirut feel annoyed. He waved his hand fiercely, and a teenager around him walked behind Richard, pushing Richard **** the ground.

Richard climbed up, his small face flushed, his hand held the hunting knife tightly, and the burst of momentum at that moment made some teenagers feel inexplicably cold! The hunting knife was not pulled out at last. After a hesitant effort, Beirut kicked him in the stomach. The teenagers swarmed up and snatched the hunting knife, and then they were beaten and kicked. Beirut even stepped on the head of Richard and crushed his face deeply into the dirt!

There is strength in the bones of young boys in the mountains, and this meal is not light. Richard did not struggle to resist, nor beg for mercy, but just quietly endured. Beirut was more and more angry, and he started getting heavier. All he felt from Richard‘s silent reaction was contempt.

“Don’t accept it yet? Do not accept?” The teenagers are getting harder and harder. Richard is like the body is not at all their own, just let them beat. Before long, Beirut was afraid. He was afraid that he would seriously injure Richard, and he would definitely get a good fight when he returned home. The village chief’s temper is as hot as his strength, and Elaine‘s reputation in the village has always been very good.

The boys gradually stopped, and after a while, Richard slowly climbed up. Beirut threw down a few harsh words and carried away the wild boar. When they walked away, Little Richard fell under the tree, rested for a long time before struggling to get up, and walked home.

At night, Elaine looked at the Little Richard covered with bruises, and tears came out in disappointment. Instead, the boy comforted her and said that there was nothing wrong, but it was a bit painful. After getting the medicine, the boy looked at his mother and asked, “Can’t I still fight back?”

“Uh!” Elaine gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously.

“Okay, I won’t fight back, but I won’t give in.”

The following days, Beirut had trouble with Richard several times, and the process was nothing more than a beating. But the heaviest one, until everyone was tired, Richard could not climb at all, Beirut did not wait for the boy to give in and beg for mercy, and did not even hear the moan. And every time they are tired and ready to go, Richard will slowly get up and watch Beirut quietly. The eyes of Shen Jing tranquil suddenly made Beirut feel cold from the deepest heart. That vision is like looking at the dead.

From this year, Beirut began to have nightmares. Later, every time he hit Richard, he would have nightmares for several days. Richard has never struggled with resistance, and Beirut is getting stronger and stronger, and the size gap between the two people is still widening. But every time I see Richard, Beirut will see the boy’s Shen Ningru’s gaze, and then it will be a nightmare for several days. Beirut still wonders why Richard did n’t go to his father to sue. If the boy did this, then Beirut would have to take a few whips. But from beginning to end, Richard never mentioned any beatings with anyone in the village.

The number of teenagers having trouble with Richard is getting less and less. When a boy hung blood on his mouth and instead looked at them with a smile, the teenagers dispersed. That was the last time they had trouble finding Richard.

At the age of eight, Richard learned to be tough.

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