City of Sin: One Four Seven An Nei

After a while, Richard said to the old housekeeper: “Tell me why you think these three places are the key points.”

“Dark Blue is the largest new expenditure in recent years, and it is still increasing rapidly. The Rock Highlands and Flowing Gold Valley are said to have opened the situation shortly before the accident. The old man said that it will not take long. The income of Plane will reach more than one million, oh, need to add here, what the master said at the time was one million, after deducting your tuition, that is, one of the Plane income should be about two million, but now The Rocky Heights has no income, Flowing Gold Valley needs to invest more than one million, so the difference is also four million for one entry and one exit, so I think that these two places are the key points. I do n’t understand other aspects and dare not say on military expenses. What. “

Richard nodded and said slowly: “Dark Blue must be invested. As for the Rock Highlands and Flowing Gold Valley, I will give it a good thought.”

After the old housekeeper retired, Richard stared at the magic map again and began to meditate. After a while, he called for a follower and asked him to go to Flowing Gold Valley and call Asiris back,

The call to Richard, the reaction of Asiris has always been very fast. The next afternoon, he appeared in the study room of Richard,

“Master Richard, you call me this time, I don’t know what arrangements are made.” Asiris asked politely, in terms of etiquette, Dark Cleric can never pick out any faults,

Richard pointed to the sofa and said, “Sit.”

After Asiris sat down, the maid served black tea, and then Richard closed the door of the study. Enron sat opposite Asiris, gently tapping on a thick book on the side coffee table, just looking at Dark Cleric,

Asiris smiles are always the same, it seems that this is the same day as Richard, and there will be no changes. On the will, Priest is naturally superior to Mage. Although Richard is a different kind of mage, they are like this. The will of the series will compete, and it will certainly not be possible to win or lose in ten days or eight days,

Richard did n’t spend so much time with Asiris. He gently tapped the thick book under his hand and said, “Asiris, how do you think my current military power compares with that of my father’s time.”

Dark Cleric glanced inadvertently at the finger of Richard. That finger struck on the thick book, and actually sparked a spark on the cover,

Asiris said seriously: “In terms of followers, you are only slightly worse than adults Gordon. The Rune Knight far exceeds the era of adults Gordon. The general army is roughly equivalent to adults Gordon. In addition, you seem to have special war resources. , Lord Gordon is not as good as you. “

“That is to say, my military strength is no worse than my father.”


Richard nodded and began to meditate, Asiris remained silent and did not disturb Richard,

For a long time, Richard raised his head and said to Asiris: “Find a time, I am going to Flowing Gold Valley to see, what do you think.”

The sword-like light flashed in Asiris‘s eyes passed away. He bowed slightly and said, “It is an honor to say that Flowing Gold Valley was originally your territory.”

Richard nodded and stopped tapping on the finger of Book of Creation and Holding, saying: “Father ’s thirteen knights, now there are only five left. I hope you can help me as I helped my father, and I It will also give you more rewards. “

Asiris still bowed slightly, and said with a constant smile: “It is an honor.”

Looking at the attitude of Asiris, Richard frowned, then opened his eyes and asked, “When the troubles of the House of Lords are over, I’m going to see the Rock Highlands. What do you think.”

Asiris‘s complexion finally changed, and he said silently for a moment, “That’s right.”

Richard sighed and said: “Panshi Highland is the Private Plane left by his father. It is a fortune and a memorial. I am sure to take it back. I have given Walde enough time. Now, he should consider All should be considered. You can tell him that if you do n’t want to stay in Archeron, you can leave freely, but you must leave everything in the Rock Highlands. If he still wants to stay in the family, of course it is best, but you need to follow I have been around for a while, and if he did n’t plan to accept these two suggestions, then when I go to the Rock Highlands, I will take the army. “

Asiris sighed and said, “I try to persuade him as much as possible.”

Richard nodded and said: “I want to resolve the conflicts within the family as soon as possible. Next, it should be time for a full-scale foreign war. At this time, I do n’t want to have an unwilling Private Plane behind me. Exists. “

Asiris was sent away, and Richard called in the old housekeeper again, saying: “You remember those branch families who refused to take orders after the last floating island chaos.”


Richard walked around the house a few times, suddenly stopped, and said lightly: “You should know them better than me, and screen again among those branch families, pick out those who might betray again, and should not Forgive me, prepare a list for me, and I will see this list tomorrow. “

The old housekeeper’s eyelids jumped a few times, and he bowed his head and said: “Yes.” Richard waved his hand, and the old housekeeper retreated. After carefully closing the door of the study, the old housekeeper suddenly came out with a cold sweat, and he felt Richard When I came back this time, the murderous aura on my body suddenly became a lot heavier,

Richard sleeplessly, took out a volume of Norland history, and kept looking at it, the lights of the study did not go out at night until dawn,

At dawn, a slim figure walked into the study with breakfast, quietly placed the tray on the side coffee table, Richard looked up from the history book, and looked at the girl who brought the meal. : “Coco.”

Coco paid a courtesy and whispered, “It’s me, master.” Somehow, in the face of Richard, she didn’t dare to raise her head, and cold sweat continued to flow from her body, just like she was facing an ancient evil Beast,

Richard noticed something, slowly converged murderous aura, Coco felt better, Richard glanced at random, it has been seen that the strength of Coco is still only Illusionist of Level 4, it seems that her magical talent is really not good , Richard pondered, and asked: “Why are you still here, your father is okay.”

“Father is very good, he has stopped gambling recently.” Coco answered softly, and then hesitated for a moment, only answered the first question of Richard: “I am here … because, I am your … that … … partner. “

Richard knocked on his head, and said a bit self-deprecatingly, “It seems that I have read too many books today, and I am confused. So, when I come back next time and I can arrange a time, you will come to me Come in the room. “

In the eyes of Coco, the light suddenly turned on and nodded hard,

While watching Coco leave the study, Richard can’t help but shake his head. This girl, still the result of him and Gordon‘s original Battle Aura, the fact has proved that she has neither much blood power nor magical talent, she was arrogant. Decision, but for her and the family behind her, it is an opportunity to change her destiny. Richard now feels that since the decision was made, it should be fulfilled and fulfilled the ancient obligations before Coco will have a second choice Opportunities,

On that night, Richard left Faust and went to Faro. Ten days later, the day before the routine monthly meeting of the House of Lords, Richard returned to Faust. This time he brought back five Magic Powered Armaments in one fell swoop. It ’s a good thing to pay off all the debts, but there is also a negative price, that is, the Legendary Mage of Sacred Alliance is almost going to have a Magic Powered Armament. If you want to sell it next time, you have to sell it to the other two human empires.

In the early morning of the next day, the melodious bell sound resounded through Faust, proclaiming that this is a sacred moment held by the House of Lords. As a giant of the floating island, Richard can bring two entourage into the parliament hall. This time, Richard brought a pull Yahe Shuihua, although Raya is young, but calm and down-to-earth, and has a wild barrier Runeset, it is an excellent **** if necessary, and the girl ’s killing has been hidden, but the real strongman will see her when he sees Shuihua The terrible, Richard participated in the House of Lords meeting this time, there is another idea is to stand up, so bring a Saint Realm Level Rune Knight, and a Sky Saint Realm Assassin, as for Richard itself, but do not need to specifically declare anything, in Extinction Area Battlefield He has had too many brilliant records,

The convention hall has been noisy for a while. It was not until after half an hour of the official meeting time that it gradually became quiet. After a few indispensable padding topics, when Cannan Baron walked onto the podium, a group of noble members We were shocked and knew that today ’s core content came out,

As a floating island giant of Sixth Layer, Richard sits in front of the ring table in the center of the hall, and can see Cannan on the podium from the closest distance, but Richard both eyes is slightly closed, just like taking a nap, not looking at Cannan at all. One glance,

On the podium, Cannan has already started a fervent speech,

“The floating island is the symbol of Faust, the Cleric of Dragon of Eternity and Time, the supreme glory … In the long history, we have seen that only real nobles have the qualification to establish a family on the floating island … Let us Let ’s take a look at how many great names have been linked to the floating island … Between long history and glorious names, it is not difficult to find some rules. Are they coincidences, I do n’t think so … “

An inspiring and brilliant speech, Cannan Baron fully demonstrated his profound knowledge. The history of thousands of years and the intricate history between countless nobles and aristocrats have become the materials he borrowed from him to effectively prove himself. The core point of view: The glory of the Sixth Layer floating island can only be worthy of the duke, and in history, there is no precedent for families below the duke to occupy the Sixth Layer floating island. It can be seen that Cannan has made great efforts,

In the face of such a lengthy speech, the direct response from Richard was a big yawn,

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