City of Sin: One Four Five Glory and Benefits

It is not the first time that Archeron has been called an upstart, but the outbreak in the Gordon period and the outbreak in the Richard era have very different meanings. Gordon was almost self-made, and gradually won the foundation of the marquis by one miraculous battle after another. The expansion speed is enough to subvert the common sense of the nobility, that is, the era when the three great empires started the war and the heroes came out. The expansion speed of Gordon and the poverty of Archeron are also famous, and the ordinary Rune Knight in the wealthy lives well It is stronger than the thirteen knights of Gordon. As for Gordon itself, the standard of living is exactly the same as that of the thirteen knights.

In the era of Richard, the outbreak of Archeron has a new meaning. The concept of Richard is completely different from that of Gordon. He pays more attention to equipment, supplies and logistics supplies. In his hands, Archeron Family Warrior is treated straight for a few years. Chasing the giants, and the equipment level of the core troops is even above the ordinary giants. It can be said that Richard piled up a strong army with gold coins, Archeron Warrior Iron Blood is violent and fearless to die, Broodmother Combat Unit is ruthless and ruthless, there are these two big Called an excellent source of soldiers, and then combined with the gold coins of Richard, the elite that does not lose to any giants,

The foundation for all this is the unparalleled talent of Richard in Rune, and the resulting rate of wealth accumulation. Now the followers of Richard have gradually grown up, and they have established a close relationship with Temple of the Eternal Dragon. And it has been jealously supported. Although the relationship between Temple of the Eternal Dragon and Richard is so good, but other giants ca n’t say anything, if they can maintain the highest Sacred Alliance Sacrificial Offering in the past few years like Richard For the quantity, you can get a different view of Temple of the Eternal Dragon. For High Priest such as Nowlan, Divine Favor in Sacrificial Offering is equivalent to their salary. Anyone who is detached, even if it is Priest of Temple of the Eternal Dragon, will naturally be close to the paid people Yes, especially the salary is extraordinarily rich. If it is Priest of other temple, it will go even further, such as the Priests of the goddess Luo,

Both Gordon outbreaks and Richard outbreaks are flawed and lacking in heritage. They are not a simple vicious curse, but have their true meaning. This glory is like a building on the beach. Once it encounters a big shock , It is easy to collapse. For example, Gordon mainly relies on its extraordinary charm and invincible miracles to maintain the centripetal force of Archeron, but this does not last long. The contradiction can be covered during the period of violent expansion, but once the expansion is frustrated, The accumulated contradictions will all explode. When Gordon suddenly died in the battle of Lucy, the Archeron left behind immediately disintegrated, the giant crocodiles peered out, and the clowns jumped out, trying to bite a bite on the fresh body. Come down,

On the floating island, even the rebellion of Infantry Knight and branch families has occurred. If it was not for Alice to suppress the situation and Richard returned in time, the floating island belonging to Archeron must be taken away, and replaced by a giant such as Joseph. This kind of thing will happen. Once such a betrayal occurs, all the betrayers will be beheaded, and their families will even be slaughtered clean. The stability of any throne will require bones and blood like a pool,

And as soon as Gordon died, the thirteen knights were immediately half-free. Until now, Brawler Walde refused to recognize the inheritance status of Richard,

After Richard took over Archeron, the first thing was to stabilize the floating island in advance, and then gradually take over the mess left by Gordon. Until now it is considered a stable situation, but the weakness of Richard is also obvious, lacking Top Level strong As a pillar, there are too few Norland territories, directly belonging to the Richard territory, except for the traditional territory of Azan, there are not many, and it is very reluctant to add a marquis together, and it is quite far away from the duke,

And during the expansion period, Archeron must have a vertical enemy. In the floating island giants of Sacred Alliance, half of them are Archeron enemies. Only the five-story royal family and Iron Blood Grand Duke are the only ones that really have a good relationship, but Richard is just The relationship with the individuals in the second generation of these two giant families is only good. This is still a few Plane away from the real relationship.

When Richard returns to Faust, the first thing is to close himself to the study and start reading the history of Archeron and Sacred Alliance. One day and one night, Richard has read through all the history, and then for the first time began to deduce the current Sacred Alliance with Wisdom Blessing Situation,

The House of Lords considered the issue of the Richard Duke this time. After all, it is a conspiracy. It is necessary to take out the family of Richard. The characteristics of Archeron are well known. For example, Marquis Sauron and Goliath Earl cannot be Richard. Their vassals, their territories will not be counted in Richard, Alice does have a close relationship with Richard, and has disclosed the relationship of partners, but she is essentially an ally of Richard, and is not a vassal. Over the years, the territories she has laid are still It is her own, and will not change hands to Richard. Even if she wants to do this, the vassals and generals under her hand will not agree. Even within their own territory, the lord ca n’t do whatever he wants.

With thousands of years of development, the human aristocracy has formed a very strict and complete system of rights and obligations, and it has also formed a huge interest group that relies on this system. If Richard wants to challenge this system, It is equivalent to declaring war with all the nobles, he is not really a madman,

So the problem now is that Richard does not have enough territory of its own. The existence of Wisdom Blessing and Truth Blessing makes Richard form a calm and rational side, and the pressure of the environment also forces him to choose the fastest way to expand his strength, so The focus of Richard has always been on the Faro Plane where Broodmother is located. Only Plane can provide the most resources and the fastest development speed. Although the territory of Norland also has great practical significance, for the current Richard, its symbol Meaning is greater than substantial benefits,

But now, the topic of the House of Lords is to put the symbolic meaning on the table,

Richard closed the thick noble heraldry in his hand and began to meditate. The title page of this book wrote a sentence: The glory of the noble is born,

This is an old motto and a true portrayal of Norlander nobles. For the glory of the family, nobles can fight without hesitation or even wage war. In the era of the founding of the empire, glory had a deeper and broader meaning On the battlefield, especially in some desperate battles, the noble knight’s casualty rate is far higher than the ordinary Warrior, because most of the knights who rushed to the front and left behind are noble knights, when which troops are assigned to difficult tasks For example, if you stop chasing soldiers after the break, the nobles in that unit will never be allowed to leave, and they will not leave. The glorious battle will make the family ’s banner more shining. It can be said that the nobles ’territories and Glory is made entirely of flesh and blood,

After the founding era passed, the glory inevitably became thinner from generation to generation. The political stage was not only on the battlefield, but also on conspiracy, rumors and poison. More and more noble children Living on the foundations laid by their ancestors, they only have wealth, women and privileges in their eyes, but they turn a blind eye to the responsibilities they should bear,

Fortunately, Norland is still a war-torn continent. Planar War is going on all the time. The strong have unconstrained power, which means that the current noble system structure does not have enough power to maintain its own operation, such as Gordon. At the time of the fall, if Richard was not strong enough and could not get enough strong support, then Archeron would be directly cleared out of Faust, there is no room for negotiation, and if it is under a stable system, such as a long tradition In the millennium empire, even if the head of the family suddenly died in war, the heirs can successfully inherit the family, at most it loses some of the benefits to the protector, so a stable and refusal to change system is the second generation of uncultivated talents Our hotbed,

This dispute in the House of Lords, if accident/surprise is not available, Richard will definitely not get the title of Duke, or get it, and it is also an honorary Duke based on Imperial Grand Runemaster status. This kind of knighthood is stronger and stronger than the court Earl without territory. Limited, if Richard returns a Duke of Honor, it is not as good as a field Earl. In fact, Richard is not a big deal even if he ca n’t get the Duke, he still occupies the floating island, and because of the position obtained by Sacrificial Offering, in the next six months No one can move the floating island of Archeron. Half a year later, if you want to let Richard out of the floating island, you have to go through a war. After half a year of preparation, Richard is very confident that you ca n’t find the guy who made the idea.

But the unspoken rules are also the rules. If Richard does not get the title of Duke, but still occupies the floating island, it will become like a countryman sitting on a gorgeous throne. The magnificent environment will not only enhance his momentum, On the contrary, it will make him look like a monkey, so the real purpose of the guy who proposed the motion this time is to want to give Richard a slap in the face in public, this slap in the face hit, at most, it makes Richard lose face, and the actual benefits are not much. Damaged,

However, is it true,

Richard opened the noble heraldry in his hand again, and looked at the line on the title page: The glory of the noble is born,

Honor is a complicated proposition. If it is not dealt with in this section, it seems that Archeron is not damaged, but the secret losses are not calculated. Richard asked himself, he is not willing to talk to a person who does not talk about credibility. Not obeying the rules, only knowing the interests of the family to deal with harm, the benefits are not only tangible matter, but also include many intangible things,

This time, many both eyes eyes are staring at Archeron again,

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