City of Sin: One five three

Richard does not know whether this is Broodmother ’s self-proclaimed or other reasons, or whether it is just a coincidence. But from its answer, Richard vaguely floated a thought that had never been seen before. Broodmother may have its own soul and ideas, not just a contractual creature that only knows how to execute.

Special units are the same as other Broodmother‘s creation, they pick up the egg shells on the ground and eat cleanly. As a result, its armor-like carapace became slightly thicker and quickly became hard and bright in the wind. After eating the eggshell, it will stand still for on the spot.

Then Broodmother passed a special spell to Richard, called Revelation. The role of enlightenment is the divinity of the special unit of Enlightenment, inspiring its own soul, and imprinting the mark of Richard in its soul. In this way, the command of the special unit was transferred from Broodmother to Richard.

When the special unit was just created, its soul was still asleep, just a body. At this time, it is very fragile, and its resistance depends on the power level of creation, which is Broodmother. If there is a soul-proficient mage such as Zendrall present, or Soul Power such as quicksand greatly exceeds Cleric of Broodmother, it is likely to be enslaved from then on . This is why the creative process must be kept secret.

Richard placed his hand on the forehead of a special unit according to the message passed by Broodmother, chanting a mantra, a soul spark was sent into its body, instantly ignited the hidden divinity, and emerged in the raging Divine Fire Out of the soul.

It was shocked all over, and there was a look in his eyes quickly. It first glanced at Broodmother and said, “Thank you, my creator.”

The special unit suddenly spoke, which surprised the Richard. It then turned around and bowed to Richard in accordance with the customs of human nobles, saying, “I will obey your orders, my master.”

“Ah, um, this … okay.” Richard was speechless for a while, and everything in front of him was really amazing. If he didn’t see the whole process of the birth of a special unit, he would definitely think that it was an authentic one. Human beings, or any other kind of intelligent life. Although I have long heard Broodmother said that special units will have souls because of the consumption of divinity, but when all this really happened in front of him, he could not help but shock.

In many church classics, it has been mentioned with solemn importance that the soul is a unique field of Gods and a restricted area for mortals. It is because mortals cannot create souls, and therefore cannot create intelligent races. The creation of human beings is also the exclusive domain of Gods, and it is the domain of very few powerful gods.

Finally, the Richard said to the special unit: “Wait first, I have to give you a name. Your current attire will not work either. You need to get another set and block your body. “

“My name is Phaser.” The special unit replied.

Phaser?” Richard was startled again and turned to Broodmother: “Is this your name?”

Broodmother immediately replied: “No, master.”

At the same time, Phaser also said: “This name is a mark engraved in my soul and was born with my soul. So I can only use it as my only name. My True Name is Phaser.珴 瑞波斯 …… “

Phaser pronounced a long name. This mysterious True Name composed of nearly hundred syllables was read for a full ten seconds. Fortunately, Richard has a strong memory, which is barely memorized. However, the shock in his heart was even stronger. A guy who was born with True Name? Even in the abyss, it must be at least Greater Demon.

Also, when Phaser first looked at itself, Richard didn’t know whether it was an illusion, and always felt that its eyes contained many complicated things. Looking back at the moment, he felt a bit creepy.

Richard returned to the camp, took a cape with a hood, put it on Phaser, and gave it a masked scarf commonly used by assassin Assassin to cover up all the big half face. Only dare to take it back to the camp. This is not because of the strange appearance of Phaser, but because of the exposed half face, it really carries too much shadow of Sinclair. My own Warriors has just experienced a life and death battle. It is estimated that for a long time, I will often see Sinclair in the nightmare. Now let them see the face of Phaser. Obviously it is not a good idea.

Ordinary Warrior has no curiosity about the extra companions. It is a common thing to add a woman to the nobility. Besides, this woman is dressed as an assassin and spends most of her time in the shadows. Know not to provoke her.

And the contractors of Richard felt from her that they belonged to the soul contract of the same master, but after the Bard touched a soft nail, everyone no longer went to the bottom. As for Richard himself, after thinking hard for a long time, he still couldn’t make up a perfect origin, so he only said, “This is my contractor.” And Liusha just looked at Phaser lightly and did not ask.

In one effort after another, Richard handed over all the Magic Crystal collected during this period to Broodmother as a source of strength, and improved the ability of Broodmother to create Combat Unit three times in a row. It’s just that except for the first promotion when you advance, the number of Magic Crystal consumed by each additional promotion is doubled. Now the number of Magic Crystal remaining in Richard‘s hands has become a single digit again, just enough for him to make a few Faro editions of ordinary Rune.

However, after improving ability, Broodmother can produce six wind teeth every day, or three Throwers. Throwers has been added with deadly poison attribute, even if it is Level 10‘s Sealed Knight, Throwers‘s poisonous bone axe cut the skin, it can’t last for a minute. Only strong players above Level 12 can temporarily suppress toxins with Battle Aura. Of course, the deadly poison of Manticore is not so gentle. Due to the relationship between the level and the simulation process, there is bound to be a loss of power. Broodmother only adds a diluted version of deadly poison to Throwers. The complete deadly poison capability can only be suppressed by Battle Aura above Level 15. This is the ability of Broodmother to copy down. If it is the Manticore of Sinclair, the Saint Realm strong of Faro Level 16 will not be able to persist for a long time.

After everything is processed, Richard will set off Broodmother to return to the mountainous region of the turbulent land, and the area there can provide enough food for Broodmother. After all, activities in human areas are too dazzling. Most wind teeth returned following Broodmother, and Richard only left forty wind teeth. He can now control up to about 30 units perfectly, so it is enough to leave these. When the new wind tooth with deadly poison is produced, the old wind tooth is the object of elimination.

It was not until the second day after the battle that the Duke ’s reinforcements came too late. The emissaries of the reinforcements and the duke arrived at the same time, led by Lord Moonbear, one of the three major Saint Realm under the Duke. The Lord brought two hundred elite cavalry and rushed all the way, catching up with the emperor of the Duke who had already set off on the way.

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