City of Sin: One Five Metal Rules

Richard said indifferently: “What transaction, let’s hear it.”

“I hope you let go of my descendants, so that my blood can continue to multiply, of course, you can banish the entire royal family, in return, I will tell me and Hill ’s foothold coordinates in an exotic space You, we have explored for many years, and there are many treasures placed there. Second, I can give up my life, so that you can feel at ease. “Rios said calmly,

The followers behind Richard immediately moved. An Legendary Powerhouse, even in its near-death state, is extremely dangerous. Rios ’voluntary surrender of his life means that at least one follower can survive.

This is the best result. The hatred between the two sides has accumulated so much that there is no possibility of easing,

However, Richard smiled slightly and said, “I know Shadow Creature very well. I understand more than most people. Shadow Creature is extremely sensitive to life energy. Their ability in this respect is much more sensitive than we thought. The shadow Warrior rushed outside to hit us, but there is no Shadow Creature in this hall, and there is no last few hundred meters of the temporary passage behind me. Whether it is dead or alive, this shows one thing. ”

Richard paused before saying, “You are dead, His Royal Highness.”

Rious was startled, and then smiled bitterly, saying, “It’s nothing to deceive you. You have more profound knowledge and wisdom than I imagined. I really want to know where you came from. . “

Norland, Main Plane Norland.”

Rios repeated the word ‘Main Plane’ several times and said slowly: “I have been exploring Plane for hundreds of years, and this is the first time I heard the word Main Plane.”

Richard said: “This is a common saying. I have n’t heard of it, it ’s your misfortune.”

In the Plane system, Main Plane is indeed a popular name, and there are clearly defined standards. This word can only be used on the Plane that occupies the upper layer in the Planar War system,

In this world with countless Planes, as the pioneer of Faro ’s first generation of Plane, Rios has never explored Main Plane, nor has he encountered Legendary Powerhouse from Main Plane. In fact, it is also very normal, just like In the vast sea, the two magic ships with different destinations want to meet, the chance is very slim,

If Rios once met a strong Main Plane, perhaps the fate of the entire Faro will change,

Rios ’s face changed, and in an instant he had figured out the whole cause and effect. He slowly calmed down and said, “So what is Faro ’s assessment.”

High Level Plane, second only to Main Plane.”

Rios smiled self-deprecatingly and said, “So, Faro will never have the hope of entering Main Plane. Since this is the case, I wo n’t get anything, do n’t even think about it, let us together Die !! “

As he roared wildly, the whole mountain began to vibrate. The vibration came from the foot of the crowd. The depth of the earth, the passages and halls also continued to emit roaring echoes, and the rubble fell like rain. ,

“Everyone will bury me.” Rios screamed wildly, and as he roared, everyone felt the ground beneath his feet slowly sinking,

Richard is still calm, ask: “Do you want the entire cold iron throne to be buried with you, are they not your descendants.”

“As long as they can kill you, they are dead. Whatever useless descendants, there is no value in existence. This Plane, this world, only the strong are qualified to make a voice.”

The back passage has been blocked by gravel, but the Richard has no panic, and the followers have no movement, but just moved slightly to the next station, guarding around, and handing their own back to their comrades.

Richard still said calmly: “The main vein of this mountain is the cold iron vein. The most abundant node is deep below the imperial palace, but it is empty below, and the lava world is below. You are using your own power to generate a steel giant, constantly destroying the ore veins, causing the entire mountain to collapse, right? oh, I forgot to mention that there are dozens of artificial giant pillars underneath that support the entire mountain. The original masterpiece left, right. “

The face of Rios changed greatly: “How do you know.”

Richard smiled faintly, and the body suddenly passed a layer of dark gold luster, saying: “It is not only you who can control the power of metal, although you are much deeper than me in understanding the rules of metal, but you are currently Power, I want to compete with you for the control of the metal rules, but I can still do it, Faceless. “

At this time, the vibration of the mountain gradually calmed down, and the ground under the feet no longer settled,

Rios stared at Richard, and suddenly hissed, “You are a legend, this is impossible, you just knew it was not, this is impossible”

A touch of iron blue quickly covered Rios ’s skin, his voice suddenly weakened, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a steel statue. After Rios ’death, the body of Hill next to him also changed accordingly, solidifying into one With a portrait made of Mithril,

After the dissipation of the two Legendary Powerhouse souls, the huge regular power stored in the body lost control, and they directly transformed the body they used into the corresponding metal essence,

At the feet of everyone, thousands of meters underground, the action of more than a dozen steel giants has become more and more slow, falling one by one from the working platform and falling into the lava lake below, which has already begun to embrittle. The rock walls and giant pillars gradually turned into extremely hard cold iron. The regular force left by Rios ’s best efforts was cut off by Richard,

Several holes were punched through the walls of the lava hall, and a few Drones were drilled out, but as soon as they appeared, they were squeaked by the high heat of the hall and fell into the lava lake.

Richard walked in front of the statues formed by the two Legendary Powerhouses and gently stroked them, feeling the structure,

The statue of Rios is composed of ordinary cold iron essence. Although it is worth a lot, it is worth about one million gold coins, but Richard has explored a little lively spirituality in it, just like from the iron gun. The collected spirituality is the same, but it is more lively and powerful. It makes the statue of Rios have vitality. Even if it is destroyed, it will repair itself over time. With the experience of capturing in the iron gun, now Richard is again Being in a legendary state, he easily received this spirituality in his hand,

Without spirituality, the statue of Rios is a simple material. Of course, it is not easy to get so many cold iron essences, as long as a little cold iron essence is put in the weapon armor, it will be immediately Can become Superior Level, increase flame resistance, strengthen solidity or strengthen sharpness. These cold irons are enough to arm a 10,000 knight team,

Richard failed to find a similar spirituality in Hill ’s statue, so I was a little disappointed, but Hill ’s entire statue is made of pure Mithril, and the value of the material alone exceeds 10 million/whatever happens, which is considered a great Harvest, Mithril is very versatile in the production of enchanted weapon and enchantment armor. A chain armor made of pure Mithril can offset most of the magical damage,

Richard suddenly thought that if he could train more than a dozen strong people like Hill, would n’t he be able to harvest hundreds of millions of Mithril materials, he immediately laughed, and a dozen Legendary Powerhouse, no matter how they are used It ’s much stronger to become a material, unless

Richard consciously swept through dozens of extremely rare materials, many of which were even heard only in legends, not even in the treasure house of Sharon. As for Lijin, although it is in it, it can only belong to At the bottom, if you turn Legendary Powerhouse into the same volume of these materials, it is indeed more valuable than their own,

Richard took his thoughts off the topic and gave a command. Naturally, there were followers who moved the two statues together. At this moment, everyone was temporarily trapped in the ground, but no one was in a hurry.

Thousands of Drone are being drilled in and out of the mountain ’s abdomen, and this channel is only a few collapses. It wo n’t take long for Drone to dig the tunnel,

Sure enough, everyone waited less than half an hour, an elite Drone broke out of the wall, with it to open the channel, the rest of the matter will be fast, and after less than an hour, the channel will expand to Enough to allow everyone to walk upright,

After returning to the ground, Richard handed a Shadow Diamond to the thinker, and asked it to direct Drone to find Shadow Diamond scattered in the ruins of the mountain. This is a meticulous work that requires patience and is suitable for the thinker to coordinate. ,

Richard returned to the imperial palace to let a group of followers take a rest. He himself got into the temporary magic laboratory and began to study the spirituality collected from the body of the iron gun and Rios,

The night is getting deeper and unconsciously, the research work of Richard has lasted for several hours, and I have a preliminary look,

Richard entered the legendary state twice against the Son of Gold and King of Iron, and temporarily obtained a large amount of understanding and manipulation of the metal rules, but when the war fanatics ’ability subsided, Richard ’s understanding of the metal rules and Control will disappear for the most part, but with Richard supported by Wisdom Blessing, a large number of metal rules are forcibly remembered. Now just because the power has faded from the legendary stage, most of the control ability has been lost, but the metal rules that have been mastered let Richard In the study of the spirituality of King of Iron, it is like a fish,

By midnight, Richard was surprised to find that this spirituality almost possessed most of the characteristics of a soul. It seemed to have only instinctive life and lacked sufficient wisdom for the time being, but with proper stimulation, it could do By the time Richard wants it to do, it has excellent control over many types of metals. Even Richard infers that any metal, if injected into it, may become a form similar to life,

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