City of Sin: one by one Three painful struggles


. Or … City of Sin chapter one by one three painful struggles

Alice bites the next chun, the blood is bleeding, and she doesn’t even realize it. Free txt e-book download of this book on the Internet

The second line reads: “Eight Runeset Knights can be more precious than twenty Rank 2 ordinary knights. 10 million/whatever happens cannot be wrong.”

Alice nodded vigorously and continued to look down.

“Dear Alice, do n’t be afraid, I will accompany you that night. You look at how I did it, and then you will not be afraid.”

Seeing this, the red-haired nvWar God directly covered the stationery on his face.

Because she knows, Facia is also afraid.

In the early morning of the next morning, General Teton with a beard and scar knocked on the mén of the Alice study. He listened, there was a faint breath in the room, not empty.

After a while, he pushed mén carefully. mén was unlocked and opened with a push.

The loyal general saw Alice lying on his desk, and there was a soft sound. The room was full of alcohol, and empty bottles were everywhere on the floor. All twelve bottles of brandy turned into empty bottles.

The documents were all swept to the ground, and only one magic seal box was placed on the desk of Alice. Teton knows that this is what Alicejiao has been to, what he expects. As a general, Teton is the same as any general in Norland, the most anticipated is High Rank Rune Knight.

A piece of paper was posted on that magic seal box, with the powerful font of Alice: “Barriers to Wildness, Strike against Wildness. Seven sets in total.”

Teton‘s beard trembles, of course he knows what wild barriers and wild blows are. The two sets of Runeset designed by Richard have become the standard formulation of the royal family’s new Rune Knight group, and it is also the dream of every general.

However, when Teton picked up magic seal box, he felt that he lifted a volcano, which was heavy and hot. He grew up watching Alice, and seeing how she is now, naturally knowing that she must pay an unknown heavy price in order to get these seven sets of Runeset.

Teton ca n’t say anything, and knows he has no ability to persuade him. All he can do is kill the enemy, he does n’t know politics and jiaoyi. He quietly withdrew from the study, carefully covered Fang mén, then turned and strode away. A moment later, a beast-like trombone came from afar!

At this moment, in Faro deep in Plane, Richard is also sitting on the ground, with empty bottles stacked in front of him.

This is a dirt mountain beside the blue water oasis. The scenery is not beautiful, but it is rugged enough. From here you can overlook the entire Bluewater Oasis City.

There is one more grave at this moment on this bare earth mountain. This grave is extremely shabby. Only a rough stone tablet was carved in front of the grave, and a short epitaph was engraved on it: “Here is my most sincere comrade-in-arms, Direwolf Duke Biele. I let him sleep here, please ask him Witness the origin of a new era. Richard Archeron. “

The family of Direwolf Duke is Ancestral Worship, and the body is still buried in the family cemetery, where a full set of armor and weapons of the Duke are left. The equipment made of good materials, under the terrible erosion ability of the old man in gray clothes, becomes permanently rusty and cannot be repaired.

At this time footsteps came, and an old man with pale hair stumbled to the front of Richard and sat down quietly. He was old in appearance, but had young eyes. When he saw the tombstone, he passed an undetectable sorrow.

Richard, are you looking for me?” the old man asked calmly.

Under the analysis of Richard, it can be seen that the old man’s body is over 80 years old, and without the support of Divine Favor, he may die at any time. But Richard knows that in this aging body, there is actually a young soul. There can be such a strong contrast, only Direwolf Duke‘s Aiko, Perrin.

“Come on, have a drink!” Richard handed over a wine bottle.

Perrin took the wine bottle, glanced at the tombstone, and suddenly looked up, pouring the whole bottle of hard liquor into the throat! After pouring half a bottle of wine in one breath, he broke the bottle, but he fell on the ground and coughed hard, as if he was about to cough up his lungs. It didn’t take long for the cough to become a cry. The cry is low and faint, but you can see the whole body of Perrin is moving.

Richard did not persuade or comfort, but leaned on the tombstone and slowly drank wine. It seems that the speed is not fast, but a few empty bottle on the ground show how much he has drunk.

I do n’t know when, Perrin sat down in front of Richard again, but his face was already full of alcohol-driven redness.

Perrin, what do you plan to do in the future? Is it going the same way as before, or do you want to develop in the magic world? With my help, it should be possible to make you a Varo Archmage. “

Perrin thought for a while and said, “I want to continue to study Plane Mathematics.”

Richard was taken aback, and asked, “Why?”

Perrin said calmly: “Faro has already had many Archmages, and there is no shortage of me. But my research will be a milestone for Faro. Even if it is just a cornerstone of this milestone, it is also a whole Plane is beneficial. “

Richard touched it slightly, sighed and said, “Perrin, you have only four years of life. When the four years are coming, I will help you again, but after that, it is up to you. . If you are a Archmage, you may rely on your own power to continue life. “

“I had never thought that I would live so much time, which is enough. At least my research already has an initial system framework that can allow people to go down my path. I believe in the near future , Faro will enter the era of Plane just like where you came! “Perrin‘s face is more and more solemn.

Richard shook his head, what he wanted to say, but there was no export, but he asked: “Where are you going to continue your research?”

Perrin hesitated, but after Direwolf Duke died, Dukedom became unstable. And he just wanted to continue his research quietly.

“Either it’s Oasis City! At my place, at least God of Time Cenai‘s hand can’t reach here.” Richard suggested. The current Oasis City is the parish of the three Goddess. According to the rules, unless the two God Departments sign a mutual development agreement, the Cleric of God of Time cannot enter without authorization.

“… OK.” Perrin actually has nowhere to go. After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked: “Richard, did the Plane you came already have Plane Mathematics?”

Richard face helpless, for a long time, just sighed.

He himself is a master of Plane geometry and magic mathematics. He knows that Norland is more than Plane Mathematics? This mén subject has been developed in Norland for thousands of years, and it can be subdivided into dozens of branch subjects, with in-depth research on hundreds of Plane rules.

It is the development of Plane Mathematics that supports the Planar War system of Norland, and also allows thousands of Plane to be firmly fixed on Norland by Plane Channel. Sooner or later, it will come to the end of being completely conquered.

And Faro, Perrin has just completed a few incomplete theorems by virtue of his genius and aura.

Perrin and Faro have no time.

If Faro is closed, hundreds of years later, the system left behind by Perrin will gradually be developed, and then a Legendary Mage will become a practitioner of this theory to complete the first Plane journey.

The first Legendary Mage who jumped out of Plane is destined to become a martyr. Even the first few may be martyrs, but eventually someone will successfully leave Plane and then come back successfully.

Every Legendary Mage who can walk out of Plane is a master of magic mathematics. They will verify the existence of the new Plane with their own both eyes, life and soul, establish the possibility of Plane Channel, and eventually walk out of the path of Planar War, so as to continuously improve Improve Faro ’s power system and complete the transition to Main Plane thousands of years later.

But this piece of history is doomed to not exist, because Richard has come here, the mark of Dragon of Eternity and Time has been left, and Faro has since been deeply imprinted in the Plane numbering system of Temple of the Eternal Dragon.

In the just past invasion war, Faro et al. fought a formal war with Norland. As a result, Norland, a human country of moderate strength, only advanced a long way with only a few noble families. The two kingdoms and more than a dozen principalities of Faro were maimed. Investigate the biggest loss suffered by Norland, which was caused by the ambush when it just walked out of the teleport mén.

The battle of the end of that war is actually essentially a civil war of Norland.

It is the Broodmother Corps and Rune Knight Corps of Richard that really determine the battle situation. In terms of the strong fight, Lina and Broodmother are also crucial. At the strategic level, Richard, who understands the essence of Planar War, knew from the beginning that the primary goal of Raymond is to capture Plane transmission mén. So you can calmly choose the battlefield of decisive battle.

So, no matter how long Perrin is studied, his dream will never come true. Sooner or later, Faro will be included in the Norland sequence, and most of it will be realized in Richard. Because Broodmother is in Faro.

But looking at the firm and persistent Perrin, Richard decided not to tell him the truth. Let him spend his last few years in research! A person with dreams is happy.

“How is this person Toffler?” Richard digressed. .

Perrin thought for a while and said, “You mean, my third brother? I haven’t had much contact with him, and I was impressed with a good person. If he takes over as the Duke, then the people on the territory will be happier , Even happier than when his father was there. Father … There were too many battles, all the war burned gold coins. But Toffler ’s mother was only from a small noble family, Toffler was young, although his father ’s will Let him inherit the title, but should he not be able to sit in this position? “

Richard smiled faintly and said, “Belee is my old friend. I will do it for my last wish. You can rest assured that now in Sequoia Kingdom, I say that Toffler is the Duke, and he is the Duke!”

“I’m going back first.” After that, Richard spit out a sigh of alcohol, shook down the mountain, and walked to the Oasis City in the distance.


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