City of Sin: one by one five expectations

Everyone was shocked. Conquering Giant Dragon is not impossible, but if you want to conquer Giant Dragon in such a short period of time, there is no way to complete the task.

Richard completely overwhelmed them with the breath of the abyss Great Lord, which is a condition that no one else can have.

Faceless said happily: “Everyone, you have seen it now. These Giant Dragons have been completely tamed. Half of them will enter the points exchange system, and the other half will be sold directly. If you want to own a Giant Dragon, three days later ‘S auction is the best opportunity! “

Many strong men and lords are still looking at these Giant Dragon reluctantly before leaving.

These Giant Dragons have legendary level of combat power, which is a great help for Legendary Powerhouse and nobles. And those who left in a hurry may not be interested in Giant Dragon, they are probably going to make preparations. Three days is too short, we must seize the time to prepare.

When Faceless flew out of the Dragon Cave, the night was dark.

residential area lights are gradually extinguished, and people begin to fall asleep. From a distance, the laboratory of Richard is still bright as day, and it is very eye-catching in the night. And Faceless knows that this light will be on until dawn.

In the next week, Richard will not have much time to sleep and eat.

She sighed suddenly and said softly, “I can only do this for you. Work hard, I really don’t have much time left for you”

Richard worked day and night, he even threw the politics of Norland aside.

However, as the Archeron exchange system is gradually known, even the voice of Sacred Tree Empire‘s claim to fight against Archeron is much smaller. But now there are nearly a hundred strong men struggling for points. At this time, if you go to play Archeron, isn’t it just going to live with these strong men?

Even if you grab everything from Archeron, it ’s useless. Powerful people value points so much, the real purpose is to super Rank 5 King of Angels Midalun. Of course, other exchange items are actually good. Most of the strong men value Rune and various equipments, but many lords are struck by massive war horses, Rune Knight and bulk military supplies.

When Archeron opened its core resources to the whole continent through the exchange system, many people found that they lost the reason to occupy Archeron. Since what can be exchanged with points, why do we have to rely on war to obtain it? What’s more, even if they want war, can they win Richard?

Many people soon researched the mystery of the Archeron exchange system, and some people wanted to try to build the same system. However, they were helpless to find that their system was not responding at all.

This is actually quite normal, these families may be able to come up with a lot of supplies and various discounts to attract the initial popularity, but how can they get Rune that exceeds Rank 5?

Not to mention that Archeron has announced that every month a Midalun kit will enter the redemption list. In addition, no matter whether it is a barbarian series knight, or enchanted weapon produced by Broodmother through the flesh melting furnace, it is impossible to copy.

When Richard was immersed in the laboratory, Giant Dragon Plane finally accumulated enough power to carry out a long-lost invasion. When the Giant Dragons appeared, the strong men who had waited for the flowers to thank actually burst into cheers!

The Giant Dragons entered the Faro with confidence to win. This time they dispatched the elite of several tribes, the number directly doubled, and the average combat power has also increased.

However, when the Giant Dragons rushed out of the five-color mask, stunned found that the number of human strongmen on the opposite side was more than three times that of the previous one, and all had red eyes, as if staring at life and death.

In this battle, the aspirational Giant Dragon was beaten back. However, the strong human beings still feel that they are still unsatisfied. There are too many new powerful ones, so that everyone can get a lot less points.

And Richard has been working, not even knowing that a big war has happened.

On his workbench, there is a special magic clock with countdown time set on it. The countdown to this magic clock is the time when the Richard child is scheduled to be born.

Sometimes tired, Richard will take a few glances at the magic clock, and then there is impulse again.

When the child was born, Richard must be beside. Not only to witness this moment, but also to enable him to come to this world smoothly. Although Coco continues to take Life potion to improve vitality, but her original constitution is too weak, it is likely to be dangerous during production.

Faro ’s time passed quickly, and another month passed.

The progress of Richard is faster than the scheduled time. Not only the third kit was made, but also the Midalun shoulder armor. At the same time, Richard also completed the core set of 50 sets of barbaric series knights, and completed all Rank 3 and Rank 4 Rune. Rank 5‘s magical hidden line has also been completed for the most part. It is estimated that when the next redemption period, someone will want to exchange for Rank 5 Rune.

When one day is busy, that special magic clock suddenly sounds! Richard raised his head, looked at the time marked on the magic clock, then put down the magic pen in his hand and walked out of the laboratory.

Soon, he crossed one by one Transfer Gate and returned to Norland.

In Blackrose Castle, Coco is sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, flipping through a history book, occasionally glancing out the window. Her abdomen bulged high, more than half that of a normal pregnant woman, but her body did not gain weight, but appeared a bit thin.

A maid is helping her combing her long hair at the moment, and combing while saying: “You said, will your Highness come back in time?”

Coco smiled slightly, stroking his belly with his hand, and said lazily: “He is busy, even if he can’t come back, it’s nothing.”

“But it ’s not fair to you,” the maid said with some complaints. “You do n’t know. Some people in the castle say it ’s hard to hear. They said that it ’s because of your Highness’ relationship that you have today ’s position. Guys are jealous, and they are born when they have the ability! They just think, Your Royal Highness can’t even look down on them! When the children are born, you can’t let these women go. There are some guys who are even more hateful, they actually said This child is not “

“Enough.” Coco stopped the maid, and then said: “They can say these words, but you can’t say them. Your Highness is not something you can imagine. If you let him hear these rumors, there are May drive you all out. “

The maid was startled. She is a side branch from the Coco family. She just wiped the aristocratic side, and even not as good as a civilian.

After Coco became pregnant, the old housekeeper asked her to choose a maid from her own family, which was considered familiar to each other.

Being able to work in Blackrose Castle, this maid can be said to be a step forward. Not only can you see many big men of Archeron Family here, but also many strong people go to Faro’s transit station. In case one day she was lucky, she was taken by a strong Saint Realm, and her life will change.

Coco is very clear about this maid’s thoughts. After all, the two have known each other since childhood. When she was sent to the Archeron floating island, her mentality was similar to this maid.

It’s just that Coco‘s identity was a candidate for a partner at that time, a little higher than this maid, but it was also limited. She had never thought of becoming a partner of Richard. For any branch family girl, this is the best result.

It ’s just that a lot of things happened later.

Recalling the past, Coco is very complicated and has a feeling of can’t be understood or explained. The past scene of that scene, when I think about it now, seems to be a big dream.

However, no matter how many twists and turns there have been, it is indeed the best ending for her now. She could feel that the little life in her belly was greedily absorbing her vitality and growing at an incredible speed.

Perhaps it will be born in another two or three days. Will Richard come back by then?

Coco smiled slightly bitterly, then looked at the scenery outside the window tranquil.

Even if Richard does not come back, it will be fine. When the child is born, her duty as a partner will be completed. At that time, Coco was ready to hand over the choice to Richard. It is up to Richard to stay with Richard, continue to take care of the children, or receive a generous reward and return to his hometown to start a new life.

She no longer wants to fight for anything.

Because he succeeded in having children, Richard has promoted Coco ’s father from knight to jazz, and has given the corresponding territory. And Richard also promised that if the child is born smoothly, then Coco himself will be blocked Baron.

Just a few years ago, when she first set foot on a floating island, she did n’t even dream that she would get a knighthood one day. The result now is better than she imagined.

However, when she thought of the possibility of leaving here and leaving Blackrose Castle, she still had a faint pain in her heart.

Will Richard come back?

Just when Coco was thinking like this, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a soft and sweet voice from Richard came: “How are you feeling, Coco?”

Coco was shocked and happy for a moment, and stood up suddenly. When she saw the tall and handsome figure standing at the door, she determined that she was not dreaming.

She was so excited that she couldn’t speak. The maid behind her lowered her neckline quietly, revealing a squeezed chest that was two feet larger than Coco, and then gave Richard a self-assured smile.

Richard turned a blind eye to the maid and walked in front of Coco in one step, saying: “Don’t be excited, these days are the most dangerous time. Now lie down on the bed, I want to see your physical condition.” >

Coco lay down on the bed very obediently and asked Richard to investigate the condition of the fetus and himself.

Looking at the focused expression of Richard, Coco suddenly felt unspeakable calm and happiness. She really wanted to reach out and touch the face of Richard, but at this moment she remembered the huge identity gap between the two sides, so her finger just moved and quietly put it down again.

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