City of Sin: one by one eight draw saw

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up. Richard turned over and led the team with insufficient sleep. The wolves have already chased them up, and then there will be a long and difficult battle of siege and siege.

The marching direction of Richard has always been erratic. This time the team first moved northeast, and after a few kilometers, they turned north.

The tall Barbarian ca n’t ride a horse. Fortunately, their running is much faster than ordinary people, and their endurance is unexpectedly long. But after all, they ca n’t be compared with the bloodstained horses. This kind of horse is suitable for riding by the Shamin. There is no merit in short sprint, but the endurance and adaptability far exceed the tall battle horse of Human Country.

The team keeps advancing at a moderate speed, while Fangfang is on alert within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area. With their more sensitive sense of smell and induction than humans, Richard can vaguely grasp the movement of large-scale living bodies within a radius of about one kilometer, which is also an important basis for him to lead the team to fine-tune the direction of movement.

The goal of Richard is to eventually go north and enter the territory of Iron Triangle Empire. It is possible to find the forward base of Bearguard Knight there, with the crucial Time Lighthouse. And there are mountains, with dense forests and a lot of fierce Demon Beast. In the complex terrain of mountains and forests, the Red Cossack chasing soldiers have no advantage in numbers, and the strength of this team of Richard will be maximized. The powerful mage, Priest, and contract professionals have always been a trump card in the hands of Richard.

Until now, Richard didn’t know how the Red Cossack team behind him garnished himself accurately every time, and how to quietly gather such a huge force.

When he first encountered a small force of Red Cossack, he did not arouse enough alertness, but the attack became continuous, and several familiar faces continued to appear after the healing cycle. Richard realized that the scattered enemies had begun to organize in a way that he did not know about. He only knew that the enemy might pounce on himself from any direction, anytime, anywhere.

Without support, Richard ’s biggest disadvantage is that he only mechanically repels the offensive of smashing the enemy, and with his keen grasp of the regional situation, he leads the army to move continuously, jumping from the encircling circle that is about to gather come out. Then smash the enemy’s pursuit and intercept, and then jump out of the encirclement.

At the beginning, as long as possible, Richard moved unswervingly to the north, but the enemy clearly noticed his intentions. The north had significantly more troops than other directions. At this time, Richard decisively changed the course of travel, several sudden surprise eastwards, defeated the frontal enemy, and left the main force of Red Cossack behind him.

So at the northern end of Bloodstained Lands, the wolves and prey have repeatedly pursued and counterattacked. Both sides seem to have achieved their goals. Richard was forced to deviate from the northern destination, yet he repeatedly escaped the siege of Red Cossack and gave the enemy a lot of damage.

You do n’t have to think about it. In addition to trying to drive Richard away from Iron Triangle Empire, Red Cossack also deviated from the main trade route.

According to their understanding, Richard is not without a foundation in Bloodstained Lands. This connection is not enough for him to receive substantial reinforcement, but it is not difficult to pass the news. Red Cossack does not have the intelligence network to block the entire Bloodstained Lands. They have to rob the forces behind Richard before getting the news, and kill this arrogant boy who dares to challenge the prestige of Red Cossack. Once safari becomes war, it is not in their interest.

After discovering Red Cossack ’s attempt, Richard immediately followed the principle that the enemy least wants you to do, the more you have to implement it, as long as you have the opportunity to approach the business road, you ca n’t touch the main line, and you must pass near the branch line. Of course, he has no news to transmit, but to contain the enemy’s deployment of troops, he can occasionally receive additional personnel and material supplies.

Richard once encountered two small caravans, and after simple persuasion, they received supplies and escorts from the caravan. Behind Richard is the chaser of Red Cossack. If these two small caravans are seen by Red Cossack, they will be killed. In Bloodstained Lands, this kind of thing is very common. Large slave merchants usually work part-time as bandits.

So after continuous combat downsizing, Richard still leads a force of nearly 500 people. War is the best melting pot, and man is the ore. After the ore is put into the furnace, it is partially smelted into refined iron and partially turned into waste slag. In Bloodstained Lands, the waste residue will basically become a corpse.

When riding north on the war horse, Richard is silently calculating the strength of his hand. Eight hundred and twenty-one people have joined his team, and now there are only four hundred and sixty Warrior, and the difference between them has become a corpse. In the end, those who survived became calm and fierce Warrior.

For Richard itself, under the continuous high-intensity command, the only gain is that Wisdom Blessing has made a breakthrough and entered the Second Stage segment.

The new stage seems to have no essential difference from the First Stage segment, but the thinking speed is much faster, basically reaching the level of unforgettable, and the processing ability of the digital vision is also greatly enhanced. Intuitively, the original chaotic and complex battlefield has become simpler and clearer, and the Richard can also clarify the situation in a shorter time, thus giving more orders. Within a unit of time, the number of commands he can issue has doubled, that is, his ability to control the battlefield has doubled accordingly.

The team of several hundred people is just right for the current Richard and can fully exert his ability. But it is one thing to know clearly and think about reaction, and it is another thing to get an accurate conclusion. Whether the decision is correct or not has nothing to do with the digital processing power. The improvement of Wisdom Blessing only makes Richard reduce the chance of making mistakes due to hasty and poor thinking.

But even so, the powerful effect of wisdom has been reflected in the battle. More than 400 Warriors have fully adapted to the command of Richard, and integrated into a whole, even if they were assaulted by a strong enemy in the battle that just occurred, they can remove the chaos and adjust the formation in the shortest time. And regrouped into an indestructible battle.

In the hands of Richard, this small force, originally a patchwork force of different races and different origins Warrior, has now become like the most sophisticated alchemy machinery, harvesting the lives of the enemy with incredible efficiency.

A hundred kilometers away from Richard, a train is driving on the desolate Gobi.

It ’s a fleet, but it ’s not the trucks of the ordinary caravans that make up the fleet, but several passenger carriages painted in scarlet. In the center, a carriage is low-key and luxurious. It drives a tall battle horse. The four wheels of the carriage are attached with magic machinery that can absorb shocks. Under the action of Mana, it can even float for a short time when passing through the most rough roads.

Even ignoring the manual fee, the material value of the carriage itself is more than one hundred thousand gold coins. Of course, the purpose is not just to provide comfort on long journeys. In fact, this is a magic War Chariot. Its function is to provide a sufficiently quiet and stable environment during the long-distance march, so that the magic Mages can restore Meditation to Mana. Moreover, a special Magic Array is arranged inside the carriage, driven by Magic Crystal, which can accelerate the process of Mage Meditation.

In Norland, High Rank Mages does not need this War Chariot at all, and the Grand Mage level is only low-level, they ca n’t afford it, and there is no need to use magic War Chariot. This kind of equipment will only appear in the Faro Plane where the status of the Master is unusual. If Richard sees it, with his professional vision derived from dark blue, he will naturally see the significance of this so-called War Chariot, which is more a tool for the Mages to show off its status and wealth.

ps: add more 2. Reputation, um, reputation.

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