City of Sin: Once lazy and luxurious

15 “Domain names are well known” The sky of Norland is as “yīn” dark as Faro Plane, especially the dense clouds on Floating Ice Bay are drooping so fast that they will touch the dark blue spire. Although it is morning, the sea is dim like dusk. The ships are all parked in the sheltered port. Even if they are thousands of tons of ocean-going magic-powered ships, they dare not go to the sea. The weather is the real master. The magnificent giant ship dare not fight the storm.

All the Archmage in the upper part of the dark blue are concentrated in the conference room. This is a monthly meeting time. The Legendary Mage is usually missing between the seats. In recent times, Sharon always comes and goes in a hurry. Each time, the “lù” face does not exceed half. Open the teleport “mén” in hours and don’t know where to go

The atmosphere in the conference room is as depressing as the weather outside the window. All the Archmage people face “sè” “yīn” and can’t see a little sun

The gray dwarf Blackgold is holding a thick stack of paper and is thinking that the sound is dry and dull as if it is full of wood chips with a mouth full of. The gray dwarf is reading the dark blue income and expenditure project of one after another. The rapid improvement of no no is only an improvement, but it is completely upward. Both the most meaningful income and profit have doubled from the previous month. If it is not consumed, the profit increase will definitely increase more than double

This is a moving number of ‘jī’, but none of the Archmage is happy. Even the gray dwarves seem to have no ‘jīng’. In fact, if you explain the income structure in detail, you can know that the deep blue income increase last month is nothing else. The reason is that the Legendary Mage Plane exploration trip has been fruitful. Every time she comes back, she will return part of the harvest to the dark blue according to the convention.

In the past month, Legendary Mage has explored Plane more times than in the past year. She always goes sè and hurries off space equipment full of harvested materials. Bringing new space equipment will immediately start the harvest again. The distribution methods are all listed in the list and thrown to Blackgold with the pile of space rings, belts, bracelets, storage boxes and the like

She did n’t even want to spend time arguing with the Grey Dwarf on the allocation plan in detail

The time flow rate of each Plane is different, so no one knows how long Legendary Mage has drifted in the depths of Plane, but only from the data of the financial statements in the hands of the gray dwarf can peep one or two

Legendary Mage ’s unprecedented diligence and deep blue wealth are also surprisingly growing. The wealth added under the wisdom of Archmage will soon become an enhanced strength or a new source of income, which means that dark blue is in the entire continent. The status will become more and more stable, but they can’t be happy about this improvement

Every time Sharon came back, there was always a faint, tired wear that could n’t be concealed on her face, and she looked like a servant, and she could n’t rest. She would start again. Her beloved fruit snacks had already filled the storage room, but if Blackgold did n’t do it If you put some in space equipment, Legendary Mage will never think of bringing some roads.

Legendary Mage is a dark blue soul. When she loses her smile, the entire Floating Ice Bay sky will also haze with yin

Blackgold is also worried about the first time in his life that the numbers on the report are so obtrusive and even want to kick the fortune of the different Foreign Plane fortunes piled in front of him

He would rather go back to the past and worry about the daily life of increasing a little income and reducing a little loss. I do n’t want to see Legendary Mage being so dedicated. Everyone knows that there will always be risks in the depths of Plane and that the power of accident/surprise Sharon has gradually diminished from the ordinary Legendary Powerhouse, but every trip to explore the strange Plane may be a one-way trip

In fact, those days when Sharon was delicious and lazy made people excited by jīng

The lengthy financial report became a tool of hypnosis under the dull sound of Blackgold. Almost all Archmage fell into a faint “yù” sleep. At this time, the magic element in the conference room suddenly became active and originally flowed slowly. Mana suddenly turned into a storm, blowing the Archmage upside down

A Plane teleported 『mén』 Legendary Mage appeared out of the sky above the conference table. Her blond hair jumped out of her head and became a ponytail water blue mage robe. There were many signs of damage and abrasion on her side. There is a smudge on the small face

The Legendary Mage that suddenly appeared this time looked like a neighbor ‘nv’ who had just returned from a long journey. The child was under the water-blue ‘sè ’s mage ’s robe. Those dresses, shoes and socks with extravagant and extravagant style do not know where to go

Sharon jumped directly on the long table in the conference room as it was often done in the past, but this time the conference table did not get the same enthusiasm as in the past, but it shattered directly into a bunch of fragments

It was only a few months ago that made Legendary Mage very angry. Starting from investigating the quality of the table, it started a big and small storm, but now she is just stunned and not interested at all

In fact, the table is still the table that can withstand a tens of tons of mammoth colossus dancing on it. The real reason for being completely crushed by Sharon is the huge package on the back of Legendary Mage that is much larger than his body

The eyes of all Archmages are a little strange. I ca n’t guess what the package behind Sharon needs to be transported back in such a clumsy way. Is she so full of space equipment? To know that the personal Plane of Legendary Mage sends “mén” is extremely Mana. If there is no space equipment as a carrier, any items that traverse with Sharon will increase the cost of Mana.

The six rings worn on the fingers of Legendary Mage‘s right hand flicked and then automatically fell off and flew in front of Master Fayr “These were put into my” sī “warehouse”

Master Fayr took the six space rings and was too late to sigh Legendary Mage ’s ability to put two rings on one finger. Sharon changed the huge package from the left hand to the right hand, and three space rings in addition flew out of the left hand. Two space bracelets were thrown to the gray dwarf, “These dark blue warehouses will bring me some new space equipment” ​​

“Ready!” The grey dwarf immediately took out a small pocket from robe and filled the space ring and bracelet with ding ding dang dang in it.

I do n’t know when the magic jewelry that Legendary Mage can wear has increased the limit. It is not clear anyway, she ca n’t count according to her fingers. Because Sharon is getting more and more ghosts, the gray dwarf always takes the spare space equipment with him Some commonly used supply items on

So much redundancy space equipment is also a great asset. According to the concept of the gray dwarf, idle assets do not generate revenue, but as long as you can save Legendary Mage time, the idleness of these assets is valuable and can be fully amortized. Digest

Then two special magic papers floated to Fayr and Blackgold respectively. “This is the disposal and distribution plan. Do as you wrote above.”

Those are two magic papers that can copy Level 8 Scroll but are used by Legendary Mage as sticky notes

Finally, Legendary Mage did not know where to take out a small box and threw it to the gray dwarf. “Reorganize the stuff inside and send it to Faust‘s Little Gordon together with the previous two special items”

The gray dwarf followed “luàn” and said “I will do it immediately” while following the sky-flying box and ring bracelet.

Legendary Mage nodded with satisfaction and said, “Then I’m gone” and opened a teleport “mén” out of thin air carrying a huge package and rushed into teleport “mén” and disappeared

“Wait! Your Highness forgot to take your fruit!” The gray dwarf cried while holding a small box with space and fresh-keeping effect, but Sharon had already gone far away. There was only space left in the meeting room “mén” The “bō” of Yu is in “dàng”

Gordon is not in Faust but in the traditional territory Blackrose Castle of Archeron

The idyllic city of Azan with the scenery of “mí” people in Far Gazing Peninsula is almost an oversized military barracks. With Blackrose Castle as the center, a large army barracks is stationed all the way to the outside.

Eight of the thirteen Rune Knights have arrived at Blackrose Castle. In addition, a force including sixty Rune Knights is stationed outside the castle. It can be said that most of the military power of Gordon has been concentrated here in order to maintain the dominance of the three sī Plane Five knights is the minimum requirement

In the barracks outside Yaning City, there are not only Gordon flags, but dozens of camps with different flags flying, but there are not many garrisons inside, but there are only dozens of people in the three or five hundred. Almost all branches of the Archeron family are concentrated here

The atmosphere in the large conference hall of Blackrose Castle is the same as the lead cloud above Floating Ice Bay “yīn” The air is filled with the faint smell of smoke and the taste of Liuhuang. Obviously, the people sitting around the long conference table are not in a good mood at this moment.

Gordon sits alone on the first face and shows “lù” with a tired and stiff face. beard stubble seems to have not been trimmed for some days and the both eyes is covered with blood on the right side of his neck and there is a small thin line The wound has just coagulated and it looks like a new wound. Although it is just a small wound, but it is in this position, I can imagine the risks at that time

This is the meeting of the Archeron family. As the patriarch Gordon, there is no solemn gesture. He directly put a pair of brown muddy boots on the conference table and embraced his arms both eyes slightly closed as if he were dozing off. There is no doubt that the attitude of “jī” angered almost all the participants, so the surging “dàng” in the hall is all the accusations against Gordon

The beginning of PS volume three is a new chapter

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