City of Sin: Ninety-two business

When the old man heard this answer, instead of being disappointed, he asked with more interest: “For example?”

“I need a lot of magic materials, including many types, and the quantity is also very large. This is one of them. And, let me ask, does Lord Marquis have a special faith in Gods?” Richard asked him. Looking at the old man with his eyes wide open and waiting for an answer, just like any aristocratic noble youth, he is humble and polite, full of curiosity. The old man seems to appreciate his manners most.

Anrek Family has the dual blood of the royal family and the legendary heroes of the previous generations, so the Marquis family believed in the ancestors of the family for generations.” The old man replied.

Ancestral Worship, this is easy to handle. Richard now finds that he likes Ancestral Worship more and more.

“If Lord Marquis doesn’t mind, then I can sell a batch of Low Level Divine Spell Scroll, most of which are Healing Spell.” This time Richard‘s voice was lowered, and only the old man could hear it.

The old man ’s eyes suddenly flashed a hint of light, and his expression became more serious. He solemnly said: “Which **** ’s Divine Spell? Want to use Divine Spell Scroll, you must have the corresponding Cleric.”

“It’s the Divine Spell Scroll, the **** of courage. The advantage of this batch of Scroll is that anyone can open it, but the disadvantage is that it will pay a considerable price when used. For now, it may take a few years of life.”

The old man remained silent for a long time before saying, “Between immediate death and unknown lifespan, any wise person can make a choice. So this is not a problem, but the tainted Divine Spell Scroll on your hand is the real thing. What surprised me. But rest assured, neither the Marquis nor I will investigate the source of this batch of Scroll. This is a rule, and I assure you that no one will be willing to get involved in the trouble involving True God. My advice is, if You can give this batch of tainted Scroll to my shop to operate for you, then the trouble of Stick can be completely solved with gold coins. “

“Okay, I will come to visit you with Scroll tonight.” Richard quickly finalized the matter.

When Richard left, the people sitting on both sides of the street looked at him differently, and it became a lot more normal, with a lot less greed and murderous aura.

Many of them are agents of great powers, and they do n’t care about Stick at all, especially the dead ones. The people who assigned Richard to the STICKs last night were agents of small forces with less powerful background.

Until Richard enters the city again, these people are still evaluating him, mainly to evaluate his wealth to determine whether it matches his strength. If Richard has too much wealth, then they do n’t mind secretly uniting and ‘taking away’ the wealth that should n’t belong to him. But now, since Richard has reached an initial cooperation intention with Marquis Anrek, in a sense, he is already considered himself.

At night, Richard came to the old man ’s grocery store on the small street again. This time he brought three Divine Spell Scroll, one is Divine Spell of one or two Level 3.

There are still only elderly people in the grocery store. After accepting the three Divine Spell Scroll of Richard, he gave Richard one hundred gold coins as a deposit. Only after the detailed appraisal can we confirm the valuation of Divine Spell Scroll. So Richard accepted the gold coins, and was slightly surprised to find that these are also temple gold coins, but not the courage temple produced, but the highland War God temple casting.

Richard did not return to the camp outside the city, but went to the most luxurious hotel where he had stayed after entering the city.

In the Blue Water Oasis, luxury hotels not only mean high prices and comfortable enjoyment, but also quietness and safety. This hotel is the industry of the Golden War Flag business group, and Golden War Flag is the top three large business groups in the entire Bloodstained Lands, which is stronger than Red Cossack. For example, the likes of Stick did not dare to make trouble at this hotel.

After Richard left, the old man in the grocery store closed the door, moved out a set of alchemy magnifiers, and began to study the structure of the three Divine Spell Scroll carefully. He watched it for a few hours, only put out a long breath, thumped his waist hard, and then took out a small bottle and pulled out the stopper. Several shadows flew out of the bottle and quickly disappeared in different directions. The walls do not constitute an obstacle to them at all.

After half an hour, three people wearing hoods entered the grocery store. They were very familiar with it and went directly to the back room.

These are three elderly people. After they took off their cloaks, they did n’t even greet each other, so they could n’t wait to pick up Divine Spell Scroll and began to study carefully. When the three Scrolls circulated in everyone’s hands, it had been an hour.

One of them said to the old man at the grocery store: “Amman, where did you get these things from?”

Old man Amman said: “It was sold to me by a little brat called Richard. It was the Richard who killed Stick and his half-regiment cavalry last night and put their bodies all outside the camp.”

Another old man snorted and said coldly: “It’s such an arrogant little brat!”

“Young people, there are families and strong people behind them, and it is inevitable that they are arrogant.” Another person played the round field and then said: “Clark, you used to be the Priest of War God in the highlands, look at this batch of Divine Spell Scroll Is it true. “

The old man named Clark was very reticent. Since entering the grocery store, he has been tossing and looking at Scroll in his hands, and carefully observed every line and every divine direction under the alchemy magnifying glass.

It was n’t until he was asked that he said in a hoarse voice: “It ’s really Divine Spell Scroll, not a magically constructed fake. Scroll should have flowed from temple, the **** of courage Neian. Divine Spell looks okay. It is completely usable. But it has very slight differences from Neian‘s real Divine Spell Scroll. The mechanism and rules of Divine Power operation seem to be somewhat different from the God of Courage. But the specific differences are not what I can analyze clearly. You see Here. “

Clark pointed to the corner of Level 3 Healing Spell Scroll and continued: “This structure has never appeared in any Divine Spell of the God of Courage, and nine of the seventeen scriptures I have never seen before. In addition These combinations of scriptures are unprecedented, and it is impossible to understand the meaning. “

The four old men in the secret room all became dignified and looked at each other. Amman said: “It seems that these three Scroll are indeed defiled Scroll. I just don’t know what power has defiled them.”

“As long as you do another small experiment, you can confirm.” Clark said.

He took a gold plate from his arms, placed the Divine Spell Scroll provided by Richard on the gold plate, and then took out a small scepter. After chanting the mantra, the crystal on the top of the stick shot a hot beam of light, illuminating the Divine Spell Scroll.

The Level 3 Healing Spell ’s Scroll immediately burned violently, but most of the flames could not escape the range of the gold plate, only a ray of orange and red lighted with a golden pillar of fire swayed upwards, rushed to more than one meter high, and appeared Extremely eye-catching.

ps: Because it is changed at noon, it will be changed at night. A total of three changes today.

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