City of Sin: Nineteen growth

Broodmother at the moment the abdomen is rounded like a ball, and the ratio with the rest of the body is very uncoordinated. Even the carapace is pushed up by the abdomen, and several transparent wings are protruding from the gap. But after seeing those short wings and looking at the deformed body of Broodmother, everyone knows that these wings have become ornaments.

Broodmother stopped, the abdomen expanded and contracted quickly, and the body began to emit dense crackling sounds. Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the dark black carapace, and then the cracks became wider and wider, and they continued to emerge from the gap. Yellow unknown fluid. As soon as these body fluids come into contact with air, they turn into lumps of mist, which solidify quickly after transpiration from the body no more than one centimeter, and the color gradually turns to black.

Everyone, including Richard, feels that their eyes seem to have some hair, because the Broodmother that they see is obviously larger than before. Richard suddenly felt tingling bursts of both eyes, tears flowed involuntarily, and the exposed skin also had a burning sensation. Although most of the mist has solidified, there is still a small part of it spreading out in the room. The air is already filled with light mist, which seems to be strongly corrosive.

Broodmother‘s voice sounded again: “Master, when I grow up, I will produce a lot of Acid Mist, please leave here temporarily.”

Richard immediately took everyone out of small building, far more than ten steps away, Acid Mist was still pouring out from the door. Quicksand used Divine Spell to disperse the acid etching effect on several people continuously, so everyone felt more comfortable.

Richard did not see that behind the massive body of Broodmother, there was a mass of debris being rapidly corroded by a large amount of acid. Most of the Acid Mist in the room was emitted from this pile of debris. That’s what Broodmother doesn’t want Richard to see.

After a while, the wreckage was left with a pool of scorched embers, and I could never see what was originally.

When Acid Mist is gone, Broodmother has also completed another growth, this time it has increased by half a meter in length, width and height, and the whole looks more round and headless. However, although the body grew up, the limbs and blades did not follow the growth, and now it seems a bit ridiculously small.

It began to try to leave the house, but for its current shape, the door became too narrow to allow the huge abdomen to pass through. Broodmother made a squealing noise, vigorously arched forward, with a bang, the door frame fell out, most of the side walls were collapsed by it, the ceiling on the second floor rumbling down, and the second floor was on the street Windows and a small balcony, a pile of masonry wood buried it underneath.

While Broodmother shook his body, he crawled out of the rubble. This impact cannot damage it at all.

Two Infantry Knights attracted by the sound of collapse saw the Broodmother. They were suddenly taken aback, screaming for warning, while defensive, blocking the intersection through the center of the base.

At this time, Richard came over, stood next to Broodmother, tapped on its carapace with his hands, and said to two Infantry Knights: “Okay, do n’t worry! This is Broodmother, it is my contract creature.”

The two Infantry Knights glanced at each other, and the scene before them really made them feel unbelievable. Seeing Richard standing next to a huge bug nearly as high as himself, a Infantry Knight could not help but twitched the corners of his eyes and said, “Yes, Master Richard. But … you seem to be better away from that thing.”

Broodmother propped up his upper body vigorously and waved a pair of small blades demonstratively to the Infantry Knight. He immediately surprised him and took a defensive posture again.

Richard heavily knocked on Broodmother, which made it quiet.

There is still a lot of aftercare work in the base. If everything is fine, the others will leave first. Richard stays at on the spot and begins to communicate with Broodmother. A large amount of information about themselves is sent by Broodmother.

So Richard knew that Broodmother was still in its infancy, but less than half the distance from the mature body. After referring to humans and the power system of this Plane, Broodmother first strengthened its own body defense. Now the carapace strength can withstand the full blow of the Level 10 power knight without loss. Only Mintai ’s Combatant can cause it. Effective damage. In terms of magic defense, Broodmother is almost immune to acids and poisons, and is very resistant to ice and electricity. Only fire can cause complete damage to it.

The Broodmother‘s own attack methods are mainly mental shock and acid spitting. The distance of acid spray is only ten meters, but once it is sprayed, then the whole body plate armor can only resist at most one minute of corrosion. In addition to moving too slowly, and now even lost the ability to fly, Broodmother‘s combat power can be said to be quite powerful. Its overly large abdomen seems to be a weak point, but the layers of folds are actually similar to the carapace, and only Infantry Knight can be cut with a full blow with a heavy axe. For example, the bow and arrow of the Olar level archer cannot penetrate that layer of pleated skin.

Broodmother ’s evaluation data of his own combat power are all from this half-day battle. The clear and concise classification data makes Richard surprised again by its wisdom. The head of Broodmother‘s huge worm body is only the size of an ordinary human. However, the data transmitted by Broodmother also includes a schematic diagram of its main body, so Richard knows that its head is not really important. There are dozens of real brains distributed in the chest cavity protected by a thick carapace. .

The Broodmother in its infancy still has a lot of food needs, so after the report is completed, it requests Richard to leave the forward base for food.

“Did you catch prey? Would you like Olar to help you?” Richard expressed doubts about the speed of Broodmother‘s movement, and its range of mental shock and acid spitting was limited.

“I can now hatch a few Drone and let them catch prey for me. The flesh and blood life is my best food at this stage.”

Broodmother ’s words seem to have other meanings. Richard immediately thought of the hundreds of corpses in the forward base. He pondered for a while and said, “Human corpses are not good. I do n’t care about the rest of you. Also, you need other things. Matter? Tell me, I will try to collect it for you. “

Drone can do the job.”

After obtaining permission from Richard, Broodmother moved his huge body and slowly crawled out of the forward base. It seems that it is a little dissatisfied with this speed. From time to time it will struggle to flap its wings, so it can really rise off the ground. But the longest can’t fly more than ten meters, it will fall to the ground again, and can only move forward by six short arthropods.

Although it is already known that Broodmother is a contractual creature of Richard, Infantry Knights who still see it will still be shocked. The veterans have also seen Demon Beast on the battlefield, and even the Gordon mount is a fierce beast, but seeing this creature in front of him seems to have been extremely shocked mentally.

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