City of Sin: Nine messages on

After a while, Richard and Quicksand returned to the forward base. Now that Richard has sorted out the clues, and prioritized the next steps, the first is to get information, including information about Baron and surrounding areas. The second is to strengthen the combat effectiveness of all people, and finally to solve the problem of recruiting troops in this Plane.

When Richard returned to the base, all the people who were injured by the power of the contract rushed back to the base and were relieved to see that Richard was safe. So Richard reassigned the task. This time it was Gangdor, Shuihua and Olar to detect the terrain. Ogre Medium Rare, who was awake, helped Infantry Knight clean up the battlefield and renovate the equipment. Tiramisu needs to show his magical ability, he has to copy a lot of language Scroll.

Solving the language problem is the first step for Foreign Plane to take root.

Because the progress of the interrogation of the wizard Olar is not satisfactory, Richard decided to interrogate the captives by himself this time, with quicksand as an auxiliary, in case Richard accidentally killed the captives.

Olar had already asked something, but his technique was too gentle, so he always stuck at some key points. For example, the number of affiliated jazz of Baron, the number of troops, the original follow-up plan, the terrain and power distribution map of Barony, etc., the elves obtained some contradictory, can not stand scrutiny.

The growing sense of crisis that has enveloped my mind has made Richard completely impatient.

At this time, the danger may multiply every hour in the past. Perhaps the army of Baron is already on the road, and even the **** who issued Divine Decree may have issued a new order. How can he still allow these few Captives waste precious time?

When Richard rolled into the narrow but fully equipped interrogation room with a haze, the two captive prisoners who were able to bear the penalty inexplicably fought a cold war at the same time. It seemed that the light in the room also followed The entry of Richard is even more bleak.

The two captives were bruised, but the injuries were not serious. They are all in their thirties, firm in will, strong in physique, and of great strength. The Warrior level of Level 5 is a guarantee for their survival. Their eyes are sharp, and at first glance they are experienced veterans.

Richard glanced at them a few times, knowing that this kind of person is relatively difficult to deal with, but it is not unsolvable. There are only two kinds of people who cannot be solved by torture, that is, people who have a fanatical belief or who want to protect everything at all costs.

At the same time, the veterans are watching Richard. When I saw Richard‘s expressionless calm face and a pair of long, delicate and stable hands, I couldn’t help looking different. When they saw that Quicksand followed, the two veterans who had successfully teased Elven Bard finally changed their colors completely.

Richard quickly inspected the tools at hand, and then inspected the injuries of the two veterans, and was skilled and clean. This set of techniques has been practiced in Naya‘s back kitchen for many times, without knowing how many times, and even without thinking about anything, it can be performed accurately and accurately. This is one of the most authentic techniques of Dark World.

Since entering the interrogation room, Richard has not said anything, but is doing his own thing in silence. The two veterans shuddered.

Hey! Hey! kid, what do you want to do?” When Richard hung the iron chain on a veteran, he finally couldn’t help crying out of fear.

Whether the veteran is roaring, intimidating, or confessing the facts as a temptation, Richard turns a deaf ear, just hangs him up, and then picks up the tool.

Ah!! I curse you! Pagans who are on fire!” The veteran screamed out of the interrogation room and spread far away.

No matter how loud the volume is in your ear, Richard‘s movements are consistently fast and stable, and never stop. A piece of clean tool quickly dipped in bloodstained meat, and was thrown away again, and the quicksand also began to be treated with minor injuries. In five minutes, Richard has used all the tools once, while quicksand has placed seven minor injuries in a row. The veterans suspended in the air no longer had the strength to roar, and could only roll out a vague moan from their throats.

“It’s time for the next one.” This is the first sentence Richard said after entering the interrogation room.

“No! Don’t touch me, I said! What do you want to know, I said! … Ah!!” The former veteran was put down, the second veteran was suspended. Richard did not intend to stop to listen to what he was going to say, but began to repeat the previous operation at a constant rate.

It was another five minutes, the tool was used a second time, quicksand was used six times for minor injuries and a more effective Healing Spell.

The two veterans were put back to their original places, still with bruises and bruises, as if they were ten minutes ago, but the unruly eyes in their eyes have completely disappeared.

With a clatter, Richard threw the bloodstained tool into a bucket full of cold water, washed his hands, and then sat down in front of the two veterans, asking lightly: “Now, what do you want to tell me? oh, In addition, I would like to remind you that adults Priest only used one third of mana. “

After a few minutes, Richard knows everything it wants to know. He broke the question again and repeatedly asked several times to confirm that the two veterans had not lied. During this process, the two veterans passed out several times, and were awakened by ice water. Richard will not make them comatose, without the need to use refreshing spells. In this case, the ice water effect is best, especially when the whole body is covered in damp and bitter cold, the water droplets in the hole below are continuously dripped from the hair tips, and crawl along the back The current is the best refreshing agent.

After confirming that he can no longer ask anything, Richard and Quicksand glance at each other, and they are aware of the worries in each other’s eyes.

It can be confirmed that this is indeed a secondary Plane with high-end force. The location of the advancing base is the territory of Whiterock Dukedom. This area has complex terrain, mostly mountains and forests. There is a river more than ten kilometers away. After leaving the mountains, it is a rich alluvial plain. At the turn of the river, is Baron Fossa’s castle and port city. And Sir Jorge is one of the five Jazz under the Buddha Baron.

This Plane has abundant rainwater and rich land, developed farming technology, and ample food, so it is reasonable to reproduce a large number of people. Except for mountains and forests, the territory of Fossa is only a few hundred square kilometers, but has a population of nearly 200,000. Corresponding to the huge population base, Fossa Baron has retained a standing army of more than a thousand people, and has dozens of Sealed Knight. According to the tradition of Plane, those who rely on personal strength and merit to obtain the knighthood are called Sealed Knight, and they will get a small manor as a fief. And the warriors of civilian origin can only become Sealed Knight if they reach Level 10.

The 50-year-old Fossa Baron itself has only the combat strength of Level 8, but this does not help to change the current dilemma faced by Richard. Baron also has five jazz men, dozens of Sealed Knight and thousands of professional Warrior, enough to submerge his small team of less than twenty people.

In addition, since Baron is a field nobility with a sufficiently large territory area, it can also be rebuilt by mobilization of retired veterans, freemen, mercenaries, and young people with certain training in extraordinary times. Yu Standing Army. However, Baron‘s standing army ranks around Level 5 are elite soldiers, the total number is less than two hundred people, the rest are Warrior below Level 5.

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