City of Sin: Forty-seven hosting

Too low personal strength is always a flaw that Essien cannot circumvent. If you want to influence history, at least it must be the Pope of the God of Courage, so there is only a little possibility. The Pope of the God of Courage is generally served by High Priest of Level 18. Cardinal Priest group is generally Level 17, the lowest level of Level 16. If a Level 17‘s High Priest becomes a pope, it may barely overwhelm the cardinals. Level 16 doesn’t think about it at all. And Richard, who had a war with Essien, knew that he needed luck to think of Level 15 in his life.

More importantly, Essien secretly researched the knowledge of Plane and time of temple taboo, and the God of Courage Cleric gained must be damaged, and the progress on the road of Divine Spell will be more difficult. So destined, this Essien that peeped into the corner of the endless Plane mist can only be a small person who silently disappeared in history. He used this diary loaded with magic locks to record his real thoughts, in fact, he also saw his future ending. One day in the future, perhaps at the time of dying, Essien will start the self-destruction of the magic lock, allowing this diary with a lifetime of hard work to accompany itself forever.

Only accident/surprise happened, Essien didn’t think that Richard would go crazy and go deep into the Barony city in the hinterland, and attack the temple of the courage god. This diary fell into the hands of Richard. Moreover, Richard is still Runemaster, an extremely solid Runemaster, and it is easy to crack the magic lock in Faro that is said to have no solution at all without starting the spell.

In the last part of the diary, Richard somewhat surprised discovered the origin of the residual page. This piece of scrap belongs to the Foreign Plane artifact, which was found by a team of adventurers from an unknown time storm ruin. It is a page of “Book of Holding“. According to Essien records, Book of Holding has a total of nine pages. If you find all nine pages, you can synthesize the real “Book of Holding“. It is said that when two torn pages are put together, an exclusive ability of “Book of Holding” will appear, and every two additional pages thereafter, a new ability will be added. And the role of the complete “Book of Holding“, even Essien do not know. After all, considering the fragment that now falls in the hands of Richard, the church of the God of Courage has only collected two fragments of “Book of Holding“.

This kind of residual page will only appear occasionally in the time storm. As for where it came from, who it originally belonged to, why it was damaged, and what kind of existence created it, no one knew it.

Now, the role of this residual page in Richard‘s hands is to store a magic not exceeding Rank 6 for a month. Fragmented pages can be used repeatedly. The effect of a single piece of broken pages is not too great. At least two pieces are in hand and the power of “Book of Holding” is activated before it can show its power. However, for the Richard, who is about to be promoted to Level 9 Master at this stage, the single-page residual page is already a very practical magic equipment, which is equivalent to doubling the number of his most High Rank magic. One in one.

The day after cracking the Essien magic diary, Richard officially became Level 9 Mage. After repeated thinking, he finally chose his first Level 5 magic, Nature Summoning. Nature Summoning is a magic that can be raised to Level 9, but every time you raise the level of Level 1, the creatures summoned will be different.

For this magic, Richard took only a little a long time/half of the day time to practice skill, and then took out the remaining pages of “Book of Holding” ​​to study. Unlike the production principle of the ordinary magic Scroll, its magic storage is not achieved by writing, and the residual page is more like a container for directly storing energy. Richard moved a little in his heart, remembering that some of the intelligent races recorded in the Deep Blue Library had no words, but were recorded and passed on in patterns, runes, and even spiritual imprints. Judging from the diary of Essien, this piece of scrap can completely retain and store magical energy, perhaps the way that the race that created it inherited civilization.

After studying Richard for a while, I decided to conduct an experiment. I pressed the hand on the broken page and started to release the newly learned Level 5 magic. While meticulously chanting the mantra, he suddenly felt that the Elven Bloodline hidden in his body jumped a little, and then the animal tooth necklace on his wrist showed another heat flow, and the two forces converged on the Mana mobilized in the body of Richard. , And finally formed Nature Summoning of Rank 5. The magic light flickered in the palm of Richard, and did not spread out. It was directly enclosed in the residual page of “Book of Holding“.

There are already a few fierce and lifelike wolves on the original blank page with nothing.

The ferocious wolf, like the ferocious wild boar, has thick scales on its shoulders and lower back to increase its defense. However, the ferocious wolf has stronger attack power and more powerful combat strength than the ferocious wild boar. The fierce wolf on the broken page of “Book of Holding” is very powerful just looking at the momentum.

However, Richard felt a bit wrong. He picked up the pages and carefully counted the number of ferocious wolves. Five heads, yes, five ferocious wolves!

The number of magical creatures in Nature Summoning was between one and three heads, but in the hands of Richard with Precision Blessing, there is almost no error in spells, gestures and Mana transfers, so it will reach the summon every time. The upper limit of three heads, plus the increase of Elven Bloodline and the animal tooth bracelet, is four heads. However, after this promotion, the number of summoned magical creatures actually increased.

Richard carefully replayed the casting process just now, judging that it seems that the induction of Elven Bloodline further increased. The combat strength of a ferocious wolf is basically the same as that of a power-enhanced swift beast. If so, then his most powerful magic in Rank 5 becomes Nature Summoning instead.

I do n’t know if Elven Bloodline and the Beast Tooth Necklace will have the same amplification effect on other summoning magic. If it can, the strengthening effect of High Rank magic can almost be described as the sky. Not to mention, the summoning of Demon ’s door to the outside world, the summoning of the dragon blood of Yalong and other dragons, and the puppet calling of the iron puppet are all powerful summoning magic of High Rank, but the magical creature power is due to the contract Too powerful, even if you don’t consider the failure rate, you can only summon one at a time. If there is a bonus, then the absolute power of this magic is a multiple increase. But whether it is effective, Richard must be at least 13 Level 4 to get the answer.

At his current level, all he can try is Undead summoning, Richard ca n’t hold back the eager mood, and experimented immediately, but unfortunately, after the magic light flashed, only three bone skeletons jumped in the room Go, there is no bonus effect. It shows that Elven Bloodline and animal tooth bracelet have no effect on Undead Creature summon.

Richard finally calmed down and snapped his fingers, dispelling the magic. Even if it is only a bonus to Nature Summoning, it is enough. He sat down again, looked at the five ferocious wolves on the broken page, and finally showed some complacency and joy. In particular, Gordon once said that the bloodline ability of Sharon is a master summoner, and he is even more looking forward to showing her this magic.

Five ferocious wolves are summoned at a time, even if the teacher is at his current level, is it difficult to do better? Even with the bonus of bloodline ability, it should be at most six ferocious wolves. Richard can’t help but think, if the teacher sees his present achievements, will there be many ‘Sharon’s Delight’? I don’t know why, Night of Destiny suddenly broke into his mind. The Deepblue Aria, which is so beautiful as to be the most real dream, seems to dance again in in the Void, with the teacher’s expectations.

There are still many things to do, and there is still a long way to go before committing to the two most important women in life.

Richard completely regained his calmness this time, collected the broken pages, spread out the map, and began to think about the next step.

Actually, most of his assumptions about summoning magic just now are correct, only one thing is wrong, that is, the imaginary sea-style battle scene of summoning creatures with Sharon at the same level is actually impossible.

After a long time, when Richard had the opportunity to see the teacher release the legendary magic of Summon Red Dragon, he realized that Sharon ’s talent ability summoning master actually includes three major characteristics. Increase one to Rank 3, and the third is to halve the cost of summoning magic Mana. Therefore, if the Sharon of Level 9 matches the Richard of Level 9, and the two sides only use summoning magic, then Richard will find that its five fierce wolves are probably opposite to a dozen Direbear.

ps: Three changes have been completed.

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