City of Sin: Forty-one topics

The gray dwarf ’s suggestion is to give the two sides half a year and hold a competition half a year later to allow Richard and Stevenson to compete against Magic Rune ’s attainments. The topic is now designated by His Royal Highness Sharon. This half-year period is even the time for both parties to learn to improve and prepare for the test topic. Who can really inherit Sharon‘s knowledge of Magic Rune, Richard and Stevenson, is determined by the result of this game.

All the Archmages are immediately in the heart, so-called to give another chance, to put it bluntly just the gray dwarves want to earn more than half a year of tuition from Stevenson!

Did your Highness ’financial situation deteriorate to such an extent? But they immediately came reaction, Legendary Mage‘s finances will only be excessively healthy, and the problem is only the dark blue finances.

In the eyes of any creature that aims to collect more gold coins, time is very precious, especially the time of Norland Continent. So after making a decision, Legendary Mage did not delay any time at all, and directly decided the topic of the game half a year later at the meeting.

Decisions and questions will be sent to Richard and Stevenson later in the day, and of course Minnie will also receive a copy. But no one would have any hope for her. The news of the defeat of Marquis Niall has already reached the top of the deep blue, with the Archmage as the center, and the core circle of the deep blue with their close disciples as their periphery. The vision of Richard has been greatly different. In the past, Richard was only regarded as a little brat with amazing talents, and it was lucky to be loved by His Highness. And now, with the rise of Archeron Family like volcanic eruption, no one has dared to look down on Richard from the background of family power. At most, it is the son of the upstart who scolded a few words behind his back.

When night fell, a cheer burst out in residential area of Stevenson. Stevenson was holding a paper and could hardly believe his eyes! He repeatedly read it more than ten times before he could believe that this was really not a dream.

For the first time, Dragon Warlock felt that Sharon preferred him.

bloodstained ’s conspiracy was not punished, he did n’t even mention it, and the things he was most worried about had passed. Now that the dark blue senior has made a conclusion on this matter, no matter how powerful the Archeron Family or Richard himself is, he does not have to worry about facing direct revenge next. What made him most ecstatic was that the door of Runemaster, which had been thought to have been completely closed in front of him, was now reopened, and gave him a fair chance to compete with Richard.

Is it fair? Stevenson doesn’t think so at all.

He is Dragon Warlock, already 17 years old, Mana is more than Level 10, and there is financial support from the whole family behind him, and most importantly, there is a real Runemaster behind him! And after the game was scheduled for half a year, the topic was posted now. This is to encourage him to cheat! Although Rune required to solve the problem requires Stevenson to make and install it by itself, the materials can be processed and provided by the family, and the design scheme can be completely formulated by Saint Klaus! Half a year’s time is enough for Stevenson to fill in all the shortcomings for a specific program and produce the corresponding Magic Rune.

His residential area has two more iron cages, and one of the big iron cages with imprisonment magic is holding a strong Winter Wolf. This two-meter-long giant wolf is one of the fierce Demon Beast unique to the north. In addition to its powerful physical strength, it can also rely on talents to cast two magics, cold slow and ice arrows, and live long enough. Winter Wolf can also spray out the cold Breathing. In the other cage, there are several fat polar Snow Rabbits. This white fur rabbit has an excellent ability to resist cold and reproduce very quickly. However, in addition to its flexible movements and fast speed, it has no attacking ability. It is the first Demon Beast that can be seen everywhere in the northern continent, and it is also the cornerstone of the entire Demon Beast food chain. Winter Wolf is based on Snow Rabbit as the main food.

The topic of Sharon is to use your own Magic Rune to arm Snow Rabbit and then defeat Winter Wolf. Very simple, but also very difficult topic.

The power of Winter Wolf naturally wins, and it is not too slow to run than Snow Rabbit. Coupled with the talent magic of the attack distance of more than 30 meters, Snow Rabbit has no strength to fight back before Winter Wolf. The natural weakness makes them very It is difficult to become a good Magic Rune carrier. Any kind of Low Rank Magic Rune is not enough to let Snow Rabbit and Winter Wolf contend, and want to load a second Magic Rune on its small body, it is not a problem that Primary Level Runemaster can complete.

However, no matter how difficult the problem is, there are solutions. If Saint Klaus cannot solve it, Stevenson believes that Richard cannot be completed. And the rules are also very clear. If the Snow Rabbit on both sides can not beat the Winter Wolf, the results will be evaluated and the winner will be determined according to the level of the results.

After the ecstasy, Stevenson, who calmed down, began to think seriously about the subject of Legendary Mage. On the game day, the Winter Wolf provided by Deep Blue is certainly of similar strength, but Snow Rabbit was prepared by Richard and Stevenson themselves. Like all Demon Beasts, Snow Rabbit also has different sizes, because it needs to load Magic Rune, and the final combat strength of the selected strong Snow Rabbit and ordinary Snow Rabbit is also very different. Half a year, enough to cultivate two new generations of Snow Rabbit. You should know that Solam Family is good at cultivating Demon Beast. Half a year later, Stevenson will definitely give Richard a big surprise with a brand new Snow Rabbit.

Cultivating a new variety Demon Beast requires huge investment, which can be neglected at this moment. If Stevenson can win this battle, then all the previous investment is worth it. The Winter Wolf and Snow Rabbit in the iron cage are all free samples provided by Deep Blue, but this time only, you will need to purchase them at a high price if you want to use them later, or simply capture them yourself.

When people suddenly see hope in a desperate situation, the burst energy is often huge. Stevenson has admitted his failure in talent, but he is determined to use the strength of the family in front of new opportunities and use gold coins to build a path to Runemaster.

A letter explaining the latest progress of the incident and expressing Stevenson ’s determination to invest in Magic Array again. It didn’t take long for the Magic Array of the communication to light up, and a page of magic letterhead was sent back. The letter was written by the Duke of Solam. There are only a few lines, but the meaning is very clear. Solam Family will support Stevenson and win the Rune competition. At the end of the letter, the Duke made only one request, and stop doing stupid things.

Stevenson understands what this sentence means. The deeds of Gordon in Day of Destiny have spread throughout the mainland, and now Archeron Family is not inferior to Solam Family in status. If Stevenson does something stupid like an attempted assassination, no one can save him.

This time Stevenson is determined to defeat Richard in an upright manner within the rules. Sharon still prefers him, only her taste … slightly strange. Dragon Warlock thinks that since Legendary Mage and Richard can be imported, then one day may not necessarily be their turn. Wait until that day … there is really a day when Stevenson is not absolutely confident. There is a key point that is difficult to circumvent. The warlock with rich dragon blood is likely to be unable to cheer up the man ’s glory in front of Legendary Mage unless Legendary Mage is willing to converge her reverse dragon power. But can that thing converge? At least Longwei is unable to converge.

In the residential area that is a few layers down, Richard is kneeling in front of the iron cage, observing Winter Wolf and Snow Rabbit. The decision of Legendary Mage also made him feel very accident/surprise, and even had some grievances and resentments at the beginning. However, with the continuous research on the topic, Richard has left all emotions behind and concentrated on the world of Magic Rune.

He has gone through all the recorded Low Rank Magic Rune, but feels that there is no one kind enough for Snow Rabbit to defeat Winter Wolf. In particular, Winter Wolf has strong toxin resistance, even if it is a short-term deadly poison attribute for Snow Rabbit, it will at most make Winter Wolf feel uncomfortable after eating the stomach.

Richard continues to flip through the thick Rune entry around him. His content has reached the Level 2 directory, but there is still not enough for Snow Rabbit to beat Winter Wolf‘s Rune. Starting from Level 3 Rune, there is only Magic Rune that can add various abilities to target creatures, instead of simple attribute bonuses. Level 5 Rune can even simulate bloodline abilities. For example, the famous Heavenly Arms can add holy attributes to the target and increase the abilities of many heavenly creatures.

The Richard closed the book page, no longer looked at the dazzling High Level Rune, and turned his attention to the iron cage. He is currently only manufacturing a semi-finished product Low Rank Rune. According to the normal progress, it will be half a year later. It is only possible to make Magic Rune of Low Rank, it is impossible to make Rank 2 Rune, let alone Rune above Level 3. But Sharon could not give a clearly impossible problem, so Richard began to think about it.

In the Magic Rune world, there are endless possibilities. The existing standard Rune is only a very small part of the Rune world. Those Runemaster works that really leave a heavy stroke in history have a strong personal color and can hardly be imitated. Thinking of this, Richard is thoughtful. Since the standard Magic Rune does not solve the problem, there are not many brittle bypasses.

Creation is the eternal theme of the Rune world.

Thinking of this, Richard is suddenly bright. Legendary Mage actually passed this exam to test whether he has the necessary qualities for the road to Saint Runemaster, that is creation.

Saint Runemaster cannot be the end of his progress, because Deepblue Aria is a Magic Rune that surpasses Rank 5. Although he is just a weak apprentice now, the pride of Richard makes him willing to spend his whole life to fulfill his commitment to Sharon. In his life, this commitment is second only to his mother’s will.

It was not until a long time ago that Richard understood that this pride from the depths of the soul actually belonged to Archeron.

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