City of Sin: Forty-four initial depths

This attack came from the Ogre lord. While waiting for the opportunity, Tiramisu finally seized the opportunity, jumped up, and volley gave him a heavy blow to the knee.

The giant knelt on his knees, unable to exert force, and finally was pressed to the ground by Broodmother. A pair of blades was deeply nailed into his neck. The mouthparts were wide open, and he bit hard at the giant’s face.

The biting bite of human teeth is intertwined with the giant’s painful roar. The blade and mouthparts of Broodmother are unimaginable sharpness, and can easily pierce and bite no matter what happens.

Richard gasped for a while, and then rushed up suddenly, the giant figure flashing around the ground continuously, flashed seven times before transmitting to hundreds of meters away, and seven blood flowers bloomed on the giant, one by one two meters square Huge wounds appeared and blood flowed.

After seven teleport attacks, Richard ’s face also looked pale and was not lightly consumed. He drank a few bottles of recovery Potion, and while waiting for the recovery of Mana, gave new orders to his followers and Rune Knights.

Two hundred Rune Knights were tuned out, they rushed towards the giant, and then Demon Mount was controlled with superb riding to sprint at a small angle, and then the long lance was stabbed into the giant’s body.

Under the full force of Battle Aura, every time a gun pierces, there will be a violent explosion in the surrounding flesh and blood. Rune Knight uses the reaction force of the stab to change the direction, escape to the distance, go far in a circle, and then accelerate the charge again.

Blood flowers began to bloom continuously on the giant, Rune Knights was like a wave of waves, constantly flapping the body of the giant.

Broodmother finally exerted his strength and size advantages, pressed him firmly under his body, and at the same time biting, he also sprayed the acid of deadly poison from time to time.

Phaser, Shuihua, and Zonghu were transferred to fill the gap left by Rune Knight, and besieged Barbarian Warrior. When facing the giants, they seemed to have more skills and insufficient lethality.

Even if the Richard has dual Divine Artifact in hand and the terrible effect of Absolute Execution, it still takes a lot of effort to hit such a big guy.

The giant waved his hand suddenly and photographed it. The sudden blow suddenly smashed six Rune Knights into meat sauce, but this was his last struggle.

Without the power of restraint, Broodmother immediately showed great power, completely overwhelming the giant, biting his throat and tearing it, making the deadly wound deeper and bigger.

The giant ’s vitality is surprisingly long, and he struggled for a long time before finally dying, but his hands and feet will be dragged instinctively by nerves that are not all necrotic.

When Broodmother retreated, the giant turned into a huge skeleton, with only about half of the flesh on his body, and a large amount of body turned into a shadow, gradually dissipating.

He relied on some mysterious and powerful power to transform energy into a semi-substantial body. After dying now, the power to maintain the body disappeared, and the imprisoned energy returned to its original form and dispersed into the air.

Richard landed on the giant ’s chest and cut his chest with moonlight, revealing a heart bigger than Richard.

The heart is blue-gray, and it will take a long time to pulsate, but there is hidden eruption-like power inside, which is enough to support the operation of such a huge body.

Seeing this heart, Richard finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just in terms of the energy contained, the value of this heart is not inferior to the heart of the mountain lord. This is a thing that can be used as a Top Level sacrifice and as a raw material for Rune. With it, Richard completes Midalun The battle version has a little more certainty.

Richard carefully examines several key parts of the heart, and finally can confirm that the giant does indeed have Titan blood.

However, such a powerful life should not have appeared in Faro. Its existence has exceeded the carrying capacity of Plane. A full blow is enough to cause the instability of the Plane space structure. Of course, this will also be the case when Richard uses Destruction True Name. .

The peripheral battles continue. Those Barbarian zombies Warrior do n’t know fear or retreat at all, but when two hundred Rune Knight join the battle, the only thing waiting for them is perish.

When the last barbarian warrior was cut down, Richard recovered the scarlet Great Shaman and the elven prophet. He landed on the heart of the giant and began to seal the activity of the heart with magic.

Mage and Priests also climbed into the body of giants and began to study those organs and flesh and bones. A large number of Drone also appeared. Under the command of Divided Mind, they are the best workers and assistants.

Giants are not only valuable to the heart, they are treasures all over the body, especially the huge and complete skeleton. If Richard has enough ambitions and resources, it can even refine a giant puppet like never before. Below, those Barbarian Warrior have almost no value.

The giant is too huge, and he needs to be fully recycled. Even if Richard brought thousands of Drone, and there are many Rune Knight help, it will take nearly three days. The biggest project is to separate and seal the skeleton. After using Alchemy to shrink the volume greatly, it will be packaged and stored.

Richard is not idle. He is examining a body with Barbarian Warrior in a temporary laboratory. Shortly after the death of these Barbarians, the body showed signs of rapid aging. One day, they looked like old It’s the same for decades, but their flesh surprisingly shows no signs of corruption.

One day later, a bottle of translucent yellow liquid was added to Richard‘s hand. It was this kind of thing that prevented the decay process of Barbarian flesh. According to his test, the age difference of these Barbarian Warrior is surprisingly large, and some are close to a thousand years , And some only thirty or fifty years.

It is this yellow liquid that causes this effect, which is a very powerful preservative and can replace blood.

Richard again carefully looked for a while, put down the glass bottle in the hand and continue the inspection.

The blood with antiseptic effect is only one aspect. What really matters is the powerful energy hidden in the body of Barbarian. This is the energy close to the source of Plane. It is very pure. It is because of its existence that Barbarian Warrior has far Supernatural limit power, and can maintain activities and retain simple wisdom.

Richard has a vague guess, but it needs further verification.

If unsurprisingly, all answers will be revealed at the core of the original place.

This Barbarian zombie army is extremely powerful, and it can sweep almost half of the Faroe. If Richard is Legendary Mage and Saint Runemaster from Norland, the army assembled in the initial attack has been equivalent to three bottom floating islands. The regular military power of the giants may be difficult to deal with this giant and the Barbarian zombie army.

In the depths of the original place, such a huge power is hidden, and it is no wonder that all those who have sneaked in private over the years have gone.

After dealing with the remains of giants, Broodmother also used this time to initially repair its own beetle. Richard once again set foot on Broodmother, leading this small-scale but extremely powerful army to the sky, towards the initial Fly deep into the land.

After another full day of flight, I encountered dozens of sporadic Barbarian zombies Warrior on the way, and Richard finally found the secret hidden deep in the original land.

It is a shallow and gentle valley, nestled on a low peak. Although this mountain is less than a kilometer high, it is very abrupt in the endless initial place.

I finally saw Barbarian in the valley, and there were more than a dozen villages in it, and Richard also saw a large lush field with abnormally grown crops that did not belong to this season. The whole valley seemed vibrant and even too vigorous. , Even Green Forest Plane.

Richard ’s eyes fell on the hill, which was full of black rocks, several huge fissures were constantly sprayed with large groups of steam, there were more than a dozen large and small caves at the foot of the mountain, and there were Barbarian In and out.

The consciousness of Richard suddenly went into a trance, and I heard the huge heartbeat in that night again. This time it was clearer and the sound was more lasting, and caused the three hearts of Richard to beat together, almost letting him spit out blood.

Richard was shocked and immediately united his will, forcibly driving that heartbeat away from consciousness.

Overlooking the whole valley, Richard‘s eyebrows were locked tightly.

Now he is almost certain that the heartbeat comes from the valley below, but Richard does not understand why this heartbeat will make him so strongly resonated.

And this time Richard can more clearly distinguish the subtleties of this jump, in addition to the most powerful heartbeat, there are two other much smaller heartbeat sounds, one of which is so weak that it is almost imperceptible, But it really exists.

The turmoil started in the valley, and someone has seen the army flying slowly in the air.

Many Barbarian Warrior rushed from everywhere, staring at the sky, waving their weapons in vain, and the violent Warrior struggling to throw the spear in their hands, but they could not touch the Broodmother flying in the air of hundreds of meters at all.

Richard‘s gaze swept through the Barbarian below, and found many Warriors with a level higher than Level 10. The leader even reached Level 18, but despite the Saint Realm power, this Barbarian leader still can’t fly.

“Prepare to attack and completely occupy here.”

With the order of Richard, Broodmother, Star Chrysalis and Feifei started to land, Feathered Serpent dived first and continued to bombard with intensive magic to disperse the formation of Barbarian.

Soon Rune Knight and the Frost Warrior assembled, and began to advance into the valley, and the followers also took action, staring at the strong man who might appear in the valley.

The battle was exceptionally smooth. The Frost Samurai defeated Barbarian at the first charge, and then the forceful followers led the Rune Knight to repeatedly intersect and split. Thousands of Barbarian Warrior were divided into dozens of places, fighting each other.

At this moment, dozens of tall Warrior suddenly rushed out of the hillside. They were wearing crimson armor. Although they had Barbarian on their faces, forehead stretched out two to several short ones. angle.

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