City of Sin: Forty-eight Cold Iron Sorrows

The courier carried three people flying high and hurried to the next battlefield.

On the way, Richard also met several small-scale Reapers, but Richard was not interested in spending time on them, but rushed directly to the core battlefield. When Richard arrived, the situation on this battlefield was already in jeopardy. Three Legendary Powerhouses seriously wounded two, Saint Realm casualties were more than half, Richard after a hard battle, this eventually wiped out the Reaper here.

There are also fourth and fifth battlefields, but it is no longer necessary to go there, and Richard has received the news. These two battlefields, mainly composed of coalition forces of human nations, have fallen, and the whole army has been annihilated. Even the hundreds of Dark Vanguard Knights sent by Richard to support were not spared. Only a few strong men escaped and were coming to the turbulent place where Richard was located.

The Reaper of these two battlefields is continuing to penetrate, and all the troops of Richard are exhausted. At least one day is needed to catch up and wipe out these Reaper. Before this, the people on the Reaper march You can only ask for happiness.

What makes Richard accident/surprise the most is the cold iron throne’s offensive and defensive warfare. Salenville is surrounded by superior enemies and commands dripping water, and it has repeatedly fought back. It has successfully defended the cold iron throne.

This was originally very good news, because Richard did not provide too much support for Salenville, but when Richard knew the specific course of the battle, he was completely unhappy.

Salenville gave up all the perimeter defenses, and shrunk all the troops into the city. He sent all his Warrior over Level 10 to everyone, and everyone sent a peculiar device. This device is an invention of Salenville. Like a hand-held drum, each drum contains three Reaper power metals, and there is a Magic Array responsible for detonation.

After the war began, massive Reaper flooded into the cold iron throne, the complicated terrain in the city forced Reaper to scatter, and then entered the brutal street battle.

The Warriors who got the explosive device rushed to the High Rank Reaper land combat unit such as the Warrior and mechanical war elephants. The desperate device was installed on the Reaper, and then the Magic Array was activated. When the Magic Array in the drum was activated, the power metal He was strongly stimulated and a violent explosion occurred.

The power of these explosive devices is great, that is, if the mechanical war elephant is blown up three or five times, it will also become scrap iron, and only one piece of Warrior is needed.

But the explosive power is huge, which means that Warrior who rushed up to place the explosive device will also crush bones in the explosion. They are completely fighting with Reaper with their own flesh and life.

The battle with Reaper will always result in heavy casualties, so Salenville is hard at heart, let these Warrior destined to be killed to carry a powerful explosive device, and to die with Reaper.

Even if they fail to reach a high-value goal, even if they knock down a piece of flesh and blood Warrior, it is considered a profit.

On the frontal battlefield, these Level 10 ’s Primary Level knights are at most as powerful as a flesh-and-blood Warrior. In actual combat, due to the rigorous tactical planning of Reaper, in fact, the combat strength is more than the strength of the human army of the same level. Fighting with Reaper, humanity will always be at a disadvantage.

Even in the turbulent western battlefield under the command of Richard, Reaper did not fall out of the way. If Faceless took over the command of important local battlefields, Reaper would even prevail.

When the Richard messenger flew over the cold iron throne, he no longer saw the thick and majestic northern stronghold in his memory, but only a ruin of hundreds of square kilometers.

There are traces of violent explosions everywhere. Many buildings with a long history have only half left. In the ruins, people work like ants. They want to clean up the dead bodies and remove the Reaper ’s body. The wreckage was dragged to the designated square, and they had to dig out the food and blankets in the ruins, otherwise, on a cold night, the only thing waiting for them was death.

There are elderly people, women, and children in the crowd. Even children as young as five or six years old are helping to clean up the rubble. Not many people cry. Time is too precious. Reaper does not know when they will come again. People To survive, there is no time to cry, even if the corpse of a loved one is dragged in the hand.

Many of the dead in the explosion have no bones, and the hard metal skeletons of Reaper can be preserved, but the corpses of the Empire Warrior that have been cleared from the ruins are still piled up on the square.

There are still traces of three slaughterhouses outside the city, but only the ground soaked in blood is left. The Reaper battle was defeated. They put all the combat units into battle, and the transport ship carried a full cabin of flesh and blood. Leave.

On the slaughterhouse, the ground soaked with blood does n’t even have a bit bigger meat, which shows the coldness and efficiency of Reaper.

In the throne of the cold iron, some surviving Warrior are pouring barrels of fire oil on the corpse, and the wooden platoon has been erected among the corpses. When Mages throws fireballs into the corpse, the fire is instantly The flames lit up and gradually engulfed the body.

Until then, no one ca n’t help crying. All the corpses are not allowed to be buried, but must be burned. Now people already know that Reaper will use their corpses as raw materials to produce more killing units. To slaughter their kin, so no one objected to burning the body.

It ’s just that they did n’t leave much time for grief, and it did n’t take long for someone to start shouting and lead people to clean up a new piece of rubble.

This is war.

Richard quickly found Salenville. The emperor is now carrying the wreckage of Reaper in the ruins like an ordinary person. Several mages are busy beside the piled up wreckage.

They carefully picked out the power metal in the wreckage, and then put it in their pockets. The power metal has strong radiation. If it is left for a long time, the body will be permanently damaged. These mages cannot fail Knowing this, but they are not willing to take a few more steps to put the power metal into the magic seal box.

There are too many wrecks. With the number of these mages, it may take half a month to clean up all the wreckage, but how much time is left for them to work slowly, these power metals are the next war The key, so all mage are working like crazy.

Richard has landed on the square, but the busy Mages has no one to look up.

Mountainsea suddenly said: “These things have radiation, why not put them in magic seal box.”

Finally, a middle-aged mage raised his head and looked at Mountainsea, then said lightly: “little brat, can we survive the next battle? We don’t know what this radiation is. Come out, how come the next battle is a death, it is worthless to die. “

Mountainsea opened his mouth a little and was speechless.

Richard knew that she had just woke up and was still confused about many things, so she patted her head and took her to Salenville on the other side of the square.

Salenville threw the Reaper wreckage in his hands onto the wreckage pile before coming to the Richard. He smiled and said: “I didn’t expect I will win here.”

“I did not expect that the number of Reaper is much more than I originally expected.”

Salenville sighed and asked: “How is the situation on other battlefields.”

“The entire battlefield on the 4th and 5th was annihilated, only some strong men escaped, and the remaining three battlefields were defended, but they also won terribly.”

“So, we have lost half of our military power.”

Richard shook his head and said, “Two thirds.”

“The pressure there should be the biggest, how many Reaper have come.”

“Probably three times as much here.”

Salenville was startled, then sighed and said, “There shouldn’t be much left in the crimson army.”

Richard nodded and said: “The main legion has lost 80%. Next I will transfer the second line and even the garrison troops. In addition, I plan to recruit troops from the southern countries and mobilize all their elite troops to the crimson , Enrich the defense force. “

“Those kings Grand Duke will not agree.”

“I still have a little time, and which kingdom dares not agree, I will send someone to kill their royal family.” Richard said that the tone of slaughtering a royal family was like talking about killing a few sheep.

Salenville glanced at the surrounding ruins and said: “Richard, you can also see the situation here. If there is no reinforcement, we will not be able to support the next battle anyway, what are you going to do.”

Richard pondered, but did not answer for a while.

The most realistic way at this moment is to bring all human beings together, but this is just an ideal plan, not feasible.

If the civilians of the Cold Iron Throne are going to migrate to the Crimson Kingdom, they will have to walk for several months on the road alone, not to mention a few months, just ten days, or they may be intercepted by Reaper halfway. It must be annihilated by the whole army, and it is better to defend in the strong city of the cold iron throne.

The battle with Reaper has only been more than 20 days now. The Plane Channel leading to Green Forest and Flowing Gold Valley has not been completely completed. The time flow rate of Flowing Gold Valley has been accelerated by Richard through Sacrificial Offering to the same level as Green Forest, and Gangdor To Flowing Gold Valley, together with Cyrden, was responsible for clearing the giant clan there, to develop enough living space for the subsequent arrival of humans.

In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, Richard gritted his teeth to pay Gangdor fifty Rune Knight, three hundred night elves, and four Saint Realm powerhouses.

However, if you do n’t concentrate the surviving humans of Faro, it means that you must invest enough strong troops in the Cold Iron Throne. After the second round of war with Reaper, the high-end troops under Richard have strength. It is still there, but most of the ordinary military power has been lost, and the military strength is seriously insufficient. In this case, it is obviously a taboo to divide the troops.

The most rational approach is to give up the cold iron throne, let the people here self-exist and self-defeating, to concentrate their forces, it is possible to withstand Reaper third round offensive.

Richard glanced at Salenville.

In the eyes of the emperor puppet emperor, he saw no hope or anxiety. In Salenville‘s eyes, there was only calmness, as calm as the water.

PS: In a plain day, we need surprises.

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