City of Sin: Five-five battles

The silence on the decisive battlefield was like no one, so quiet that the elder could hardly believe his ears. He began to run at full speed, no longer regardless of the so-called image and majesty, and then rushed into the decisive battlefield For a moment, he was just there, like those in the field.

At this moment, there is only a clear and loud voice in the battlefield, a panting sound like a beast tired of collapse, that is the panting sound of Richard.

Richard is still standing. Although he stands reluctantly, he does.

Barbarian Slaughterer is inserted on the ground, almost half of Richard leans on Barbarian Slaughterer in order to maintain standing without falling, blood is flowing from his body to Barbarian Slaughterer, then slides down the blade, and a large A pool of blood, several scary serrated tooth tips on the knife body are also dripping blood downward.

The hot blood dropped drop by drop in the blood beach, and the click sound was clear and recognizable.

Much of the body of Richard was soaked in blood, his face was miserable white as paper, big drops of sweat were rolling out, soaking his clothes, mixed with blood, he gasped desperately like a fish thrown ashore Sometimes, he even lowered his head and put his weight on the knife, only to gasp, no matter how much gasping, Richard‘s lungs seemed to be on fire, unspeakably uncomfortable, there was always in the breath Thick smell.

Looking at the appearance of Richard, I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to lift another finger, but behind him, the blood mallet fell to the ground, most of the upper body and the head disappeared, and the splattered flesh reached 20 meters away Judging from the traces, the blood mallet was as if the body had exploded.

No matter what the process is, the result is clear, Richard is still alive, and Bloodmaul is dead.

An Level 18, Archmage with take poison still alive, but the High Level totem warrior of Level 19 died, but the elder refused to believe his eyes for a while.

The crowd watching the battle is another mood.

At the beginning of the decisive battle, they saw Richard raised his sword and raised his eyebrows, and then a kind of blunt murderous aura, which was completely unclear, rose into the sky. Some people with weaker Spiritual Power even thought that they saw a high rush over Richard High blood column.

Blood mallet is rushing, Richard is also rushing, the two passed by in an instant, the blood mallet’s heavy mallet fell empty, and a shallow and long wound was scratched under the rib.

After passing by, the blood mallet was stiff like on the spot, slowly bowing his head, looking at his injury strangely, and then suddenly burst of blood mist on the battlefield.

Blood is spattering like a fountain, and it ’s hard to imagine how much blood there is in a person ’s body.

Ten meters away, Richard, like a traveler who had just walked out of the desert, slumped his long knife on the ground and gasped desperately.

Any powerful Barbarian Tribe strong person feels that Richard is in a somewhat abnormal state, but they have never imagined that the High Level totem warrior blood mallet, which is quite outstanding in Holy Temple, was killed by a knife, and died so tragically. This scene is so shocking that even after such a long time, people watching the battle are still holding their breath subconsciously.

On the whole battlefield, only Richard is desperately breathing like a fish ashore.

Richard wins.” The referee’s voice was delayed for a long time, but finally came, this battle, in any case, there can be no more variables.

At this time, the silence on the sidelines was broken, so there was a loud bang, people were talking about it, they were talking desperately, or asking desperately, just suppressed too long, so that everyone spoke desire.

“Is the reason for the knife, I don’t know why, that knife makes me feel terrible.” More than one person asked.

“No, certainly not, the power of the knife is not as great as this, it must be a powerful Combat Skill, similar to our Barbarian Tribe burst shock.” More than one person answered this , But there are far fewer people answering, they are all really strong, and their eye experience is extraordinary.

“True … terrible.” I do n’t know who said this suddenly, but in a noisy voice, this sentence was so clear that everyone heard it, and then suddenly Silence.

Even if it is the Barbarian Tribe who admires the strong man, no one is laughing at the young Warrior who has lost his emotions. Everyone is thinking, if they were standing on the position of the blood hammer just now, can they escape Richard? The answer to this question made most people shudder.

The course of Richard is extremely clear, so that everyone can see clearly, and the blood hammer can also see clearly, but it ca n’t be avoided. This is an indescribable knife. Looking back at this moment, several powerful elders turned out to be It was found that the blade of Richard did not shake at all.

Maybe this seems to be nothing, but in terms of martial arts, it means that the knife in the Richard opponent has been controlled to the level of whatever you want. There are several excellent martial skills passed down in Holy Temple. The first is to require the warrior to have this control. Force, because the requirements are too harsh, so that these martial arts are often broken down and no one can use it for a whole generation.

This knife is almost unstoppable.

For the powerful Barbarian Tribe Warrior, occasionally being hit by an opponent is not a big deal at all. Injuries are commonplace, but the body of the blood mallet warned the countrymen with splattered tens of meters of blood and was razed by Richard The end of the game, even the blood hammer can not stand a knife, and several of the people present dare to pick up the Richard knife.

This knife is incredibly powerful, and the consumption seems equally huge. Richard‘s appearance now is proof, maybe he can’t issue the second knife, but who can know this.

The time has passed. When I gave Richard a break, people with knowledge were secretly anxious, but most people did n’t think there was anything wrong. Both sides of the decisive battle are warriors. Of course, we must fight in the best state, and The opponent who is going to fight against Richard in the next game has not ended the battle.

Hearing the announcement of the end of the game, Richard used a long knife as a walking stick, walked back to his position one by one and sat down, then closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the opponent in the next game, beheading the blood With the hammer’s knife, Richard used all the power of Absolute Execution, and a full five Absolute Execution combined with the power of Barbarian Slaughterer created a horrible knife.

The blade is only a few centimeters into the flesh, but the vitality of the blood mallet has been cut off in an instant, and an effect similar to Implosion has been produced, causing most of the body of the blood mallet to be crushed.

But the cost of this knife is also huge. Absolute Execution directly extracts the energy of the body to maintain its operation. Richard is in a poisoned state. This has caused permanent damage to the body. Richard silently evaluated the injury and suddenly revealed With a smile.

Living three years less.

If you return your opponent ’s life with three years of life, the business is quite profitable. Although Richard thinks this way, she knows that with the full-strength knife just like that, she still has the most power. If it is used in the next One game, then Richard can enter the quarterfinals, I am afraid it will stop there.

Richard suddenly laughed, and now he still has room for bargaining, killing one is one, killing people under the eyes of the elders is equivalent to giving them a loud slap in the face, Richard calmed down, and slowly adjusted and repaired Against the functions of the body, and the poison.

In the distance, behind a window where you can see the entire battlefield, two men are standing at the moment.

“This Richard really is a variable. Fortunately, I have already prepared. Do you still think that you can defeat him without suspense.” Huwen said slowly, with a voice of Ssss in his voice.

Sixth Prince Urie still has strong self-confidence, saying: “This knife may not be able to cut me, even if I ca n’t hide it, with the powerful defense of Urie, he is also difficult to cut through. Have you not seen it yet, the essence of Richard is still It ’s an Archmage, it ’s impossible to have an attack power of Saint Realm level. ”

Huwen shook his head and said: “This is not all the cards of Richard.”

“You mean that he still has hidden means, it’s already like this, he still has all the cards.” Urie was a little surprised.

“He certainly has a means.” Huwen gloomy said, “I know how to look at people’s eyes, and from his eyes, I can still see hope.”

Urie shrugged and said, “He can survive the next game first.”

At this moment, there are dozens of red steel needles walking around in the body of Richard. Not to mention the pain, Mana is still slowly and firmly descending. At this moment, it has dropped Level 1 again. So far, Richard all the way I have tried it, and I still can’t stop the poison. At most, it can only be slightly delayed, but Richard is very calm at this time, and he is recovering Mana wholeheartedly to fight the poison.

A rude voice came from the field at this time: “Richard, your opponent in this field is me, how long do you have to rest.”

Richard opened his eyes and stood a typical Barbarian Tribe Warrior, wearing Barbarian Tribe traditional Warrior dress, this costume is colorful, is Warriors must wear at major celebrations, this Barbarian Tribe Warrior has just experienced After a fierce battle, it seems that the power is also consumed a lot, and there are still a lot of wounds on his body. The serious hastily bandaged it, and if it was not serious, it made them exposed like that.

The strong man roared with thunder: “I am Mza from South Klandor, remember my name, because I will kill you here, you can go to the gods of Norland after death, Lao Tzu in Klandor, etc. Written. “

Richard took hold of Barbarian Slaughterer, leaned on it to stand up, and slowly walked towards the battlefield. He was so weak that he might fall at any time, but for some reason, Mzah felt his heart beating faster and faster. .

The body of the Bloodmaul has already been towed away, and the venue has been washed with water, but there are still large pieces of dark-red blood stains on the ground, which just unfolded in front of Richard, as if a carpet of flesh and blood was laid for him.

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