City of Sin: Fifty-first initial secret

Richard silently calculated and found that the energy it burst out with every ordinary pulse was even higher than his full blow. He could n’t help but be shocked, so he most intuitively saw the power gap between him and Demon Great Lord, That is not on an order of magnitude at all.

A small source rich in Plane‘s intrinsic power bypasses the hill and forms a small lake on the side and back. Demon Great Lord lies in the lake water. The lake is very shallow, and most of its body is exposed outside, and the lake water converges here. The Plane native energy rich in water is continuously absorbed by Demon Great Lord and eventually disappears into the heart.

I do n’t know how many years of death Demon Great Lord seems to rely on the Plane intrinsic power to maintain the vitality of the heart.

This is the real secret of the original place.

It’s just that the gap between Plane‘s original power is also huge.

The abyss does not know how many layers there are. In addition to supporting at least one Great Lord, each layer can make several or even dozens of Lesser Lord live well. In addition, there are countless large, medium and small Demon.

Faro, just maintaining a heart Undead (not dead) of Demon Great Lord, caused a vast area thousands of kilometers from the original land to become a Jedi.

Richard looked into the distance and saw a deep gully in this vast land, which extended from the small lake to the distant smoke. From the traces, this Demon Great Lord should have struggled all the way and finally crawled to Here, he finally tried his best to die, and the long ravine was the trace left by the last journey of his life.

What is there that can kill a Demon Great Lord, and who established the magic circle that draws the original power of Plane, and has maintained the vitality of Great Lord heart for 10 million/whatever happens years.

Richard ’s perception swept around, and no other signs of life were found within a kilometer. The Demon hidden in the hall did not know where to escape.

The Richard flew deep into the space along the deep ditch. A flight was several tens of kilometers. The surrounding temperature began to rise significantly, the mist gradually turned into a rich sulfur smell, and the toxic substances began to increase. By this time, the environment was Some are close to the abyss, and it is difficult for ordinary human Warrior to survive. Only Level 10 and above can move freely.

Continue to fly forward, around the body is all dense fog, as if there is no end, Richard is just stubbornly moving forward with that intuition in his consciousness, the next moment he suddenly penetrated the heavily dense fog, the vision in front of him suddenly opened, can not help but on the spot Froze.

Before Richard is an ancient battlefield. On the scorched earth, millions of Demon are still fighting at the last moment.

Time seems to be frozen here.

Demon ’s opponents are strange creatures, and they look like giant beetles.

The number of beetles is less than a hundred, but each one is more than ten meters high and nearly a hundred meters long. The shape is almost the same as Demon Great Lord. These beetles have six to eight huge blades. You can know the power by looking at the size. Very large, many beetle blades still wear a few Greater Demon.

In the middle of the battlefield, there is a black hill.

But when you look closely, Richard suddenly found that it was a giant insect much larger than Broodmother. Its lower body with a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers was short and thick, with hundreds of pairs of articulated feet supporting the body. The upper body is now Falling to the ground, if it is upright, it should be several thousand meters high, and thousands of small and sharp arthropods are densely covered on its upper body, which makes people shudder.

Around the giant insects, surrounded by dense ants like Demon, they seem to die at the same time, many of them still maintain the charge posture, and on the giant insects, they are also crawling without knowing tens of thousands of heads Demon, they It seems to want to climb to the top of the giant worm. Compared with these Demon, the giant worm is a mountain.

Richard can imagine that when these Demons climb upward, the thousands of blades on the giant insect ’s body become the most terrifying meat grinder, harvesting life in pieces.

From the last-minute image on the battlefield, Richard concluded that the giant worm sent a kind of mental shock-like skill with Soul Power, covering hundreds of square kilometers, and all life within the range was instantly killed.

But in the end, the Demon side won the war, but the surviving Demon Great Lord finally struggled to climb a few tens of kilometers, could no longer support it, and finally fell.

Before this giant worm that has never been seen before, the Richard feels a bit difficult to breathe. The huge mountain-like body is overwhelming. Before this existence, Richard suddenly Those who think that human beings have the arrogant and boastful nature of Saint Realm, what legends and the like are completely a joke.

At this moment, a very bold idea emerged in Richard heart.

Whether Demon, the ancient Titan, or the legendary dragon clan, the stronger the power, the larger the body, and the huge body is indeed the best carrier to carry power.

Human powerhouses generally like to maintain their original body shape, but after the powerhouse powerhouse enters the legendary realm, their bodies will inevitably increase somewhat. Phillip Emperor, who is as fat as a hill, is implicitly a human race. The first strong man, like Indefiniteness, takes the skill line.

Although Legendary Powerhouse puts more emphasis on controlling the rules and fighting with the power of the rules, when the pure power is to a certain extent, the rules will also be broken. Richard is considering that as the power grows, whether or not to go This way of making the body huge.

Richard flew towards the giant worm, but the insignificant Mana aroused during the flight, like Mars igniting the entire grassland, instantly broke the stagnation of this world in 10 million/whatever happens.

Under Richard, all the Demon statues began to disintegrate, then turned into fine fly ash, quickly annihilated, not only Demon, but also the giant beetles disintegrated and annihilated. In front of Richard the smoke disappeared and disappeared completely.

Richard stunned, involuntarily floated in the air, staring blankly at the huge behemoth in the center of the battlefield also began to disintegrate, stucco rolled down, if there was an avalanche, in a blink of an eye, the mountain-like body Also go with the wind.

In an instant, Richard understands that no matter Demon or the giant beetle, the energy level far exceeds the Faro level. After their death, the energy will continue to be lost. After thousands of years, only one touch will be left. Fragile body that shatters.

The Demon Great Lord may be for survival, or it may be a reason that cannot be traced back now, and it has laid out its own magic circle that draws the Plane ’s original power. As it exists, it can be used to spread a thousand kilometers below it. Great circle.

It was only later that this energy-enhancing circle was used by the Demon who did not dare to show up.

When the body of the giant worm completely disappeared, the earth suddenly shook, and the ground fell down, and the deeper and deeper, the stucco earth and stone continued to fall into the depths. In the blink of an eye, there was an extra kilometer in diameter in the center of the battlefield. Tiankeng.

Richard flew over the sky pit and looked down. The pit was really deep. There was diffuse fog below a kilometer, covering the scenes deeper, and the fire was faintly hidden in the fog.

After a little hesitation, Richard flew directly to the bottom of the pit. When he flew into the thick fog, the perception suddenly became awkward. Richard immediately understood that the surrounding space was abnormal, and it was probably a super-large one. Transmission channel.

This time the trip was not long. Soon Richard flew from the other end of the channel. When he saw the surroundings, he couldn’t help but stunned again.

The sky here is infinitely far-reaching, but for dark-red, from time to time there is a flash of fire falling from the sky dome.

With a strong and hot breath in the wind, breathing into the lungs is as uncomfortable as the fire, Richard Legendary Level‘s body automatically filters harmful substances, but this also makes Richard realize the harsh environment, in this place where the temperature exceeds 70 degrees, Even the strong Saint Realm will not stay long.

The ground is black, and lava rivers are flowing on the rugged ground. From time to time, molten squirts spew out of the ground gaps, rushing up to hundreds of meters in the sky before roaring and falling back.

The smell of sulfur and flames is full of mouth and nose, familiar and unfamiliar, Richard instantly has the illusion of standing on the family cemetery, but there are impurities vaguely like hostility in the breath, making his blood want to boil involuntarily.

In the field of vision of Richard, hundreds of small Demons are wandering, and at the same time, dozens of battles take place, and the battle between your life and death will erupt between the small Demons from time to time.

A little Demon found Richard, and he was immediately excited and leaped.

Richard was speechless, Xu Yang lifted his right hand, grasped the head of the little Demon, and then the blue fire appeared, and instantly burned its head to ashes, thumped, the headless body of the little Demon fell to the ground, his hands and feet were still there. Twitching.

This true and corpse also makes Richard understand where he is.

Here is the abyss.

Richard turned around. Behind him, there was a mirror-like space in the air, that is the exit of the Plane transmission channel, but this channel was extremely huge, and the diameter was even one kilometer. However, if it is not so large, such a solid Plane Channel ca n’t Let an abyss Great Lord and its million troops pass.

Richard on the spot stood for five minutes before persuading himself to accept the reality. He did come to the abyss. In these five minutes, he killed more than ten small Demons.

These little Demon only have six Level 7 levels in the endless corridor, but in the abyss, they are covered with a vague red light, and their strength suddenly rises to the ** level, but the little Demon also has its own wisdom, and is being After Richard killed a dozen companions lightly, they left the area where Richard was located.

Richard did n’t stay much. Although this Plane transmission channel has been abandoned for a long time, it does not mean safety. The smell of Demons is extremely keen. Maybe there will be more Demons coming soon after Richard. Don’t care about Greater Demon, but never want to fight an abyss Lesser Lord in an abyss environment.

After returning to the ancient battlefield, Richard settled down and began to summon followers.

PS: The gap between Chapter 49 and Chapter 50 is really unbearable.

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