City of Sin: Fifteen cannot be rejected

The perception of Lufu is very keen, and immediately sensed the deep and obscure Divine Power fluctuations on Scroll. Knowing that this is a High Level Divine Spell Scroll high-grade Divine Spell Scroll has always been the patent of each Great Temple. It is not a believer of God, and it has no use for it Lufu didn’t touch too much. The only thing that made him feel uneasy is that the Divine Power fluctuation on this Scroll is very strange. It makes people involuntarily think of the Demigod speculation behind the Richard that Amman told him

“This is Divine Spell Scroll, I’m afraid I can’t use it” Lufu said

Level 5 Divine Spell, should the war puppet Divine Spell Lufu have heard of it?”

“War puppet?” Lufu was taken aback

War puppet is a High Level Divine Spell that is available in all major God Departments, it can make the target’s attack defense, even the degree and recovery ability greatly improved, the specific effect varies according to Divine Power, but the war puppet has always only been effective for people with high beliefs And the Priest that can learn it is also very rare. Every four or five High Priests, there will be a Priest who masters the war puppet

For this reason, although surprised by the rarity of this Scroll, Lufu ’s enthusiasm has completely faded away. No matter how powerful the war puppet is, nor is he able to use it on the auction floor, the value of the gold coins is not yet in Lufu In the eyes of

But the next paragraph of Richard made his powerful heart of Saint Realm force jump like crazy: “This Scroll is a little special, and it can drive power without faith. It should be smaller than the normal war puppet, but if Used at critical moments, there may be power to reverse the situation “

Can you drive without faith? Lufu was taken aback, that is tarnished Divine Spell Scroll but tarnished Level 5 Divine Spell Scroll? Various thoughts flashed in Lufu‘s heart, which means that the caster is at least an High Priest **** with High Priest, but it is not a Demigod, it is a True God

Lufu is still thinking about it, and the next sentence of Richard raises his heart again, “This is just the power of First Layer and its power is divided into three layers, but to activate the power of Second Layer and Third Layer, you need to believe.”

The expression of Lufu is slightly condensed

Richard laughed very harmlessly, as if not seeing Lufu unnatural, and pointed to a piece of magic paper placed under Scroll, saying: “On this paper, there is this True God‘s introduction, teachings and belief points if People who use Scroll decide to believe in it, and they can immediately activate the power of Scroll Second Layer. At that time, they will get additional powerful defense bonuses, and the weapons will simultaneously add Divine Power damage. This kind of damage is difficult to resist, and it is difficult to be healed by Divine Spell But the power of Third Layer requires a relatively devout faith “

Anrek Family is Ancestral Worship, Lufu originally had a natural rejection of the belief of True God, but the Cleric that he encountered before was nothing more than a praise for True God ’s power. He never talked about Divine Power like Richard. It seems that its use is only enhanced Strength

The Scroll function depicted in the Richard mouth, regardless of Divine Power damage or additional defense, can greatly increase his combat effectiveness. This is the most direct power to reverse the battle. In addition, Richard ’s tone of faith is too light, as if it was just to him Demonstrating the magic effect of an auxiliary gain state, especially according to Richard‘s belief in this **** can take effect on the spot, making Lufu, which has heard various Cleric persuasion, have a very unreal feeling

“What is the power of Third Layer?” Lufu asked hardly

Richard made Lufu wish to kill him with a leisurely tone: “If, I mean, if you can stimulate the power of Scroll Third Layer, you will get two effects. The first one is recovery, lasting about half a minute. The second is Deified Weapon. The weapon in hand will be replaced by a Divine Power weapon, replacing the original effect with a powerful Divine Power damage “

Lufu took a breath on the spot

Every second of recovery is equivalent to an ordinary Healing Spell. With this effect, it is almost equivalent to Undead (not dead) and Deified Weapon in half a minute. Simply put, the damage is equivalent to the double knife of Sinclair. Outperform any existing weapon in Lufu‘s hands

If you can fully stimulate the three layers of power of Scroll, Lufu will not only be a puppet of war, but will become a war machine. During the Scroll excitation, Superimposed Rune effect, Lufu can even use one enemy two Tuba and Chuck stopped

The Lufu looks so fierce and so powerful. The eyes of the war puppet Scroll are extremely fierce, and my heart is tumbling with raging waves. This is a Scroll of Level 5, which can be regarded as a legendary magic weapon, but the cost of driving is Is faith

Anrek Family is Ancestral Worship, Lufu is not the heir to the heirs, and the profession is also a swordsman. Although the foundation of the early Battle Aura is derived from blood, he has now entered Saint Realm, so in general it is not greatly affected by faith.

The Ancestral Worship family is not a member of the True God without faith, mostly in the long history of the family, for political or other reasons, but the believers of the Ancestral Worship bloodline are not only mostly polytheistic beliefs, but also some The believer said it bluntly, that there is no benefit in trusting, and there is no penalty for changing the letter. Most of the time, it is just a symbol of stance.

But Lufu is still a bit different. He is the current head of the family, the younger brother of Marquis Anrek. Even if it is not a maternal strength and faith, Lufu never thought that one day, he needs to choose between the two.

At this time, Richard said slowly, “Of course, this little toy, Master Lufu may not need to be used to give it away, and it will not be rude”

So Lufu‘s next breath was sturdy and blocked in his chest. He decided to sleepless tonight. He must first study the content on the paper under Scroll thoroughly.

After Lufu treasured magic seal box and left, Richard smiled slightly. Lufu ’s reaction was completely as he expected and the Saint Realm swordsman ’s ending was certainly unsurprising. He would always encounter strong Enemy, there will always be times when you need to use this Scroll

Since Lufu already knows the great power of Scroll three layers, Richard does n’t believe that Lufu will hold back and change it to Ancestral Worship. As long as it is not based on blood power, it will hardly be punished. Just Richard knows that Lufu is not

Dragon of Eternity and Time, this name alone can hold a large group of people, and as long as Lufu looks at the paper, you will be surprised to find that as an extremely powerful True God, its threshold for entry to faith is as low as almost No, the price paid for faith can be said to be minimal. Lufu only needs a light heart turn, even if it is a believer

So easy

The cost of maintaining faith is not high. If it is not Sacrificial Offering, there is almost no cost. But Richard also knows that all those who are capable will always choose Sacrificial Offering for the first time, and there will be a second time. For the third time … Dragon of Eternity and Time never compels believers and hardly punishes them, but as long as people have ** in their hearts, Sacrificial Offering has no end at all

The most important thing is that Dragon of Eternity and Time does not exclude other gods, that is to say, the power of the old dragon is strong enough, but there are few gods who agree that the believer has a multi-god belief

But Lao Long does n’t mind the belief in polytheism, does n’t mean that other gods do n’t mind. Once Lufu has enabled the power of Scroll Third Layer, the belief in Dragon of Eternity and Time will imprint on his soul

For Gods of Faro Plane, if Lufu wants to change his letter, he will surely be seen by God, unless Lufu can find a way to remove it, or get God ’s understanding, but the imprint is deep or not, and Divine Power The quantity is directly related. Who can erase the brand imprinted on Divine Power of Dragon of Eternity and Time? The gods may forgive the former believers of the local hostile god, but they will never let go of a believer of the Foreign Plane ****

So, Clark To spend the next week Divine Power At the cost of this war puppet, processed by the quicksand with the talent of breaking dawn Scroll , Absolute value for money can even be said that every future Scroll , Will create a strong ally

The smile on Richard‘s face gradually faded away, and Chuck, Tuba, Black Wing and the unknown shooter, these names began to emerge in his mind

He sat down quietly in front of the window, his eyes fell in the deep night, but Wisdom Blessing had fully activated Wisdom Blessing of Rank 2, and at the same time provided Richard with ten times the thinking of ordinary people. Countless battle programs one by one emerged, and Various reasons were rejected, but in the end, there are still more than ten kinds of combat plans remaining. Under these plans, Richard is confident that with the existing power in hand, one of Tuba or Chuck remains

Until then, Richard really realized what kind of power he had in his hands

In the early morning of the next day, Richard began to gather troops, and finally assembled an elite army consisting of 100 Barbarian Warrior, 200 Shaman cavalry, 200 Demon Hunter Spear and all Throwers. At dusk, Richard took this army The troops disappeared into the vast Bloodstained Lands

In this attack, Richard ’s costume changed again. He no longer wears the traditional robe of Mage, but puts on a fencing suit that is easy to move, wraps a cloak covering the sand outside, and carries two on the back. One of the long knives is the elven unnamed long knife, the other is slightly shorter is the Sinclair long knife

In the next few days, a terrible tornado crossed the blue water oasis, and all Red Cossack strongholds were wiped out within a hundred kilometers.

Richard is as strong as the wind, nine wins and nine victories, annihilates the enemy over a thousand, but its own losses are more than a dozen people. At least on a small battlefield, Richard can be called a **** like a soldier

This life harvesting team is wandering in Bloodstained Lands. After a few days of unpredictable movements, a Red Cossack Second Class Caravan appears in the sight of Richard

This is not accidental, but someone sold the caravan information to Richard

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