City of Sin: Eleventh new era?

Richard followers either because of bloodline talent, or because of Rune weapons, the combat power is far above the opponents of the same level, so that in recent years such a saying has become popular, “Dare to call themselves Kingdom Guardian in Crimson Duchy, that Is the real Kingdom Guardian. “

Today, because of the return of Richard, this huge and terrifying war machine has finally started.

At dusk, several Wyvern carrying the messenger took off from Oasis City and flew to various human powers to deliver the message of the three goddesses Oracle Spear of Divine Punishment Richard preparing to launch the War of the Gods to the aliens.

There are two messengers flying to Iron Triangle Empire, one flying to Great Temple of God of Spacial Stability, and the other is going straight to the Imperial Palace. Long-distance flight is always difficult, but if the Broodmother knight is sitting on the back of Wyvern, then It doesn’t matter, anyway, the role of the envoys this time is just sending and receiving letters.

The dinner of Richard was eaten in the magic laboratory. Naturally, eating and eating Lucy became the same thing.

Lucy is not quicksand, no matter how professional it is, it cannot withstand the terrible power of Bear Head Warlord essence. In a blink of an eye, she is torn to death, but she has perseverance, and she has no strength to fight back, but she is still unyielding. Staring at Richard excites Richard to speed up the frequency and intensity of attacks again. Normally, this is a strategy that can shorten the combat time. Unfortunately, the physical strength of Richard is almost endless. Lucy soon found himself wrong.

The war ended within an hour. Richard finally recovered its confidence. Lucy took a short break. Once it was able to act, it stood quietly beside Richard, waiting for Richard to inquire.

Richard made a round in the whole laboratory, and found that there were more accident/surprise in Rune, and the work he had left for Lucy was completed except for the last Magic Array.

In the corner of the bookcase, Richard accident/surprise glanced at a stack of design drawings. The pattern on it was never seen before, so he was curious and reached out and picked it up.

Lucy suddenly became nervous and said, “This … this was designed when I was fine …”

Richard un’ed, glance at the top design, this is a Rank 1 power, but there is a gap with the ordinary version of Rank 1 Rune, the design itself is very delicate, there are many commendable points.

“However, I … After I designed it, I made some of it, used some materials, and did not get your permission. I will deduct it from my compensation in the future …” Lucy‘s voice is getting smaller and smaller .

Richard is un’ed again, continue to look at the second and third design drawings, just when Lucy still wants to say something, Richard sighed and said, “Okay, Lucy, I still Do n’t know you, do n’t pretend to be weak and naive. These Runes are a bit interesting. Well, indeed, they are Runeset. ”

Lucy was stunned: “But you haven’t seen two yet …”

“The weakened version of the wild barriers, the last two do n’t need to be read.” Richard put down the design in his hand, looked at Lucy, and asked, “Speak, how many sets did you make.”

“… Twenty sets.”

Despite some expectations, the numbers spoken by Lucy still surprised Richard. He calculated a little in his heart and asked, “You have never been out of the laboratory.”

“I left 31 days to find inspiration for Ancestral Highlands. In addition, I took three days off. Those days are my birthday, so I reward myself for sleeping all day.”

Richard does n’t really know what to say. He has long known that Lucy ’s unspeakable firm will and diligence are as hard-working as a lunatic, but it ’s easy for one year, and it ’s the same for three years, even he ca n’t do it himself.

“You don’t have to do this, Lucy.”

Lucy threw away all the little girls ’disguise this time and became cold and indifferent. She met Richard ’s gaze and said,“ You gave me a door, and I want to build the whole world behind the door. It ’s my own dream, but I do n’t have your talents, so I can only make up for it with diligence. Richard, maybe one day you will fail or even die. At that time, maybe I ca n’t help you, but at least it can save you Worried about me, I want you to know that even without your support and care, I can live well. This set of Runeset is the proof that I will show you. “

Richard was silent, then nodded.

He thought about it, reached for the drawing, and began to look at the fourth and fifth sheets. This time, his eyes were very serious, and he often stayed on a particular detail for a long time.

This is indeed a weakened version of Rune, all composed of Rank 1 Rune, Runeset comprehensive capacity is only about two-thirds of the original Richard design, but this set of Runeset is really valuable, Lucy removed the most The complex and most demanding Magic Array functions for Runemaster are replaced by a few simpler Magic Array combinations, which is equivalent to increasing the workload of drawing Rune, but the requirements for Runemaster itself are greatly reduced, it can be said Can draw these Runemaster of Rank 1 Rune, can finish such Runeset.

The world of Runemaster is completely pyramid-shaped. A large number of ordinary Runemaster support this world, and looking at the few people standing on the spire, Rank 1 Runemaster, even in formal occasions, is not recognized as Runemaster, however They are the largest group in the Rune world. They are limited to the direction of talents and abilities. Not every Runemaster can draw all Rune in one level, but a sufficient number of Runemaster can cover all Rank 1 Rune.

“This set of Runeset …” Richard does not know how to evaluate. Rune Knight with Runeset is slightly stronger than Rank 1 parts knight, but it is far less powerful than Runeset designed by Richard. A Level 17 Rune Knight is loaded with Lucy After the Runeset, you can fight against the naked Saint Realm, nothing more.

But the Runeset designed by Lucy is the Runeset that really belongs to the ordinary Rune. She allows the quasi-Runemaster of Rank 1 to manufacture qualified Rune Knight, even if it is only the most common color, even if it may require several or even a dozen different expertise Only quasi-Runemaster cooperation is required.

“Maybe … it opened an era …”

Lucy did not expect that Richard would give such a high evaluation. After a while, Richard put down the design and sighed, saying: “Compared with this design, what I value more is … … Well, oh … just … “

When it comes to such a topic, Richard can’t help expressing it smoothly.

Lucy lightly smiled, said for him: “I know you value me more and I do n’t let you have worries, and you do not like me, but you have given me enough, so do n’t be burdened. Say whatever you want, it will make it easier. “

Richard is speechless again.

“Also, I recruited dozens of candidates for Rune Knight, and added them my designed Runeset, so now in Faro, you have an additional 20 Rune Knight, although they are not very useful.” Lucy said.

The Rune Knight that is not easy to use is also Rune Knight. The two teams of Rune Knights are another surprise from Lucy to Richard. Looking at the clear eyes of Lucy, Richard suddenly understood what it was and asked, “What do you want.”

A bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of Lucy, saying: “I heard that there are a lot of potential mages in Dark Blue. I want ten mages with the ability to draw Rank 1 Rune, or at least most of the functions Magic Array.”

“I will find thirty for you.” After that, Richard knocked on the design drawings again. If you think about it, you said, “You want to continue to develop in this direction.”

“This should be a direction. Rune can be very complex, so complex that it ca n’t be done with the design drawings like Absolute Execution and Crimson Liuhuo, but it can also be made simpler and cheaper, maybe only a 20% reduction Performance, you can reduce the cost and production difficulty by more than half, so why not make a weakened version of Rune. “When it comes to professional issues, Lucy becomes excited.

“A good idea, but control it. Try not to spread this design.” Richard smiled and said, “I do n’t want my elite knight to be given by a large group of low-level Rune in the future. Heap dead. “

Lucy didn’t think of such a problem. After hearing a word, he thought about it seriously. Richard knew that she hadn’t considered the overall situation in detail, so she left her thinking in the laboratory and left quietly.

In the world of Rune, it is always the person standing at the top of the pyramid who decides everything. Relatively speaking, many people can draw Rune, but very few can design Rune.

The standard Rune has been in circulation for hundreds of years, but there have been no major changes. The difficulty of the standard Rune has been maintained to the point where the lowest level Runemaster can do its best to make it good, perhaps as Lucy said Yes, this is not necessary at all, because Rune is never enough, but from another perspective, it is necessary because it allows Grand Runemaster to always stand at the top of the world.

Going back to his study, Richard wrote a letter and sent someone to Blackgold of Deep Blue. The foundation training of drawing Magic Array is not very complicated. Blackgold should have trained a group of Rune apprentices, Richard The first batch required fifty, and he also wanted to see how far she could go if she gave Lucy a platform.

When Richard concentrated on sharpening the combat power in Extinction Area Battlefield, his followers were also chasing their dreams and never stopped.

At this moment, on the vast Ancestral Highlands, a huge plateau mammoth colossus walked. The colossus had a huge posture, and there was a wooden house on the back that could accommodate two people. Now, the wooden roof is regarded as a roof by the people inside. , They each occupy a corner comfortably, one looks at the distant sky and white clouds of the plateau, and the other looks at the boundless horizon.

If Richard is here, it is difficult to recognize these two people at a time. These two people are Endure Quietly and Eio. The two Level 18 High Priests are now wearing highland unique costumes, and they are all wearing headscarves and wearing short clothes for easy riding Can’t see at all that they are actually two Priest.

PS: This week is another new week,

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