City of Sin: Eighty-seven voyage

A duke in the south said with a smile, “Your army is so powerful, it sent 40,000 to go to level Blackrose Castle, and then fled back to a thousand, but you are a 300,000 army, from the beginning In the end, the total strength of Richard did not exceed 50,000. “

“Enough is enough.” The emperor slammed the table suddenly and roared loudly.

The cabinet members stopped the new round of quarrel.

“Whoever doubts the strength of Richard, then go find him to fight, war or duel, you can go, you go.”

The saliva of the angry emperor will be sprayed on the faces of the northern dukes. The dukes are all stunned. It is not expected why the emperor suddenly became so angry.

With a snap, the emperor threw a new document on the table, and face was gloomy said, “Look at it all.”

The Duke and Ministers circulated one by one, and then everyone looked bleak.

The emperor only said sarcastically at this time: “You think people will be afraid of war, now you know.”

This document is the ultimatum sent by Sacred Alliance.

The letter says that one week has passed. If Sacred Tree Empire ca n’t make a final decision within three days, Richard will start a war and “take” the territory it deserves, and an additional letter is added to the letter. Because Richard is fighting in the territory that it deserves, it no longer protects the safety of the lords and the right to pay the ransom.

This is a flagrant threat, and it is based on the genocide of the lords.

The conference hall was silent for a while, and the Minister of Military Affairs said after a while: “If Radiance Church does not play, we are afraid we will not win.”

“I can’t win an Lesser Lord with the power of the dynasty.” The northern duke roared again, this time his territory was to be divided by more than half by Richard, so the opposition was particularly strong.

But halfway through his words, he was suddenly plugged back into his throat. He looked down and looked incredulously at the dagger stuck in his heart. The dagger style was extremely gorgeous and was being held in the emperor’s hand.

The emperor’s face was awkward, and the dagger suddenly twisted, completely crushing the duke’s heart.

“Sorry, from now on, you are no longer the lord of Sacred Tree Empire. The power of the dynasty has nothing to do with you.”

After hearing the emperor ’s words, the Duke both eyes protruded and wanted to say something, but his mouth was full of blood.

“Everyone, does anyone object?” The emperor asked the Dukes of the North calmly.

Except for a few days’ delay at Sacred Tree Empire, Richard‘s actions to harvest the territory are as smooth as expected.

This is the action of the super powers to define their sphere of influence, and it is also the practice of the Norland. However, most of the super powers in the past were encircled in their own countries, and the Richard plan not only includes the three major empires, By the way, a long stretch of coastline was cut from the polar continent.

Just as Richard judged, the lords have no other options for accepting his approach. The war with Sacred Tree Empire under Blackrose Castle is the final turning point. Since then, no one is willing to take the initiative to choose Archeron. Start a war.

Although Richard does not have Qianqi Rune now, various powerful arms derived from Broodmother are emerging in an endless stream, and the powerful men have experienced the brutal battle with Reaper, and their strengths have soared. In comparison, perhaps the most The usual is just Richard, and Richard is only a rise of Level 1.

The 25th-level wizard does not seem to be very powerful on the surface.

Of course, it’s just superficial.

After defeating the Indefiniteness queen, Richard has vaguely entered the first lineup of the super powerhouse. Only some stubborn old guys will doubt the identity and strength of the Richard superpowerhouse by their ranks and past standards.

Richard is still doing nothing. Most of the time in Norland is in a daze. Occasionally, he will go to his Private Plane to eliminate a few eye-catching monsters.

During this time, he only completed one Rank 5 Rune, which is still a very strange water control Rune. This Rune is mainly used by non-marine races when exploring underwater, which can give users a powerful The ability to manipulate the water element, so that even if you fight the sea beast in the deep sea, you will not suffer too much.

This kind of Rune, no matter how wonderful the function is, is also the Rune, but Richard throws it into the points exchange system at random, but I did not expect it to stir up a lot of waves, precisely because of its unique function And the low requirements for carrying capacity have made the strong people interested. In many Plane, underwater is a prohibitive place, but the ocean is a resource-rich world no matter where it is.

The nobles of Faust are still looking forward to a grand Rune conference because Richard has thrown too many Runes into the points system, and there are dozens of types. If you come to a concentrated conference The grand occasion will be unprecedented, but now Richard has no interest in these, he just hangs out or dazes at his own pace.

The only transfer worth discussing is that Archeron sent a legend and a dozen Saint Realm to Extinction Area Battlefield, but this force did not go to the newly forged legion fortress, but stayed at Eternal Day City.

Although the strongmen of Archeron did not play, the marshals of Eternal Day City still welcomed their arrival. After all, each Legendary Powerhouse is a considerable force, and the legend of Archeron is also known for its high strength and luxurious equipment.

That’s it, time passes quietly.

Three months later, the fleets on Floating Ice Bay were finally transformed, so Richard set off to Deep Blue. After reviewing the fleet, they were ready to go to Cangqing mainland.

The messenger of the Millennium Empire came by appointment, and the leader was the Goshawk, but the deputy leader who let Richard accident/surprise was Mina. In the eyes of Richard, such a weak and weak little Saint Realm ran to the Cang Qing mainland Going is purely uncomfortable. Richard doesn’t think how peaceful this trip will be.

Richard The road map to the Abyss is definitely necessary, but the high elves are famous for their arrogance and arrogance, and they are driven out by humans. Norland Yes, nature hates humans so deeply, when Richard When we arrived at the Cang Qing mainland, it was estimated that it would be a good result if we did not start fighting immediately.

Cangying is naturally a very useful partner. Even Richard admits that if a senior Scholar Mage is used in the right place, it will indeed play a great role.

It is also for this reason that Richard left Raymond at the beginning to have the following series of changes, but the fate is ultimately unpredictable. If the soul provided by Raymond is not completed, Broodmother cannot resist the call of Reaper. , Has long become a weapon against Richard.

Preparation work for the long-range fleet is gradually ready, just before Richard is ready to depart, an unexpected news comes.

Hettings ’army was defeated by the black vortex fortress. Almost all Warriors were killed in battle. He himself was seriously injured. Although he saved his life after rescue, the damage he suffered was permanent. I am afraid it is impossible. Return to Legendary Level.

In the battle, when the battle started, tens of thousands of Devil Fish suddenly emerged from the black vortex fortress. Although they only have the strength of Level 16, the number is several times that of the army of Hettings, and Hettings is in The command is not very good, and it cannot issue commands through the soul link like Richard, so the command efficiency is also greatly reduced.

In the end, although the Devil Fish troops were completely wiped out and a large number of Daxodas people were killed, they still could not escape the fate of the entire army.

When hearing this news, Richard sighed imperceptibly.

The battle force of this army of Hastings is indeed extremely strong, and the battle has reached the end. If you do not consider the means of obtaining the power source of the army, you can say that it is a major contribution to Norland if it is based on actual combat achievements.

Although the Daxodas won, the regional combat power was badly damaged, the elite troops lost almost half of them, and the team fortresses also lost four. At least in the next few decades, the Daxodas people will be at a disadvantage in this Extinction Area Battlefield.

Since Hettings finally chose to fight the Daxodas in the end, instead of using his soul-infused army in the Norland civil war, Richard decided to still think about it, let him go for a while, and observe for a while Say again.

The time of departure soon came. With a long magic whistle, seven modified giant warships one by one sailed out of the port and sailed towards the distant green continent.

The seven warships are now heavily modified, almost completely different from their original appearance. Buildings with a completely different style from Norland appear on the ship. They are dense but have a strange sense of coordination. If they have participated in the Faro War People who look at it will find that the construction methods of these buildings are very similar to the style of Reaper.

The appearance of the seven giant ships is light and halo from time to time, and their colors are different. They correspond to the color of the seventh quarter moon, and Richard is standing on the pale blue giant ship. Dark Blue Moon Moon Force as a battleship with extra energy was set as the flagship by Richard to remember the sword that Elena stabbed at Gordon.

Standing on the bridge of the extreme pole, Floating Ice Bay and Deep Blue are going away behind Richard, and in front is the endless sea.

Even after seeing the magnificence of the void, the endless sea in front of you will still make you feel small.

Richard is standing against the sea breeze, playing with the last piece of Destiny Crystal Plate. This crystal plate has never been away. In recent years, with the steadily increasing strength of Richard, the opportunities to use it have also increased accordingly. The less, many times Richard simply can’t remember to use it, even during the war with Indefiniteness.

But as long as this piece of Destiny Crystal Plate is still on the body, Richard will feel inexplicably at ease. After all, even at the last moment, he always has a retreat. There is a completely different state of mind between hope and hope, even if it is slim. Hope, that is also hope.

In the war against Reaper, this Destiny Crystal Plate blocked the high-energy beam of Reaper more than once, and even once bounced back a metal kinetic energy bomb, so now Richard uses it more as a lucky charm. When the fingertip touches the lucky crystal plate, Richard will feel that his heart is exceptionally calm.

This is the feeling that destiny is in your hands. Richard now understands what you want to do and what you want.

After the Green Continent, he will go through the world channel of the Abyss abyss and see the dark side of the world.

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