City of Sin: Eighty-one Richard sky

Imperial longbowmen began to scatter and evade. Dodge and block the long arrows of the enemy archers is a compulsory course for every long archer. Those weird long arrows in the sky are rapidly falling, and the front arrow is aimed at one. The captain of the famous archer flew away, the captain showed a disdainful look, swept his arm shield, then swept it down at his feet, then looked up and continued to search the sky for possible arrows threatening himself,

However, at this moment, the archer captain suddenly raised a strong anxiety in his heart, instinctively looked down at his feet, and saw what the arrow that was thought to be useless was twisting, expanding, and bursting out. Emit a very dazzling light,

A roar, the explosive waves not only lifted the archer captain, but also blasted several surrounding archers into the sky. The violent explosions were one after another, and elite long archers who needed at least five years of systematic training Flying up and falling again, many longbowmen did not know where the disaster came from, they had already lost their lives, the sound of explosion exploded into thunder, and thundered reverberating over the sky of Shenqi Mountain pass,

Rislant stood up unconsciously, staring at the long archer ’s position, the wooden armrest was already shattered,

Each arrow fired in the hands of Humanoid Knight is not too terrifying. The Magic Exploding Arrow fired by an Magic Archer of Level 10 is more powerful than this, but a Magic Archer can only shoot three Magic Exploding Arrow every day. , And the number of Magic Archer is scarce, the entire Iron Triangle Empire can not make up 500 people, but now there are enough 5,000 people in the Humanoid Knight visible on the front of the battlefield of Shenqi Yamaguchi,

The Humanoid Knights stationed at the horse-drawn bows and calmly fired a second round of arrow rain. When five thousand special explosive arrows landed one after another, the endless explosion kept clearing one piece after another in the long archer formation. Open space,

After the initial chaos on the Imperial Army side, the Mage Corps first recovered and immediately threw colorful defensive magic into the Longbow team ’s array. There were also Mages that began to intercept the arrow rain in the air, but only after I tried it , Crimson Duchy‘s explosive arrows are very special, and they are not attached to magic effects, so they cannot be detonated with magic resonance at all. Only when the single attack magic directly hits the smoky cylinder, it will explode in the air in advance,

It was too late when the Imperial Army touched the doorway. Two rounds of blows left the long archers killed. Thousands of others were killed. The rest of the archers panicked and dodge. They forgot to return. Only a few elites can keep calm and draw back bows, blasting the explosion arrows of Crimson Duchy in the air. However, such resistance seems to be a waste of money, to no avail. Longbowman is a very necessary unit of command. Once the chaos will become uncompetitive,

Between Humanoid Knight and the long archer, there is a relatively high fence, the two sides can not see each other, the imperial archer is relying on the data from the watchman to roughly aim at a certain area for coverage shooting, but Humanoid Knight Relying on the flying beasts in the sky to replace the eyes,

The situation on the battlefield gathered in Richard for the first time, and then the command was passed to the thinker with the help of Divided Mind under his feet. The thinker would use the speed of thinking not inferior to Richard to decompose the command operation and redistribute it to There are Humanoid Knight,

So the third round of arrow rain shot by the Humanoid Knights is no longer uniform, but has become extremely dispersed, and there is a period of time for archery. This is a wave of quite ugly arrow rain, which also makes Many imperial officers are happy, because most of them mean that the enemy’s physical strength has been consumed almost, there is no extra physical energy to accurately execute the order, but including Rislant, many real strong men of the empire and High Level will make their face extremely ugly in an instant, because They can clearly deduce the performance,

This wave of arrows outlines an irregular pattern. The continuous explosion happens to encircle most of the longbowmen that escaped around, and then the most dense areas of the longbowmen were also plowed by the explosion arrows. After three rounds of arrow rain, more than one-third of the deaths and injuries of 20,000 Longbowmen of the Empire have been completed. This unit may be abolished without a complete rest and reorganization. The new Longbowmen will take at least two years to complete.

Full of 15,000 explosive arrows, let alone the lethality. What really shocked Rislant was the third wave of arrow rain, how can it be so accurate,

Rislant suddenly looked up at the sky, hoarsely said: “It’s those things, come here, shoot them all down.”

Several Kingdom Guardians with long-range attack skills in the Imperial Army began firing arrows or magic one after another. In a blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen flying Demon Beast wailing and falling from the sky,

Even Richard ca n’t help but admire Rislant, and he can grasp the key to the problem with a bit of clues. Perhaps his commanding style is too stable, but in the sense of war, Rislant is not under Salenville, it is really on the spot In terms of command, it may be stronger than Richard,

“Unfortunately …” Richard standing on Divided Mind sighed,

Unfortunately, Rislant ’s talent superiority in war command can’t make up for the gaps in other aspects, just like Richard said to Salenville, this is the gap between Norland and Faro, and it is too big to make up. >

Richard ordered all the flying beasts to rise 200 meters away. At this distance, the imperial marksmen could no longer shoot them. At the same time, a black cloud quickly floated to the distant sky, which was black and pressed into hundreds. Feathered Serpent, and there is no shortage of thunder and lightning Feathered Serpent specifically for dealing with the strong,

A Kingdom Guardian surrounded by three-color Battle Aura, dare to take off,

He exhaled and shouted, if it was Dragon Roar, the magic long bow in his hand kept flashing, each flash was fired by three magic arrows of different colors, and then there were three flying beasts in the air, hissing painfully, struggling Drop,

Countless Feathered Serpent immediately came up, the Kingdom Guardian was not afraid, the magic bow flickered, and then shot nine heads Feathered Serpent,

However, at this moment, dozens of small deep blue color Feathered Serpents suddenly opened their throats at the same time and spit out a piece of electro-optical light. All the electro-optical lights were connected together in the air and turned into a huge power grid of tens of meters. Under this Kingdom Guardian hood,

The Kingdom Guardian showed an unbelievable expression, but the grid came so fast that he could n’t dodge it at all, and finally only heard a scream, he was already covered by the grid,

After the dazzling electric light flashed over, the Kingdom Guardian scorched black body fell into the air. In this way, no Kingdom Guardian or Archmage dared to lift off. The dead bodies that fell from the air reminded them that the sky here belongs to Richard ,

Although the flying height of the flying beasts has been increased by 200 meters, Richard has transferred more flying beasts, which can still ensure sufficient reconnaissance range and accuracy,

The earth-shattering explosions are still roaring, the earth is trembling, and the newly built fortifications are collapsing. With every explosion, you can always see that several or even dozens of imperial soldiers were blown up and flew,

Rislant‘s gray hair is trembling. In his pupil, the image of a Humanoid Knight is rapidly zooming in. Finally, the focus is on the quiver on the side of Demon Mount. This is a special metal quiver, each Arrows have special card slots for storage. In this box, there are twenty full explosive arrows, which means a full of 20 rounds of bombardment. When thinking of the meaning of 20 rounds of bombing, Rislant feels a headache. It must be split,

The empire ’s mages are still conscientiously organizing long-range interception and position defense, but the explosion arrows of Crimson Duchy can only be detonated in the air in advance by direct impact, and the high temperature of the explosion process is no less than that of the fire magic, and the fission impact energy Because of the lightning magic, interception and defense become extremely difficult. It is often necessary to use the combined magic of the natural system and the element system to complete effective protection.

Some people have recognized that the attachment of the explosive arrow is very similar to the dwarf gunpowder of Pale Highlands, but even the concentrated shooting of the dwarf lance team has no such terrifying power, and the gunpowder gun is not a conventional weapon in the war of Romania, so there is no Targeted armor,

Five thousand Humanoid Knight has no emotional fluctuations, and everyone knows only one thing, that is, according to the command obtained, the explosive arrow is shot at the location of the finger,

The seven rounds of bombing left half of the Empire ’s long archers dead and wounded. The remaining archers were no longer in formation and completely disintegrated. They could no longer organize a counterattack. Then the Humanoid Knights adjusted their shooting directions. Shenqi Mountain appeared in the middle of the mountain pass. This death line traversed the entire mountain pass. Any Warrior in the explosion range was either dead or injured, the second death line was correspondingly nearly 15 meters, and the explosion range happened to border the first death line.

Followed by the third and fourth dead explosion zones, and the fifth and sixth tracks … Driven by the explosive fire and shock waves, the imperial Warriors was horrified and rushed to the direction outside the mountain pass, The fence was quickly packed with soldiers, but no gate was built on the barrier,

The Warriors struggling to climb the barrier suddenly froze. They desperately saw that just outside the barrier, there were another five thousand Humanoid Knight neatly arranged, and the other Humanoid Knight continued to launch the belt behind. Explosive arrow coming to death,

The Warrior was divided by a blast of death and drove to the front. There were 40,000 or 50,000 people. They were crowded in the narrow area of ​​the barrier, and even crushed the hurriedly built barrier to a few places. Once covered, the explosion will flood these Warrior,

In such a powerful explosion, the number of people is meaningless. Only three rounds of covering shots are needed to send these Warriors to the kingdom of heaven. Some Warrior ca n’t resist the huge pressure and scream in despair. Jumping down the barriers and launching a decisive charge towards Humanoid Knight, unfortunately, in the face of the absolute power gap, personal courage becomes meaningless. Humanoid Knight lance flashes, so that dozens of Warrior fall in the pool of blood,

The Salenville at the rear of the Principality Army suddenly jumped the dismount car, grabbed a war horse, and rushed towards the direction of Richard at full speed, shouting loudly: “Richard, give these people to me, Richard, I beg you . “

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