City of Sin: A triumph of triumph

Under the curtain of time, Nowlan used its own power to distort the flow of time in the light curtain, making it fast and slow, but the people inside have no change in the feeling of time, and they still cast the law at the previous rhythm. Spells that require casting time will naturally become full of mistakes. As for the consequences, the spell counterattack is light,

None of these elf elders made their spells explode, which has demonstrated their powerful ability to control spells, but even so, when the curtain of light dissipated at the time, nine of the fourteen elf elders on the scene were badly injured by spells and were lost. The power to fight again,

As High Priest of Temple of the Eternal Dragon, Nowlan and Divine Spell abolish most of the Druid present. The strength of the time curtain is that as long as it is within its coverage, the spell will be affected, which has nothing to do with the number of people, and The caster’s level is irrelevant, even Legendary Powerhouse will be affected, and the stronger the caster is, the more serious the damage will be. Level 9 magic uncontrolled explosion may not be able to kill Archmage, but the legendary magic explosion can definitely kill Legendary Mage, want To resist the curtain of time, just look at the mastery of the rules of time and the ability to control the law. If you do not master the rules of time, any caster, unless the ability to control the law is strong enough, the only way is to stop casting and wait for the curtain of time. The effect of Divine Spell disappears, so that within the scope of the time curtain, the caster who cannot cast is equal to the meat on the cutting board, which can be slaughtered,

At this moment, the black robe was slashed by Richard with thunder. Two elders who were good at melee also died under the breath of Richard. Most of the elders of the legal system were again hit by Nowlan, and the ability to cast spells was abandoned. , But the elder elder who was lucky enough to escape the curtain of time was not so fortunate, and was cut down by Phaser two more. In an instant, the top Guardian Elf was damaged more than half,

The Warrior of Guardian Elf is flooding the platform from all directions. Although Ogre is killing all directions, but he ca n’t block such a large platform by himself. The elves Warrior on the platform are seeing more and more. At this time, the entire forest The camp suddenly shook violently, and even tilted to the side, meaning that it collapsed. The Guardian Elf on the edge of the platform stood unstable, many were planted directly, and those Warrior that climbed halfway fell all,

At a later moment, Ancient War Tree ’s earth-shattering painful roar filled people ’s ears, instantly becoming the world ’s only voice, Ancient War Tree supporting the corner of the forest camp was now howling at the pain, the thick trunk slowly Slowly leaning, tumbling down to the ground, the forest camp immediately crooked, relying on dozens of wars Treant in this corner to work hard to hold the forest camp,

The fallen Ancient War Tree branches and roots are constantly twitching. Near the roots, you can see several huge pits. The one-meter-thick bark hard as iron is smashed through and exposed inside The tender milky white tissue, the burst wound is very deep, and it hurts the heart of the tree. No wonder Ancient War Tree can’t support it,

His Royal Highness Mountainsea, Klandor, who just started all this, just collected 11 tons, and looked at the war Treant next to it. Then he smashed it with a stick, and the war Treant was like Bombed by tons of gunpowder, the bark sawdust splashed around, and the thick tree body was recessed by nearly a third,

The war Treant howled and howled, the wounded tree body could no longer support the heavy pressure of the forest camp, kacha even broke directly,

Mountainsea burst into a daze and smashed a Ancient War Tree, but it took her a lot of energy, but did not expect the war Treant to be so unstoppable, but it was interrupted by a stick, but think about the one who was lost in Linhai a few days ago At that time, she and Ogre also encountered several war Treant. As a result, most of the Treant were hit by Tiramisu, and some needed to make up the second hammer. The heavy hammer of Ogre was named ten tons, and the slender iron in the hands of Barbarian Tribe girls The stick is called eleven tons, so it seems that it is not an incredible feat to bring down a war Treant,

Her eyes looked at the war Treant next to her, Treant were immediately frightened, so some tried to scare her off with a vicious look, and some just shivered to pity, these Treant because they want to hold the forest The camp, so it ca n’t attack at all, and ca n’t escape, so the powerful but unlucky Ancient War Tree will be knocked down by Mountainsea for more than ten times, and it will be knocked down alive.

At this time, the forest camp suddenly vibrated, and the branches supporting the Treant were crunching. Mountainsea looked up and thought, it should be that one by one Rune Knight landed on the platform of the forest camp. At the same time, it was long. The whistle sounded, at this time Richard summoned all Warrior gathering commands,

So the Barbarian Tribe girl gently let go of a group of trembling Treants, grabbed a war Treant and climbed up, above the head is the big hole she broke through, the war Treant has quite high wisdom, was climbed by the girl Treant immediately understood what she meant, and hurriedly took the initiative to hang down the branches, and then held up the Mountainsea and sent her into the big hole when he came. This was a long took a breath with other war Treant,

When Mountainsea climbed onto the platform again, he saw that Rune Knights had all fallen on the platform, pierced the remaining Guardian Elf one by one, and threw it under the platform. Half of the elves and elders died in the hands of Phaser, and two died and recovered In the back of the splash, all the guys who can survive are reaction who are fast enough. Seeing that the situation is not good, they jumped directly from the edge of the platform. Anyway, this height is very difficult to die, and the most serious injuries,

In an instant, the top platform of the forest camp has been cleaned up. Guardian Elf is mobilizing forces to defend inside the fortress, trying to use a complex environment to attack Richard, but Richard is not ready to let them wish, Star Chrysalis directly landed on the top platform, Connected Rune Knights one by one, then rose into the air, and continued to float to the sky. The left Phaser, Shuihua and Ogre waited until Star Chrysalis had risen to 100 meters in the air before Battle Aura flew into the sky and caught up with Star Chrysalis.

After catching up with the followers, Star Chrysalis flew into the distance in an elegant way, leaving behind a hole in the forest camp,

Although Richard has never seen a black robe, it feels similar to Iskara Divine Power, and the mutant elves should also be from other hands, so I know that he is the person who controls Guardian Elf behind the scenes, beheaded After the black robe and nearly half of the elf elders were killed, it can be said that it was a very heavy blow to the entire Guardian Elf tribe. At this point, the results can be regarded as glorious. If it is delayed, wait until the Treant put the forest camp down At that time, more than a dozen Ancient War Tree were not Richard. Now this person can deal with it, not to mention there are thousands of Warrior around Guardian Elf, and Richard and Nowlan have lost the ability to fight again, so Richard is decisive, take the ride immediately Star Chrysalis evacuated,

Half a day later, Richard has returned to the army, and the army then turned around and returned to the base city along the opened road,

This battle has fully reached the goal of Richard, harvested three Tree of Lifes, almost wiped out all the high-level Guardian Elf tribes, and also killed the mysterious sheep head black robe, with the strength of the black robe, In Green Forest, Plane is equivalent to the character of Pope Level 1, but Richard ’s offensive is too fierce, so that he has not been able to play even half of his strength. If you continue to go deeper, the latest Tree of Life is also two thousand kilometers away, just Marching in the Linhai will take more than forty days, which has exceeded the supply capacity of the army, and after this battle, Guardian Elf must have learned wisely. As soon as the Richard army shows signs of approaching, most of them will migrate to Tree of Life immediately.

Guardian Elf‘s vitality was severely injured this time, and there was no recovery for hundreds of years. Richard is not in a hurry to deal directly with World Tree. In his mind, sooner or later he will pull out this old spring onion,

The army marched harder into the forest because it was necessary to open up the road. It was much faster when returning. At night, the army that had been traveling for a day began to camp and rest. Richard toured the barracks with Niris and Agamennon. Both Agamennon and Agamennon have already been promoted to Saint Realm. Agamennon is still reticent. With the increase of strength, the equipment used is becoming more and more common. Now his decent thing all over the body is only a big sword with back. And the extraordinary sturdy two enchantment effects, this is because Agamennon is too troublesome to change weapons, so I specially selected a great sword with an extraordinary sturdy effect. This is the traditional style of Iron Blood Grand Duke. It is the strength to concentrate on polishing your body. If Agamennon is the same, so is White Night.

The current Agamennon looks more solid and solid than before. One stop there is the towering mountains, even if the sky and the earth are cracking, it does n’t seem to scare him, and Niris

Niris is now making Richard speechless,

The enchanting Fourth Prince has become more and more attractive since he was promoted to the Saint Realm powerhouse. He wears a gorgeous armor that does not show gender, and his long golden hair even puts ponytail behind his head because of his strength. For comparison’s sake, he will stare at Agamennon or Richard fiercely from time to time. Whenever he looks over with a grudge in his slight anger, Richard always has the urge to escape, because at this time, Richard feels Only one word is most suitable for Niris: charming and enchanting,

This Fourth Prince does n’t know what the stimulus is. Unconscious every move, some unintentional small movements will make people feel uneasy. If they are not familiar with the identity of Niris, and always remind themselves that Richard is even afraid of one of them. If you do n’t pay attention, you will feel the bones and cramps.

It is said that before the appearance of Richard, Niris often stared at Agamennon like this, but because of the battle of Green Forest, Richard moved him and Agamennon to Green Forest Plane, Richard replaced Agamennon and became the most stabbed by Niris with eyes. ‘S objects,

PS: Today is the third more, a little owed, the update is finally adjusted normally, everyone can come back,

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