City of Sin: 84 choices

“Gold World Tree is the pillar of the elven king’s court. In the past, only the royal family of the high elves could bathe in its brilliance. Go, this opportunity is rare.”

“Fairy King’s Court.” Perhaps it was the same blood in ancient times, or it might be the memory of the race deep in the soul. The girl actually understood the meaning of the “Fairy King’s Court”.

But her eyes are more puzzled. “How can World Tree, which can support the elven king’s court, appear here.”

“I planted it here.”

The girl gave a deep salute to Richard, then jumped up and flew away in the direction of Richard.

“Stop.” Two elven archers roared and pounced on Ruo Lin.

But Richard snapped his fingers, and the branches of the forest suddenly activated, entangled the two elven archers tightly.

Simple and old human faces emerged from the trunks of nearby ancient trees. The activated branches were flexible and powerful. In a blink of an eye, the Green Forest elf one by one, which could not dodge, was tied up, and even the black panther was no exception.

“You, who are you, how could our supreme secret Druid.” Black Panther looked at dozens of Treants activated from ancient trees and was shocked.

Richard stood on the branch of an Treant and said lightly: “Waking up ancient trees can also be regarded as the supreme mystery. I think you really should change to World Tree. What have you been doing for thousands of years? Now. “

“That’s a demon tree.” Black Panther roared.

“I haven’t seen it, how do you know it is a demon tree.”

The rhetorical question of Richard made Black Panther seem hesitant. His attitude was to make Richard somewhat surprised. It seems that this Druid is not as stubborn and rigid as the Green Forest elves that Richard has seen in the past. It may also be the effect of the previous girl ’s words.

“Now, take me to your Tree of Life.”

“What do you want to do.”

Richard said calmly: “Help you make up your mind and change to an World Tree.”

A moment later, a rather strange team appeared in Lin Hai. A dozen old Treants were walking in the forest. Several elf hunters were walking around the team, but more elf hunters were Treant The branches were tied and suspended in mid-air.

Richard sits on a big tree in the front, next to an elderly Druid, the black panther just now.

At the moment, Druid looked depressed, and looked forward dullly. When he saw Richard, he summoned more than ten old trees, Treant, and he knew that there was no possibility to look at this young man who even looked weak or thin. confrontation.

Awakening the Ancient Tree is an upgraded version of Summon Treant. It can instantly summon a powerful Treant with a strength close to Saint Realm for battle.

However, in Green Forest Linhai, because of the single life form, many ancient trees have grown for thousands of years, which makes it particularly difficult to wake them up.

Level 18‘s Great Druid takes a little a long time/half of the day time to successfully wake up an ancient tree and activate it as Treant. Each ancient tree that Druid can wake up has an upper limit. At the same time, it can only maintain a certain number of Treant presence.

The Black Panther Druid has seen Verdant Ring awaken ancient trees. The legendary Great Druid can only awaken three ancient trees at the same time. It also takes a minute to chant a spell and prepare for a cast, so Richard wakes up between waving After a dozen old trees, in the eyes of Green Forest elves, it has become like a miracle.

Richard knows what he is thinking about, but does not intend to explain.

Richard‘s Mana is not necessarily much stronger than Verdant Ring, and its level may even be lower by Level 1. Richard has vaguely felt the suppression of the Plane power limit, so it is clear that in Green Forest Plane, creatures can only reach level 23.

As an old guy who has lived for more than 500 years, Verdant Ring may have reached the upper limit of the Plane level.

However, the rank is not equal to the combat power. Richard controls the Green Forest rule. Apart from the two World Trees, there is no one or tree comparable to him.

The awakening of ancient trees mainly relies on the rules of life, which is precisely the strongest item of Richard, so he does not need to prepare a spell, and directly calls the ubiquitous life breath in Linhai, which can directly activate a large number of Treant.

The tribe where Black Panther Druid is located is still very far away, Tree of Life is three thousand kilometers away, the girl Ruolin has been chased for ten days before she fled here, and this Tree of Life may be the nearest Tree of Life This makes Richard somewhat surprised, it seems that in order to avoid himself, World Tree is indeed cautious enough to allow Tree of Life to move far enough.

The ancient trees Treant are as high as 100 meters, they seem clumsy, but a large step is tens of meters, so the speed of traveling through the forest is not slower than the elf hunter.

Richard constantly mobilized life energy as a support along the way. These ancient Treants have been running at the highest speed. The elf girl fled for ten days. These Treants took only three days to complete.

When the tall Tree of Life appeared in the field of vision, Richard could not help frowning, the breath of this Tree of Life was very weak, and the branches and leaves also showed signs of yellowing.

Under Tree of Life, a team of elves Warrior is holding a blade guard, escorting some ordinary elves and driving them to a batch of temporarily built tree houses.

Several elf elders are arguing with those Warrior.

The Black Panther elder suddenly stood up and shouted, “People from the Emerald Leaf tribe, what are they doing here.”

“Is n’t it for Ruo Lin?”

“No, it was just a team of envoys, not so many people, damn, they sent an army.” The black panther’s face was ugly. He had realized that these elves Warrior appeared here, mostly There is nothing good.

The ancient Treant who walked out of the forest apparently shocked the Warrior of the Emerald Leaf tribe. They immediately withdrew their weapons and took a fighting stance. Many shooters jumped directly to Tree of Life and used Tree of Life foliage to cover themselves.

“Which tribe are you from.” a Saint Realm Level elf warrior shouted loudly.

The black panther jumped straight down, walked to the elf warrior, and said, “I am Great Druid in the tribe, what happened here, why should I treat my clan like this.”

The elf paladin said coldly: “The fallen elves affected by the demon tree have already appeared in your tribe, so the great Great Druid Verdant Ring no longer trusts your presbyterian church, thinking that Tree of Life must migrate to stay away from the demon tree , Great Druid has selected a new location for you, just over 5,000 kilometers away. “

Black Panther hoarsely said: “Tree of Life migration, our Tree of Life is just ten years away from the last migration, how could it survive the migration again, and it is still 5,000 kilometers, there is no Tree of Life asylum during the migration, what should my people do , They may be half dead. “

The elf paladin suddenly hit the black panther’s stomach with the hilt, and this heavy blow almost made him pass out.

The paladin snorted and said with a sneer: “A tribe bewitched by the demon tree should be killed. Now it is a very benevolent way to leave you alive. It is still very kind, and dare to resist.”

“But our Tree of Life, if we can survive after the migration, we can’t advance,” Black Panther said struggling.

The paladin smiled a little, and said: “This is what you deserve. If Tree of Life is dead, you will be merged into our Emerald Leaf.”

“You,” the black panther was surprised and angry, pointing at the paladin. Suddenly he didn’t turn around in a single breath, but a spit of blood spewed out.

Tree of Life is everything for the Green Forest elves. Tree of Life ceased to advance, which means that this tribe can no longer develop and expand.

Although the tribe may die half of the tribe in the difficult journey, as long as Tree of Life is fine, it can slowly recover, and even become more powerful. Tree of Life can not be promoted, so the hope of this tribe is truly cut off.

As for joining the Emerald Leaf tribe, it does not mean that the elves of this tribe can get the same treatment. Most of the tribes will be reduced to the existence of slaves. Only those who are favored by Emerald Leaf can get regular tribe members. Qualifications.

In recent years, the Panther ’s tribe has released many young talents. For example, if Ruolin and Wind Leaf are likely to be recognized by Forest Will and become Son of the Forest and Daughter of the Forest, perhaps it is for this reason that his tribe will be targeted by Emerald Leaf. .

At this moment, Richard applauded and said, “It’s a wonderful show.”

The elf paladin immediately turned around and stared at Richard standing on top of the ancient Treant, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Richard is no longer covering up, so the paladin immediately felt a force that scared him.

The paladin suddenly took two steps back and bowed nervously, saying, “This is the breath of the demon tree. You are under the demon tree, so bold, you dare to appear here.”

Richard smiled slightly and said, “You said something wrong, I am not under the demon tree you mentioned, the demon tree is under my hand.”

The paladin was shocked and stared at Richard, but did not immediately order an attack.

There are more than a dozen ancient Treants standing behind this delicate and beautiful young man. Regardless of his own strength, these Treants are hard to eat, not to mention that he claims to be the master of the demon tree.

Warrior of Emerald Leaf is hesitant, Richard is not interested in entangled with them, but directly said to Tree of Life: “I can now give you a chance to change the chance of my camp, see this, I miss you You should know what this is, so make your choice, and it ’s best not to let me down. “

The Richard took out a piece of tender shoots, with light gold on the branches and leaves. In the tender shoots, the mysterious energy of flow was flowing. When it appeared, all the branches and leaves of Tree of Life were shaking. .

This is a branch of Golden World Tree.

At this moment, many Green Forest elves have the urge to bow down and worship, and the impact of Tree of Life is still obvious. The Tree of Life is obviously fearful and joyful. All the time passed to Richard is chaos. thinking.

Richard is not in a hurry, quietly waiting for Tree of Life to make a choice.

PS: November, 48 changes, more than 140,000 words, with everyone’s encouragement and support, successfully completed the monthly goal of 100,000.

What is the goal of December, what do you think, leave a message in the book review section.

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