City of Sin: 75 enemies

For the evaluation of Faceless, Richard has nothing to say, and three fireballs were generated above palm. The three fireballs were initially in ordinary form, and became pale red with the addition of the element Tree of Life. Destruction True Name turns the inner core of the fireball into a semi-solidified flame like lava, and finally it is impregnated with Dark Blue Moon‘s Moon Force, which completely turns the inner core into blue. The enhanced magic effect super-long-range sign is seen, but the fast speed of the fireball is far above the ordinary super-long-range. Finally, solid flame particles begin to appear on the surface of the fireball. This is another additional enhanced magic effect Spell Penetration sign. With so many superimposed effects, the fireball of Richard has become a kind of magic that is difficult for the Faro Master to understand,

The three fireballs have the same effect as the fireballs originally fired by Richard. The only difference is the mutual orientation. As the Richard waved, they flew towards the frontal Imperial infantry in a triangular shape, and the three groups of blue auras After oscillating, the outermost edge of the halo overlaps in the center, and then it oscillates again in a circle that is much lighter, but it also covers a much wider diameter halo. This new halo has a diameter of fifty meters and covers the range The Warrior inside burned up, but some of the stronger ones did not die. The fire ring fired by the three fireballs was much less powerful, but it was enough to let the Warriors that was affected was seriously injured. , The casualties caused by the second halo alone are greater than the casualties of the three fireballs,

“Rush, rush forward.”

The officers shouted hysterically, Warriors was desperately running forward, and the last hundred meters was the way of death. After passing, it was the road. The two-winged light horses were also accelerating the back road of the battle.

Salenville calmly looked at Richard. As long as the army is surrounded, Richard may be able to escape, but his army is finished, and then in front, there is nothing to stop Salenville from advancing 30 kilometers. This battle , Even if you win,

Salenville suddenly felt a sizzling heat on his face, and such a battle was also embarrassed to say win,

The imperial army is like a black tide, and gradually surrounded the poor army of Richard. At this time, Richard popped up five fireballs, straightly connected into a straight line, and rushed towards the oncoming Imperial army The intrepid army will also move when faced with the inevitable death, so when the fireball comes, Warriors instinctively slows down and flashes to both sides,

One after another blue halo blooms in the Imperial Army, in addition to clearing five circular open spaces, it also plows out a straight channel, which is up to three hundred meters long, even extending beyond the last halo Going out for more than one hundred meters, this is completely the spontaneous instinct of Warriors under fear,

This channel just points to the Salenville of the Chinese army,

The face of Salenville changed suddenly, and before it was time for an order to stop, I saw Richard lift off from the end of the channel. At this moment, the distance between the two sides is no more than 500 meters,

Richard raised his arms and accelerated in the air, screaming at Salenville, and dozens of imperial masters were all frightened and launched into the air to intercept, but Richard waved his left hand, and several shadows shrouded the front. Several of the strongest Grand Mage, those masters with Level 16 and above suddenly felt heavy and stiff limbs, even the Mana operation became sluggish, and could no longer maintain the float, planted on the ground, one was originally very ordinary Slow Spell has become very powerful in the hands of Richard, and even has the effect of air ban,

In front of Richard, the only one who remained unfallen was only one Level 18 ’s Archmage. When Richard waved his right hand, three fireballs were instantly generated and blasted to this Archmage,

This time the fireball was unusually fast, almost left Richard ’s hand, and slammed in front of Archmage. Archmage screamed, but the blaze had n’t come out of the throat yet, and the first fireball hit him hard. On the protective cover, the overflowing blue fire instantly destroyed all his magical protection. The second fireball directly hit him, not only burned all the magical protection items, but also burned the surface of his body. The third fireball Turned into a flowing blue inflammation, the body of Archmage has been burned out,

Two **** and two broken feet in the air, this is the only trace left of Archmage,

Richard flew by like a wind, and continued to pounce on Salenville. A sharp howling sounded in the air, and several sharp arrows like radio shots. At first glance, it was from the hand of the strong. Richard easily ejected several finger-sized fireballs. , The arrows were melted down halfway, and all the powerful forces of the Imperial Army changed their colors. They did not expect that the flame power of Richard was so terrifying. Since the fire beads can melt the magic long arrows, they can burn through the armor on them. What kind of flame is this so scary,

At this time, at the foot of Richard, a figure suddenly rose silently and rushed to the back of Richard. It was a person wearing ordinary Warrior armor. He was just running around in panic, but it was like this at the moment. viper-like showed his fangs. He was covered with gray Battle Aura. He was a Kingdom Guardian, a little slower than this Assassin. Another Kingdom Guardian also jumped from the Warrior group and flew to Richard. The two major Kingdom Guardians were enough with Richard Approaching, and a Archmage fighting Kingdom Guardian in close combat, it is certain to suffer a loss,

There was a flash of joy in Salenville ’s eyes. He had been planning this trap for a long time, otherwise he would not be in danger, and came so close to the front line, but his joy appeared just now, and it solidified on his face.

The last Kingdom Guardian just climbed into the several meters air, and suddenly a rope came flying from below, tangled around his feet, and fixed him in the air, which was unexpected, and the Kingdom Guardian was surprised. He was looked back, but he saw that the rope was only a common rigging in the army, and the other end was wrapped around the waist of several Warriors and tied tightly. Although this Kingdom Guardian is strong, It ’s not enough to bring seven or eight Heavy Infantrys and fly freely,

He was extremely depressed, his right foot was swung out, and the Battle Aura at his toes was condensed like a blade, and the rope was cut at once, but after such a delay, the joint attack of the two was broken, and the Kingdom Guardian‘s eyes quickly swept across the battlefield. , But could not find who did all this,

At this time, another Assassin companion had already approached behind Richard and slammed down the double daggers, but the dagger fell into an empty space. The blue light flashed in front of the Assassin, and Richard did n’t know when there were more With a bi-color long knife, he came back to meet the dagger,

The Richard long knife works like electricity and wind, but the knife technique is extremely delicate. In a flash, he has been fighting with the Assassin for dozens of knives, and immediately swung across the knife, cutting off his head lightly,

Another Kingdom Guardian hurried to the distance where he could shoot, only after a short delay, his companion was already lost in the hands of Richard. Seeing Richard holding the knife in his hand, he felt a sudden chill in his heart. Knowing that if you attack, you will be the same as the Assassin in the end, and the long-range and melee are all dead. This Kingdom Guardian has the courage to be cold, and dare not attack,

When the Richard knife was closed, he no longer ignored the Kingdom Guardian, turned his head and rushed towards Salenville, Salenville‘s face finally changed, he turned around and started to escape. With such a move, the Iron Triangle Empire army immediately seemed a little confused, but the generals After a long battle, the general in front immediately stabilized his position and drove Warriors to the Richard troops. The generals near the Chinese army began to dispatch soldiers to block Richard.

Hundreds of feather arrows flew into the sky with magical light, and then tracked Richard. Richard also flashed continuously. one by one magic exploded on him. After the initial chaos, the Imperial Army The strong men and Mages showed amazing coordination and war literacy, continuously hitting Richard, even though the magic shield on Richard was broken layer by layer, just like never ending, they are never discouraged, and Is perseveringly attacking,

The distance between Richard and Salenville is less than one hundred meters. Then, at this moment, Richard flashed a black gas, and immediately sank, almost planted on the ground, relying on the strong bloodline and the strength of Sky Saint Realm. After dozens of negative magics, a Slow Spell finally came into effect. Richard‘s face changed slightly. As the speed slowed down, the frequency of being bombarded by magic tracking arrows increased sharply. He continuously ejected small fireballs and shot down most of the magic arrows. But the inspiring strong men fired more magic arrows,

Richard shook his head helplessly, preparing to temporarily abandon the pursuit of Salenville, and return to this position first. At this moment, a rope flew like a poisonous dragon, entangled the waist of Richard, and dragged him away at once. Fang Junzhen’s direction was thrown away, and this one highlighted it, which shocked Richard. He glanced and saw Faceless in the crowd. The other end of the rope was being held in her hand.

The Faceless is surrounded by Warrior of the Imperial Army, but they all ignored her, as if they all regarded her as a comrade in the side. Faceless threw Richard back to the side, and was about to turn around, and suddenly I do n’t know where to emerge A Iron Triangle Empire Kingdom Guardian, stopped in front of her,

The strong man’s long knife pointed at Faceless and shouted: “Who are you.”

“The enemy.” Faceless replied lightly,

She suddenly grabbed two long knives from the Warrior beside her, and attacked her. The double knives seemed to be frightened by the dragon, flying three knives, one picking the long knives in the hands of Kingdom Guardian, and the other knife piercing his heart. Then, he turned his left-handed knife and cut him with a single knife. It was as clean as a behead. Compared with Faceless, the process of Richard beheading the Assassin seemed indescribable,

“Playing a knife in front of me, isn’t this death?” Faceless snorted, dropped his double knives, turned around and walked across a few steps, then disappeared into the vast empire Warrior, and disappeared, even Richard couldn’t find her whereabouts,

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