City of Sin: 31 choices

On Ancestral Highlands, tens of thousands of troops are taking the original temple of the highland War God as the center point, attacking in all directions, sweeping all the Barbarian tribes encountered along the way, five thousand regular troops are stationed in the city, and this land is officially incorporated The layout of Crimson Duchy, another 50,000 main forces, was quietly transferred back to Bloodstained Lands by Richard, and was stationed in a secret valley, just tens of kilometers away from the Iron Triangle Empire border.

The tension in the attached city of Highland temple still exists, but a large number of craftsmen are pouring into the city. They will build three temples around Temple of the Eternal Dragon for the three female Divine Envoy. The Cleric of the three female goddesses has been stationed in large numbers and they will be responsible After the conversion of these lay believers, several large-scale cargo teams have already started. When they arrive, the food, clothes and wine loaded on them will make the lay believers see the true promising beliefs. Even if they refuse to change their beliefs, It will shake in my heart. For Richard, this is enough. Shallow believers are the biggest source of faith.

The cargo loaded by several cargo teams is worth millions, enough for tens of thousands of people in the city to live a rich and warm winter. What is the purpose of doing this, Richard is also a little unclear, not all is ideal, not just to cut them off There may be some beliefs in both, as Eio said, people are contradictory.

At the moment, Richard was not in his army. He rode a Divided Mind and was flying to a small Oasis City city. There were only a few thousand people in the city, away from the main trade routes, so his life seemed peaceful Quiet, there is a small and clear lake in the middle of the oasis, which sustains the survival of people in the city.

When Richard walked into the city, it was already dusk, and smoke was everywhere in the city. There was a scent of barbecue. The people walking on the street were mostly calm and relaxed. The city was also very clean. In this city, the slaves still have obvious signs, but most of them look quite healthy and strong, and are not as weak and weak as the slaves of other human countries.

The reality of this small town satisfied Richard. Planar War has accumulated huge wealth for Richard. Previously, his focus was on how to quickly arm the army. When Alice became a partner, the female Military God showed her On the other hand, in terms of territorial governance, Faro and other Plane policies are mostly from her hands. In her own territory, Alice can squeeze out a small amount of military expenses for the development of people’s livelihood. The policy for Richard is even more In this way, although Richard has not let her intervene in the Faro Plane for the time being, the followers in Faro have already started to learn from her policy practices spontaneously.

For example, when cleaning the city halls, there will be a group of slaves who are responsible for the cleaning of the entire city and the maintenance of public facilities. In Crimson Duchy, these slaves get twice the daily food ration as other human nations. If you ca n’t finish eating, you can reserve it for your family. At this point, many slaves work hard to avoid being sold by the city hall.

After a few blocks in this leisurely free city, Richard stopped in front of a very quiet common courtyard and knocked on the door.

After a while, the courtyard door opened with a creak, revealing a wrinkled face. This is an old man, and he is about to reach the end of his life. His eyes have become cloudy, and accident/surprise only appeared after a while. Color, said: “It is Richard.”

“It’s me, Perrin, long time no see.”

The old man looked at Richard for a while, and then sighed: “You are exactly the same as before. Now I just believe that you are really different. Come in, I didn’t expect to see you again before I die. Your side. “

Richard followed Perrin into the courtyard and saw the garden shovel and wine bottle in the courtyard. It seems that Perrin was just taking care of the garden in the courtyard.

Richard refers to a well-manicured garden and smiles and says: “It seems that you are doing well now, I think you are still perfecting your Plane Mathematics system.”

Perrin sighed and said, “It ’s not because of you. If it ’s not you, I would n’t know that what I spent my whole life researching had already been studied in other Planes, and it has already become a perfect system. Since this is the case, what’s the point of studying this? Recently, I can feel that I am aging rapidly, so I want to do something that I have never done before in the last period of my life. For example, drinking tea, eating something different, trying to take care of the garden by myself, and even I learned to daze and take a nap. “

Richard laughed and said, “It seems that you are much better than me.”

At this time, the maid brought black tea and exquisite refreshments, and then returned to the room, leaving Richard and Perrin alone in the courtyard.

Perrin picked up the tea cup, but did not rush to drink, but looked at Richard, and asked with some hope and anxiety: “You came this time, not just for a cup of tea with me.” >

“Indeed, I came here this time, there are two things, one is to complete a promise to Direwolf Duke, and the other is to see if you want to help me, this thing can be given You have an extra three years of life. “Then, Richard took out a time hourglass and put it on the table.

This is an extremely delicate little thing, which can be seen at a glance. Perrin looked at the grain of sand slowly rolling down inside and couldn’t breathe for a while.

There is nothing more exciting than when we are about to reach the end of life, and suddenly know that there will be extra life. Perrin reaches out and wants to touch it, but his fingertips are shaking Seeing that I was about to encounter the hourglass of time, but he could not stretch forward anyway, he was afraid that this would be a beautiful bubble, and once it touched it, it would break.

“But you can’t make it right now.”

A sentence from Richard instantly made Perrin bounce off the chair. He stared at Richard, and the throat joint rolled up and down a few times, but said nothing. Perrin tried to suppress his breath and let himself calm down slowly. Come down, then sit down slowly and ask: “What do you need me to do, I don’t think there is anything I can do to help you.”

The smile of Richard is as charming as ever, saying: “This thing is called the time hourglass, it is … oh, a very special thing, from Divine Favor of Dragon of Eternity and Time, if you want to use it, you need an additional condition , That is to give up your Ancestral Worship and change to believe in Dragon of Eternity and Time, because you are not Norlander, this is the only way to make the time hourglass work. “

“Change your letter.”

“Yes, this time hourglass is a promise I made to your father. Now you have a chance to complete it, so you do n’t need to do anything for me, just be responsible for yourself and make choices.” Richard With that said, a badge was put on the table, and a wolf head was placed on the badge, which was the inherited mark of the Direwolf Duke family.

The badge is on one side and the hourglass on the other.

Perrin forehead began to ooze sweat, this time the choice is not so simple to change his letter, he vaguely felt after studying Plane Mathematics in his life, the choice is actually the choice between Faro and Norland, choose the time hourglass, get extra life At the same time, it also stood on the opposite side of the entire Faro. From then on, there will be no way back. The rule is the most ruthless, because it points directly to the soul and cannot be deceived. This time, it is fundamentally different from getting Divine Favor after Sacrificial Offering of.

“I …” Perrin didn’t know what to say, raised his hands and put them down again, and finally buried his face in his hands suddenly without lifting them for a long time.

Richard waited for a while before saying: “If I were you, I would definitely choose the time hourglass.”

“But …”

“You love this Plane, but it does not love you. Plane is just a world built on a series of rules. Any living creatures in it are dispensable for it, or even too much. For Plane itself, powerful creatures are like tumors. In addition, if you want to do something for Faro, it is obviously possible to live. “Richard said.

“Are Norland sure to conquer Faro?” Perrin asked.

“It must be, not me, but also other people. I ca n’t boast that you do n’t want people from Norland to come to Faro.”

Perrin said with a nod: “That’s true, the civilians of Crimson Duchy are better than most Faroese countries, but they don’t know what they will look like in the future.”

When Perrin picked up the hourglass, Richard smiled, handed over a piece of paper that had been prepared, and said, “Before you use it, read the prayers. As for the life of civilians in the Principality, that will be the future. , You can try to influence my decision. “

Perrin meditated on prayers, then shattered the hourglass of time, watched the time sands become light bands, and merged into his body, put out a long breath, saying, “What do you want me to do for you.”

Richard took out a book and put it on the table, saying: “This is the complete Plane Mathematics, you have ten days to learn it.”

Pap, another book is placed in front of Perrin, “This is the basic principle of Magic Array in magic mathematics. This book can relax for some time, you have twenty days.”

The third book appeared again, “This is a general overview of the function Magic Array, there are dozens of the most basic functions Magic Array, this book you have ten days.”

Next, there are seven or eight books such as Encyclopedia of Magic Materials, Mana Attributes, etc. Richard gives Perrin a total of three months to let him learn all the contents.


“Then, I will tell you what kind of Magic Array I want, and all you have to do is design it, do n’t consider the material problem, just tell how to realize the function, you can use your imagination , Even if you need a Greater Devil as the Magic Array driver core. “

“It sounds very appealing, I feel that I can’t find a reason to refuse you.” Perrin‘s eyes are completely inseparable from the books on the table that Richard is on. That is where his lifelong dream lies.

{飘 天文学 Thank you all for your support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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