City of Sin: 18 Legacy of Schumpeter

Richard‘s impression of her is that her legs are long and her chest is firm. In addition, she is quite regular, and there is nothing particularly impressive. In fact, under the command of Richard, any general will appear dull and dull, even if he is capable, he can’t play it . AigWEN

At this time, Anna clearly blocked the path of Richard, which made him somewhat surprised.

Countess will be happy to see you.” Anna said expressionlessly.

Richard is very helpless, looking at Anna up and down, sighing: “I am also very happy to see Countess. But you stopped my way, do you think this is appropriate? Or do you think you can stop me by force?”

Anna took a step back, bowed to Richard, but refused to give way, saying: “I know this is an offense to you. When you have seen Countess, you can punish me.”

A frosty dress-dressed beauty said face-to-face how to punish, but let the Richard feel a bit moved. It’s not a normal man without heartbeat.

But compared to seeing Countess, the temptation of Anna is nothing. Richard smiled bitterly and said: “Countess wants to see me, anytime. I’m not interested in punishing you, make way!”

Countess can’t see you at all. You always have all kinds of excuses.” Anna keeps pace and is outspoken.

Richard has already started to move its fingers and sighed to Anna: “You are loyal to Countess.”

“If you want to know the reason for loyalty, after you have seen Countess, I can talk to you in detail and in depth.” Anna obviously did not enter the oil and salt, and was prepared desperately.

At this moment, behind Richard, a cries of surprise intertwined: “Richard!”

Followed by a fragrant wind, Richard turned around helplessly and paid a courtesy of the noble etiquette, saying: “Countess!”

Ikatarina Earl laughed before speaking, and Lang’s voice was ambiguous, just like the fox saw the little hen, she laughed enough, and then cried with joy and a deliberate coquettish voice: “Master Richard, I want to see you It ’s not easy on your side! “

Richard smiled and said: “Mana is too bad and has to work hard.”

“You can really laugh!” Countess smiled incessantly, frowning and said: “Adult Richard is less than twenty-five this year?”

Richard thought of a long time/half of the day, but decided to keep it a little bit, with a number enough to deter bad actors: “Twenty.”

“Only twenty!” Countess both eyes flashed, and looking at her expression, she obviously did not think in the direction of Mana level.

Richard suddenly had a headache, knowing that he was expecting it again.

In the battle with Mage Association, Countess Ikatarina did its utmost to support Richard, not only sent thousands of the most elite troops, but also provided two Saint Realm powerhouses. In successive battles, Countess‘s troops were damaged by more than a thousand, and the post-war pension reached hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

And more importantly, Countess Ikatarina is different from Zim Viscount. She is a real power noble. Not only does her own strength match the title, but also her father, mother and husband have the family name of Xuanhe. As a decisive noble in the kingdom, her distinctive position has influenced a large number of nobles. At the same time, after the defeat of Mage Association in the first battle, she actively used her influence to lobby everywhere, which indirectly contributed to the collapse of the Mage Association coalition.

For such a powerful ally, from any angle, Richard must be cautious and must be treated kindly.

Countess both eyes is getting brighter and brighter, staring at Richard with a constant smile, almost trying to blur out “really tender”.

Richard smiles bitterly, because of the effects of the rapids of life, his body is still growing, but his face still retains most of his past. Counting from the time spent, Richard is almost eighteen years old, but his face still stays around sixteen years old. Although the difference is not significant, it is also a difference. The short beard that Richard has accumulated is not a small supplement to cover up the age, but it is not as good as he imagined. Under the sharp eyes of the Countess, who is good at modifying the appearance, the true face of the Richard is easily seen through.

Countess Ikatarina is about thirty years old, with a slender and plump body. His skin is white, tender and delicate, and his appearance is gorgeous. There is a mature style around him. It is the age when the woman is in full bloom.

Richard could not bear her unscrupulous gaze, and asked with a smile: “Countess, is Viscount Zim all right?”

The Viscount Zim is obviously not very good. Richard only heard Countess‘s contented laughter, but did not hear the slightest voice of Zim.

Countess opened the folding fan with a bang, and kept blowing wind on the exposed tall chest, the two groups of rich mountains trembling. She stared at Richard like water, and smiled: “Little Zim, I have just fallen asleep. The unicorn bloodline is not as powerful as the legend. It only changed from Divine Beast to a dead horse three times! Master Richard, I do n’t know. What rare bloodline do you have? “

Richard sweated on his forehead and hurriedly humbly said, “I’m just an ordinary person, how can I have that kind of luck to have blood? Countess, I still have to discuss some magical experience with Mr. Zendrall. What else do you have Is it? “

After hearing the name of Zendrall, Countess changed his face, saying, “What’s the point of being with the guy who deals with the dead every day? Why not have a morning tea with me, and then discuss the bloodline and the secret of life?” “

Richard kept a perfect smile and said, “I’m really sorry, because I am about to leave for a while, so this time is very urgent. Next time I have the opportunity, I will definitely enjoy your morning tea.”

After finishing speaking, Richard saluted Countess and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Richard quickly going away, Anna both eyes squinted and said, “Madam, just let him run?”

“Otherwise, what can you do? Use force, do n’t forget this is his place. Do n’t look at him as Mage, you ca n’t beat him.”

A dash of light flashed across Anna‘s face: “I am not afraid of losing my life, but he dare not.”

Countess Ikatarina laughed got up, reached for a note on the chin of Anna, and made Anna cheeks red, before saying, “I can’t bear this! It doesn’t matter, he can escape this time, can’t escape the next time!”

With a snap, the Countess folding fan closed, and the eyes were silky, staring at the direction of Richard away, and said, “Next time give him medicine!”

Back to Norland, Richard immediately contacted Niris. After confirming that the Sacrificial Offering ceremony will be held the next day, Richard met with Niris again to discuss the details of Plane development.

According to the original assumption of Richard, a partnership system was adopted, that is, a model in which both parties invested the same amount of resources and Plane‘s revenue was divided equally. As for the decision-making power, the strategic decision-making parties have discussed and decided. Due to the particularity of the Niris prince’s identity, the Plane management power still belongs to Archeron.

According to the original investment, Richard also includes a stable Plane Channel. Schumpeter Family invested a lot of Divine Favor in Green Forest Plane, mainly used to strengthen Plane Channel. Coupled with the subsequent investment of Gordon, now it takes only 3 gold coins to send a person into Green Forest Plane. The early investment of Niris is actually only one Sacrificial Offering tomorrow.

So speaking, Richard still suffers a lot, but in the long run, this method is more advantageous because of its clear power and responsibility. The magic equipment supply channel provided by Niris for Richard is also valuable.

Richard is fully prepared, detailing how much resources he will invest and the investment schedule. As a result, as soon as this detailed plan came out, not only Niris, but also Agamennon‘s complexion changed, and the two smiled bitterly. This makes Richard very inexplicable, he feels that he has considered it very well, and has taken care of all aspects of interests.

Blackgold has taught Richard that there is no clear and fair mechanism for obtaining and distributing benefits. Even the best friends will be separated sooner or later.

In the end, Niris stood up. He actually had no objection to the model, only objection to the ratio of investment and share.

There is only one reason. The amount of resources invested in the Richard plan is too much, reaching the level of 10 million/whatever happens! What makes Niris, who still dreams of millions of dollars a year, feel so good? How could he get such a large sum of money to invest in Planar War! And Richard also added a evil mark at the end of the plan, saying that this is only the most basic investment, and there is the possibility of adding it at any time.

Niris realized that there can be many princes, but Imperial Runemaster is very few. So as a prince, 10 million/whatever happens should not have more money than a Imperial Runemaster.

Richard ’s 10 million/whatever happens investment is not exaggerated. In fact, in terms of Norland time, in less than half a year, Richard has accumulated more than 15 million wealth. Most of them were converted into magic equipment. This shows how fast Richard‘s expansion in Faro Plane is.

Even though the Faroese time flow rate is ten times that of Norland, Richard accumulates wealth resources at a much faster rate. So privately, Niris and Agamennon have a strong interest in Richard‘s Rune success rate and blood vessel ability. But the real secret of Richard is probably hidden in Faro, which is his inviolable territory. Niris and Agamennon are not going to investigate, unless Richard actively tells them.

After expressing his objection, Niris should propose his own amendment plan, but he hesitated a long time/half of the day, but could not say a word. All the funds he can get out of it do n’t even have one tenth of the Richard. How do you say this? After stalemate for a while, Agamennon also expressed its willingness to invest in Green Forest Plane, preparing to account for a quarter of the proceeds with Niris.

This is how Richard came to understand. It turns out that Niris and Agamennon are actually lack of investment capacity. Not everyone can make a fortune in the Troll capital like him. The young children of the Great Noble family, at this age, are only capable of taking dividends or fixed resources. Rarely can they use a Plane even Primary Level income resources. Q

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