City of Sin: 1.49 million wood essence

However, the fifth rule is also obscure and difficult to understand. After several efforts, Richard can only give up again. Fortunately, the sixth rule is quite simple, and he soon realized it.

That’s it, Richard tried and parsed various rules, and occasionally it went smoothly, but most of the time I had to give up.

When Tree of Life shined a strong white light, and then sprinkled with a thick breath of life, many people cried angrily, because Tree of Life has completed the most important stage of promotion, and now it has officially entered into In the middle period of growth, it only takes a few days to consolidate, and the people around Tree of Life will no longer have access to the Plane origin of Green Forest. They need to wait for the next opportunity and try to master the rules of Plane.

At the moment when Tree of Life shined, Niris jumped up suddenly and yelled ecstatically: “I understand, I understand again, it turns out to be the same thing!”

Looking at the ecstasy of Niris, it is obvious that there are more than one type of Plane.

The Agamemnon next to him is much calmer, but from the smile that is hard to hide from the corners of his mouth, we can see that he has also gained a lot.

On the side of Richard, Liusha, Eio, Endure Quietly, Priest are all thoughtful, Phaser and Waterflower are still in a daze, Gangdor takes the lead and thinks murmured, , Tiramisu is sitting on the grass, two heads from time to time in jiāo head.

For a while, the followers of Richard were actually for everyone, but unfortunately Zendrall did n’t come, but the life around Tree of Life was too rich. For Necromancer, this is deadly poison, Zonghu is the same, Dragon Temple Priest Healing Spell will cause him great pain, such a rich life energy does not know what reaction will play with him.

Just at Richard put out a long breath, when the consciousness withdrew from the turquoise ocean of rules, the sound of Tree of Life sounded in Richard heart: “The great Plane Traveler, Green Forest is destined to dominate the world, I deeply feel sorry and uneasy for my mistakes, World Tree The method was so mean, it brutally trampled on the Green Sea Community contract that all Tree of Life should abide by, but due to the special relationship between me and you, I have no way to blame it, nor can I unite with other Tree of Life, Expel it from the position of World Tree and wait for Plane to choose a new World Tree, but I need to remind you that from this encounter, the memory given to me by Plane has partially lost its function. The next time my Advancement may lead to natural enemies that are far larger than they should be. You need to prepare in advance! “

“What are the next natural enemies and how many are there?” Richard asked.

Tree of Life replied: “Now I can’t know for sure, I’m sorry, I have to get the corresponding news on the eve of the promotion. Until then, I can give you a definite answer!”

“How long will it take you to advance to the Rank 1 segment!”

Tree of Life said: “Now I can draw my life’s strength without any scruples, so the promotion and growth will be faster than originally expected. After about five years, I will have the conditions to enter the next growth period!”

“Five years, very good.” This is good news for Richard. The five years of Green Forest Plane are just a few months of Norland.

“The great master of the future, in order to thank you for your protection, I have something to dedicate to you, please come with me!”

A green branch hangs down from the canopy of Tree of Life and extends to the front of Richard. The branch at the front becomes a platform that can stand on. Richard immediately steps up, and the tree stand rises immediately and rises to When Tree of Life approached the top of the canopy, the Tree of Life tree suddenly opened a crack, expanded a deep channel and appeared in front of Richard, Richard walked into the channel, circled down, and entered a mysterious space after a few laps.

This is a space of about tens of meters square and nearly 20 meters high. It is like a natural hall. The walls of the hall are inlaid with many naturally generated irregular crystals, exuding a soft light of white and green. The entire hall is shimmering.

A heart-shaped object nearly ten meters in size hangs at the top of the hall. There are countless thick veins winding on the surface and winding into the tree body of Tree of Life. This heart-shaped object is bright and bright green. Sè, it is slowly relaxing and contracting like the human heart, but it takes a few minutes to contract at a time, and the pulse frequency is much slower than that of humans.

“This is my core and Tree of Life Heart in your mouth.” Tree of Life‘s consciousness sounded at Richard heart.

Richard has long guessed that this thing should be Tree of Life Heart, which is also the most valuable part of the entire Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life Heart suddenly shuddered slightly, and the surface slipped through a piece of water-green brilliance, and then a dense emerald green liquid oozed out from the heart of the tree, and finally a large drop of crystal clear and emerald-like water droplets condensed at the tip of the tree heart, then When it dripped, the droplet had solidified when it was in the air and turned into a crystal the size of a pigeon’s egg. It bounced a few times before rolling to the feet of Richard.

Richard leaned over to pick up the crystal and saw a green liquid flowing slowly under the solidified case. Even if it solidified, it could still feel that it contained a trembling life force.

“This is the myth of Wanmu, which I condensed, has a special catalytic effect on Elf, humans and other races. It can make you younger and more energetic, and at the same time can enhance the power related to the soul. Each time I advance, I will only condense a Wanmu jīng marrow, which is the biggest value of Tree of Life. Now, I will dedicate it to you! “

“How to use.” Richard asked.

“Swallow it!”

Richard nodded, and then asked Tree of Life how to keep the green chūn. Richard once read the magic book in the dark blue. The Tree of Life of Elf has the power to keep the green chūn.

Tree of Life immediately answered, it turns out that Tree of Life can produce a kind of sprout, which can make the user keep the green chūn unchanged, but that is only the appearance of green chūn, the body organs will still slow down with the passage of time Weakening and aging, and this effect can only be maintained for ten years, Tree of Life can produce eight to ten such young leaves every year.

In the previous promotion process, Tree of Life was still attacked by Woodpecker. Although it is not as serious as usual, it needs to be recuperated for decades. However, it still needs a little adjustment time, so the production of life fruits should be delayed by one year, except for Forest Will. In addition to the expansion of the resistance range, the benefits of the rest of the promotion should be postponed accordingly, but for Richard, the gains of this battle are already huge enough.

When night falls, the battlefield has been basically cleaned up. Neither the important followers nor Priests have died. However, Rune Knight, which belongs to Niris, has still killed two. Hundreds of Warrior war dead are nearly half because of quicksand, Eio With the existence of the Endure Quietly trio, even the severely injured Warrior can save lives, and even most people can maintain their original fighting power after being injured.

The bodies of Woodpecker have been separated from Bird-eating Spider and piled into a pile.

Star Chrysalis is lying on the corpse of Bird-eating Spider and swallowing it. The remains of Broodmother Combat Unit are all Star Chrysalis food. Due to their own characteristics, this very big guy can store food that exceeds the body volume. Eating adequately can maintain the activity needs for several months.

The bodies of Woodpecker are piled up as high as a hill. Most of them are cut into several pieces. The surviving Warriors is picking up the relatively complete Woodpecker body and placing them together.

After a while, Star Chrysalis finished eating and flew to the corpse of Woodpecker. The mouthpiece was enlarged to a terrifying level. The large pile of Woodpecker corpses was sucked into the abdomen in just one minute. In Kung Fu, the corpse has been lowered by a full meter.

Richard immediately sent a team of knights to **** Star Chrysalis away from Green Forest Plane and head to Faro. Woodpecker is a powerful, but fairly simple creature that hardly talks about the potential of evolution, so Broodmother is relatively easy to analyze. many.

After dealing with the affairs on the battlefield, it is already late at night. Elf rebuilt the tree house on Tree of Life. Richard, Niris, quicksand and Agamemnon are in a tree house, facing the tree heart. daze.

“How is it.” Richard asked.

Top Level Offering.” Quicksand made his judgment from his own perspective.

“At least one 10 million/whatever happens.” Agamemnon may be used to judging the value of jiāo first.

“Very m Reese ’s perspective is the most unique and most meaningless.

“Okay, let’s price this one 10 million/whatever happens.” Richard finally finalized the value of the tree heart.

The price is set, which makes it easy to calculate the attribution of the loot. In the end, Richard obtained the tree heart by compensating the three sets of Runeset for Niris and Agamemnon. Richard calculated it and found that he knew it on his hand There were three Top Level sacrifices in Juejian, so he moved on to Sacrificial Offering.

However, this idea just came out, and quicksand seemed to be aware of it. He looked up and said, “This thing can’t be Sacrificial Offering!”

Niris and said with a nod: “There are very few things that can open Soul Power, 10 million/whatever happens cannot be Sacrificial Offering!”

“This …” Richard was a bit unexpected, and some people would not want Sacrificial Offering.

Richard, use it.” Agamemnon‘s words are always so few.

“What is Soul Power.” Richard asked.

This time, Niris replied: “It is the ability endowed by the soul itself. There is no way to make it clear. The stronger the soul, the more likely it is to have incredible abilities. If this tree heart is indeed as Tree of Life said With the ability to open Soul Power, the value is totally inestimable! “

Richard stunned: “That 10 million/whatever happens is not underestimated!”

“A lot.” Agamemnon said.

PS: Second today, this is the normal update,

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