Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Weird courtship of Section 315

“What are you kidding?” Aunt Yue immediately pretended to be displeased: “One or two, can make a few people promote? One or two? In this case, we might as well leave micro Desire Ice Soul Divine Sword, at least Cultivate another one to come today! “

“Don’t be funny, if the Desire Ice Soul Divine Sword is so easy to recognize the Lord, can you still wait for tens of thousands of years?” Song Zhong said with a smile: “Everyone knows that the more high level stuff, the more difficult it is to recognize the Lord, You can only dry it when you take it back. It’s better to change to one or two Dao Comprehending Tea! At least enough for you to advance! “

“Less nonsense, don’t mention it if it’s less than half a catty!” Aunt Yue said directly: “You should also understand that this time is not only a problem of Desire Ice Soul Divine Sword, but also involves our face! If you and we have no previous Pimple, with your talents, and the relationship between Xuan Tian Dao Chang and us, even if you do n’t use Dao Comprehending Tea, you can marry Han Bing’er. But now it ’s different, you destroyed our spot Desire Pavilion, killed hundreds of disciples, and let us lose It ’s such a big person. We have n’t recovered the place now, but we suddenly married Han Bing’er to you, and it will become a villain in no time, how can we be seen in the future? You do n’t make up for our reputation How can losses work? “

“What you said makes sense, but the problem is that it is too much for half a catty. This Dao Comprehending Tea is a few dollars or a few dollars, and it is rare even after one or two. It can be seen how precious it is, anyway, you kill I won’t be able to get half a catty! “Song Zhong said directly:” I only have three or two here, and it won’t work. Please give a happy talk! “

“Thirty-two?” Aunt Yue made it difficult to say: “It seems to be a little less!” Then, Aunt Yue peeped at Song Zhong’s face. In fact, Aunt Yue is already very satisfied with Sanliang Dao Comprehending Tea. After all, this stuff is too scarce. In general, three or five dollars can make people break through the bottleneck. Three two can meet the needs of several Divided Spirit and even Void Cultivator to break through the bottleneck. Such a good thing, in exchange for a Han Bing’er, plus the use rights of the emblem Desire Ice Soul Divine Sword for hundreds of years, is definitely a bargain.

It’s just that Aunt Yue is still lucky, and wants to get something out of Song Zhong. That’s why it is said.

Song Zhong naturally knows what idea Aunt Yue is playing. He is quiet on the surface, saying lightly: “I am really gone, do you believe it or not!”

Aunt Yue said heartily, I believe you are called a hell, and if you do n’t have one, you wo n’t be generous to entertain me with this thing.

However, this sentence Aunt Yue is not spoken. People are unwilling to give it, and it is meaningless to force it. Maybe it will be counterproductive. Anyway, as long as the marriage is successful. There will be opportunities in the future. Aunt Yue is such a savvy person that he has a long-term vision, and naturally he will not spoil the future big business because of this small interest.

So Aunt Yue saw Song Zhong denied, not angry, just smiled slightly, said: “Okay, even if it is gone. Three two Dao Comprehending Tea is also considered sky-high, this gift is enough to make Han Bing’er bright.”

“But what?” Song Zhong asked with a frown.

“You also know!” Aunt Yue immediately pretended to be helpless: “There are several family members in this Desire Palace, not me alone. Although this kind of thing Dao Comprehending Tea is good, it is too precious, Even if we get it, we can only leave a third, and the rest must be turned over to the sect, and the two teas are not easy to divide! “

Song Zhong touched his chin and puzzled: “Please forgive your juniors for ignorance, and can’t understand what you mean!”

“Oh!” Aunt Yue smiled and shook his head bitterly, then said: “Song Zhongxian nephew, I will tell you straight, your conditions are good, I agree, but the other elders in our micro-Desire Palace may not necessarily Agree. After all, you have caused too much trouble for us to play Dao Zong before. Those brains ca n’t wait to eat you. If you ca n’t find a way to persuade them, this proposal is only afraid of hanging! ”

“But, I don’t know them, how can I convince?” Song Zhong said with a cry of tears: “I can only bring out Dao Comprehending Tea in front of you!”

“Cough!” Song Zhong said awkwardly, and she coughed quickly to cover up the past. Then I pretended to be like this: “In fact, this is also very simple. I recognize the elders above Divided Spirit and know their preferences. I have always heard that Song Zhongxian is a rich nephew and runs a Jade Tree Palace fair, which is a big event for cultivator , Even Void Cultivator is a guest. It can be seen that Song Zhongxian ’s nephew is quite generous. If you can give them some gifts, and if I tell them from the middle, I think that Han Bing’er and your problem can be solved completely! “

, Wambi North

When Song Zhong heard it, he realized that this Aunt Yue was asking for benefits for those elders. But this is understandable. After all, they drink some incense from the lady of the Huojia family, which has nothing to do with Song Zhongke. So, if you do n’t give any benefits, why should anyone help you?

Anyway, Song Zhong ’s family is very big, and gifts are really nothing, so he said: “It does n’t matter if you send some gifts, but I have two conditions!”

“You said!” Aunt Yue laughed.

“First, the gift is delivered, the facts must be done. And we must follow what we have said, and we ca n’t increase the price at will!” Song Zhong said abruptly: “If you can do the job, then I will definitely prepare one. A gift to their satisfaction! “

“Oh, Song Zhongxian ’s nephew is afraid that we will not take care of the things we collected? Then you can look down upon us too much!” Aunt Yue could not help but laugh: “This thing can be promised, in short, it will not let you suffer That’s it! “

“Thank you so much!” Song Zhong arched his hand, and then said: “The second condition is that I can prepare a gift for the elders above Divided Spirit, but the lady of the Huojia, I will never give it!”

Aunt Yue is a bit embarrassed:” Is this a bit bad? “

“Nothing is bad!” Song Zhong sneered: “If they were not troubled by fire, would Han Bing’er fall to the point of today? Since they are not benevolent, don’t blame me for being unjust. In short, I definitely don’t Will bird her! “

“However, others have gifts, only she doesn’t. How can we be so embarrassed?” Aunt Yue frowned.

“Hey!” Song Zhong said with a bad smile: “Senior, based on my relationship with Huojia, you said that she can change her mind when this gift is sent? If not, wouldn’t it be a free gift? ? Moreover, if she is a little bit shameless, she will never accept it! “

As soon as Song Zhong said this, Aunt Yue suddenly became speechless. She then smiled bitterly: “You are right, she has a good temper, so she is willing to give her something. She won’t want it! Since that is the case. Just go. Then open.

“This is so good!” Song Zhong said with satisfaction: “Excuse me, senior, what kind of gift am I giving?”

“Well, you are Bodhisattva Stone(s), Pure Jade Flowers

Wait for six materials! “Aunt Yue said:” It just happens that they need these things to refine magic weapons, and they can’t always get it. As long as you send them up, they will promise to help you even if they fight against the lady of the Huo Family! “

The materials mentioned by Aunt Yue are more expensive than the same, especially Bodhisattva Stone(s), which is not available in the market at all. Song Zhong also received a piece by accident, but at that time it cost a lot of money. But Aunt Yue said it without frowning, and Song Zhong, who heard it, felt distressed for a while.

However, for the sake of Han Bing’er, Song Zhong was also out of everything. Who told him to owe others?

In addition, this transaction is actually not a loss, because after Han Bing’er is married, even if he is his person, and also with the scorn Ice Soul Divine Sword. Do n’t look at this sword as Desire Sect in name. Han Bing’er will be returned after death, but in fact, as long as Han Bing’er advanced DaSheng, this thing is equal to her. Don’t go. According to the qualifications of Han Bing’er, it is not impossible to advance to DaSheng.

Thinking of this, Song Zhong simply agreed. Song Zhong’s briskness also made Aunt Yue impressed. You know, the seven materials she just said are all extremely rare, otherwise they will not be able to collect these high-level cultivator. So at the beginning of Aunt Yue, she just wanted to use these materials to embarrass Song Zhong. As long as Song Zhong could not take them out, she could take the opportunity to ask for more things.

However, Aunt Yue never imagined that Song Zhong ’s family had become so thick. The materials they can’t get from the masters of Desire Palace are available here. This made Aunt Yue envious, but couldn’t help but be shocked by Song Zhong’s generosity, and he was even more determined to reconcile with Song Zhong.

You know, in fact, the senior executives of Jade Desire Sect are unwilling to fall out with Song Zhong. The reason is very simple, that is, Song Zhong’s talent is too abnormal, Gold Core stage has the combat power of Divided Spirit master, and the cultivation degree is even a thousand miles. In history, such characters have often become unattainable. Once that time is reached, this is not a good thing for the entire Ao Desire Sect, maybe they will be reprimanded by the teachers.

If Song Zhong is not Xuan Tian Dao Sect, these crazy women will even kill Song Zhong at all costs, so as not to become a disaster in the future.

Now, because of the existence of Xuan Tian Dao Zong, they cannot kill Song Zhong. And because of face reasons, they can’t become friends with Song Zhong, they can only watch Song Zhong becoming stronger and stronger, which is definitely not what they want to see.

It was at this time that Song Zhong came to Aunt Yue with a goodwill reconciliation signal. If the people of Ban Desire Palace have no meaning of reconciliation, Aunt Yue is obviously not going to take Song Zhong even if Song Zhong has so many good things.

, Wambi North

However, as a senior member of the micro-Desire Palace, Aunt Yue naturally knows the embarrassing attitude of love and hate towards Song Zhong in the door. Now that she can resolve the embarrassment and hatred, she will not let this opportunity pass. Therefore, Aunt Yue will be so polite to Song Zhong, and will bring down the reconciliation.

Now, things have already been talked about. ** It ’s no longer ten. Aunt Yue drank two more glasses of Dao Comprehending Tea and then left with Song Zhong ’s gift. But Song Zhong did not leave, and continued to wait here.

The rising fairy I am the “touch line” of Harmony Sail

After more than half an hour later, with a flash of blue light, Mei Hua Goddess with a pink gauze appeared in front of Song Zhong.

Song Zhong hurriedly got up and said, “I have seen seniors.”

“No, no!” Mei Hua Goddess waved his hand and smiled: “I didn’t expect your kid to be really powerful, but he did such a difficult thing!”

“Where is it!” Song Zhong said with a bitter smile: “It is just hopeful that it will be done. Although Aunt Yue was moved by me, but other elders may not be able to pass it?”

After listening to Mei Hua Goddess, he immediately laughed in the sky: “Hahaha, you are such a fool.”

Song Zhong was stunned by Mei Hua Goddess and couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Senior, what does this mean?”

“You”. Mei Hua Goddess poked Song Zhong’s forehead with his finger and smiled: “You are really clever for a while. I asked you, do you know who the Aunt Yue was just now?

“I don’t know!” Song Zhong scratched his scalp, then asked curiously: “Is her status very high?

“Nonsense, more than high!” Mei Hua Goddess smiled and said: “Tell you, she is actually the lord of the Desire Palace, known as Demonic Fairy Maiden Yue! People are really Void Cultivation big cultivator.”

“Ah!” Song Zhong heard the words and suddenly surprised: “She turned out to be Void Cultivator, no wonder I feel that she is terrible!”

Elder Sister Yue in my house is indeed terrible. Do n’t look at her as an early cultivation. With her eighth-order Lingbao Evil Moon Scimitar, she can even compete with people in the late Void Cultivation, even our college Shui Menglong. A bit inferior! “Aunt Yue explained.

“Wow, so powerful? Song Zhong even said strangely:” But, how can such a powerful cultivator match your sister? “

“Hey, this is too simple!” Mei Hua Goddess smiled and said: “My master and her master are cousins ​​and sisters, and we are naturally sisters too!”

“That’s it!” Song Zhong figured it out, then smiled and said: “Haha, Aunt Yue agreed, so, wouldn’t it be all right?”

“Almost!” Mei Hua Goddess shrugged: “Elder Sister Yue is extremely prestigious in micro Desire Palace, and there is generally no opposition to her words, and this time you also sent such a precious gift, those who took advantage Not even talking nonsense! Speaking of it, I really admire this Elder Sister Yue! Then your gift to her, the elders do n’t know how grateful she is now! “

Song Zhong naturally knows that Mei Hua Goddess is telling the truth. If the things were sent by Song Zhong himself, those elders will naturally understand Song Zhong ’s favor. But the problem is that these things are from Aunt Yue. She will definitely tell the elders that she is asking for gifts from Song Zhong. In this way, this huge relationship is just a few Aunt Yue, this one Aunt Yue not only got the benefits of Song Zhong, but also received the love of his men.

Of course, Song Zhong does n’t care too much about this kind of thing. His only concern is whether Han Bing’er can survive the disaster safely.

I am threatening touch

, Wambi North

Several days later, Song Zhong finally received a letter from Aunt Yue. It said that after discussion with many elders of Ban Desire Palace, Song Zhong ’s request was agreed in principle.

However, in view of the awkward relationship between Song Zhong and Hui Gu Dao Zong, Aunt Yue requires that Song Zhong must go to Jade Desire Sect to raise relatives and apologize for the destruction of spot Desire Pavilion. As for other things, they can be completely ignored.

In addition, in order to appease Song Zhong, Aunt Yue also released goodwill. After Huo Qingyun was expelled from the teacher, Han Bing’er became a man without a master. Despite this, Cultivation World insists on being a teacher for one day and being a father for life. After all, Huo Qingyun is driven crazy by Song Zhong. If Han Bing’er marries Song Zhong, it will make people think that they are unfaithful and unfilial.

To avoid Song Zhong ’s embarrassment, Aunt Yue personally ordered. Officially released the mentorship relationship between Han Bing’er and Huo Qingyun, and personally accepted Han Bing’er as a disciple. As a result, Han Bing’er‘s identity suddenly jumped thousands of miles, from a rebellious disciple to a master of the hall.

For the decision of Aunt Yue, many elders said they could not understand it. Because Han Bing’er is now demon-ridden, the mana has not been improved for decades. How can such a waste person be a disciple of the temple master? But Aunt Yue didn’t care about this. Relying on his prestige, he forcibly suppressed all voices of opposition, very officially convened the apprentice meeting, invited Sanshan Five Sacred Mountains‘s righteous friends to observe the ceremony, and announced that Han Bing’er was her closed disciple. This has shocked many people.

When Song Zhong started, he thought it was Aunt Yue who saw it on his face, and he was a little touched by Aunt Yue. But later he learned that Aunt Yue did this after listening to Mei Hua Goddess‘s evaluation of Han Bing’er.

Aunt Yue knows that Mei Hua Goddess ’s Heavenly Cycle Calculation is extremely mysterious, and whoever has a promising future is almost certain. And that day when she came to see Aunt Yue. I heard Mei Hua Goddess said that in the future, there will be Han Bing’er one of the outstanding young generations.

After listening to Aunt Yue, I immediately paid attention to Han Bing’er. After going back to be summoned, now Han Bing’er has a temperament outside and a soft inside, which is very bad for her temper. Moreover, the Han Bing’er talent is absolutely talented, although for a time the mind is at a loss, but once the mind is lifted, I am afraid that there will be a skyrocketing trend. Because of the disturbance of the mind and spirit in these years, it may be a temper. Moreover, Han Bing’er‘s demon is Song Zhong, as long as she is sent to the past, this demon is also gone! It is foreseeable that Han Bing’er will definitely have extremely amazing performance.

Another thing that makes Aunt Yue heart-wrenching is Song Zhong ’s terrible family. Dao Comprehending Tea, countless top quality materials, which cultivator doesn’t like it? Only if these things are not close relatives, people will not be willing to take them out!

It just happens that there is such a good opportunity that Aunt Yue will naturally not let go. After accepting Han Bing’er as a closed disciple, their relationship is not a mother-daughter, it is better than a mother-daughter. When the time comes, is the mother-in-law, Aunt Yue, afraid that she won’t get good things from Song Zhong?

It is precisely because of so many benefits that Aunt Yue is able to stand out from the crowd, insisting on accepting Han Bing’er as a closed disciple.

To be honest, although using auntie has some utilitarian intentions, it is not easy for her to do this step. It is absolutely impossible for Song Zhong to say that she is not grateful.

Since this is the case, let Song Zhong apologize for the Abandon Desire Pavilion, and he will not be so resistant. In fact, Song Zhong felt that he was a bit excessive. The only thing he hated was Huo Qingyun. The ordinary disciples in Banyan Desire Pavilion were innocent. He did n’t ask him innocently. He directly destroyed Banhu Peak and killed several people. Baiji Desire Pavilion beauty cultivator. Looking back now, Song Zhong also has a feeling of regret that is too hot to destroy the flowers.

So, after receiving a series of goodwill messages released by Aunt Yue, Song Zhong officially decided. According to the requirements of Aunt Yue, go apologize!

Of course, it ’s obviously impossible for Song Zhong to run hundreds of thousands of miles dry, so he specifically apologized. He planned to handle the apology when he asked for a marriage. Anyway, it ’s just an out-of-the-line walk. , That’s not good.

After Song Zhong planned this, it suddenly appeared that things were not that simple.

First of all, the formal courtship must first let the matchmaker come forward. This duty can only be handed over to Mei Hua Goddess. She agreed, but took the opportunity to blackmail Song Zhong ’s baby. In desperation, Song Zhong had no choice but to beat her with a perennial grass.

Next, for marriage, the elders must follow him as long as the man comes forward. But Song Zhong now has a father without a mother and no teacher, how can he find an elder?

Hong Family is okay, but the problem is, Hong Ying or Song Zhong ’s confidante, Hong Family can only be regarded as his natal family. How could it be possible for his family to come forward to help him marry another wife? So Hong Family is definitely immobile.

Furthermore, the identity of Han Bing’er is different now. They are disciples of Void Cultivation and cultivator. If Song Zhong ’s elders are not strong enough. It is also easy to be underestimated. So strong Song Zhong naturally does not allow such things to happen. So Song Zhong didn’t do it at all, and kept on asking for Shui Menglong from Xuantian Branch.

The Shui family owes Song Zhongtian a big favor, and Shui Menglong will not refuse it. On the contrary, he is also willing to do something good. So Shui Menglong didn’t say anything, he promised to be Song Zhong’s elder, and wrote the marriage letter in person, and then let a Divided Spirit-level hall lord **** Song Zhong to defeat the court and ask for marriage.

Speaking of the lord who escorted Song Zhong, Song Zhong really knew that it was the same day that he used Lightning jade strip to replace his Dao Comprehending Tea Divided Spirit cultivator. It was not until Song Zhong came to this world that he knew that his identity was the Temple of Thunder Temple. Lord, named Leiming Taoist!

The dividing line between Rising Fairy and Fairy Harmony

Just when Song Zhong was about to go to Xuan Xingdian with Lei Ming Taoist and get the Han Bing’er thing done first. But something happened to his family, Hong Ying, Shui Jing, Si Yun and Si Yu sisters and Han Yufeng. Together, they blocked Song Zhong and asked directly, marrying Han Bing’er, what should they do?

Song Zhong’s head grew bigger when he heard it, so too many confidantes are not this point

However, Song Zhong was not afraid, he was at this stage anyway, and he told them simply. This time a huge wedding is held, and everyone is wiped out!

Seeing Song Zhong saying this, several people barely let him go, but asked Song Zhong to hurry up and ask for a kiss, at least before going to Bantar Hall. Obviously, they all value this order.

Song Zhong didn’t want to hurt the hearts of these girls, so he postponed the time to go to the temple for a few days. Then ask Hong Family and Mei Hua Goddess first. As for the sisters Si Yun and Si Yu and Han Yufeng, they have no elders and can only look like that.

Song Zhong knows. Marry so many days proud daughter in one breath. It is really wronged. So when it comes to the ceremony, it’s really a **** start. One Grade 9 magic weapon per person, plus ten ten thousand years of elixir, and one hundred other precious materials are enough to refine several Grade 9 magic weapons.

So many good things come out. Naturally, it has attracted the attention of countless people. Xuantian Branch is not unhappy. But Ding Li can afford to spend so much, Song Zhong is definitely the only one. In particular, he did not take one, but took four out of one breath, which is not yet a preparation for Han Bing’er. Such financial resources. Even Shui Menglong smiled bitterly and bowed down!

Although Hong Family is not willing to let her baby girl marry a flowery carrot, who is more willing than Hong Ying? Coupled with Song Zhong ’s unlimited potential and sincerity, they can only agree. There is no embarrassment.

It ’s Mei Hua Goddess, which is the most abominable thing. When Song Zhong proposed to marry, he had to get a bunch of poems and songs on the road. Almost a few hundred miles away, there were dozens of them. question.

Although Song Zhong is not a big boss, but to be honest, it is absolutely ignorant of elegant poetry. Mei Hua Goddess is obviously difficult for him.

Fortunately, Mei Hua Goddess does not mean to make Song Zhong embarrassed, but to accumulate wealth, so whenever Song Zhong cannot answer, she will let Song Zhong spend money to buy the road.

So Song Zhong’s fun is so big that he can’t answer a question along the way. He can only use Wannianling grass or various rare treasures to buy the way. That thing spent, even after watching the lively cultivator a bit painful!

If others dare to do this, they will definitely be scolded to death. However, the status of Mei Hua Goddess, no matter how she is nonsense, no one dares to talk more, so Song Zhong can only eat dumb. Fortunately, the thick man in his family was going to die, but he didn’t care about the loss. In the end, the marriage was settled smoothly!

After finishing a group of women at home, Song Zhong can finally go to Desire Sect and formally ask for a kiss from Aunt Yue.

Rising Immortal I am the brilliant touch of Harmony Sails and the touch of the fairy line

Abandon Desire Palace, 400,000 miles away from Xuantian Branch, Song Zhong, led by Lei Ming Taoist, made a long journey and finally came here on this day.

As a sect full of women cultivator, the architectural layout of the Huishi Hall is less magnificent, but more delicate and soft, and the colors are mostly red and purple, which are very gorgeous.

After Song Zhong came, he immediately felt depressed. When he arrived here, it would be like walking to his daughter’s country. After hearing Song Zhong came to court, several hundred beauties cultivator appeared in one breath. Song Zhong pointed around and tweeted criticism. They looked as if they were talking in a low voice, but they all passed into Song Zhong’s ear literally. In fact, there are exercises that can transmit sound, but they give up. These women clearly let Song Zhong listen to it!

“This is Song Zhong? It’s so ugly!” a female repairman covered her mouth and smiled.

After Song Zhong listened, a black line floated across his forehead.

“It looks like a Damn Fatty? Actually want to propose to our Han Bing’er, oops, it’s a typical example of the toad who wants to eat swan!” Another female monk said.

Song Zhong burst into flames suddenly, and the blue muscles burst. But he knew that the place was wrong, so he could only hold back.

The Thunder Taoist also heard these words on the side, but just smiled on the side without any interference, making Song Zhong depressed.

Fortunately, it ’s not a long time to be watched, and soon a master of Divided Spirit level will come to meet. After all, there is Thunder Taoist, spot Desire Palace can not be rude.

After the master appeared, the surrounding crowds were beaten away first, and then came over with Lei Ming Taoist for a few words, and then took the two to the hall.

The time is not big, Song Zhong and Lei Ming Taoist are led by others and come to a hall. There are already dozens of people here, all of them are masters of Nascent Soul and above, and seven of them of Divided Spirit level are sitting on both sides, in the middle of the position, naturally sitting the hall master of the spot Desire Palace Evil month.


After Lei Ming Taoist and Song Zhong entered, they were naturally polite. Aunt Yue please sit thunder Taoist. As for Song Zhong, of course it can only stand. Then a group of people stared at Song Zhong, apparently waiting for his expression.

As the Abandon Desire Pavilion was destroyed, hundreds of disciples died, so the cultivator around Jade Desire Sect looked at Song Zhong very harshly, even resented.

Being stared at by such a group of women, Song Zhong is naturally extremely uncomfortable. But no matter how uncomfortable, what should I say?

“Everything is for Han Bing’er!” Song Zhong quietly breathed in his heart.

Song Zhong then bravely courageously said, “You seniors, feel very guilty for the destruction of the spot Desire Pavilion, so I come to ask for sin!”

After listening to Song Zhong ’s words, not only did the women around him not lose their breath, but were even more angry. They secretly said, “Hundreds of people have died in one breath, so you are finished with such a flirty sentence?

One of them shouted, “Is it okay to just say it? Don’t hurry to confess!”

When Song Zhong heard this, he was immediately angry, and the man ’s husband, he could not be humiliated! How could he kneel? So Song Zhong’s face suddenly became extremely angry.

As soon as Aunt Yue saw it, she felt awkward, but she knew Song Zhong’s temper, and she was very networked. It was not easy to do this step. Because Jade Desire Sect is not wrong, after all, Huo Qingyun persecuted others as Abandon Desire Pavilion cabinet master! So Song Zhong just apologized. If he was forced to kneel, it would only make the relationship between the two sides finally broken again.

So Aunt Yue hurriedly interjected and said: “Okay, okay, what more things have you said in the past? Since Song Zhong personally came to Ban Dao Dao Zong to apologize, he is already sincere. We elders. Why bother him Child? “

Aunt Song Zhong as a child, plus her own prestige, it really turned Daomenzhen! General forced to suppress. Although the faces of the nuns around were still ugly, no one dared to say more!

Seeing this, Song Zhong and Lei Ming Taoist both gave breath.

The rising fairy I am a harmonious couple of fairy touches

Next, Song Zhong supposedly began to ask for a courtship. Aunt Yue was already smiling and waiting, and Song Zhong was well prepared.

However, right here. At that time, there was an extremely cold voice outside: “Are you Song Zhong?”

The voice network fell, and three people appeared at the entrance of the hall. Everyone, including Song Zhong, turned around and turned around. Now there are two women and one man. Leading by is a beautiful woman in white dress Shengxue, with a cold air in her body, like an iceberg. Because of her appearance, the temperature in the hall instantly changed into severe winter.

Behind this person is a female practitioner in purple clothes. She looks very similar to Huo Qingyun. At this time, she is looking at Song Zhong with a furious look. Looking like that, she ca n’t wait to eat Song Zhong.

As for the last man, it is a very young little white face, do n’t look at his young age, but the cultivation base is very high, and it has already reached the early stage of Nascent Soul. This man’s arrogance is full of face, and from the beginning to the end, his chin is always on his back, completely like no one in the eyes.

Song Zhong did n’t know them, but the thunder Taoist behind him secretly screamed bitterness, and then went to Song Zhong ’s ear and whispered quietly: “The girl in purple clothes, named Han Qing, is Huo Family Madame, Huo Qingyun And the mother of Huo Long Taoist. The woman in white clothes is no less powerful than Senior Yue, and it is obviously Void Cultivation cultivator! Look at her facial features, very similar to Han Qing, I am afraid that it is the elder of Han Qing’s family! “

When Song Zhong heard it, he immediately understood that he bought Aunt Yue and others with a big price. Suddenly ruined Han Qing’s anti-drug plan, so she invited her elders to support her. It’s really a soulless guy! Thinking of this, Song Zhong’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

The iceberg in white, seeing Song Zhong kept meditating and did not answer her words, suddenly became furious and immediately shouted: Boy, I am talking to you, did you not hear this idiot? “

Song Zhong was annoyed when he heard the words. He couldn’t bear such insults. Whatever you are, Void Cultivation and cultivator, Song Zhong wanted to start a fight with her. But Lei Ming Taoist pulled him to death and persuaded him: “Don’t be impulsive! She is waiting for you to fire, so there is an excuse to kill you!”

At this time, Aunt Yue was finally unable to sit still. The things she had originally arranged were all disturbed by Han Qingquan, and she was naturally very angry. But despite his anger, it is clearly not the time for fire.

I saw that Aunt Yue got up slightly and greeted with a smile. Tao: “It turns out that the Female Apprentice Han is coming, please forgive the little girl for being far away.”


Even if it was Aunt Yue, the white woman cultivator was unkind. I saw her with a cold face and said, “Don’t dare to be!”

Aunt Yue heard the words, frowned, and then said, “Who is angry with Sister Sister?

“You know it yourself!” white girl cultivator annoyed.

“Please forgive the little girl for ignorance!” Aunt Yue said unhurriedly.

“Okay, since you pretend to be stupid, then I will ask you why this little beast who persecuted my children will become your guest?” White woman cultivator pointed to Song Zhong and scolded.

Song Zhong was scolded by her. If it were n’t for Thunder Taoist, it would have to burst on the spot.

When Aunt Yue saw this, he frowned, and then said: “Sister, Huo Qingyun does not know self-love, practicing evil skills, colluding with evil faction, and persecuting the same way, these are all hard evidences, I will expel them from the teacher! If you are hard If I persecute her, the little girl has nothing to say! “

“I didn’t say you!” cultivator, the girl in white, frowned: “Qingyun did something wrong, and your disposition was forced. But this kind of thing can allow us to deal with it internally. It’s all this kid It’s nonsense outside that makes you have to make a heavy effort. Even Desire Sect, which is a burden to me, can follow the shame! For this shameless person, you should kill him. How can you treat him with a dagger? ”

Aunt Yue apparently did not want to continue to entangle with this unreasonable person, she directly shook her head and said: “Sister, who is right and wrong, I don’t want to argue with you. In short, this is where I am responsible, I naturally You have the right to dispose of anything here. If the elder sister can’t see the past, you can sue me! “

“White woman cultivator sees Aunt Yue saying this, and it’s all right now. After all, Aunt Yue is not her men, she is really not qualified to teach others. In addition, she is not the person responsible for inspections, just want to make a small report upwards, people She will not care about this kind of petty thing, but will say that she can’t tolerate people! So this kind of stupid thing, she will definitely not do it. In this way, she really has no way to take Aunt Yue.

At this moment, Han Qing behind the white-dressed female cultivator gently pulled her sleeves, and then said a few words in her ear.

White woman cultivator nodded after listening, forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and then said: “Well, I don’t care about the little cub’s things, just toss it!”

“So, thank you sister!” Aunt Yue smiled Shi Lidao.

“Don’t thank me first!” The white girl cultivator just waved her hand and said, “I still have something to find you!”

“What’s the matter?” Aunt Yue immediately frowned.

“Hey, this time it’s a good thing!” White girl cultivator smiled proudly and said: “I heard that you just received a closed disciple called Han Bing’er?”

“Good”. Aunt Yue frowned and said: “This is the case!”

“That’s good!” The white girl cultivator smiled slightly, and then pulled the man behind him, laughing: “It happens that my son is not yet married, let’s be a relative!”

“What? What do you mean?” When Aunt Yue heard it, she was stupid. She never thought that it was such a thing.

While the white girl cultivator did not care: “I mean very simple, that is, on behalf of my son, I beg you to ask you to marry me the baby apprentice Han Bing’er I just received! The friendship is here, presumably you will not refute my face? “

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