Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Three hundred and forty-fifth verse three saints

. In the 945th quarter, the Sanqing saints saw these three saints appear, and all the people present could not help but respectfully. The three of them are the cornerstones of the stability of the Oriental Immortal World and the largest backstage of Imperial Court, known as the Sanqing Taishang saint, Yuanshi saint and Tongtian saint.

It can be said that the reason why Immortal World has millions of clean days is because of the three gods sitting in town. Without them, Buddhism would have wiped out the Eastern Immortal World long ago, maybe it will be refined! A new blood sacrifice ban!

Moreover, the techniques created by the three of them are widely circulated. It can be said that the vast majority of the Immortal World ’s practices are inspired by them, or even their original versions.

Especially the Taishang saint, his Tao Te Ching is hailed as the first book of Immortal World. Almost every immortal practitioner has to study his life.

From this general, the three disciples of Dao Zu Hongjun, known as the Immortal World ancestors, are no exaggeration. However, the relationship between these three saints is not very harmonious. The brother-in-law, the saint, emphasizes cleanness and inaction. Although he is a humanitarian leader, he almost never mixes the following things. Even the disciples only received one, a famous emperor-level strongman, Master Xuandu.

But Yuanshi Saints and Tongtian Saints are more lively, they have created their own denominations, and have received many apprentices.

Yuanshi saint founded the explanation teaching, disciple has mouth Gold Immortal, each is an outstanding person.

The Tongtian saint is even better. He founded the cut-off education, and he received tens of thousands of disciples in one breath. Although many of them are monsters and monsters, and their talents are not good, but the huge cardinal number determines. There will definitely be more talents.

Although Yuanshi Sage and Tongtian Sage are brothers and sisters, they had a good relationship in the past, but their disciple was not harmonious. The two sides had a lot of things in the lower realm to compete for territory and treasure.

Even with it, there was a crack between the Yuanshi saint and the Tongtian saint. As things got worse, the number of cut-off teachers who had the upper hand had the upper hand and bullied Yuanshi Saint disciple.

Yuanshi Saint is a master of shortcomings. When he saw his disciple suffered a loss, he personally dealt with those younger generations in anger, and he was particularly ruthless.

As a result, his well-behaved angered the heavenly saints. The two saints failed to reconcile the peace completely, and even the Supreme Saint could not suppress it. I have to say that although Tongtian Saint is ranked third, the combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy, even above the second brother Yuanshi Saint, so after the fight, Yuanshi Saint lost.

Yuanshi saints were naturally unwilling, but he did not ask the neutral Taishang saints, so in a rage, he teamed up with the Buddhist gate and severely cleaned up the Tongtian saints.

The strongest period of interception of education at that time was known as the interception of thousands of immortals. As a result, it was picked up by the saints of the Yuanshi saints and the Buddhist gates, and was directly beaten up and down. If it weren’t for the saints at the critical moment, they wouldn’t be able to see it, and if they tried to stop it, they would almost close the door.

But even so, the disciple elite of the Tongtian saint has also suffered heavy losses, either being abandoned or being passed by the Buddha. It is said that the current Vairocana is actually the first disciple of the Tongtian saint disciple. ~~~~~ 我 mmn is ~ m and m ~~~ harmonic mmn ~~~~~~ 分 分 仙仙 ~ 切 ~~~ m 线 mmn

This matter has passed for millions of years, and many of the strongest Immortal World people in the long term are not clear. Song Zhong learned these inside stories only after becoming Celestial Emperor.

The performance after the meeting between Yuanshi Saint and Tongtian Saint is even more proof of this.

As soon as the two men met, they were both cold-browed, and their bodies were soaring. The divine power around Yuanshi Saint was surging like a tide, and the rolling waves pounded all around, fully showing the angry mood of Yuanshi Saint.

And around the sage of Tongtian is Sword Qi overflowing, there is a terrible grievance, and it seems that the surrounding space will be cut into pieces! Fortunately, both Yuanshi Saints and Tongtian Saints knew that it was not a time for conflict, so their divine powers only appeared around them without direct conflict.

Otherwise, even just the impact of their momentum is enough to shock the emperor-level masters around.

To tell the truth, Song Zhong saw that the two big enemies did not fight, but he was relieved in his heart. But he was afraid of death and the two of them fought. The strength of these two people is now Song. It is difficult for Zhong to separate it.

The three saints came here, Song Zhong and others could not give gifts naturally, the Mother Earth lady, the Queen Mother of the West and Song Zhong hurried forward to see the ceremony together: “I have seen three saints!” Not so arrogant, they nodded back to the courtesies and said: “Have seen the Mother Earth saints, Yaochi saints, and the new East Emperor saints!” After seeing each other, the curious eyes of the three saints, Yuanshi saint, and Yuantian saint fell On Song Zhong.

As the boss, Taishang saint first asked: “The Eastern Emperor was promoted to the saint at a young age. It is really amazing! I heard that the teacher has seen the token on your hand. I do n’t know if we can let us A look? “

Song Zhong heard the words, and he was shocked in his heart, and he immediately thought of the chemical jade. Heart said, these three saints are not trying to **** my baby, right?

The reason why Song Zhong is worried is entirely because the name of the forged jade sword is not right in his hand. Instead, he is the heir to Dao Zuhongjun, who is more qualified to inherit this treasure than him.

However, although Song Zhong was worried, he did n’t refuse. He reached out and summoned Primordial Chaos Bell, saying, “Naturally, you can see!” Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell, the surrounding space immediately shivered. The terror that seemed to resonate with the heavenly path emanated from above, and even if it was as strong as the Sanqing, it was changed!

As for the emperor-level strongmen around, they are forced to retreat a distance, so as not to be ugly under this terrible coercion.

While shocked by the strength of Primordial Chaos Bell, the Sanqing saints finally found the white jade tile inlaid on Primordial Chaos Bell.

After feeling the surging Taoism above, Sanqing instantly determined its identity, which was the master of the life of his teacher Solo-Cultivation.

Without any hesitation, in the status of Immortal World, he can be regarded as the supreme three saints, and he gathered his own momentum together, knelt down on the spot in front of the chemical jade, and then was extremely pious and extremely excited. Tao: “Well see your teacher!” No matter how high you are, you must show respect and piety in front of your teacher. This is Gangchang filial piety to maintain the operation of Immortal World!

So, this kneeling of the Sanqing saints not only did not damage their position in the minds of all beings, but also made them admirable.

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It seems that the forged jade sword also sensed the breath of Sanqing, and even when it began to burst into blaze, a breath of the most mysterious Taoism passed down from above.

Taiwan Saints, Yuanshi Saints, and Tongtian Saints felt this extremely profound mystery, and they immediately overjoyed their faces, and hurriedly calmly realized.

As the three people realized this sense of Tao, they gradually began to appear all kinds of visions around them.

The thin body of Taishang Saint is clearly in front of him, but his feelings seem to gradually become blurred, as if the whole person has been integrated into the heaven.

A blue qingyun appeared again on the head of Yuanshi saint, and many white lotuses also appeared around the body. Each white lotus represented a law of Tao, and the power of the law displayed by thousands of white lotus. , Forming a terrible momentum, which is not much worse than the power of Primordial Chaos Bell!

As for the celestial saint, the vision displayed is the most horrible. A dreadful sword intention emerges from his body. Each sword intention represents a law of killing. The number of swords is like the beetle crossing the river, there are countless, and the sharp swords almost fill up the space of thousands of feet around. Anyone who dares to get close will probably be torn apart by Jianyi on the spot!

However, while these sword intentions are derived infinitely, they are constantly being combined. As the understanding of the Tongtian saints deepened, the speed of the sword-inspired soldiers also kept increasing. Eventually, all the sword-intents were smelted into one, forming an ethereal sword-intention, suspended above the head of the Tongtian saint.

Although this ethereal sword looks inconspicuous, the horror power contained in it shocked Song Zhong.

Obviously, from the vision that they showed, all three of them have gained a lot of benefits at the Yudai.

Soon, the radiance of the forged jade sword disappeared, and the three saints also ended their enlightenment.

After the three of them got up, they gave Song Zhong a fist together and said, “Thank you Donghuang for your help. The three of us finally got the last inheritance from our teacher.”

“Do n’t dare to be ~” Song Zhong hurriedly said: “The forged jade was originally a thing of the Taoist ancestors, it is supposed that the three should be returned” n

Before Song Zhong ’s words were finished, he was immediately interrupted by Sanqing laughing.

“Haha!”, Taishang Saint said with a smile: “Since Jade Butterfly chooses you, it is because of your destiny, but has nothing to do with us!”, “Yes ~” Yuanshi Saint said with a smile: , As the three of me, how could it be possible to get something from you? “

“In fact, since you inherited the Taoist Jade and the Master’s Taoist Avenue, you can be regarded as our heirs!”, Tongtian Saint said with a smile, “By the way, you are half of our brothers!”, Hearing this remark, Song Zhong was shocked and happy, but he did not expect the Sanqing saints to be so open-minded. In the face of Chongbao, he was unmoved, but he also identified the identity of Junior Song Song.

With such courage, it really deserves the title of saint. In contrast, the three saints of Buddhism are more than a little bit worse in temperament! ! ~!

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