Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: The Sixty-seventh Festival of Ancient Fairies

The Sixty-seventh Festival of Ancient Fairies

After entering Nine Phoenixes Imperial Carriage, Song Zhong and Xiaocha first saw a magnificent hall with thousands of square feet. The hall is divided into three floors. Below is a dance floor prepared for singing and dancing Apsara Fairy. The middle floor is where the waitresses and the like stand, while the uppermost floor is full of gorgeous tables and chairs, and the screen is clearly used by the owner.

The three floors are not high, only one level is as high as a level, but only divided into levels

But the magnificent decoration around is absolutely the only thing in Song Zhong’s life.

Not to mention anything else, the floors on the ground are all phoenix jade, very comfortable to step on, and not slippery at all. A layer of light mist always floats on the jade soil, rendering the whole hall full of mystery.

As for tables and chairs, the flow of screens is even more gorgeous, and they are the top materials. Song Zhong actually only knows a small part of them, ten of them **, he ca n’t even name it.

Song Zhong and Xiao Cha were directly taken by such a grand hall, and it was difficult to speak for a long time. Afterwards, the two men walked to the highest level with joy and came to the table of the throne.

Song Zhong suddenly saw that there was a jug of wine on the table, so under the urge of curiosity, he picked it up, opened the lid and smelled it.

In a short time, an extremely mellow and mellow wine rushed into Song Zhong ’s nose, and he immediately felt as if he was fluttering, and could not be refreshed.

Song Zhong could not help but exclaimed: “Good wine! Such a mellow wine, the royal wine given by the Jade Emperor, is far inferior!”

Small tea on the side also smelled the scent. It was n’t enough. I quickly grabbed two wine glasses from the table and handed it to Song Zhong, then said: “Brother, come out and try it! It may be that the tongue and bread have been placed for millions of years! “

After millions of years of aging, Song Zhong ’s eyes were green, and he quickly closed the lid of the hip flask, and slowly poured two glasses.

Song Zhong then took the wine glass in Xiaocha’s hand and gently touched her and smiled: “Lei, wish us a treasure hunt this time!”

“Okay, cheers!” Xiaocha also smiled.

Afterwards, Song Zhong and Xiao Cha raised their necks and gave the cup of aging to f.

After drinking, Song Zhong felt a flame of mellow spirit, instilling the stomach from Dibari, and then quickly spread to all parts of the body. Ten thousand and eighty pores all over the body are open, and it feels like it is dripping freely!

What surprises Song Zhong most is that this wine is obviously not an ordinary product. It is obviously a fairy wine made from countless fairy fruits. This kind of wine itself is extremely mellow, which can greatly repair the body, refine the muscles and mana. After millions of years of storage, this effect becomes even stronger. Even if it is an Grand Net Golden Immortal like Song Zhong, after eating a glass of wine, it feels that the mana of the whole body has been greatly improved! It is just that the spirit of the wine is so great that Song Zhong ’s His head became dizzy.

At this time, Song Zhong suddenly remembered something. Even drinking this wine, he was so unbearable. So with the low strength of Xiaocha, what happened to Shao De after drinking it?

Song Zhongsheng was afraid that Xiaocha would drink something. He quickly shook his head, woke up, and then turned his face to look aside. As a result, he could n’t help but find that the naughty little tea had fallen asleep, and the small face was still carrying Sweet smile, I do n’t know what to do in spring and autumn!

Seeing this, Song Zhong finally felt relieved. He knew that this wine was indeed a wonderful product of Immortal Family. Even if it was drunk by mortals, it would not die, at most it was a sleep, but it contained a lot of Immortal Qi will be lost in vain and cannot be absorbed by them.

So Xiaocha has no worries about life, at most it is a few days to sleep, it will be fine. It’s just that the glass of wine she drank was a complete waste!

Song Zhong looked at the empty glass in Xiaocha ’s hands, and could n’t help feeling a bit distressed, secretly, ‘If such a fine wine, if he drinks it for Huang Jixiang, he may break through the barriers and directly advance to Grand Net Golden Immortal! This little girl drinking tea can tell her to sleep for a few more days, which is really wasteful! ‘

After the emotion, Song Zhong carefully picked up the small tea and put it back into the life space,: il others are well placed.

Then Song Zhong put away all the bottles on each table and stored them in his treasure house. Don’t look at these wine bottles one by one, very delicate, small and exquisite. In fact, they are all specially refined treasures, which not only have great capacity, but also do not evaporate the wine inside.

Song Zhong estimates that this time, he has absolutely got hundreds of barrels of fine wine, all of which can be poured out to make a small lake! This is definitely an unexpected windfall. Such a good thing is probably jade. Emperor, can not help but buy out at a high price. After all, more than a million years of immortal wine, not just want to have it!

In addition, Song Zhong collected all kinds of wine glasses, plates, vases and other things on those tables. These seemingly ordinary things use superb materials, which may not be particularly rare in the ancient times millions of years ago. But

After millions of years of digging and rejection, many materials have been hollowed out and become extremely rare, which has caused the prices of these things to rise.

Anyway, Song Zhong initially estimated that using a teacup to hang a four Fifth Grade Immortal Tool should be no problem. As for those; 8 pots, one pot of wine for one piece of Ninth Grade Immortal Tool, it is never a two-price! And Immortal Tool is not good and will not change!

After collecting all these things, Song Zhong went on to the back of the hall. The lobby in front is not too big, in fact, it only occupies the entire Jiufeng, and Luan is very part of 4_. There is more space behind.

Song Zhong felt like he had entered the palace. Behind the hall was the meeting hall, which was used for secret talks with important guests. Sometimes the queen also gave orders here.

Later behind is the palace, where the queen goes to sleep and practice. Behind it is a small garden with thousands of square feet. It is covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and weeds, all of which are rare fairies, not to mention thousands of plants. Up to now, after millions of years of growth, they have become fruitful and turned into extremely high-quality fairy trees.

Song Zhong was very emotional at that time. If these Immortal Herbs are successful, eight Chengdu can be promoted to the master of the Hunyuan Gold Immortal level, and the worst is Grand Net Golden Immortal. As a result, his strength will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds.

It is a pity that the fairy tree of high level is not so simple to order, even if it is Song Zhong, it will take some preparation and take some time and energy.

While traveling around Song Zhong is on the way, obviously there is no such effort. Therefore, he can only sigh with excitement, and arrange the work of ordering them after he returns by himself.

Song Zhong then bypassed this beautiful little courtyard and came to the back, and found that it was a kitchen, tea house and other places, and there was also a warehouse, which stored some daily necessities. Obviously there is a place for logistics.

Here, Song Zhong found more fine wines and other items, so that Song Qing ’s eyeballs were all green, and he was screaming-he shouted himself!

Then-Song Zhong came to the last poison of Nine Phoenixes Imperial Carriage. There are rows of compartments with narrow spaces and average decoration. At first glance, it is the place where the Apsara Fairy who is waiting for the queen lives.

Song Zhong originally thought that there was no one in it, so he pushed openly and came inside.

As a result, after Song Zhong entered the fragrant girl of Apsara Fairy, he saw a beautiful Apsara Fairy at first glance, sitting on the cloud bed and meditating!

Because it is in inner room, so the girls are wearing small clothes, shoulders, thighs, etc., showing a lot of spring light.

Obviously, at this time, it was extremely inappropriate for Song Zhong, the old man, to break in suddenly. To say something unpleasant is simply pervert behavior!

So Song Zhong suddenly blushed and shouted quickly: “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it!”

As Song Zhong said, he bowed his head and exited!

However, when Song Zhong was about to go out, he suddenly remembered something and secretly said: ‘This ghost place has been abandoned for millions of years, how can there be any living people?’

Thinking of this, Song Zhong ’s curiosity was seduced. He stopped and looked back, but he didn’t see anyone chasing him out. So he was more courageous and shouted directly: “Girl! The so-called meeting is destiny! It is not easy for us to meet each other, can you come out and talk with me?”

After Song Zhong shouted, he found that the girl did n’t pay attention to him. His courage suddenly became a little bit bigger. He walked forward and shouted, “Girl, even if you do n’t come out, you must say something Words? “

There is still no response. Now Song Zhong’s courage was stronger, and he went directly to the door and said, “If you don’t come out, then I will go in. When the time comes, don’t say Ge Fei Li you?”

Speaking, Song Zhong stepped in again, and then looked at the bed, and found that the fairy still didn’t move, or that posture, no change at all.

So Song Zhong got up curiously, and while observing, he dived into the other person’s body with divine detection.

Soon, Song Zhong felt relieved.

Because he has come to the conclusion, the fairy in front of him is just a corpse, not a body

The dead body.

At the same time, Song Zhong was somewhat surprised. If you want to immortalize the body, at least you need the cultivation of Grand Net Golden Immortal. Look at the other party, but it is the most fairy of low level here, if even she is Grand Net Golden Immortal, then are not all Grand Net Golden Immortal living in many of the rooms here?

In that case, there are at least thousands of people. When Song Zhen thought of the maid in this Nine Phoenixes Imperial Carriage, it was thousands of Grand Net Golden Immortal, and he felt very shocked. He was afraid to imagine what was going on!

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