Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: The 434th slaying mad slaughter

Just when the Gold Swallow and Copper Swallow were inextricably linked, Kuang Tu and Zi Feng and Zi Yue also started their attack on Song Zhong.

Zifeng, Ziyue started first, they greeted Zifeng, Yinyue two fake Immortal Tools, and shouted: “Blood slaughter, our brothers try to entangle those shameless people, you quickly kill and kill Song Zhong ! I think his Immortal Tool seems to be refined! You ten million need to hurry up? “

“Relax!” Kuang Tu immediately shouted: “As long as you open a blood path to me, I will definitely be able to complete the mission!”

After hearing this assurance, Zifeng and Ziyue looked at each other, then sighed, and then took out a piece of blue jade and put it on their forehead.

The jade symbols they brought out were not large, only one inch long, half an inch wide, and a thin piece. Some reliefs in the clouds and fog above were very mysterious and difficult to understand. However, these two thin gems contain extremely pure Qi of Immortal Spirit, powerful aura fluctuations, and even let the crazy slaughter on the side move.

Kuang Tu twisted his face, and the two pieces of jade appeared immediately, and then he could not help but exclaimed: “Fairy Jade! God, the old guy in your family is really willing!”

The heart of my heart, the heart of the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, and the heart.

It turns out that this so-called fairy gem is actually a jade material containing Immortal Qi. In the world, the jade containing aura is called the spirit stone, which is an indispensable thing for cultivator trading, cultivation and refining. In Immortal World, Qi of Immortal Spirit is contained in the jade material. Hence the name Immortal Jade.

This Immortal Jade is in Immortal World. Naturally, it is not a rare thing, but in the world, it is definitely a rare baby, because there is no Immortal Qi in the world, there is no way to produce Immortal Jade. Therefore, the only Immortal Jade is also passed down from Immortal World. But stuck in the sky, nothing in Immortal World can be circulated. So the number of Immortal Jade in the world is absolutely pitiful. So he got the title of a fairy gem.

This immortal gem may be nothing to a serious immortal. But for the cultivator in the world, especially the cultivator with Qi of Immortal Spirit in the body and Immortal Tool, it is a precious priceless treasure. Because it can quickly replenish the Immortal Qi consumed by the body of cultivator, thereby increasing its combat power several times.

Just like now, with the power of Zifeng, Ziyue, the two pseudo Immortal Tools urging the purple mountain, and the silver moon, can only be used reluctantly once, consuming Qi of Immortal Spirit in the light body. If you want to use it again, you must meditate and adjust your interest rate!

However, it is different after they have the Fairy Treasure Jade. They have the Immortal Qi that the treasure keeps providing, and they can urge two pseudo Immortal Tools in succession.

Sure enough, after attaching the immortal gem, the two brothers, Zifeng and Ziyue, seemed to be a different person. They urged two powerful fake Immortal Tools in succession, smashing the blocked Body Fusion Stage Puppet-man one by one, and retreated He killed a **** path!

However, this fierce state does not last long, after all, it comes at the cost of Immortal Qi smell in the fairy gem. Once the Immortal Qi in the Fairy Treasure is consumed, the jade will be discarded, and the two brothers will be revealed in their original form.

Fairy gems are mortal treasures, and one piece is used less. The two brothers did not get much from 6 Tribulations Loose Immortal Qingyun Daodao, and naturally they did not want it to be wasted. So they opened the road without forgetting to remind them: “Mad slaughter, at this time, hurry up! Our brother can’t hold on for long!”

The two shouted in such a way that they woke up to the mad slaughter who was still in shock. He immediately rejuvenated and shouted: “Relax, since your brothers are so willing, I am not behind, look at me!”

After speaking, Mad Tu first roared, released hundreds of demon heads, and then rushed towards Song Zhong. While shaking his hand, a blood mist spattered.

As soon as this blood mist appeared, there was no **** smell in the air. On the contrary, a sweet breath instantly filled the entire space. No matter who it is, as soon as you smell it, you will immediately feel a strong spirit, and the spirit in your body will surge like a fountain! Thereby greatly increased strength!

Zifeng, Ziyue is also a person who knows the goods. Upon hearing the smell, he immediately exclaimed: “Is this the blood of the tenth level monster?”

“Haha, yes, it was the teacher who accidentally killed a tenth-level monster and obtained a little bit of blood!” Kuang Tu laughed.

Tenth-level monsters are huge and naturally have a lot of blood, but they do n’t have much blood that gathers their spirits and spirits. And this essence blood is a kind of elixir.

However, the tenth-level monster is a powerful existence equivalent to two or three human Tribulations loose Immortal. If you want to obtain their essential blood, the difficulty can be imagined! And the value of this blood is naturally ridiculously expensive! I can’t even get the idle fairy, let alone the virtual cultivator! And now, it was thrown out by this guy! The blood of the tenth-level monster is naturally not comparable to the rest of the world. After the monsters around the mad slaughter list it, they are suddenly ecstatic. They shouted and began to greedily **** the keys.

The devil of the virtual level, swallowed by a few blood mists, has sincerely promoted to the cultivation of Body Fusion Stage. In a flash, dozens of other Body Fusion Level demon heads were added to the mad slaughter, although this improvement was only temporary. But for the situation in front, it is enough.

My heart is harmonious and can touch the heart and cut the line Can Yao

Song Zhong originally had only dozens of Puppet-man guards from Body Fusion Stage. Zifeng and Ziyue posted fairy fairy gems, their strength soared, and they contained most of them at once. Only seven or eight guarded Song Zhong. But with such a little guard, how can they resist the attacks of dozens of demon heads of the same level? Although a single devil is not an opponent of guilt, but the number of others is there, naturally it has the upper hand!

The giant puppet giant more than ten zhang, who was stumbled back and forth after being hit by the crazy demon heads, finally gave way to Song Zhong himself.

It takes so much precious tenth-level monster blood to exchange for such a good opportunity, and the mad slaughter will naturally not let go. He had almost no time to delay, so he excitedly directed a demon head of Body Fusion Stage to bite Song Zhong. At the same time, he did not forget to laugh wildly: “Haha, Song Zhong, right? Let Grandpa Ben give you today” End, right? “

In the mad slaughter, the demon came to Song Zhong in an instant, opened his mouth wide, and then swallowed Song Zhong in a single bite.

At this time, Song Zhong ’s guards were blocked, and Gold Swallow was also entangled by the Copper Swallow subfamily, which was helpless. Unless a miracle occurs, he will be dead!

In this case, Kuang Tu, Copper Swallow Zi and Zi Feng, Zi Yue Brothers, thinking that the winning ticket was in hand, all stared intently there, their faces full of excitement.

However, Gold Swallow‘s face changed greatly, and he was very anxious. She was naturally not worried about Song Zhong. She is worried about herself. She was afraid of Song Zhong’s death, and her Life Source Primordial Spirit left in Song Zhong was also hurt. At that time, she would be buried with Song Zhong!

Thinking of this, Gold Swallow could n’t help but feel infinite regrets. The secret way was “should n’t have been, should n’t, should n’t have been Copper Swallow, and left Song Zhong! If I cooperate with those Puppet-mans, I can definitely It ’s not good enough to repel them, nor is there such a fatal mistake?,

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However, when everyone thought Song Zhong was dead, the accident was born again!

The demon who was about to devour the entire Song Zhong at first sight was suddenly split in half by an invisible force! Then it turned into a cloud of smoke and completely disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this weird scene, the people present counted one after another, all stunned, completely unaware of what happened!

You know, the devil is a kind of soul-like existence. This kind of guy who has no entity is generally not afraid of flying sword. Even if it is split into a hundred pieces, it can be restored immediately.

But the demon just now was split into two pieces by some sharp Sword Qi, but why didn’t he recover, but disappeared?

In addition, the most weird thing is that everyone ’s eyes are staring at Song Zhong, but why did no one see the sword light appear? What the **** is the thing that hacked the Body Fusion Stage devil?

Just when everyone was puzzled, suddenly, another demon head was cut in half and disappeared. And the appearance of this demon head is very close to the mad slaughter. The positions where the two demon heads were killed are connected to form a straight line, and the butchery himself is exactly on this line!

Seeing this situation, he suddenly panicked and hurriedly shouted, “Oh, no good. It’s Invisible Immortal Sword! Someone is controlling it to kill me.”

Between speaking, the mad slaughter ran to the side, and his demon heads were densely guarded behind him, and pieces of spirit treasure also rose. Tight protection protects him.

It’s a pity that everything is too late! Invisible Immortal Sword‘s sharpness is far from everyone’s imagination. It is like a sharp knife, cut into the tofu. The demon head blocking the road or Lingbao is cut in half, and then the mad slaughter in the flight snorted. The whole person is divided into two with one!

Invisible Immortal Sword is not just Sword Qi sharp, its Sword Qi itself also contains terrible destructive power. So after the devil was split in half, it was disintegrated by Sword Qi before it was recovered, and the Primordial Spirit of the mad slaughter was also the same, broken by the invisible Sword Qi on the spot.

Therefore, this time, the slaughter is dead, and I ca n’t die anymore, even Primordial Spirit ca n’t escape!

“Run fast.” Zifeng, Ziyue saw the end of the mad slaughter, where did they dare to fight, hurriedly shouted. Turn around and run!

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