Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: The 276th Witch Embedding

Although the cultivator in red clothing was very timely, it was the first time, but it was still too late. The four people did n’t have time to move, and they were completely subdued by the four black shadows that appeared suddenly behind them. Then a charming expression appeared. They all greeted Song Zhong: “See master”.

Obviously, the bodies of these four cultivators have been completely occupied by the witch of heaven.

When Song Zhong saw that the big event was completed, he could n’t help but smiled slightly and said, “Well done, let me tell you now, what useful information is in their minds

“Master. They don’t know much about the red-clothed Tsukiji cultivator, hurriedly said:” In my body, there is only a small part of the information, and only two are useful. “

“Well, come and listen!” Song Zhong hurriedly said.

“Yes!” cultivator, the girl in red clothes, promised, and then said unhurriedly, “The first thing is about last month, you destroyed Ying Desire Pavilion. This thing has attracted the attention of all the major schools of Boundless Mountains. They were very shocked by the destruction of big schools like Desire Pavilion, especially this one. The people who destroyed it were still rebellious, so everyone was in danger. For this. Under the call of Qingyun Xiangu River Huo Long Taoist, the various Boundless Mountains major schools The head decided to meet at Firmament City to discuss countermeasures

Firmament City? Hehe, it’s a good place to meet right and evil! This time it was really hard for them for me to have such a big battle.” Song Zhong then sneered: “But. Those One guy, one guy. It’s all selfish and selfish, and in a few months, I’m afraid I won’t discuss anything. When they finish the meeting, hum. Thousand Desire Sect is already finished. ”

Song Zhong then said, “Don’t care about this matter, or continue to say the second thing.”

“Yes!” The red clothes Tsukiji cultivator then said: “Wu Ershi is about the defense of this place. It seems that Thousand Desire Sect believes that the host is coming here to make trouble, so the defense is extremely tight, almost three steps one post, five At a whistle, patrolling people everywhere, as long as they ca n’t answer the secret code, they will be treated as killing

“Hum!” Song Zhong sneered. “Even if this is the case, I’m afraid I can’t stop you?”

“That is of course. Although the master is assured, our sister promises to complete the task.” cultivator of Red Clothes Tsukiji assured immediately.

“That’s good, you go!” Song Zhong waved.

“Yes, master.” The four cultivator salute together. Finished. They all flew up the sword.

After Song Zhong sent them away, instead of marching, he found a secluded cave and hid quietly.

I am a depressed and decent heart-splitting Xiu servant line

And after the four cultivator left Song Zhong, they immediately started patrolling according to their respective division of labor. After completing today’s patrol mission, the four talents returned to a cave in the gate where the mission was specifically arranged.

The appearance of this cave house is unremarkable, but there is nothing special in it. There are dozens of large and small ones. Branch, from time to time cultivator in and out. Four women in red dress Tsukiji cultivator came to a branch hole. After explaining the task to the responsible cultivator, he was given an order to rest temporarily.

The four of them hurriedly agreed, then walked out and came to a small hole. There are only four futons here, specially arranged for this group of people to rest.

The female cultivator in red clothes made meditation with three XianTian disciples as usual. After about two or three. After the hour, she felt that it was almost time, so she got up and took the three to leave again.

This time, they did n’t go to the place to get the task, but went round and round to the deepest part of the cave. This is the highest commander of the cave, the residence of a Gold Core cultivator.

This place. With strict natural defense, the four talents came to the hole and were stopped by a cultivator female.

The female servant in white clothes built a small smile and said, “Sister, your teacher is resting, are you okay?

“Sister Qi Yun!” Said the cultivator red shirtless girl hurriedly lost: “I have something to see the teacher, please also take the place of the Tongrong speaking room, the red shirted girl cultivator quietly handed over a few quietly Block middle grade spirit stone.

The woman in white dress Tsukiji suddenly opened her eyes and hurriedly said: “Oh, they are all their own sisters. Why should you be so polite? Isn’t it something you want to see Master, I will report to you.”

After talking about the white clothes and building the nun, she immediately went in to report. Although she said lightly, the spirit stone did not return. In fact, the Demonic Desire Witch in the cultivator red clothes Tsukiji is very clear. If you know that you will not benefit, you will definitely not see Master. Fortunately, after Demonic Desire Witch occupied the body. Keep his memory, so that we can know such specific details. Otherwise, no plan can be completed.

The time is short, and the nun in white clothes is coming back. She smiled and said: “Sister, Master didn’t want to see you. It was I who said everything, and the industry barely agreed that you wouldn’t want you. Remember , Do n’t delay too much. Ruler is time? ”

“Thank you, Sister!” cultivator, a girl in red clothes, said in a hurry.

Seeing her say this, Sister Baiji Zhuji nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and said, “They are all their own sisters, don’t be polite, come with me!”

Speaking, the nun in white clothes made her walk with four people.

Five people then turned two. Bend and passed two more doors. Finally in a gorgeous cave. I saw a middle-aged aunt who was meditating on the cloud bed.

Although the woman is dressed as a Taoist, she actually does not have a Taoist Qi of Immortal Spirit at all. Instead, her eyes and brows are all spring. It’s like a blue-story woman rolling in the wind and dust. However, don’t look at this woman seems weak. But in fact it is a mid-term master of Gold Core. Moreover, he was cruel and hard-working, and none of his disciples were afraid of her.

The five people who came in were even more so, so they all showed a respectful look. Give her a courteous greeting.

“Get up!” The middle-aged aunt raised her hand gently, and then said: “What are you doing for me?”

“It ’s such a master!” cultivator, a red-clothed Tsukiji girl, hurriedly stood up and said: “The disciple occasionally gets a treasure, which is the Cloud Pine Tree Core of the millennium. Dedicated to the teacher! “

Finally, a girl in red clothes, cultivator, has a black piece of wood with a long ruler. Although this thing looks like rubbish, as soon as it is taken out, a magnificent aura comes out, which is obviously not ordinary.

But the fact is true, Yun Songben is a spirit, and its wooden heart is a good material for making wood-based magic weapons. The millennium Cloud Pine Tree Core is rare enough to be used in level six or seven magic weapons.

Such a baby thing naturally aroused the interest of middle-aged aunts, and even the female sister in white clothes next to him was shining brightly. Keep it. It’s an idiot to take it out and give it away! “

The middle-aged aunt did not doubt that he was there. Li hurriedly said: “Hurry and show me!”

“Yes!” cultivator, a red-clothed Tsukiji girl, hurriedly passed the Cloud Pine Tree Core of the millennium.

The middle-aged Dao Gu took it with excitement, and while lovingly touching, praised: “Okay, it is indeed a good thing! Obedient child. You have made great contributions this time, and you should be rewarded for the teacher.

This is what the middle-aged Dao Gu said, and suddenly his face changed, and he cursed and said: “Ah, damn. You dare to secretly calculate me.

The middle-aged aunt did n’t even finish talking. Was interrupted. Then I saw blue and purple on her face, apparently experiencing some painful things.

Women in white clothes built on the ground saw that, they were suddenly taken aback and opened their mouths to want to call people. However, at this time, a shadow appeared suddenly and silently, directly rushing into the body of Hakuji Tsukiji. However, in a flash of effort, the consciousness of the white dress Tsukiji was completely suppressed. Her body is completely controlled by Demonic Desire Witch. I saw her smile slightly, and then quietly looked at the middle-aged aunt.

After a few. After the scramble for breath. The middle-aged Taoist also completely defeated. To know. At this time, the strength of Demonic Desire Witch is around the late stage of Gold Core, which is even higher than that of her. In addition, the other two are dispatched together. The middle-aged Dao Gu is unable to prevent it.

It turned out that Song Zhong ’s plan was to let the Demonic Desire Witchs infiltrate. Relying on their weird possessive ability, it’s easy to do. In just a few hours, a Gold Core cultivator became their captive.

Of course, there is only one. Gold Core is not enough, but it is a good beginning. Because Gold Core cultivator knows more and can go to more places, it becomes extremely convenient to contact other Gold Core.

After absorbing the memory of Gold Core, nine Demonic Desire Witch based on the information in the mind of middle-aged Dao Gu. They began to discuss the plan. “Soon they will think that the middle-aged aunt suddenly shot and killed three disciples of the XianTian realm. Let the Demonic Desire Witch in the possession be attached to themselves.

Then the remaining three separated. Sister Baiji Zhuji left to deal with the matter. She lied that the killing of the three was the order of the middle-aged aunt, and found someone to clean up the body from the outside. Although the following disciples have questions, they dare not question the authority of a Gold Core cultivator.

As for middle-aged aunts, she started to go out to meet other Gold Core cultivator with her cultivator girl in red. Of course, the first person to meet is naturally Naked Skin Witch.

Using the credit of selling Song Zhong, Naked Skin Witch has obtained great benefits, plus she is also very hard, so she successfully became Gold Core cultivator in a few years. but. She is more like cultivator of Core Formation, and dare not show up in front of her Gold Core seniors like middle-aged Dao.

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