Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: The 131st battle begins

The 131st battle begins

With a flash of white light. The chubby appeared in a dark place. It is dark on all sides, the water vapor is heavy, and there is a smell in the air, it seems to be in a cave.

The chubby is on a platform a few feet square, here is a teleportation array. A few minutes ago, he and all the XianTian disciples who participated in the fight for the Xuan Lingguo were called to a giant teleportation array, and then began to teleport.

According to the director of the Fire Dragon Road, the places where they were transmitted are random and distributed in thousands of miles of Qian Cui Ping. This gigantic crater is full of mist all year round, and cultivator‘s consciousness will be affected in it. There is a strange lightning in the air here, which is extremely powerful, and Nascent Soul cultivator cannot fly casually. Therefore, the cultivator entering it can only travel slowly on the ground, without the help of flying sword, thousands of miles of ground is enough for them to wander for several months.

After chubby finds that he is in a cave, he immediately looks around and looks for an exit. But it didn’t matter if he looked at it, he was shocked on the spot.

It turned out that he suddenly appeared around the platform he was on. There are big snakes everywhere. There are dozens of green snakes and thick snakes as thick as water tanks, almost filling the cave.

The big guys who are several feet long are obviously startled by the white light brought by the chubby teleporter, so that they are a little panicked, but as the white light disperses, there is only one fat man left in place, and they suddenly become Fast and easy, that looks like a group of hungry evil wolf!

“Grandma has a bear!” When she saw this scene, the chubby couldn’t help but scolded: “Which king **** said it was safe to send? Laozi is going to kill him!”

Obviously, now his complaint can’t be heard by anyone else. So the chubby quickly calmed down, thinking about the countermeasures.

First of all, this group of serpents is awesome, 80% are monsters, and their strength is not low. The most annoying thing is that there are a whole group of people, at least a dozen, and they are still surrounded. How do you think chubby is not dominant.

As the other party approached slowly, Chubby was also weak. He knew that if he got close to them, it would be troublesome. It is best to destroy it in the distance, and in this way, it is necessary to use Shenlei. Since the battle with Han Bing’er, the number of chubby Shenlei has been a bit tight. Originally he wanted to save some use, but unexpectedly encountered such a thing as soon as he came in. In desperation, he could only be cruel, took out seven or eight Third Step Fire Divine Lightning, and shot in turn in the direction of the hole.

Snake is a yin, most afraid of fire. Therefore, as soon as the Third Step Fire Divine Lightning came out, it immediately brought them the disaster of extinguishment. Several large snakes were blasted on the spot, and the sky was full of smelly snake blood. The loud explosion and the red light scared the surrounding snakes back, so that there was a way to escape. The chubby did not dare to be indifferent, rushed forward in a hurry, ran away with two thick legs.

However, those big snakes are not vegetarian, and as soon as the chubby ran away, they became aware of it, and immediately chased them with great force. The two big snakes closest to Xiaopang were even bigger, spitting out two crystal snake venoms.

The chubby dare not dodge at this time. Because evasion will delay the escape, and is caught up by others. So he can only release Big Copper Bell instantly, protecting his back. As a result, after the snake venom hit the Big Copper Bell, there was a squeaking noise immediately, and a thick smoke came out. Obviously, the wind copper shell can’t resist this highly toxic, even a piece of corrosion.

After perceiving the movements behind him with consciousness, the chubby legs run faster, for fear of being sprayed by the venom of the serpent. But no matter how fast he is, if he uses his legs, he obviously can’t run away from the monster. Soon several large snakes caught up and started attacking the Big Copper Bell behind the chubby.

The chubby was really anxious this time, and he said, “I’m not awesome, do you really treat me as a sick cat?” Thinking of this, he threw out a few Third Step Fire Divine Lightnings at once, and in a roar, the snakes were burned to ashes, and the remaining ones no longer dared to chase, and turned around to escape.

Just as the chubby packed up the big snake behind him, he suddenly realized that he had left the cave and there was a lush wood outside. Because of the mist, with chubby eyes, I could only see the scenes of dozens of feet away, and it would not work any further. This is still daylight, and even worse at night.

In fact, outside the cave, the place is spacious. He can call out the massive Cloud Winged Tiger, and then escape, without having to worry about those big snakes. But he had just taken the lead because of his anxiety, and wasted a lot of thunder.

The matter is here, the chubby ca n’t be changed. He can only shake his head with a helpless smile: “It’s not good to be a teacher!”

After sighing, the chubby greeted the Cloud Winged Tiger, flew up, and then he thought about it, and simply greeted the 30 he had refined over the years with a Puppet-man. Although these guys are not very powerful, they have limited consciousness and unclear vision, but they have no magical effect.

Under the command of chubby, 30 and Puppet-man are all dispersed, forming a large circle with a radius of hundreds of feet. In this case, although chubby can’t see them, they can feel their existence through the connection with each other. In this way, the chubby is equivalent to people with early warning, as long as they are attacked, the chubby will realize that there is danger. It can be prepared in advance. As for the chubby himself, he sat on the Cloud Winged Tiger and let it step on the white cloud and march on the treetops.

Before coming in, the leader of the Fire Dragon gave each person a jade mirror with a map of Qian Cuiping, and also marked the place where Xuan Lingguo was hidden. However, although the map is clear, it does not indicate its location. Therefore, the person holding the map must first determine his own location according to the surrounding environment, and then identify the specific direction. In order to find the Xuan Ling Guo according to the picture.

Fortunately, although Chubby is not clever, he is not stupid. At least the little thing of looking at the map is not difficult for him. Soon he recognized the direction and found his position.

At this time, the chubby is in the west of Qiancui Ping, about a thousand miles away from the center, which is the gathering place prescribed by the director of the fire dragon. Among them are the highly toxic swamps, the Great Lakes, and other places that are not easy to pass, and obviously have to detour. According to the chubby’s footsteps, even if you have to walk Cloud Winged Tiger, you have to walk for more than ten days. This has to be said that you have not encountered a battle. If you encounter a tricky monster or other cultivator in a martial arts game, you do n’t even know what year and month it will arrive.

At this moment, the chubby suddenly appeared, and there was a place marked with hidden Xuan Ling Guo more than two hundred miles behind him. But if he went there first, he would greatly delay the gathering journey.

The chubby scratched his head, and finally decided to go and get the Xuanling fruit at his fingertips. As for the order of the Fire Dragon Master, let him die for the time being! Anyway, it is still early to gather, as long as you are not the last one to arrive!

So, chubby began marching in Qian Cui Ping.

I have to say that Qian Cui Ping is indeed a **** place. The moisture here is too great, and it is also very hot. The chubby just walked for a while, and he was soaked all over, some of it was sweat, but more of it was mist.

In desperation, the chubby can’t take care of any appearance anymore. He just takes off his coat and walks naked on the top of the woods.

During walking, the chubby also showed another annoyance here, that is, the snakes are walking all over the place, and the monsters are like dogs!

Almost dozens of miles, you will encounter one or several monsters attacking you. Fortunately, these monsters are not very strong. After the chubby sacrificed his new Five Elements spirit sword, it was finally able to cope with it.

Although with his chubby strength, he ca n’t fully wield the power of the Five Elements spirit sword, and because he has a very short time to practice this set of flying sword, he can only hack, and he ca n’t even do what he wants. After all, the gadget is a high-level magic weapon, and the Five Elements has all the attributes, which makes the chubby take a big advantage when attacking. When he meets the fire-breathing monster, he uses the water spirit sword, and when he encounters the water system, he uses Earth element to restrain him. In short, he can always use the attributes of the other party to restrain the enemy, which makes him a lot easier. And this continuous battle makes chubby understand more about the magical use of the Five Elements spirit sword, and it becomes easier to use.

In a blink of an eye, one day has passed. Chubby counted, and he walked for dozens of miles. On this way, even seven or eight monsters were cut, and two wind copper puppets were damaged, which really made the fat little depressed.

After the sky was completely dark, the chubby did not dare to go anymore, and simply found a more secluded place, released Big Copper Bell to protect himself, and then rested beautifully for one night.

When he was on the road again the next day, the chubby became smart. This time, he put away the Puppet-man for path finding, because their degrees are too slow, which drags down the Cloud Winged Tiger. Without these burdens, the fatness accelerated greatly, and when he encountered monsters on the road, he was no longer beheaded. Instead, first show the Five Elements spirit soul sword to frighten the other side, after all, the other party is a wise guy, so most of the time will be very interesting to retreat. Only occasionally, one or two people who are mentally ill, or who are extremely confident in their own strength, will rush to die.

In this case, the progress of the chubby has greatly increased, and finally in the evening of the day, came to the place marked with the hidden Xuan Ling fruit.

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