Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: September 755th Shenzhou Fleet

Jade Xuantian belongs to Nine Heavens in 33 days. Here Immortal Qi is extremely rich, beautiful Immortal Herb grows everywhere, layers of mountains are all green, surrounded by white clouds, clear springs flow, it is a fairyland in a fairyland. .

It is a pity that such a beautiful place has a terrible disaster, that is, the extraterrestrial demon.

In the void in the west of Yuxuantian, for unknown reasons, the innumerable cracks in the space are cracked, as if a lot of big mouths were opened in the sky.

These space cracks cover the space of ten million li. It looks terrible! Some of them are big, some are small, and the big ones are tens of thousands of miles long. All these space cracks lead to one place, that is the extra-territorial Demon World.

The extraterritorial Demon World is an unusual place, where only one thing is produced, which is the extraterrestrial demon.

The extraterrestrial monsters are invisible and invisible when they are weak, like a gust of wind. They like to breathe the essence of creatures. When the idle cultivator is thrown by them, they will instantly become dry corpses, and their flesh and blood will be the most refined Pure essence is sucked away by them to strengthen themselves.

And once these guys have absorbed enough energy, they will appear in shape and become a solid Demon King.

There are also many kinds of extraterrestrial demon, some are good at direct absorption, some are good at charm, and some are good at devouring. In short, the devil is also strange and different.

In Song Zhong ’s Nine Beauties picture, nine extraterrestrial demon are imprisoned, belonging to Demonic Desire Witch and good at charm. So Song Zhong is not ignorant of Heavenly Devil.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for extraterrestrial demon to enter Immortal World, after all, there is not much power to tear the space out of thin air.

However, it is different in Yuxuantian, because of the existence of these space cracks, the extraterrestrial demon can easily enter Immortal World, which caused great trouble for this session.

Actually, if it was n’t for Yu Xuantian ’s resources, Imperial Court might have to give it up.

Since Imperial Court ca n’t bear this land, it is natural to keep it, so Emperor Xuanwu was placed here to fight against the invasion of extraterrestrial demon.

The Emperor Xuanwu is worthy of Celestial Emperor of Immortal World. His strength is strong. Under his command, there are three Xuanwu troops to help out. With the continuous support from the rear, he finally let him keep here.

For millions of years, the extraterrestrial demon launched a number of attacks, and all of them came back, and it was difficult to occupy Yuxuantian.

However, this time, the extraterritorial Demon World didn’t know what happened. Numerous extraterrestrial demon spewed out from the cracks in the space, which was mixed with a large number of Heavenly Demon Great King, even Heavenly Demon Great King.

A huge army of heavenly demons, forming an endless sea of ​​magic, like a tsunami, attacking the defense line of Xuanwu Great Emperor.

Although the three strong Xuanwu troops were unparalleled, it was a pity that they still couldn’t stop the opponent’s powerful offensive regardless of casualties and were forced to retreat. In just one month, at least hundreds of millions of miles of land have been lost.

Now, their defenses are almost approaching Xuanwu Emperor’s Xuanwu Palace. That is the core of Yu Xuantian. Once surrounded, even broken, Yu Xuantian will be finished.

In this case, the Emperor Xuanwu could not sit still, and personally took his Ben Natal Artifact, XianTian Saint Tool Black Tortoise Seven Star Sword into the war, but was blocked by others.

Of course, it is not the mortal who blocked Xuanwu the Great, but the three famous giants outside the territory, Demon World, the master of the class, Heavenly Demon Great Emperor.

Although none of them have XianTian Saint Tool, but after all, there are many people, and they will also have a technique of joining hands with the enemy. Even the Xuanwu Emperor who holds XianTian Saint Tool has no temper.

As a result, Emperor Xuanwu has no choice. I had to send letters of help to Imperial Court like snow flakes.

Jade Emperor naturally cannot sit idly by, and his elite 8 million celestial troops and generals sent half of them in one breath.

Unfortunately, even with these elite support, it is a stubborn salary, only to barely defend the last line of defense, but unable to counterattack.

And with the passage of time, more and more celestial demons sent from Demon World outside the region have even reached the point where they can threaten Xuanwu Palace.

Unfortunately, the Emperor Xuanwu sent General Shé and took his autograph to find and even ask for help. Throughout the entire Immortal World, the only person who has the ability to rescue him now is the powerful Song Zhong.

Xuanwu Emperor had no certainty about whether Song Zhong would come to rescue him. After all, his men had an unpleasant trouble with Song Zhong. Although he secretly released the meaning of reconciliation, no one knew Song Zhong Do you see his hint?

Furthermore, war is a big event after all, and it will kill many people, so even if Song Zhong is willing to ignore the suspicions, he may not be willing to come to this muddy water.

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Just when Emperor Xuanwu was uneasy, he suddenly crawled over and told him good news.

“Your Majesty Qi Song, Song Zhong takes his fleet to support us!”

As soon as the Emperor Xuanwu heard this, he got up from the chair on the spot excitedly and hurriedly asked, “Is this a serious statement?”

“It ’s true, the brothers in front said that the fleet is still transmitting, and many people are watching. Those warships are really big and powerful!”

Don’t wait for this guy to finish talking, Emperor Xuanwu flew out with a cry and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Emperor Xuanwu came to the teleportation array Great Formation tens of thousands of miles away. At this time, a lot of soldiers had gathered here, and they all looked at the teleportation array with excitement.

There is a gleam of blue light flashing, and every flash of light will show several Divine Lightning Flying Boats.

When everyone saw the emperor Xuanwu approaching, they hurriedly bowed to salute. The Emperor Xuanwu just waved it without any further words, and instead stared intently at the transmission of Great Formation.

At this time, hundreds of airships have appeared, but all of them are about 3000 feet, and the largest is only 5000 feet.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, such a flying boat can already be called a Big Mac. 3000 feet, no ordinary small city is so big!

Such a horrible behemoth is suspended in the air. The densely packed Dragon Cannon cannons make it look like a hedgehog.

Hundreds of ships of this size have filled the sky with hundreds of miles, and they are extremely magnificent. Almost all the people I saw were calmed down.

But Emperor Xuanwu was an insightful person. He knew that although these people looked at the outsiders, to Song Zhong, it was just a small flying boat, which was not his main force at all.

So Xuanwu Emperor secretly worried and thought, ‘It ’s impossible Song Zhong just wanted to use some garbage to perfuse me? In fact, there is no plan to really help me defend the enemy? ’

And at this time, the blue light of the teleportation array flickered again, and a giant airship with 12,000 feet appeared in the sky.

As soon as such a big guy appeared, they immediately aroused people’s exclamation. They had never seen such a big flying boat. I can’t even imagine how this thing flies.

Xuanwu Emperor’s eyes lit up and secretly said: “This is a bit of a meaning!”

Soon afterwards, giant ships of 12,000 feet appeared one after another, and soon the entire sky was covered, and the people watching around were almost numb.

The Emperor Xuanwu also rested his mind, knowing that Song Zhong did send the main force. However, he was still worried that Song Zhong ’s fleet was not good enough, because he knew that Song Zhong ’s strongest flying boat was a super 50,000 Zhang super flying boat.

Emperor Xuanwu and several of his generals have customized it in Song Zhong. In this big robbery, these flying boats have been shining, killing the extraterrestrial demon who do n’t know how many. The lethality of Gold Immortal is still strong.

Actually, Emperor Xuanwu felt that if he didn’t have these flying ships, he would have been defeated.

So Emperor Xuanwu attaches great importance to the super flying boat, and is very much looking forward to Song Zhong sending more big guys of 50,000 Zhang.

As a result, Song Zhong did not disappoint him. After more than one hundred 12,000-foot airships passed, a solar ship full of 50,000 feet finally appeared.

The huge airship that was golden and burning True Solar Flame faintly, just as soon as it appeared, immediately aroused the viewer’s exclamation.

The fifty thousand feet big guy is bigger than the small city of Immortal World. All such big flying boats are made of perverted True Solar Flame. How perverted is this?

After seeing the emergence of Solar Divine Boat, Emperor Xuanwu completely let go of his heart. He knew that Song Zhong was bound to be fully engaged.

Sure enough, then there were more than a dozen 50,000 giant Solar Divine Boats. These powers alone are equivalent to hundreds of Gold Immortals, which is enough to reverse the whole situation.

The Emperor Xuanwu couldn’t help but express infinite gratitude to Song Zhongsheng. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, this junior who was once unattainable was reliable. This makes him naturally filled with emotion!

At this moment, a purple flying boat with a length of 300,000 feet appeared out of thin air. As soon as this guy came out, not to mention the onlookers, even the Emperor Xuanwu was shocked and could not help but exclaimed: “God, why is it so big? And, it seems that it is still cast with Heaven’s Swift Dazzling Fire Shenlei? How strong is the core to control? “

This flying boat, the flagship of Song Zhong ’s expedition, is one of his five Xeon Shenzhou.

The 300,000-foot Heaven’s Swift Dazzling Fire Shenzhou is not only equipped with 1.08 million Dragon Cannon guns, but also has several hidden tricks. It is not a matter of killing the strongest at the peak of Hunyuan.

Cooperate with the other four super-powerful airships, they can even defeat the emperor-class strongmen, and the power is very scary. This is also the first time Song Zhong has exposed such a flying boat, the purpose is to give the successive defeated basalt army confidence to win.

Sure enough, after the advent of this perverted flying boat, the morale was somewhat gloomy because of the successive defeats, and the fighters onlookers shouted in unison, no longer the kind of decadence.

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