Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Section 80

Genius Hong Ying of the 80th Festival

However, the power of Puppet-man is really terrifying, so if applied properly, the lethality they bloom is also amazing. For example, Xiaofa has equipped each of his Puppet-man with hundreds of black iron javelins. The javelin refined by special techniques has added several more precious materials to make it more tough and tough, and it has a slightly effect of breaking the law. After throwing it with Puppet-man‘s divine power, you can even insert a one-foot deep hole in the appearance of the chubby Big Iron Bell. It can be seen that the power is very extraordinary, and it can almost withstand the 7th grade flying sword.

Of course, because the javelin is a real object, the throwing action will take a little time, and the flying speed is not as fast as Jianguang, so if the cultivator is prepared, it can be easily avoided.

But do n’t forget that a javelin can easily dodge, but it does not mean that dozens of javelins can be dodged together. You know, there are countless materials in the space of the chubby Ben Natal Artifact. The amount of wind copper required by the wind copper Puppet-man is second only to the black iron, and many are also piled up into hills. In this case, chubby is naturally refining, even if the success rate is not high, refining is more difficult, but after a few years of hard work, chubby still accumulated 36 Fengtong Puppet-man.

These Puppet-mans are all connected with the chubby mind, and they can be released from the natal space at any time during the battle, and then they throw the black javelin together, and it is impossible to prevent it. It is estimated that foundational stage cultivator has to suffer a bit!

In addition, in addition to the 36 Fengtong Puppet-man, the little fat boy also refined the two seized cloud-winged purple tigers seized last time into their own puppets. Each of these things has foundational stage cultivator combat power, but it is a great help! The only thing that makes him feel a little uncomfortable is that once these puppets are used, the amount of spirit stones consumed is not small, even if it is the financial resources of the chubby, it must be leisurely. At least it can’t be taken out to play at ordinary times, and it can only be used unless it encounters a war.

~~~~ me ~~~~ is ~~~~ **** ~~~~ swing ~~~~~~~~~ min ~~~~ cut ~~~~ line ~~~~

In this laid-back atmosphere, Chubby spent more than three years quietly outside. No one of the outside brothers and sisters knew that this seemingly insignificant guy was destroying the Tai Shi outside, beheading the governor, killing relatives of the emperor, and not knowing that this kid also killed a son of a mid-sized sect. They only know that chubby is cared for by the above in the martial arts. They get the most monthly payments, can do no tasks, and can browse all the books of the outside world at will. This made many Outer Court Disciple jealous.

But jealousy turned into jealousy, and since Chubby became Law Enforcement Hall, no one dared to hit him again. This saved him a lot of trouble.

Three years passed in a hurry. The monkey is already cultivator of XianTian and level / layer. As for the Han Yufeng that has entered the inner door, it reached the subversive state of nine level / layer early, stuck in the bottleneck for the first half of the year, and has not broken through.

Know that nine level / layer and ten level / layer are the thresholds. In the past, it is the cultivator of DaSheng in the later period of XianTian, which can easily reach the realm of 13level / layer and then build the foundation. And if she can’t get through, she can only get stuck like that, no more.

At this time, the chubby has become the cultivator of the XianTian ten level / layer, and is stepping towards foundational stage cultivator with a solid footstep.

Han Yufeng is shocked and happy for the chubby who easily surpasses himself, but also with a trace of unwillingness and disobedience. She has asked Xiaopang more than once about breaking through the bottleneck, but every time she responds, Han Yufeng has the urge to kill.

“The bottleneck? What kind of stuff is that?” When he said this, the chubby face was sincere and innocent. No matter how he looked, he would be sure that he was telling the truth.

In fact, he really did not lie to Han Yufeng. Once his “Primal Chaos Formula” was on the right track, it would be like the Kangzhuang Avenue. It was brave and advanced along the way. There were no obstacles, such as bottlenecks, He turned out to have never been in touch.

If it were n’t for Han Yufeng, who had always had a close connection with Xiao Chuan, and if he knew his entry well, he would n’t believe that there was a freak like Xiao Chuan in the world.

Do n’t dare to later understand that Han Yufeng can be understood. As a XianTian realm, the chubby guy dares to refine Shenlei, a Five Elements talent waste wood to the extreme but can practice super fast freaks, and then there is no bottleneck. The strange things are justified, and it’s not worth fussing at all.

She simply gave up the mentality of comparing with this monster, and began to speculate on her own avenue, but gained something. Although she could not break through the bottleneck for a while, she let her see a glimmer of hope.

At this time, a big event happened in the Xuantian Beyond, which was always calm, that is, the retired couple in the courtyard went out!

For the time being, the couple in the courtyard began to retreat a year after the fat boy was born, and it has been closed for more than 20 years now. At that time, their retreat actions were very surprising. Not only did there not be a wind beforehand, but also a lot of affairs in the door were left behind, and they were thrown to others. The most surprising thing is that they did not enter the bottleneck period at that time. The cultivation practice is still increasing, and the retreat will not speed up the practice rate much. There is no need for retreat at all.

And this question was finally solved when they went out, because they were two people when they closed, but they became a family of three when they went out. It turned out that the reason why they had to retreat at the time was because the chubby lady who was born before the Madam Zhangyuan saw it was really lovely, and moved the heart of the loving mother. As a result, Dao Xin was affected. The palm court loves his wife sincerely, and he also really wants a child, so the two simply shut themselves up to do this thing.

Know that high-end cultivator wants to have children without being born casually. They will use various methods to prepare for the better next generation. For example, eating a special magic pill, practicing special exercises, and then combining the two Xiu Dafa methods, and having prenatal education after pregnancy. After the child is born, it is necessary to carefully cultivate with all kinds of spirits.

And the hard results made the children they cultivated ridiculously strong in their talents for cultivation. How strong is it? It is said that the talent of this daughter, Miss Hong Ying, of the couple in the courtyard, can only be matched in this world by a super genius who was Nascent Soul one thousand years ago.

It can be said that as soon as Hong Ying came out, Xuantian Bieyuan, and even the entire Boundless Mountains, and all cultivator known as geniuses in the entire Cultivation World, were eclipsed without exception.

So with such a strong talent, and with the cultivation and training of such a strong parent, what kind of result will it produce in the end?

The result is that Hong Ying, who is only 17 years old this year, is already cultivator of XianTian 12 level / layer!

17 years old? When chubby was seventeen, it was only XianTianlevel / layer! The talent of Han Yufeng is still a good cultivator. This year it is more than 30, which is only the realm of XianTian and level / layer. Even if those talents are outstanding, the genius who is Inner Court Disciple as soon as he enters the door, no one has ever been able to practice to this degree at this age! Now the youngest 12level / layer cultivator in the inner door is also over 20 years old!


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