Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Secretary Copper Bell of Section 556

I heard Ling Xiaozi say this. piaotian. com Song Zhong’s eyes lit up suddenly and hurriedly said: “Can you really sell things without knowing it?”

“That is of course!” Ling Xiaozi said confidently: “I have been wandering in Immortal World for thousands of years, but there are some ways.”

“Great!” Song Zhong said suddenly, “If this is the case, we don’t have to be afraid of violent Lou. But ~”

Song Zhong suddenly changed his voice, and said something weird: “You are now a wanted criminal, can you really find your old relationship?”

“Hey, I used pseudonyms and disguise when I contacted the black market guys. No one knew my true identity.” Ling Xiaozi smiled and said: “It happened that I went to the world this time and stayed for four or five years. For a hundred years, it can be said that I have made a big sale and have a long-term supply path. They all need these kinds of materials. I believe that these guys will only buy things happily, regardless of my identity. It ’s just that if you trade in the black market, you will lose 30 to 40% of the price! “

“This is not a problem!” Song Zhong said indifferently: “Anyway, we are all buying and selling without any cost, and it doesn’t matter if we lose more! Come and let’s see, when we try our best to decompose, my baby What can be done! “

Say. Song Zhong stopped talking and looked closely at the changes in the black land.

After about a full day of testing, Song Zhong finally got the decomposition limit of the black soil. The result was better than he expected, and nearly four Mountain of Garbages could be broken down almost every day. If this is calculated, it will be twice as much as the newly added garbage, and there is hope that all garbage in this sector will be emptied.

Of course, this is nothing but hopeless. The **** here has been accumulated for millions of years. If it is to be emptied at the current rate, it will take at least a few million years. At this time, just thinking about it is enough to make people collapse.

However, Song Zhong ’s natal space is a non-stop evolution, and the black land is gradually expanding. Although the expansion rate is relatively slow, after having enough decomposition materials, it is expected that its expansion rate will also be Increased. So it must not take millions of years to decompose all the garbage in this world.

After getting this conclusion, Song Zhongxin looked over and immersed in the joy of obtaining a lot of materials every day.

In a flash, half a month passed. On this day, Song Zhong found Ling Xiaozi and handed him a large pile of storage items, which contained the massive amount of material that was decomposed in this half-month period.

Of course, Song Zhong gave him only those common materials, and he left those rare and precious materials. At least temporarily it will not be sold.

After Ling Xiaozi took things, he solemnly greeted Song Zhong. He took things away.

To tell the truth, Song Zhong was a little worried in his heart to give away so many materials to Ling Xiaozi in one breath, afraid that he would never return. After all, these materials are not decimal. Although it is not very valuable in a small amount, can these materials be piled up like a mountain? If you want to sell, you can buy a lot of purple jade, and you can sell a lot of Fourth Grade Immortal Tool!

However, the so-called suspicious person is unnecessary, and the hiring is not suspicious. Song Zhong and Ling Xiaozi have been together for hundreds of years, and they still understand this guy. Know that he is not that short-sighted. Although you can make a lot of money with Song Zhong, it is more promising to follow Song Zhong in comparison! Song Zhong believes that Ling Xiaozi will make the right choice.

Soon after the Ling Xiaozi was sent away, the ruins of the East Palace arrived. Song Zhong looked down on the floating island, and only saw the hills of green hills. The surfaces of those Mountain of Garbages were covered by plants, which shows how long time has passed.

In this case, it ’s hard to see what the ruins look like, and it ’s really unrecognizable if it ’s occasionally seen in the ruins of the valley.

In order to better recognize the original appearance of this place, Song Zhong simply called out his massive Flower Monster. First send a part to search for clues around, and then let the remaining Flower Monster begin to move the surrounding Mountain of Garbage into Song Zhong’s natal space.

Although Mountain of Garbage is very large, it can’t stand many Flower Monster hands. Each of them took dimensional storage item, and with a wave, they could pack a lot of garbage away and transport it to their natal space.

So, in this case, but more than a day’s work, Song Zhong moved a dozen Mountain of Garbages to clear out thousands of miles around.

The original appearance of a part of the ruins of the East Palace was presented in front of Song Zhong. This should be the ruins of a group of buildings, many places have foundations that look like corridors, and there are also a large number of broken pillars.

Song Zhong first checked the foundation and pillars, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the foundation was made of high-grade jade and was blessed by countless prohibitions. Even after so many years and devastation by so many wars, it is still strong. Complete and can be used after patching.

As for the pillars, although they are broken in battle, their materials are very high. It is a black jade material that has not been seen by Song Zhong. Not only is it strong, but also the color of the atmosphere seems to be There is a special function that can make people feel a supreme majesty!

Song Zhong fell in love with this special black jade material with Venus at first glance. Immediately ordered to throw them into the black ground, let them decompose. Regroup again.

As Song Zhong inspected the situation here, the Flower Monster dispatched also sent back news, telling Song Zhong of the architectural site they found.

According to these Flower Monster descriptions, Song Zhong has a preliminary impression of the East Palace in his mind.

The East Palace, without loss, is the Celestial Emperor Palace, with a core area of ​​more than a million square meters, with more ancillary buildings and a wider range.

It’s a pity that such a magnificent palace of Huang Hong eventually turned into ruins, and was also treated as Garbage Dump, buried in garbage for millions of years!

Song Zhong sighed with emotion, while slowly drawing the outline of the entire East Palace on the ground according to the impression. Painting and painting, Song Zhong felt that something was not right. Because he seemed to think that he looked very familiar with the palace.

This makes Song Zhong feel strangely surprised. He is clearly here for the first time. How can he be familiar with the East Palace? In the past, I haven’t even heard of the Eastern Realm?

Although Song Zhong kept telling himself in his mind. It is impossible for him to be familiar with this place, but the more he sees this outline, the more he feels familiar.

Finally, Song Zhong could n’t help it. According to his own impression, he said to himself somewhere, “If I ’m really familiar with it, there should be a golden sky pillar with a height of one million feet, it seems to be Totem for sacrifice. “

After speaking, Song Zhong recognized the direction and flashed directly. Just rush over as fast as possible.

After more than an hour, Song Zhong came to a strange place. He is not nonsense, just found it around. At the beginning, when he looked left and right, he didn’t see a totem pole with a height of a million feet, and he was a little relieved in his heart. I thought that I might have missed it.

However, just when Song Zhong wanted to go back, his eyes suddenly found a corner on the waist of a Mountain of Garbage. Looking at the shape, it seemed that a huge cylinder was broken, and the color Golden.

Song Zhong suddenly froze him, flew over quickly, flapped his hands left and right, and soon cleaned up the surrounding garbage, so lou came out inside, the huge totem pole.

This totem pole has a diameter of about a hundred miles, and the whole body is cast with a special number. There are countless reliefs engraved on it, and the content contains almost all demon clan.

Song Zhong did not know its origin, nor did it know its role, but he knew that in this position of the East Palace, there was indeed such a golden pillar as a master!

Seeing this scene, Song Zhong’s head suddenly fainted. He couldn’t help but lowered his head in contemplation and said: “Since this pillar is there, it means that the familiarity of this place in my mind is not without unreasonable guess. So, where did I see this East Palace? I have never been to the Eastern Realm before, and I have never even seen Immortal World? “

When thinking of this, Song Zhong’s eyes suddenly lighted up, and he finally thought of it. The only thing I have seen in my life is that the scene about Immortal World is the same, that is, the relief on Big Copper Bell!

After figuring it out, Song Zhong didn’t say anything, just greeted Big Copper Bell. Then carefully watch the top layer, about the relief of Immortal World. As a result, Song Zhong was shocked to find that the Immortal World scene depicted in the relief on Big Copper Bell was the East Palace of the East Imperial Realm!

Song Zhong could n’t believe it was true. He was afraid to make a mistake and hurried to check it carefully. Including the reliefs of the remaining pillars, as well as several iconic buildings around it, Song Zhong found all the signs based on the reliefs on the Big Copper Bell. There was no slight mistake.

At this point, Song Zhong finally believed that the relief on the Big Copper Bell was not imagined out of thin air, but something really happened!

This discovery gave Song Zhong great shock. But then, Song Zhong was thrown aside. After all, the East Palace was a very famous place in the past, maybe it was painted by a fairy, and then portrayed outside when making the magic weapon Big Copper Bell. This is all possible, and there is nothing to be fussed about.


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