Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Infinite Dao in Section 915


The **** body of Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing is big and heavy. If it is in peacetime, Great Brahma will not be taken seriously. It can be taken away by waving your hand. But now, the magical power of the Great Brahma, the Daoist Dharma, has been sealed, and only the powerful body power can be used. But in this case, he obviously couldn’t pull the mountain-like Ni Tianxing everywhere to run. So despite the frustration, Great Brahma eventually gave up the rou of Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing and went to chase Song Zhong.

Although he knows that in this strange place with no sense of direction at all, once out of sight, he may never find this precious incarnation again.

However, in order to seize Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell and kill the Buddha mén enemy Song Zhong, he can only bear the pain and cut the love. After all, the value of an incarnation is far inferior to Primordial Chaos Bell.

After abandoning Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing, the World Extinguishing Great Brahma was heart-cutting, and with a sulky stomach, all vented to Song Zhong.

I saw the extinct Great Brahma, his eyes widened, and the double tui shocked, his body suddenly accelerated, and chased straight to Song Zhong.

When chasing Song Zhong, the image of World Extinction Great Brahma also began to change dramatically. His body gradually swelled and began to radiate a bright golden light. Soon, a tens of thousands of tall Buddha appeared in front of Song Zhong as an invincible Guardian Deity. This is what the Great Brahma body looks like.

The annihilation Great Brahma as a Buddha mén power, has been promoted to the saints millions of years ago. His body has experienced the baptism of Lightning Tribulation, and he has been tempered by the supreme Dharma. The intensity is simply perverted, even though it is the elder of Chaos Titan Clan, he is not as good as him.

It is precisely because of such a horrible body that the Great Brahma can only chase in without fear.

Know that in this pathless place, no magical power can be used, and the magic weapon is the same, even if it is as strong as Supreme Divine Tool, it also directly becomes scrap iron.

In this special environment, only the power of the body can be fully exerted. The World Extermination Great Brahma is walking out of self-confidence in his own Buddha body, so he dare to arrogantly pursue Song Zhong.

The extinct Great Brahma at this time, the Buddha ’s body dàng the golden light of the Buddha, just like the **** Buddha made of gold. Numerous Buddha mén supreme scriptures are looming on his skin. If they are not in a place where the Tao is lacking, the supreme coercion exuded by these scriptures alone is enough to cause Song Zhong to be hit hard. ~~ 心 我 ~~ 仙 是 ~ 心 ~~ 和 ~ From Touching Harmony ~ Base fairy of cents ~ 分 ~~~ 切 心 ~~ 线 touchchou ~

Song Zhong was shocked when he saw that Great Brahma had become so powerful, and hurriedly urged Primordial Chaos Beast to step up his escape.

Unfortunately, Primordial Chaos Beast is extremely uncomfortable in the land of lack of Taoism. It is usually used to catch up with the magic power. After losing its ability, it does n’t know how to fly. His stupid brain has not yet Slowing down, just dancing the limbs desperately, as a result, the speed of the flight not only did not increase, but also slightly decreased. This quickly caught up with them.

Seeing that the annihilation Great Brahma has arrived, Song Zhong can only helplessly stop the Primordial Chaos Beast in that stupid posture and directly fight the annihilation Great Brahma! After receiving the master’s order, Primordial Chaos Beast immediately shouted, and then showed tens of thousands of feet, and rushed towards the annihilation Great Brahma. It looks like a wolf dog is preying on prey, and there is also momentum. So a little meaning.

However, in front of the tyrannical annihilation Great Brahma, Primordial Chaos Beast is simply not enough to watch.

Know that the World Extinguishment Great Brahma was born as an ascetic monk. When practicing, he valued the tempering of the rou body very much, so he also learned a strong boxing skill in the perennial Solo-Cultivation. And in this place, he just happens to be able to fully exert his strengths.

I saw the Great Brahma sneered, and then on the extremely agile side, flashing the Primordial Chaos Beast rush, and then he had his palms wrong, Buddha mén stunned, vigorously Guardian Deity palm serial hit, hit Primordial Chaos Beast Xiong belly and other weak points.

With a dull thump, Primordial Chaos Beast was beaten up and thrown away by Great Brahma. On the front and sides of its body, several deep pits with a depth of hundreds of feet appeared, all caused by the palm power of the extinct Great Brahma.

Just a few slaps in the past, Primordial Chaos Beast was beaten by World Extermination Great Brahma and lost its fighting power on the spot. The body flew to the distance like a ball, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

After flying Primordial Chaos Beast, World Extinguishing Great Brahma turned around and looked at Song Zhong coldly, sneering with disdain: “Xiǎozi, what other tricks can you use now?”

And Song Zhong at this time is almost silly. Although he had long predicted that Primordial Chaos Beast was not an opponent of the Great Brahma, he did not expect any guy to be so useless, and he was beaten in one shot. While annoyed, Song Zhong was angered by the scorn of Great Brahma. How can he be dead Celestial Emperor, Chaos Titan Clan‘s peerless powerhouse, why was he played like a cat and a mouse? Song Zhong has had the strength to refuse to lose since mortal. Even in the face of a strong enemy, he would rather die to war, never bow his head!

Now the world extinction Great Brahma took him to the end, the arrogance that Song Zhong lurked in the heart naturally exploded. The big deal is death. What is terrible? Even if I was dead, I would bite you. !

Thinking of this, Song Zhong sneered at once: “Destroy Great Brahma, do you really think you are invincible? Huh, I understand to tell you, I am still not convinced by Song Zhong! Come, let us Fight hard! “

Song Zhong took a deep breath while speaking, and then showed his original shape. Song Zhong ’s Chaos Titan Clan ’s true height is 100,000 feet taller than that of the World Extinguishing Great Brahma. His upper and lower muscles are high and swelled up, just like the endless mountains, like the bronze skin. Faintly gray chaotic gods twinkling, also inferior to the Buddha body of the extinct Great Brahma!

Xianfu ~ me ~~~ is ~~~ and ~~ 心 ~ harmony fairy ~~ 的 ~~~ 分 ~~ 人 切 ~~ 一线 touch 仙 ~~

Seeing this scene, World Extinguishing Great Brahma just smiled coldly, and then disdainfully said: “What is the use of growing strong? The key depends on strength!”

Speaking of this, World Extinction Great Brahma raised his hand and punched, and went straight to Song Zhong ’s face mén.

Song Zhong is also a man who is good at punches and legs, so he will not be easily hit by him.

I saw that he punched the same punch without showing any weakness, and he faced the golden fist of Great Brahma!

At the same time, Song Zhong did not forget to sarcastically: “Let’s see who is strong!”

Then two huge fists joined together fiercely. At the next moment, a thunder-like explosion sounded out of thin air. Then, an invisible shock bo spread out, counting the surrounding circles. The mist of gray méngméng swept away within a thousand miles! That terrible explosion shocked the surrounding space and produced violent shocks and distortions!

These two perverted guys can only do this step by relying on the strength of Rou’s body. If they pass it, they will surely stun countless people!

In the violent explosion, Song Zhong was directly shocked and flew out, the entire right arm became sore, and the right fist became twisted. Obviously, Song Zhong’s right hand bones are broken!

On the opposite side, the World Extinction Great Brahma only stepped back a distance, and then chased him again, looking at his relaxed appearance, clearly it was safe and sound.

It can be seen that although Song Zhong ’s body is strong for a while, it is still much worse than the big perverted Great Brahma.

In spite of this, Song Zhong did not have the slightest fear, but instead became more desperate. Seeing the annihilation of Great Brahma killed, he also rushed boldly again without any weakness and continued desperately with the other party.

Later, Song Zhong and World Extermination Great Brahma two super giants launched a fierce rou fight in this lack of land. Both of them gave up their defense and just hit each other with one bang. It can be described as a fist to rou, and the battle soon reached a stage of fierce heat!

Song Zhong knew that he could n’t run away from the World Extinguishing Great Brahma, so he tried to fight the World Extinguishing Great Brahma, regardless of what he did, but just beat the other party hard. His stupid posture even calmed down the Great Brahma in a short period of time, making him somewhat afraid and unable to let go.

So, Song Zhong instead became more and more courageous at the beginning, suppressing the offensive of the eradication Great Brahma.

However, after all, Great Brahma is a peerless powerhouse. He quickly found his mistakes and improved them. No longer afraid of Song Zhong’s attack, he gave up his defense and started to attack him.

As a result, the advantage of the Great Brahma‘s strength and strength is completely reflected, and Song Zhong was soon beaten with bruises and bruises, covered in blood, and his bones were broken. chéng humanoid.

As for the annihilation of Great Brahma, he is actually uncomfortable. Under Song Zhong’s crazy counterattack, his face was swollen like a pig’s head.

Song Zhong knew that he could n’t hurt this guy ’s body, so he used all his power to hit his face, so that he was so embarrassed to beat the saint of Buddha mén.

The World Extinguishing Great Brahma has lived so big and has never been beaten by anyone! Now Song Zhong was very chowed, which made him angry.

After beating down Song Zhong, angrily and angry, Great Brahma extinguished his right fist and shouted: “Fuck things, watch me break your head!”

Song Zhong at this time, his body is soft, unable to resist at all, can only close his eyes and wait to die!

However, at this critical moment, a magnificent sense of Dao suddenly came from a distance. It was an idea that contained the laws of the esoteric avenue, as if it was endless, and it came like a tsunami! All of the world’s Great Brahma and Song Zhong were given to nong at once!

You know, this is a missing place? Where the laws of heaven and earth cannot be covered at all, even Supreme Divine Tool cannot be used. How can such a powerful and terrible Tao suddenly appear?

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