Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Australia 799th section Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire

In the face of Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing‘s ridicule, Ninth Hex Foxy Lady followed with a sneer: “You are an idiot. Of course I know that my sperm blood cannot completely urge such a large Ancient Fusang Wood, but you have not counted a little No need to urge Ancient Fusang Wood, I just need to urge Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire, and it’s okay! “During the talk, the blood of Ninth Hex Foxy Lady fell on the canopy of Ancient Fusang Wood. At the next moment, a colorful flame suddenly took off from the canopy. Up.

The colorful flames are like an agile dragon. After flying out of the canopy, they immediately flew to the **** sea of ​​fire under the control of Ninth Hex Foxy Lady.

It’s strange to say that Yuan Ben’s arrogant **** sea of ​​fire, in front of the colorful flame dragon, became vulnerable. Hundreds of thousands of long dragons rushed into it and immediately absorbed all the **** flames they were in contact with.

In the sea of ​​fire, the colorful flame dragon is not only unsuitable, but is like a fish, shaking its head happily, a few sink and float, and the monstrous **** flame disappears without a trace.

Seeing the horrific performance of the flames, Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing suddenly turned green. When he saw him, he shouted: “Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire is prohibited! Isn’t this God Zhurong awesome? How can you use it?”

Zhu Rong God of Fire, known as the originator of fire, is recognized as the first fire god. His Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire prohibition is called the world’s strongest fire department supernatural power, no one!

The Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire prohibition he left behind stumbled on Five Great Celestial Emperors with XianTian Saint Tool in his hand. He was stunned to keep Baoshan empty and not allowed to enter. From this, he was able to see how powerful he was.

Song Zhong has long been banned from the Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire. After getting the help of Ninth Hex Foxy Lady and refining Ancient Fusang Wood, he can no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, “Sneak into Zhurong World, use Candle Dragon Lantern and Primordial Chaos Bell” to Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire The ban was taken away.

In fact, at that time, there were still many celestial troops and generals guards outside the Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire ban. If you only rely on Song Zhong, you ca n’t sneak in. “But who asked him to have Ninth Hex Foxy Lady, the emperor-level strongman who is best at charm?

With the help of Ninth Hex Foxy Lady, he can easily go in and out, even if the guards are all Imperial Court elite, they ca n’t stop the emperor-level strongmen from sneaking in!

After being banned by Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire, Song Zhong integrated it into Ancient Fusang Wood. It is a pity that the Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire prohibition is too perverted, too powerful, and it becomes extremely laborious to urge. “Even the emperor-level Ninth Hex Foxy Lady cannot urge them under normal circumstances, at least holy. Is a master.

Fortunately, Ninth Hex Foxy Lady also has the technique of blood spray. At the cost of burning natal blood, in exchange for massive mana, you can urge this perverted thing in a short time.

So, Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing was a tragedy. After more than a hundred mouthfuls of blood was sprayed in one breath, the **** fire was sent out. In the end, not only did not win, but all of them were cheaper than the opponent.

After absorbing these flames, the Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire prohibition has become even more nasal. The burning colorful magic fire, even after watching Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing, has a feeling of panic.

Although Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing is now also a saint-level pinnacle, “rampant Immortal World can’t be a lifetime. But he knew clearly in his heart that the powers of ancient times are still worse than those of himself now.

Especially with the strong level of Great God Zhurong, he is incomparable. So the Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire prohibition left by Great God Zhurong “at least for now, it is not something he can crack.

So he could only watch the Shenlong composed of Rainbow Colored Flowing Fire, and then flew back in front of him “and then flew back to Ancient Fusang Wood to cultivate. The whole process” Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing stunned even a fart!

Even if the colorful flaming dragon is gone, Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing is still not afraid to be arrogant, because he knows that Ninth Hex Foxy Lady can summon it again at the cost of a sip of blood at any time.

And when he launches a **** flame, he will spend a hundred mouths of blood, but it can be broken by a mouthful of blood. This sale is really not cost-effective.

In the face of such a perverted Ancient Fusang Wood, even if it is as strong as Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing, it can only be sighed, and can no longer afford to fight it.

So, Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing could only helplessly be a spectator, far away from Ninth Hex Foxy Lady, and did not dare to invade.

Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing shrinks like this, Vairocana can’t stand it. He had planned very well, thinking that after Song Zhong lost Candle Dragon Lantern, only Primordial Chaos Bell and Primordial Chaos Beast were available. With him and Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing, two holy-level strong men, plus XianTian Saint Tool glazed lamps, they can be won anyway.

Unexpectedly, Song Zhong has also hidden an XianTian Saint Tool Ancient Fusang Wood that is even more perverted than Candle Dragon Lantern!

This thing turned out, and the battle was reversed at once. The small Ninth Hex Foxy Lady stunned the Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing by its superior power.

As a result, Vairocana can only face Song Zhong alone. Anyway, after things have developed to the present, he wants to cry!

A Primordial Chaos Beast eats him to death, plus Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell, he may even become suspicious even if he commits suicide!

In the face of such a desperate situation, Vairocana can no longer control the stator. As soon as he saw that the general trend was gone, he had no worries about his life, and he no longer looked at his face, and directly asked Song Zhong for forgiveness: “Buddhist Song Zhong, you are also a Pleasure Buddha Tuo. Everyone is a Buddhist. Song Zhong felt that this was familiar and quickly remembered it. When Light Bringer Buddha was in the front, he said so, so he kindly gave them a chance to change.

The result is that Vairocana once again teamed up with Hundred Heads Divine Dragon Ni Tianxing to deal with themselves. So Song Zhong was angry when he thought about it, so he broke his mouth and cursed directly: “Shut up, you bald donkeys, one is shameless than one. Now I know that I am Pleasure Buddha? How to kidnap my wife and unite the demon to encircle me When I forgot? “,” Cough cough cough! “, Vairocana was so embarrassed by Song Zhong’s scolding, but he couldn’t explain it because of the loss, he could only stop coughing to eliminate the embarrassing hair, and then explained:” The past All these are all old greed and greed, and now I have seen through the red dust, realized everything, and know what I have done in the past. I also hope that the younger brothers can look at everyone who is also a Buddhist disciple, raise your noble hands and let me go! Lao Guan is grateful … “

As soon as Song Zhong heard this, he was almost amused. Cooperating to secretly count yourself as a demon, and to push all the sins clean in one sentence, it is really a Vairocana with a tongue!

Of course, Song Zhong could not be fooled by Vairocana in a few words, so he stepped up the offensive and sneered: “Bald donkey, you are useless no matter what you say now, since you dare to count me, you have to do Ready to be cleaned up by me! Today, I will clean up you anyway, otherwise, I ’m sorry for my extorted Candle Dragon Lantern! “

Speaking of this, Song Zhong showed an angry, wronged look, just like how much he really suffered. But in fact, it is not so.

It turned out that Candle Dragon Lantern had been secretly hand-footed by Song Zhong. He took a trace of Xiantian Origin Fire and a ray of Xiantian Origin Water from it.

With these two things, he can easily find out the location of Candle Dragon Lantern according to the breath and the magic of Xiaocha.

Even if Patriarch Blood River hides in Haijiaotianya, it ’s useless. Just find him and use Song Zhong ’s strength to pick him up and recapture Candle Dragon Lantern. Is n’t that a single sentence?

So Song Zhong didn’t care about Patriarch Blood River secretly slipping away. As long as Candle Dragon Lantern was still on him, Song Zhong could find him even if he let him run out of thousands of big worlds.

However, Vairocana didn’t know about it, and thought he really hurt Song Zhong to lose Candle Dragon Lantern, so he was so angry with himself.

So, Vairocana thought that he found the reason why Song Zhong was angry. Then, in order to survive, Vairocana gritted his teeth and said softly: “My brother is distressed about Candle Dragon Lantern‘s mood, I can understand. If it is for this reason, you insist on embarrassing me, then I am willing to compensate you for a XianTian Saint Tool, in order to ask the brother Forgive … “

“En …” Song Zhong’s eyes suddenly lighted up when he heard this, and immediately slowed down the offensive, smiling with a smile: “You have XianTian Saint Tool? Strangely, why don’t you take it now Come out? “,” Alas … “Vairocana sighed:” Ashamed, this piece of XianTian Saint Tool was made by me personally, the fire is not yet available, even if it is taken out, it can’t stop Primordial Chaos Beast and Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell, but it will be damaged. So I ca n’t hide it. However, if the brother insists on pressing, then I would rather explode a piece of XianTian Saint Tool, and I also want to see the difference with you! “, Vairocana said in the words, soft There is hard. XianTian Saint Tool This kind of thing is pitiful and powerful, but once perverted, killing the emperor-level peak is like a child’s play. Even the saint-level strongman must retreat and dare not resist, otherwise, even if he does not die, he will have to peel.

So if Vairocana is really desperate, it is really dangerous to cultivate Song Zhong as the peak of Hunyuan!

Song Zhong now has a big advantage, and he will be waiting for him in the future, so he does n’t want to die here. Therefore, he is also extremely alert to the threat of Vairocana.

After slowing down the offensive again, Song Zhong said with a smile: “Well, I agree with your request, as long as you give me that XianTian Saint Tool, I promise to let you go, even even Today, this matter can all be cancelled! “,

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