Chaotic Lightning Cultivation: Ancient Legend of the Eighty-Fifty-Fifth Festival

. At this time, “the situation of Song Zhong and others is extremely critical, and there is a supplementary stone in the corner of the sky [suppression], around” is also an endless weak water killing array, even if he has Primordial Chaos Bell, there are some resistance Can’t live.

Know that although the supplementary stone is not a treasure, it represents the will of the heavenly path and is uncompromising. The weak water of the Netherworld has been sacrificed by the mysterious turtle for millions of years “and became his army of random movement.

The weak water itself is extremely poisonous, and it is also as heavy as gold iron. This endless weak water is suppressed on the head, and it is exhibited by the mysterious turtle from the mysterious turtle. An extremely powerful prohibition. It can almost compete with Supreme Divine Tool, in this case, Song Zhong also has no solution at all.

After being suppressed by〗 〖Song, Song Zhong urged Primordial Chaos Bell several times in succession to release a terrifying whistle and divine light, enough to destroy the void, but it was banned by the five gods and weak water in Tianshishi. The town was suppressed, and all returned without success.

Xuan Gui saw this, and immediately laughed and said: “Song Zhong, you do n’t have to work in vain, make up Tianshi as a corner of heaven, enough to compete with Supreme Divine Tool, and my weak water Great Formation is from Nuwa. The supreme divinity created by Dao Shi〗 〖Suppress the infinite power, even if you have a small Celestial Emperor, even if you have Primordial Chaos Bell, it ca n’t be broken at all! ”, Song Zhong said, but immediately sneered:“ I I really didn’t believe it! “, Then Song Zhong shouted,” Primordial Chaos Beast, help me! “,” Roar n “, Primordial Chaos Beast can’t help it long ago, and when I heard Song Zhong’s words, it immediately became big With a roar, he opened his huge mouth and bit off the boss with a piece of weak water forbidden. There was enough space for thousands of squares. “It was emptied all at once.

Song Zhong saw “I was overjoyed, and hurriedly said:” Ok, continue, give me a hard time! “, Primordial Chaos Beast shouted proudly, and then shook his cheeks away. The left and right mouths began to swallow. Weak water around.

As a superpower during the great chaos period, the belly of Primordial Chaos Beast is indescribably large, it is almost endless.

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Seeing this, Vairocana and others couldn’t help but be surprised. He hurriedly said to Xuangui: “Xuan Lao, that Primordial Chaos Beast‘s stomach is too big to be stretched, don’t let him drink the weak water?”

“Yeah, Primordial Chaos Beast is strong and powerful”. Not afraid of being highly toxic, maybe you can really drink the weak water! “Others are also worried.”

However, Xuan Gui did n’t care: “You do n’t have to worry, my weak water ca n’t be drunk casually! With Nuwa ’s supreme blessing, his poisoning becomes Heaven wants to fit together. The more you drink, the worse your luck. Even if he is Primordial Chaos Beast, you ca n’t blame it! ”Sure enough.” At the beginning of Primordial Chaos Beast, it was a pleasure to drink, but without too many clips, he felt all over Comfortable and uncomfortable. In the end, he had to spit out all the water he had drunk.

When Song Zhong saw this, he could not help but exclaimed: “Primordial Chaos Beast, don’t you also bear the poison of this weak water?”

Primordial Chaos Beast disgusted while vomiting, and said with a bitter face, “ordinary weak water, it doesn’t matter how much I drink! But the weak water here is really evil methods, their poison gas can even evaporate” through my body〗 Infinite prohibition inside penetrates into my 〖body〗! “,”what? How is this possible? “Song Zhong couldn’t help but be shocked and said:” It’s just a toxin “and it’s not a demon monster”. How can you know how to cross the prohibition in your body? Moreover, even if they want to go through “the prohibition in your” body “is not a joke”, why can’t they stop the poison gas? “

“I do n’t know very well. In short, this toxin evil methods is very, as if it is consistent with them and the avenue, and it is omnipresent. In front of me to ban them, it is almost like a fake.

Primordial Chaos Beast said helplessly:” Fortunately, I’m good at space magic, but I can’t spit out all the poisonous water. If a person changes to eat so much weak water, even if it is a saint, I am afraid it will be too fierce! “The Queen Mother of West heard the words and couldn’t help but guess:” Ordinary weak water has absolutely no such power, I am afraid “This has something to do with the prosperity in the weak water ban, after all, it was created by the Nuwa girl!”

Song Zhong heard the words and could n’t help complaining: “It ’s true too, how can you pass such a good way to a guy who does n’t know how to be grateful?” I can’t help complaining, “” Can I make up for the skyrocketing thing! ” How can you give him easily? “

“That is, there is a make-up stone, and there is the magic of Nuwa and the two saints sitting in the town. We are afraid that this time we will be more fierce!” Xuanwu Emperor said anxiously.

At this time, the Queen Mother of West suddenly frowned: “You” you may have misunderstood, that mysterious Dafa “must be the black turtle passed from Nuwa, but this make-up stone is 〖suppressed> to suppress the black turtle How can I give him something? If that were the case, would n’t Xuangui be able to get out of it? How can we wait until today? “,” En! “, Everyone immediately nodded as soon as they heard this:” reasonable! ” “But Song Zhong couldn’t help saying at this time:” But this supplementary stone is indeed embarrassing us now, and seems to be under the control of the black turtle, is it because he took the supplementary stone after he got rid of his difficulties? “

“No, no, no!”, the Queen Mother of the West shook her head again and again: “I feel that this make-up stone seems to be an unowned thing! It is not a magic weapon after all, but a corner of heaven”. In addition to the lady who created it, No one can command it anymore! “,”Yep? “Song Zhong heard the words and immediately said strangely:” But now it is indeed against us? ” “

“No, no, no, no, no, no. I believe that Bu Tianshi is not controlled by anyone. The reason why it suppresses us is because the order Nuwa gave it is to suppress everything in this position.”, The Queen Mother of the West explained: “We are where we should be before Xuangui. Now he ran, we are here” Bu Tianshi does not know how to distinguish, and will continue to suppress. “

“It turns out so!” Song Zhong nodded and asked: “What should we do now?” “

“Yes!”, Jade Emperor frowned: “Although Primordial Chaos Bell can resist for a while, is it not always a way to go out?”, mmn I nmm is the nnmn split of mmn and mmn and mmn. mn cut heart nm line mnm

At this time, I did n’t wait for the Queen Mother to answer, “the black turtle outside spoke proudly, saying,” Haha “, what’s so difficult, I’m trapped for millions of years, and you are here to stay Is n’t it enough for such a long time? “,” That’s it! “, Vairocana also smiled and said:” Dr. Song Zhong, this place is quiet and unusual, very suitable for self-cultivation and rehabilitation. You can retreat here, things outside. , Just leave it alone! “

“Yes, the Imperial Court that you have worked so hard to build is under our control!” Xuan Gui said proudly.

Song Zhong and others heard the news and suddenly became furious, but they were helpless.

The Queen Mother of the West said unhurriedly: “Xuan Gui, Vairocana, don’t be too happy! You ambush this time” is beautiful, but unfortunately there is a fatal mistake. If you don’t make it, you will be self-defeating. of! “

“Oh, is it?” Xuan Gui sneered indifferently: “Then you talk about, where are our mistakes?”

“Your biggest mistake lies in” You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t suppress us with make-up stone! “The Queen Mother West seriously said:” So you are dead! “

“A nonsense!” Xuan Gui sneered: “Without the help of make up stone, who can 〖suppress Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell?”

“That’s it!”, Vairocana didn’t care about it: “Even if we use make-up stone, you still have no choice?”

“I have no way, but the East Emperor Song Zhong, but there is definitely a way!”, the Queen Mother West said, “I don’t care about the two, but turned to Song Zhongdao:” Emperor Dong, have you ever heard A legend? “

“What legend?” Song Zhong frowned.

“This legend is about the corner of Heavenly Dao!”, Queen Xi said slowly: “In the ancient times, almost all the true gods have refined treasures similar to the Sky Stone. Although this thing is not a treasure, it is linked. Heavenly Dao represents the deficiency of Heavenly Dao. At some point, its power is not worse than Supreme Divine Tool! Once the true gods have refined this thing, it means that they have become a master, and they can fit the Tao! “

“Normally, the true God will take the corner of Heavenly Dao he has refined and merge with Heavenly Dao to become immortal.” The existence of eternal life! “The Queen Mother of West said abruptly:” But sometimes, they will also leave this corner, just like this make up stone! “

“There is such a legend among the saints in the Archaic period.” If the corners of different heavens representing the two poles of yin yang can meet, they will automatically join together. “Become a new corner, and the power is more than several times!” The Queen Mother of the West then said to Song Zhong: “Bu Tian Tian, ​​as the name implies, is to make up for the lack of heaven”, so it belongs to Xing Wei to Yin! If we can find the corner of Tiandao in Zhiyang, then we can charge up the Sky Stone without any effort! “

Song Zhong and others were surprised at the news. After listening to Xuangui and others, they all sneered with disdain.

Xuan Gui is even more disdainful: “There is only one piece of xing in the corner of heaven, and most of them are taken away by the true god. This supplementary sky stone is almost the only corner of heaven in the world! You still Where to go, just find out the other half that is compatible with Yin Yang? “,” Haha, that’s it! “Vairocana also laughed and said:” Are you simply delusional? “! .

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