Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 922: Heavenly Spirit Thirty-Six Formations (3)

As for the dynamic array and the static array completely different, the biggest feature of the dynamic array is that there are some formation runes that are constantly running and moving according to a certain trajectory. This is the biggest feature of the dynamic array. Take the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation as an example. It is composed of a main formation, thirty-six small formation, main formation is responsible for control command(er), and thirty-six small formation is responsible for combat. Under normal circumstances, main formation will be in the center position, and thirty-six Six small formation operates around main formation. Thirty-six small formation does not have to be on the same plane as main formation. It can also operate on 3D. It can be said that this Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is a bit like a set of Magical Artifact. Rather than like a set of formation.

But the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is indeed one type of formation, one type of Might very enormous’s formation, thirty-six small formation, each small formation has its own characteristics, and also has its own unique attack method, just like the thirty-six types of Might are particularly huge Same as the Magic.

Might of Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is very enormous, but the energy it consumes is also very enormous. Under normal circumstances, if you want to arrange Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, you must have a very stable and powerful one in main formation there energy source is enough. In places such as volcanoes, you can always use release powerful energy for the use of Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations.

The has plenty forces are not unable to deploy the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, but they do not have such a large energy that can operate the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, and the reason why Blood Slaughter Sect did not use the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is because they No, Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation although is a moving formation, but his main formation generally rarely moves. Only the outer thirty-six small formation can be moved, which is very troublesome, so Blood Slaughter Sect has not used Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation , and for the dynamic array, Blood Slaughter Sect has also been used, but it has been used less frequently.

Now Shadow Clansman here happens to meet the layout conditions of all Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations. They have enough energy sources, ready-made main formation, which is Imperial City, and ready-made thirty-six small formation, which is thirty-six docks. , as long as all the formation rune of the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation are arranged, the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation can be used, so Da Sikong feels that now they are indeed very suitable to use the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, this Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation , maybe it can actually produce unexpected effects.

After a while, someone sent a Space Bag. Da Sikong took the Space Bag, looked at it in Space Bag, and then directly gave the Space Bag to Mao Xuanying said:, “Guanzhu Mao, formation rune is already in here, you can use it.” , if it’s not enough, just tell me, I immediately will let them be in Refining, if you need anything else, just tell me, I will definitely cooperate with you.”

Mao Xuan thanked him, and then he directly leave. After returned to his courtyard, Mao Xuan responded immediately and began to organize people. The remaining formation rune of Refining, but fortunately the remaining formation rune were not There are a lot, and formation rune‘s Refining also has very simple. Soon formation rune and Refining were completed. Then under Mao Xuanying’s personal command(er), those Shadow Clansman began to fully deploy the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations. At this time, the people of Blood Slaughter Sect, energy is still converting magnetic silver.

This time Shadow Clansman arranged the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, which took less than five days. Five days later, their Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation was completed, and then Mao Xuanying command(er) with Heavenly Spirit The operation of the thirty-six formations, and this also made the operation of those forts, all under Mao Xuanying’s command(er). There was no way to move the forts they had built before. They could only move Fixed at there, it is like the camp of each and every one, and the operation of the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation allows those forts to move. Not only can they move, but they can also become weapon, and even release Magic attack enemies, and All of this is under Mao Xuanying’s control, and it also makes Imperial City here‘s defense even more powerful.

Shadow Sovereign stood on city wall, look at Mao Xuanying command(er) completed the Heavenly Spirit thirty-sixth formation, he nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his head look at Mao Xuanying said: “Very good, Mao beloved minister, this Heavenly Spirit thirty The Might of the Sixth Formation are indeed quite big. With the formation, it will be difficult for the Blood Slaughter Sect to attack us. This time I really want to see how they will respond.”

Mao Xuan responded, then he took out a formation disk, handed formation disk to Shadow Sovereign with both hands, and then said to Shadow Sovereign said:Your Majesty, this is control formation disk from the thirty-sixth formation of Heavenly Spirit, please Your Majesty accept it, some formation disk is here, Your Majesty can control Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations at any time. “Mao Xuan responded to very clear. The more at this time, the more he had to be disobedient. He had better hand over formation disk to Shadow Sovereign honestly. If Shadow Sovereign. formation disk was given to him again, then he would continue with the thirty-six formations of control Heavenly Spirit, but that was given to him by Shadow Sovereign. If he did not hand over this formation disk, then he was ignorant, so he handed over formation disk first. Gave Shadow Sovereign.

Shadow Sovereign was very satisfied with Mao Xuanying’s reaction, but he did not pick up the formation disk, but slightly smiled said: “When it comes to understanding the Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations, no one can compare to you beloved minister, this formation disk Just hold it, and when Blood Slaughter Sect attacks, beloved minister you can just control Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations.” Mao Xuanying knelt down to thank him, and then carefully put away formation disk. Shadow Sovereign was surprised by his performance. It was very satisfied. He glanced in the direction of Blood Slaughter Sect again, and then turn around returned to Royal Palace.

On the other hand Blood Slaughter Sect The people are also look at Shadow Clansman direction, White Eyes Now, they have all transformed the power of magnetic silver. They look at Wubao, who was moving, had a serious expression on his face. White Eyes open the mouth and said : “I really didn’t expect that these forts can actually move. It seems that we have underestimated Got these forts. “The others also nodded. They thought that these forts could not move before, but they did not expect that these forts actually moved. This was indeed beyond their expectation.

Zhen Lao shook his head said: “No, these Wubao originally should not be moved, they should be nearest/recent. I didn’t react before, but now you look at this.” After he finished speaking, he moved his hand, and in front of them, there was appears picked up a projection, and what was displayed on projection was exactly what was happening inside the Wubao, as well as what was happening inside Imperial City, whether it was Wubao or Imperial City, they all looked very calm at first, but then the Wubao and On Imperial City, there are many more people who are busy non-stop, and don’t know is busy.

suddenly Zhen Lao open the mouth and said: “Stop.” Following his voice, projection immediately stopped, Zhen Lao pointed to a location on projection, and then open the mouth and said: “Enlarge here.” immediately/on horseback projection immediately was enlarged, and the enlarged projection displayed, The Shadow Clansman in hand was holding an thing. When they saw the thing, everyone was stunned. Zhen Lao immediately open the mouth and said: “Did you see it? The thing held by the Shadow Clansman in hand should be a formation rune. They should be new in Imperial City and What is formation arranged in the dock?”

When Zhen Lao said this, everyone was stunned. White Eyes was a little surprised look at Zhen Lao said:Zhen Lao, you mean, the reason why those docks can fly is because they arranged formation on them? But what kind of formation , can this kind of degree be achieved? ”

At this time Zhang Hongliang look at projection, then he turned to look at Zhen Lao, Zhen Lao also turned to look at him, then Zhen Lao nodded, Zhang Hongliang open the mouth and said: “I thought of it, it should be Heavenly Spirit thirty-sixth formation.” Zhang Hongliang is saying this When speaking, complexion was very dignified, but when White Eyes and the others heard what Zhang Hongliang said, they were all stunned, and then they all looked puzzled look at Zhang Hongliang.

Zhang Hongliang look at They look like said solemnly: “Your don’t know is also normal, Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is one type of and the relatively unpopular formation is a moving formation, also in other words, this formation is originally movable, more like one type of incomparably huge Magical Artifact, this kind of Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, there are main formation control thirty-six small formation, which can release, different Magic attack, and those small formation can also directly hit the enemy, Might very enormous, but this kind of Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation, he The operation of Heavenly Spirit requires a huge energy. Shadow Clansman got such a huge energy from there to promote the operation of the Heavenly Spirit thirty-sixth array. You must know that even we do not dare to easily deploy the Heavenly Spirit thirty-sixth array. Because the energy consumes too much, our Yin Yang Thunder Pond used to be unable to withstand the consumption of the Heavenly Spirit thirty-sixth array. Now the Yin Yang Thunder Pond is acceptable, but we have never used it. I really didn’t expect that now the Shadow Clansman can be used. What kind of energy are they using? It’s so strange.” After saying this, Zhang Hongliang frowned.

And Zhen Lao then open the mouth and said: “It should be a magnetic field. The magnetic field is also one type of energy, and one type of is very stable and very powerful energy. Whether their Imperial City or Wubao, they all have huge magnetic fields, so they are completely You can use the magnetic field as their energy to arrange this Heavenly Spirit thirty-six array. It seems that Shadow Clansman guessed that we were trying to deal with their magnetic field, so they made these changes. These guys predicted our predictions. Judgment, you’ve become smarter.” After Zhen Lao finished speaking, complexion became a little gloomy.

White Eyes felt relaxed when he heard what they said. He smiled said: “So that’s it. Then isn’t this a good thing for us? If they use magnetic fields to deal with us, we still have to think about it. There is a way to break their magnetic field, but they are using formation, so that shouldn’t be a problem for us, right? He really doesn’t believe that their formation can compare to us.”

Zhang Hongliang shook his head said: “That’s not what I said. Our formation is indeed stronger than them, but this Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formation is not ordinary. I said, he looks like one type of Magical Artifact, more than a formation, his Might is very big, and it is like a Magical Artifact. In this case, it is not easy to break their formation. Think about it, we can break their formation, but in the face of If it is a Magical Artifact, then how do you break it? Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations, this is what makes head more painful. This time they arranged Heavenly Spirit thirty-six formations, we are really in trouble, want break the formation , if you don’t listen, you can force it, there is no good way, but how much loss will we suffer in this way? I don’t dare to think about this. You should not regard there as a formation now, just regard it as a Magical Artifact. With such a big Magical Artifact, do you have any idea how big his Might will be?”()

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