Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 862: Change


Wen Wenhai looked at Li Qingtian, Li Qingtian also looked at Wen Wenhai, but Wen Wenhai could see that Li Qingtian was still a little unconvinced, Wen Wenhai just smiled, and said in a deep voice: “To be honest, Elder Li, you can too Tell this matter, you see how you will react, from now to the millennium war, there are still decades, decades, you can see if the people in the shadow world can destroy the sea of ​​clouds. Now, let me tell you the truth, when you tell this matter, that is when I am missing, I will hide for decades. Anyway, decades are not very long for us. There are seas of clouds everywhere in the sea of ​​clouds, I find a place to hide, I am afraid that people will find it for decades, as long as I wait until the Millennium War, I can go to the sea of ​​blood, then we Sovereign will naturally protect us, but at that time, I really don’t know what the sea of ​​clouds will be like here. So, you have two choices now. One is that you believe what I said and watch the changes. Fully cooperate with the actions of the Sect Master and the Shadow Realm, and slowly survive the past few decades. The other is that you will tell the matter right now. I will not say how many people believe that there will be a collusion. The big hat of the magic door is buckled, and this matter may be suppressed. You people are dead, and you are still going to die for nothing, or people from the shadow world will take action. At that time, the sea of ​​clouds will be I really can’t tell what it looks like. I don’t have to force you to cooperate with me. I also told you. You can watch the changes and see how things develop. If they develop, tell me. It’s not the same, you just don’t cooperate with us, and there is nothing wrong with my idea, right? I ask you to cooperate with the sect with all your strength, so that the sect will not move you, you are safe, if I say The truth is that you can cooperate with me when the time comes. Our suzerain will still remove your restrictions. We can deal with the shadow world together. If I tell lies, you can cooperate with the shadow world and deal with us, so I There seems to be nothing wrong with it, right?”

When Li Qingtian heard Wen Wenhai say this, he stopped talking. Indeed, Wen Wenhai did not tell him from beginning to end, let him deal with the sect and the shadow world now, just let him cooperate with the action of the sect. Cooperating with the film world. Although there are some differences from what he had to do before, it is also for their good. Just like other people in the sect, they all persuaded him not to do the right thing with the lord, Wen Wenhai The same is true of what he is doing now, but he has added a lot of things to it. .The fastest update

Li Qingtian looked at Wen Wenhai, and Wen Wenhai also looked at Li Qingtian. After a while, Li Qingtian said, “Okay, I believe you once. If you lie, even if I fight this old life, I will take it. Your life.” After saying that Li Qingtian stood up and walked out. Obviously, he was going back.

Wen Wenhai looked at Li Qingtian and said in a deep voice: “Elder Li, if I were you, after I go back, I won’t tell your disciples what I have said. Your disciples are loyal to you, but you don’t know. They will have people who care about them. They will tell those people what I said today. If these words of mine are spread out, it may really cause a storm, even if the storm will not blow the entire sea of ​​clouds in. , I’m afraid it’s yours who will all be scraped in, so you’d better forget about this and don’t tell anyone.”

Li Qingtian turned his head and glanced at Wen Wenhai, Wen Wenhai also glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: “I have finished speaking, believe it or not, in short, if I hear a little bit about this, I will hide it right away. It’s not a problem to hide dozens of them, but I don’t know what you will become in the end.”

Li Qingtian looked at Wen Wenhai for a long time, and finally nodded, without saying anything, and turned around. Wen Wenhai just sent him to the door and went straight back to his quiet room. I told Ding Chunming and others about this matter, so that they should always pay attention to the news in this area. As long as they hear the news in this area, they will hide it immediately, and they must not be discovered.

In fact, Wen Wenhai and the others have not done nothing in these years. They have secretly built a base here in the sea of ​​clouds. There is a powerful magic circle in that base, which can connect those with the outside world. Completely isolated, if they really need to hide, they can go to the base and wait quietly for several decades. When the millennium war is over, they can return to Zhao Hai. NS.

Ding Chunming and the others did not expect that there would be someone who would know their identity through a little clue. Fortunately, Wen Wenhai is the only one exposed now, so they are relieved, but their The entire intelligence network has become latent, and it can even be said that it has completely ceased its activities.

Wen Wenhai of course also told Zhao Hai about this matter. After Zhao Hai heard about it, he also thought that Wen Wenhai did the right thing. People like Li Qingtian are worthy of wining. Anyway, The opponent is also a monk. It’s best to prevent them from falling into the shadow world. It’s a good thing to keep the sea of ​​clouds and not to be turned into slave soldiers by the shadow world. At least wait for the shadow world. When they really fight with the Blood Sea Realm, they will know the true face of the Shadow Realm. At that time, maybe the people in the Cloud Sea Realm can still help them.

When Li Qingtian returned to his island, he did not immediately summon all his disciples, but sat quietly in his own room, quietly thinking of Wen Wenhai’s words. He actually had some doubts about Wen Wenhai’s words, but he felt that Wen Wenhai’s words made sense.

Judging from what he has learned these days, the power of this shadow world is really not small. Many big sects have cooperated with the shadow world, even if there are a few big ones that do not cooperate with the shadow world. Sect, for this matter, it is also closing one eye, and there are even some sects arguing about whether they are cooperating with the shadow world.

Without the words of Wen Wenhai today, Li Qingtian would at best feel that it is very dangerous to cooperate with people in the shadow world. He also did not want to cooperate with people in the shadow world because of his personal enmity, but today’s After the incident, Li Qingtian felt that if they continued to cooperate with the people in the shadow world, it would only be even more dangerous, and maybe they would be wiped out by the people in the shadow world.

But this matter really has to be like Wen Wenhai said, not to his disciples? Wen Wenhai’s worries are not unreasonable. The less people know about a secret, the more it can be called a secret. If more people know, then it’s not a secret. Just think about it, if he tells the news. In addition to the people he believes to be the most trustworthy, will those who know the news also have the most trustworthy people as he thought? He was telling the news to others, so if you spread the news one by one, or spread it by one hundred, then I’m afraid that everyone in the entire sea of ​​clouds will know the news.

If it really reaches that point, what will become of the sea of ​​clouds here is really difficult to say, maybe it will really be like Wen Wenhai said, the best result is also, sea of ​​clouds The people in the realm of the cloud have suppressed this matter, but none of them can survive, and the worst result is that the entire sea of ​​cloud realm is probably over, but no matter the sea of ​​cloud realm is not over, they must be over.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Qingtian could not help but let out a sigh, he then murmured: “Let me see if things will develop like you said, if it really does like what you said, then I can’t tell this matter even more.” Then Li Qingtian said: “Come on, call everyone here.”

Following his voice, someone outside the door responded, and then they went to call someone there. After a while, all of Li Qingtian’s disciples were called into his room, and they all looked at Li Qingtian with curiosity. , Li Qingtian glanced at those people, and then said solemnly: “Today I talked to Wen Wenhai, what he said also has some truth, now we are working against the sect, it is not a good thing, it does not do us any good. With our strength, if we fight hard with the sect, we will only suffer in the end. I can’t let everyone suffer together with me because of my hatred alone, so let’s start from today, we also agree with the shadow In cooperation with the sect, everyone must cooperate with the sect fully. Don’t fight against the sect. My grudges can be repaid in the future. But this time, the incident is related to the entire sect and even the entire sea of ​​clouds, so we can’t Chaos, as for Wen Wenhai’s identity, there is no need for everyone to doubt, he did hear the news from the interface where he was, but he didn’t have much contact with the blood sea realm, so don’t care about him. “

When everyone heard what he, they were all stunned. They didn’t understand why Li Qingtian suddenly changed his attitude, not only to Wen Wenhai, but also to the film world. , And what Li Qingtian said was full of inaccuracy, which made everyone even more puzzled.

Li Qingtian glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: “I know everyone is very surprised and surprised at my change of attitude, but there are some things that I can’t tell you. You only need to know that next, we must cooperate. The actions of the sect, don’t confront the sect, just watch the changes.”

Although everyone still didn’t understand what was going on, they still responded. Li Qingtian looked at everyone and said in a deep voice, “The previous quarrel with the lord was that I was a little irrational. This may cause problems. Everyone has brought some troubles, but recently, let’s put up with it a little bit. There is no other way. Cooperating with the film industry is the general trend, and we have no ability to change. If we really want to change If you do, it will only be destroyed. I and the Shadow Realm have a hatred that we don’t share, but I can’t take everyone’s life into it, revenge, there will be opportunities in the future, as long as we keep remembering this hatred Okay, don’t worry about revenge.”

Although everyone didn’t know why, they didn’t say anything. They just responded. To be honest, although they are loyal to Li Qingtian, they don’t want to fight against the sect, so Li Qingtian’s saying that also made many people feel relieved. Tone. (To be continued.)

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