Breaking Through the Clouds: 55.Chapter 55, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

Although the leader of the detention center was obviously dissatisfied, but it was difficult to turn his face with Deputy Yan Detachment, he led the city bureau and his party to the infirmary—a room dedicated to administration and staff, separated from Li Yuxin on a different floor.

“The head injury of the prisoner is very serious. We have already sent an urgent report and transferred her to the hospital…”

“Don’t tell me this, I am sure she is related to a kidnapping case that is happening now, I must ask clearly!”

“We have our rules and regulations! Especially the underage prisoners! It is really difficult for you to engage our detention center like this!…”


A quiet but fierce dispute came from the outside. Through the concealed wooden door, it faintly passed into the medical room filled with the smell of disinfectant water.

Jiang Ting has no expression on his face, watching his hands have been repeatedly disinfected and wrapped in layers of white gauze.

“Be careful not to touch the water before healing, change the dressing in time to prevent inflammation-and,” the middle-aged female prison doctor hesitated before saying: “Pay attention to rest and supplement nutrition.”

Jiang Ting only nodded.

Yan Xiuzao came in with a brutal spirit: “How is it? Is it serious?”

What the female doctor wanted to say, she was interrupted by Jiang Ting before she could speak: “It’s okay, the bones are not broken. ——Li Yuxin was sent to the hospital?”

“Fuck,” Yan Xiu cursed coldly, “That girl is evading the interrogation, deliberately. I have already called Lu Ju and asked the Provincial Party Committee Liu Ting to come forward and put pressure on it. Within two hours, I must Push her back to the interrogation room!”

Yan Xi smoothly picked up Jiang Ting’s left hand, tugged at his fingertips, put the gauze on the joints in front of his nose and smelled the medicine.

“Smell what,” Jiang Ting withdrew his hand.

Yan Xiu said: “Oh, I can smell it casually. How are you disinfecting this? The blood is not clean.”

The female doctor was immediately unhappy: “I obviously…”

Jiang Ting did not let this inexplicable dispute continue.

“Li Yuxin’s evasion of the 712 kidnapping case is not like a purely psychological problem, but it does feel a little self-deprecating. Her few head bumps are not acting. Self-harm is real, panic and fear are real, a bit like the National People’s Congress. The meaning of self-determination after disaster is imminent.”

Jiang Ting took a breath and said, “Her performance makes me a little suspicious.”

“What do you suspect?” Yan Xiu sat on the table with long legs, “I don’t wonder what kind of abnormal things this kidnapper did. Maybe Li Yuxin was not just a’notary’, but was even coerced to participate in the execution. Process, why are you so afraid of the police?”

“If the kidnappers in order to prevent Li Yuxin from calling the police, coerce her to participate in the killing of He Liang, or print her fingerprints and blood on the murder weapon, she will have a kind of “If He Liang’s body is found, I will definitely If you don’t know the cognition clearly, then it’s very possible.” Jiang paused and said, “But it still can’t explain our paradox: why the kidnapper didn’t kill her directly.”

“The kidnappers have some kind of emotional connection with Li Yuxin?” Yan Xiu said, “I just called the Jiangyang County Police Station to ask whether Li’s family has any relatives with criminal records.”

Jiang Ting said: “Emotional connection is certain, but relatives may not be necessary, otherwise the kidnappers should also be Bu Wei’s relatives…”

“No,” Yan Xiu interrupted him somewhat contentedly.


“The case of Shen Xiaoqi and Bu Wei is already the second. In the subsequent crimes, serial criminals deliberately imitated or even sublimated the details of the first crime. This is very common-even if the kidnappers did not have anything with Bu Wei. In relation to relatives, Bu Wei may also receive the same treatment as Li Yuxin.”

Jiang Ting raised his head and glanced at Yan Xiu.

“Why,” Yan Xiu spread his hands. “Only you understand criminal psychoanalysis? I am also the one who sponsored more than ten serial murders.”

Jiang Ting waved his hand to indicate that he did not think so, and then said to the female doctor:

“I’m really sorry, I can’t help you avoid it.”

When he speaks, his tone is faint, but there is always a sense of politeness, command, and irreversibility. The female doctor was fascinated by the hearing, but she had to answer when she heard the words, and went out in a quizzical manner.

Until there were only two of them left in the infirmary, Jiang Ting explained: “I don’t mean to doubt your ability. On the contrary, your speculation just now makes sense. But about why the kidnappers blackmailed one in the He Liang case. Millions of cash, but Shen Xiaoqi’s case offered two hundred million. I now have a suspicion, which just goes against your speculation.”


Jiang stopped at the opposite side of Yan Xiu, with his elbows placed on the armrests on both sides, his body gently leaned back against the back of the chair. This action made him slightly lift his chin, in a quiet and contemplative posture, and said for a while:

“Maybe the ransom was not based on the boys’ family background, but on the girls.”



“Girl?” Yan Xiu was indeed very surprised: “By the girl’s looks?”

——Bu Wei’s stunning face is indeed unforgettable.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ting did not answer immediately, but was silent for a long time.

The surrounding area is extremely quiet. In the early morning, the pale walls and hospital beds, as well as the iron frame and medical equipment glowing with blue light, smeared large chunks of cold light and shadow in the morning light.

“…I have been a police officer for more than ten years. Many cases are based on thinking, imagining and even substituting from the perspective of the criminal, so I can find ideas for solving the case. But at the same time, as a law enforcement officer, I have always avoided understanding too much. The role of the criminal, so as not to show his own emotional and behavioral deviation because of empathy.”

Jiang Ting took a breath and shook his head gently:

“It’s just this case, which seems to always induce me to explore the inner world of the criminal. I have to keep thinking about what he wants to do, why did he do this, or what kind of inner expression does he want to achieve? This constant groping is like being dragged into a whirlpool, which makes me feel very uncomfortable.”

His words seemed to be just some kind of confession, but at the same time it gave Yan Xi a weird feeling, which seemed to be implicitly hinted at.

“…It won’t happen, Jiang Ting.” After hesitating for a while, he finally said, “Criminal investigators often overthink. This is a common phenomenon, but in fact, criminals will not deliberately conduct psychological inductions against the police. , Otherwise this crime is too advanced…”

Jiang Ting said: “No, you don’t understand.”

He didn’t explain what Yan Xiu didn’t understand. He only looked at the fine dust in the air. His eyes were black and white, and his eyes were soaking in the ground. Suddenly he said:

“Only by looks, they are all fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls. Bu Wei is unlikely to surpass Li Yuxin hundreds of times. Unless the two girls have other distinguishing traits besides their looks, the chicken contaminated by their coats Blood and eagle blood also seem to express this image.”

Yan Xi frowned.

“But,” Jiang Ting murmured, “what distinguishes it?”


In the early morning, the mountains and forests.

Birds and intermittent cicadas rang from all directions. The first ray of morning light passed through the dense canopy of trees and reflected on the delicate and beautiful eyelashes of the girl’s meticulous painting, making the black feather tremble for a moment, and finally struggled slowly. Opened.

“…Shen Xiaoqi…”

As soon as Bu Wei’s lips moved, blood leaked from the corners of her chapped mouth due to lack of water, but she ignored the pain and staggered up from the tree: “Shen Xiaoqi!”

Not far away, Shen Xiaoqi was curled up in a haystack of fallen leaves. His right arm was **** and at a weird angle. It was obviously broken. It was barely tied by two branches, his face was red and his forehead was hot.

“Wake up, wake up…” Bu Wei shook him weakly, even though she was extremely weak and weak. After a long time, Shen Xiaoqi woke up dazedly from a semi-coma, coughed a few times, and barely opened his eyes: “Buwei…”

The girl’s hair was stained with countless leaves of grass, and several bloodstains were drawn from branches on her white face and hands. She couldn’t even shed tears because of lack of water.

“I dreamed that I was dead…” Shen Xiaoqi said hoarsely, staring blankly at the top of his head-although in the depths of the forest, the top of his head covered by countless towering trees, criss-crossing branches and aerial roots make them fundamental Can’t see any ray of sky: “I dreamed that I killed you too, if it wasn’t for saving me…or for you desperately protecting me…”

Bu Wei gasped: “You won’t die, I won’t let you die!”

The thin girl gritted her teeth and used almost all her strength to feed herself. She abruptly helped Shen Xiaoqi, whose height and weight were far greater than her own, and walked forward staggeringly:

“We must be able to live, we must be able to go out, must…”

Eight o’clock in the morning.

The endless primordial mountain forest, like a huge mouth of a black hole between the sky and the earth, quickly swallowed their tiny backs like ants.


Jiangyang County People’s Hospital, the elevator in the inpatient department opened. Yan Xi took the lead through the corridor. He walked forward and fetched his mobile phone. He shook the head of the detention center with an ugly face outside the ward. The screen clearly patted the provincial party committee Liu. Handwritten approval letter from the office.

Yan Xiu pointed to Li Yuxin in the glass window of the ward: “You can go in, right?”

“Ha, you still dominate the city council!” The director snorted heavily from his nose: “I have only seen this small place in a remote country today. It turns out that this is called’the official ranks crush people to death.’ ‘!…”

Yan Xi interrupted him unceremoniously: “Our entire detachment has been spinning for 30 hours. Your prisoner hasn’t explained it. It’s really going to die at 8:09 tonight.” Not too long, he raised his foot and entered the ward.

Wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, Jiang Ting followed Yan Xi in a low-key manner, and the director “Hey” called out coldly, “What’s the matter, didn’t the approval note say that only the deputy detachment should be allowed in? You? You, you, you are—”

Yan Xi pulled Jiang Ting’s arm and pointed at the director: “What are you, you, you, this is a criminal investigator we specially invited from the UC. The cost of appearance is three thousand an hour, which has delayed his time. Do I pay or you pay?”

“…” The director immediately persuaded, turning half of his face and muttering: “As long as you have money in Jianning City Bureau, pooh.”

Li Yuxin’s head injury has been treated, wrapped in a thick bandage, and blood stains can be clearly seen on the edge, which reflects that her face is exceptionally pale.

Probably she was frightened by the madness. The policeman in the detention center handcuffed her to the iron frame on the edge of the bed. The sharp objects on the bedside were also taken away, not even a ballpoint pen was left. , There is only a bald countertop that complements her lifeless face, which makes people feel embarrassed.

Yan Xiu motioned the round nurse to go out, until there were only three of them left in the room, he clicked the door: “Li Yuxin.”

The girl’s eyes were dizzy, and she stared straight into the air.

“Do you think that our police are so useless with the TV show, only if we are fired can we solve the crime?”


“Let me tell you a story.” Yan Xiu pulled a chair to make Jiang stop sitting down, and then he sat on the side of the adjacent empty hospital bed with his thighs and two legs cocked, and said, “Real cases, There may be some similarities with your case. A few years ago, a wealthy businessman was kidnapped with his driver. The kidnapper killed the useless driver, but in order to completely control the wealthy businessman, he forced him to use a murder weapon and cut off the driver’s head. Then he let the wealthy businessman go home to get the money. The kidnappers thought that the wealthy businessman who became a co-homicide would not have the guts to call the police, but to their surprise, the wealthy businessman immediately surrendered after he went out. Guess what happened in the end of this case Sentenced?”

Li Yuxin’s mouth was still tightly closed, but anyone with eyes could easily see her, her expression had a subtle and complicated change that could be called fear.

“The wealthy businessman is not guilty and paid a sum of money to the victim’s family out of humanitarianism. Do you know why this sentence was imposed?”


The girl still clenched her teeth, but Yan Xi didn’t care.

“Police investigations require a complete chain of evidence in addition to confessions. A murder case must have a complete chain of motives, physical evidence, documentary evidence, inquiries, appraisal, etc., logically interlocking and impossible Only by overthrowing can it be accepted by the procuratorate. In the case where the driver of the wealthy businessman was killed, the forensic doctor could clearly identify that there were many hesitation injuries on the neck of the corpse, which did not conform to the characteristics of the common murderer’s methods. The side proved that the wealthy businessman was indeed coerced; and the neck was not broken. There was convulsions, and the wound had no life reaction, indicating that the victim was already a corpse when the head was beheaded. I was one of the criminal police who undertook the case at that time. We fought for the evidence collection of this case for several months and used everything you could not imagine. This method of criminal investigation finally rescued the innocent from the dock.”

Yan Xi leaned forward, his hoarse voice low and powerful because of staying up late: “We can save him, and we can save you. No matter what you have done, at the crime scene, as long as it is something that happened Leave traces of evidence, and what our police has to do is to use these traces to fully restore every detail at the time of the incident, so that the guilty can be punished, and the wronged can be punished.”

He paused, and asked: “–Do you want to get rid of it?”

I don’t know how long it took, Li Yuxin’s eyes moved, like a stiff mechanical doll suddenly infused with a trace of anger, and she creaked and turned her head away.

“…the guilty…” she said softly.

“Why do you want to steal something?” Yan Xi asked staring at her dumb eyes.

“I don’t know,” Li Yuxin said in a small voice, “I don’t know, I can’t control…”

“You can’t control yourself because theft is actually a disorder of will control, triggered by the intense mental stimulation and persistent high pressure suffered by the patient. This disease can be treated with drugs, which means you don’t You should stay in jail, you should go to the hospital.”

Yan Xiu reached out and touched her hair. This behavior was very natural. It was not like a policeman treating a prisoner. It was a bit like a brother facing a poor little girl, causing Li Yuxin to shrink with naked eyes.

“Tell us who he is,” Yan Xi said in a low voice, “Major meritorious service can get you out of jail immediately and apply for recognition for you. Believe me, the police will make the person who intimidate you pay the price.”

Time passed by, but no one spoke. Li Yuxin seemed to fall asleep with his eyes open, her thin body immersed in a secret nightmare.

Yan Xi waited patiently, glancing at Jiang Ting from the corner of his eyes, who would have thought that the latter touched his line of sight, and for some reason he avoided it gently.


A suspicion arose in Yan Xi’s heart, but before he could see clearly, he suddenly heard Li Yuxin’s dim voice: “…I don’t need anything…”

Yan Xi and Jiang Ting glanced at her at the same time.

“I only want to be alone.” Li Yuxin’s paler face is full of numbness, lips are slightly open, and there is almost no mouth shape when speaking, not even the slightest tone of voice fluctuation: “Just stay alone. Now… leave me alone.”

She slowly bent her feet, buried her head in her knees, and stopped moving.

As if this posture was enough to make her resist the whole world with her thin body.

Yan Xi was stunned, and suddenly he didn’t know how to react.

“Li Yuxin?” He frowned, “What are you thinking about?”

The girl is like an egg-fragile, helpless, clinging to the small space in vain and firmness, maintaining a stupid but helpless silence.

Yan Xi’s mouth was full of irritated sweetness. When he looked at his watch, blood from his body poured over his head at 9:30 in the morning: “Girl, think about the two innocent children who were tied up… “

“I’ll come,” he was suddenly interrupted by Jiang Ting.

As soon as Yan Xi raised his head, Jiang Tang stood up.


“Let’s stay alone for a while, Yan Xiu.” Jiang Ting’s voice is very soft, with a strange calming power: “I’ll talk to her.”

At this time, there were only more than ten hours left before the execution time announced by the kidnappers. Yan Xi took a deep breath. His nose was full of hot air. He barely kept calm and stood up, suddenly pulling Jiang Ting’s shoulders into his arms. Hug hard:

“Be careful, shout at any time if there is a situation, I am outside.”

Without waiting for Jiang’s reaction, Yan Xiu turned around and strode out of the ward.

“…” Jiang Ting couldn’t help but watched Yan Xiu leave, until his figure disappeared outside the door, and then looked back at the hospital bed.

Li Yuxin seemed to have no sense of what was happening around him, neither listening nor seeing, she used her senses and thoughts to seal her up against the outside world, and erected a transparent wall in front of everyone.

But Jiang Ting looked down at her pityingly, and with just one sentence, the invisible barrier was instantly wiped out:

“——What is it like to kill?”

Li Yuxin’s body stiffened like thunder!

Jiang stopped her fingertips and held up her cold face inch by inch, so that the girl’s trembling pupils could not hide.

He asked softly every word: “How did he persuade you to kill He Liang?”

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