Breaking Through the Clouds: 43.Chapter 43, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

When the alarm sounded for the eighteenth time, it was finally snapped off by a strong, skeletal hand sticking out of the eiderdown duvet.

At 10:30 in the morning, Yan Xiu turned over and sat up on the big bed, rubbing his hangover’s dizzy head, and it took ten minutes for him to trance and recall the footage from the city bureau celebration party last night:

The 502 frozen corpse case was transferred to the Procuratorate. The Provincial Department planned to track down the unknown sniper. The new fentanyl compound was reported to the Ministry of Public Security. The special police squadron Kang Shuqiang successfully escaped the dangerous period…

Amidst the thunderous applause, Wei Deputy Bureau announced that each of the operatives could take three days off this time, and all the policemen were crazy. Qin Chuan Gouli killed him when the two dogs caught him. On the way back groggy, he seemed to have received a **** call, reminding him not to forget to…


Yan Xiuwei gave the enlightenment, and the whole person instantly woke up, grabbed the phone and opened WeChat.

“Son, I met with the daughter of the CEO of the real estate group at 12 o’clock today at noon in our restaurant, and remember to be pretty! Put on a mask! Your mother.”

“…” Yan Xiu put down his phone and turned his head. A face of Huzhabala from the bird’s nest above his head was reflected in the mirror.

“It’s the day of selling **** again,” he murmured.

Yan Xiu’s transformation process is always as magical as Sailor Moon. Half an hour later, he finished the shower, shaved his beard, and slapped the top of his head with scissors, sprayed on the gel water to set the shape; he also randomly found a pair of men’s perfume and slapped it twice, and looked at the mirror for a moment. It’s another face that has been listed for 50,000 in the sea.

Then he walked out of the bathroom naked with a towel on his shoulders. He was just about to go to the cloakroom to think about his posture and style today to collect the 108th “You are a good person” and “We can be Friends”, “I’m too young and my mother won’t let me fall in love” card; suddenly changed my mind and wanted to make a pot of tea to relieve my thirst after a hangover.

So Deputy Yan’s Detachment was so cool that the wind was blowing, and he walked out of the bedroom flatly, through the living room, and pushed the door of the pantry.

Yan Xiu: “…”

Jiang Ting: “…”

The air suddenly fell silent, Jiang Ting maintained the action of opening the tea box, and Yan Xi looked at each other, their expressions were very blank.


Yan Xiu’s first reaction was why you were here, and then he realized that he forcibly gave the door key to someone else; the second reaction was that you were actually willing to come, and you were forced to come without saying anything. Swallowed back. His eyes patrolled back and forth between the hand that was hovering in the middle of the river and the opened tea box, and he suddenly realized, as if he had caught the little thief on the spot:

“——You drink my wife’s tea again!”

Jiang Ting put his hands behind his back: “No.”

“The water is ready!”

“Really not.”

“Last time I brought it to the scene, I said that you made me soak it specially, you drank it all!”


Yan Xi stepped forward, pulled out the lower layer of the red sandalwood box, and confidently stretched the half of the tea cake that seemed to have been gnawed by a dog to Jiang Ting’s nose: “Then who do you think drank this?!”

Jiang Ting: “Han Xiaomei.”

Yan Xi approached slowly, and Jiang Ting had to lean back.

“Look at my eyes and say it again,” the noses of the two were not close to each other. Yan Xiu stared at Jiang Ting’s eyes closely, his voice low and full of pressure: “Who the **** is drinking it, Han Xiaomei, or you? “

“…” Jiang Ting raised his hand, pointed down, and his almost indifferent mask finally cracked with a slit:

“Can you put on your pants first?”

Yan Xi lowered his head and saw that normal men’s organ congestion in the morning and after bathing was clear and unobstructed. If you go further, you will reach the police flower.

“…What do you dislike,” Yan Xiu’s face was a little imperceptibly red, and said arrogantly: “This is called male capital, don’t you understand?!”

Jiang Ting’s face was full of hesitant words, Yan Xi hummed heavily, and turned and went out like a victorious general. As soon as he got out of Jiang Ting’s sight, he immediately clutched back and forth and slipped back to the bedroom.


The minute hand once again walked more than half of the circle, Yan Xiu is like a young elite from a wealthy background wearing high-definition shirts and trousers, ordinary people have to wait in line for half a year to get a pair of customized leather shoes, top watches, low-key luxury and connotation I drove a car with a price similar to that of the watch, and checked myself in the side-view mirror. As expected, he was very different from the bird walker who had just gotten up in the morning.

Yan Xiu glanced at the co-driver slightly triumphantly: “How is it?”

Jiang Ting turned a page while holding “The Red Book”.

“What’s your question?”

Jiang stopped turning on deaf ears.

Yan Xi took out the book in a hurry: “You can read it, and put the big tail wolf there?” He threw the book to the back seat with dissatisfaction.

“…” Jiang Ting gave a long sigh: “I don’t understand.”

Then he looked at Yan Xiu and finally told the truth:

“But I need to use some philosophical things to forcibly clear my memory, especially a certain picture about you.”

Yan Xiu: “…”

Jiang Ting frankly said: “The impact is quite big.”

The green light is on, the traffic is slowly moving forward, and the cabin is quiet.

“No.” A few minutes later, Yan Xiu finally couldn’t help but want to find a place: “I said that what makes you so uncomfortable? When I went to college and went into the bathhouse, I didn’t see other boys naked, or you entered ‘S female bathhouse?”

Jiang Ting implicitly said: “Everyone in the men’s bathhouse is more normal.”

“Am I not normal?!”

It seemed that Jiang Ting wanted to nod very much, but he resisted it, and asked in a more respectful way: “You don’t want me to go out on a blind date. You need me to knock on the side of the female side to imply you. Does the physiological function compare to…?”


“If you really need it, I can try it too.”

Yan Xiubiu changed lanes to overtake, and there were countless protests around him. He roared from the sound of horns one after another: “I don’t need to imply this–! I can conquer a woman with his face!”

Jiang Ting applauded symbolically, “Go and conquer one.”

“…” Yan Xi stopped talking.

The red light ahead lights up, and the S450 slows down as the flow of traffic is slowly stopping, and Yan Xi’s face covered with clouds is reflected in the rearview mirror. I probably felt that the air in the car was too heavy, not like going to a blind date but like going to a funeral. Jiang Ting finally cleared his throat and decided to ease the rigid atmosphere, saying:

“I have always been curious about a question. Since there is no one else, then I will ask, don’t mind.”

A murderous look flashed through Yan Xi’s eyes.

According to his own conversation style, “I’m curious you don’t mind” are usually followed by unfriendly questions, such as: “Your alibi on the night of the crime was false. Explain?” or “DNA was found on the victim, how about you draw us a few drops of blood for comparison?”

Sure enough, Jiang Ting asked: “Why do you always fail on blind dates?”

Yan Xiu: “………………”

“Although it is true that you do not have an advantage in occupation, you are very rich after all. If you measure it all together…”

“My blind date basically comes from two channels,” Yan Xiu said coldly, “Parents introduced them, and colleagues helped to connect.”

Jiang Ting nodded seriously and motioned for him to continue.

“The former are usually from similar family backgrounds, and they are divided into two situations: the first is the independent and self-reliant returnees from prestigious schools, and they are very good in all aspects. They will ask me to resign and inherit the family business and make money, so it is basically useless; With a squeamish personality, it’s impossible to get along with me by itself, so it’s no good.”

Jiang Ting silently: “Oh–“

Yan Xiu’s eyes and Yu Guang couldn’t help but glance up at the co-pilot, adding in a stronger tone: “I hate squeamish people the most!”

Jiang Ting: “Hmm.”

Then Yan Xi saw Jiang Ting stretch his hand to the glove box inside the car door, took out a bottle of fresh milk he had prepared when he went out, and began to sip it.

His mouth, which always falls naturally, rarely raises an arc, carries a shallow milk froth, and it seems that even the light red is slightly darker than usual. After taking a few sips, he stopped a little bit, swept the corners of his lips with his tongue, and looked to the front of the road.

Yan Xiu’s throat was too tight to speak, and it took a long time before he came out:

“Can you stop drinking milk like this?!”

“The doctor requires calcium supplements every day. Actually, I don’t like this stuff.” Jiang Ting said indifferently, “Go on, why didn’t the blind date between colleagues match?”

Yan Xiu’s heart has no words to describe at this moment. He mechanically stepped on the accelerator, brakes, and changed lanes. Because of his tight rear molars, his cheeks showed extremely tight lines.

“Vice Team Yan?”

“…” Yan Xiu said from the gap between the teeth: “The colleague introduced either I have no feelings for the woman, or the woman criticizes me for being too fierce, or requires the property to be divided into half before registration… What is this? What to do! Stop drinking!”

Jiang Ting just finished the last sip and somehow threw the empty milk bottle into the glove box.

S450 turned into the parking lot and stopped steadily with a stab. Yan Xiu put down the handbrake and extinguished the fire, but the man sat behind the steering wheel and did not move, spit out a few words: “You go down first.”

Jiang Ting looked at him suspiciously and observed the micro expressions below. He felt that he was probably too nervous before the blind date, so he got out of the car and closed the door thoughtfully.


As if activated, Yan Xi quickly grabbed the “Red Book” from the back seat and began to read it carefully.

After three full minutes, Yan Xiu finally ended his short journey in the ocean of knowledge, feeling that his entire soul had been purified. He closed the book and let out a heartfelt sigh from the bottom of his heart:

“—I am truly a master!”

Then he can finally get out of the car without any abnormalities. Just when his foot touches the ground, he suddenly becomes all wrong: “Why are you here?!”

Yang Mei is wearing a champagne-colored velvet skirt, pearl earrings embellish her eyes and teeth, **** lace-up red-soled high heels make her look ten centimeters taller out of thin air, the momentum is enough to overwhelm all living beings, a look overwhelmed the stunned stern Xiu: “Come, eat, and eat.”

“Who asked you to come?!”

Jiang Ting said: “Me.”

Yan Xi almost didn’t control his facial expression: “Who will accompany me on the blind date?!”

Yang Mei gave him a charming smile.

“You control it.” Jiang stopped in his ear and whispered, and stretched out two fingers: “I owe you this number.” Then compared a nine: “And you owe her this number.”

Yan Xiu: “It’s not an order of magnitude at all! And nonsense, when will I…”

“Her car can’t be repaired at all.”

Yan Xi seemed to be muted with one key in an instant.

“I asked her to have a meal. Your two accounts are flat, and the city bureau will take some compensation from the funds for handling the case.” Jiang Ting crossed his hands, which was a gesture by the referee on the boxing ring to signal the end of the round: “A problem?”

Yang Mei smiled: “I’m fine.”

Yan Xiu’s forehead burst into blue veins biu: “I…no problem.”

“Very good.” Jiang Ting was a little relieved: “Now we can leave the parking lot.”

This building containing hotels, shopping malls, and garden restaurants has two panoramic elevators leading directly to the top floor. The two doors opened at the same time with a jingle. Jiang stopped in Yan Xiu’s “?!” gaze and shrugged his shoulders to express good luck. , And then followed Yang Mei into another door.

The elevator rose rapidly, Jiang Ting looked ahead, and the streets and vehicles under his feet were getting farther and farther away. Suddenly, Yang Mei coughed tentatively beside her: “Brother Jiang…”

“Why do you always have trouble with Yan Xiu?”

Yang Mei was taken aback for a while, and immediately dismissed: “This is really not, mainly because the person of Vice Team Yan is more conceptually…”

“Straight man with cancer.” Jiang Ting said, “That’s how the intern was behind the scolding.”

Yang Meixin said yes. Han Xiaomei’s words are too precise. If the surname Yan wants to have a happy marriage in this life, he can only go to Vietnam to spend money to buy a daughter-in-law!

“He is indeed harsher sometimes, but he is actually not that kind of person.” Jiang Ting seemed to see through Yang Mei’s thoughts, and said, “You and Yan Xi are not young anymore. If you have anything to say, Directly facing your own heart, avoiding and going around in circles are just delaying your time for each other.”

Yang Mei: “Huh…huh?”

“If one day I leave.” Jiang paused, and raised his hand to signal Yang Mei not to interrupt: “It’s hard to tell if you will be involved in some people’s revenge. That’s because I don’t want to see Yes. Yan Xiu is a person worthy of trust.”

Yang Mei: “Huh?!”

The elevator rose to the top floor, slowly opened, and Jiang Ting walked out the door trimmed.

What he didn’t see was behind him, Yang Mei’s eyes widened, and she almost smashed the bag equivalent to Han Xiaomei’s half-year internship salary to the ground.


The whole floor of the Tianding Restaurant revolves, with a viewing terrace, a floating swimming pool and an elevated garden. The interior under the glass dome presents a modern and luxurious design style, with the bar as the center, spreading in all directions.

Yan Xi leaned and hid behind the bar, his eyebrows furrowed with solemn expression, if he held a gun in his hand, it would be a live police ambush. The general manager of the restaurant stood behind him, his face full of tears and tears. He wanted to talk several times, but finally couldn’t help reminding:

“Young Master, what do you want? On the 108th, the future Mrs. Young Master has been waiting for you for a long time. No matter how you resist the blind date, you can’t hide under the bar and not go out! Everyone is an adult. , Be brave!”


General manager: “???”

Following Yan Xi’s index finger, Jiang stopped into the seat under the guidance of the waiter and helped Yang Mei to open the seat.

“If these two dare to kiss the vulgarity in my restaurant, you should come and tell me immediately. Also, when they pay the bill, they will only charge one person. Remember to charge one person!”

The general manager faintly felt that he had discovered some incredible secret: “…why?”

“Because I don’t want to ask for the other one,” Yan Xiu said coldly, turning around and walking away.

The general manager stood in place with shock, looking at Yang Mei with unspeakable eyes, and instantly deduced five hundred episodes of the “The One I Love Is Not My Love” series of Korean dramas in his mind. Then he looked at the cold, handsome and pale young man opposite Yang Mei, and looked at him for five minutes. The anger of the same enemy and the love for the young master came from his heart.

“Manager?” The foreman asked in a low voice, “What are you doing, manager?”

The general manager looked around on tiptoe, although he was reluctant, but Yan Xi, who walked towards the beautiful lady, turned around again, looked at Jiang Ting gloomily, and said bitterly: “I want to give it to the lady boss Make a small report.”

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