Breaking Through the Clouds: 15.Chapter 15, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

Huang Xingren, the technical investigator, is middle-aged, with a bright head, hurriedly stepping on his side, and jumping out like a machine gun: “The data was restored to 11 o’clock last night, and I came to work at 4 o’clock this morning. Now, I’ll finish the evening so I can hold a parent-teacher meeting with that kid in my family…Hi! His father and I have been trained as grandchildren by the class teacher again and again. You won’t see me until the end of the exam this time. You’ll fight for your life. Lao Tzu killed him!”

Yan Xi comforted him: “It’s okay, can I still be a policeman in the future?”

Huang Xing was taken aback, his eyes fell on Yan Xiu, and he subconsciously said: “That’s not going to work!”

Yan Xiu: “…”

“Where did you just say?” Huang Xing coughed nonchalantly: “Oh, yes, restore the data.”

Yan Xiu: “………………”

“The photo album, address book, recent contacts, including WeChat account data of the victim, Feng Yuguang, have been restored. Only the WeChat chat history cannot be retrieved temporarily. Here, the call log is here. The last call before the victim was registered without his real name. The phone card cannot be triangulated and the owner cannot be determined.”

Yan Xiu pointed to the second line of the list: “What about this?”

This is an outgoing call. It is only three minutes away from the last mysterious incoming call. The call lasts forty-eight seconds.

Forty-eight seconds, it’s not long to say, and it’s not short to say it’s not short; if it’s an agreed meeting place, it would be too verbose, and there is not enough time to talk about other things.

“This,” Huang Xing said, “The owner of the plane is Ding Dang. Feng Yuguang is the daughter of the company’s teaching director and a 21-year-old art school student. The victim talked to her very frequently in the past month, saying To be honest, I guess that these two children are getting married soon and are falling in love.”

Yan Xiu smiled slightly.

Huang Xing doubted: “What are you laughing at?”

“I laughed at your wrong guess. The victim and this girl can’t be in a romantic relationship.” Yan Xiu flashed the evidence bag with his mobile phone: “Aren’t you gamble?”

“…” Huang Xing said cautiously: “I advise you to look at the call log before talking.”

“Don’t look, I know.”

“Why do you know?”

Yan Xiu smiled without answering: “Do you gamble or not?”

Huang Xing quit, and said: “Aren’t you stubborn?”

“What kind of arrogance, this is a reasonable guess based on facts. You don’t fully understand the case…”

A figure rushed upstairs in a hurry, almost hitting Yan Xiu with her head: “——Ouch!”

Yan Xiu has sharp eyes and sharp hands. At the critical moment, he dodges the white unidentified liquid splashed on his face, and also saved his black T-shirt that was 200 yuan a dozen from Taobao on Double Eleven last year. He scolded: “What are you doing? , Panicked!”

Han Xiaomei has soy milk and steamed buns, like a frightened deer: “Ah, Team Yan! You, you, me, me…”

Huang Xing held his forehead unbearably.

“Are you here for work or for a picnic?!” Yan Xi was outraged, “Lao Gao, Gao Panqing? Let you take this girl, you let her run to eat in the morning Bun? Bring me the boss of the field team!”

“It’s not Brother Gao, it’s not!” Han Xiaomei hurriedly stopped him: “It’s your friend from the strict team. I went to your office just now, and he said you let me go and buy some food–“

Yan Xiu: “…”

Yan Xiu’s face changes, as if an active volcano about to erupt, suddenly yielding to the power of nature called “Jiang Ting”.

“Friend?” Huang Xingqi said.

“…Oh, the witness I called at the scene, I forgot him as soon as I got busy.”

Yan Xi grabbed the bun soy milk from the wronged Han Xiaomei. After thinking about it, he stuffed it back, and threw the victim’s cell phone in the evidence bag to Huang Xing, saying, “Call out the victim. After arriving in Jianning, the people who contacted most frequently, including this one named Ding Dang, called for questioning one by one, and asked Lao Gao to sort out a transcript for me.” Then he grabbed the bun soy milk again, looked up and down Han Xiaomei, and scolded him angrily. : “——How do you wear a police uniform? Don’t tuck your shirt into your pants!”

Han Xiaomei: “………………”

Yan Xiu carried the buns and walked away.

“Don’t worry about these two fools.” Huang Xing patted Han Xiaomei, who was about to cry, and screamed in the direction of Yan Xiu’s departure: “——A man in his thirties can’t find a wife, how could it be? No reason.”


Yan Xi sat on the edge of the desk, shook the steaming plastic bag in front of Jiang Ting, and drew back when the other party raised his hand to take it, “pop!” He slammed the case analysis report onto the table. Say: “Here, work first.”

Jiang Ting’s hand stopped in the air, and then he took it back calmly: “Don’t look.”

Yan Xiu said: “Where are you now, your wealth and life are in my hands, I advise you to be honest…”

Jiang Ting raised his head, his face was as white as ice and snow: “Don’t look.”

Yan Xi was stunned by his black eyes and bloodless face. After a long pause, he quickly inserted the straw into the soy milk cup with his own hands, tore off the paper under the bun skin, and offered him with both hands. before.

Jiang Ting stared at him silently for a few seconds, and finally leaned forward slowly, took a sip of the soy milk with his hand, and took it earlier as if forgiving.

Yan Xi knows that he is wrong: “You said that you have low blood sugar. You didn’t tell me to stop and buy something to eat. Who can blame this? Oh, I have half a bag of biscuits here. You see, no one was hungry on purpose, did you…”

“Fan Zhengyuan takes drugs?”

Jiang Ting turned the case analysis while biting the bun, and stopped at the pages of the autopsy result.

“Nose inhalation and intravenous injection, old fritters. Why?”

Jiang Ting pointed to a line on the analysis report: “Then why do you think that the amphetamine|amine compound in his pants pocket was for yourself?”

His question is exactly the same as Yan Xiu raised at the case analysis meeting just now.

Yan Xi is very happy: “Why didn’t he eat it himself?”

“Intravenous injections are usually white|powdered No. 4 diacetylmorphine, which stimulates the release of dopamine from neuromigrating cells. As long as the injection is over a period of time, the number of dopamine receptors in the brain will increase rapidly. Therefore, in order to achieve the existing level of stimulation, all severe drug addicts will keep increasing the injection volume. The amphetamine compound in Feng Yuguang’s body is a lightweight level to seduce novices, and the nerve stimulation to Fan Zhengyuan is minimal. It is unlikely that he will take it by himself.”

Yan Xiu looked up and down Jiang Ting, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he smiled a little weirdly: “How do you know, maybe he just looks at this kind of pills, which is convenient and cheap, and eats them as snacks.”

“Impossible.” Jiang Ting said casually while flipping through the report, “No. 4 diacetylmorphine is too expensive to fool laymen. I don’t know how much glucose and talc are mixed in the actual market. The price is not necessarily comparable. Amphetamine|amine compound is high. Besides, morphine is not as powerful as it is. Mixing with other pumping can make people very uncomfortable. Fan Zhengyuan doesn’t need to do that.”

In the office, only the movement of him looking through the autopsy report was heard, and there was no other sound.

“…You know the drug business quite well,” Yan Xiu said abruptly after a while.

This is obviously not right. Jiang Ting finally felt something. He raised his eyelids and was hitting Yan Xiu’s sharp gaze.

“—What are you looking at?” Jiang Ting asked, “I have been anti-drugs for more than ten years, why don’t I understand?”

Just as Yan Xi was about to say something, suddenly the phone rang.

“Hey Lao Qin, um, you can say… yes, you found it?”

I don’t know what Qin Chuan said on the phone, Yan Xiu jumped from the desk, quickly grabbed the car key, and picked up his coat: “Okay, you go and search for Fan’s home, and send me another address. , I will go there myself.”

Jiang Ting ate his steamed buns slowly, but Yan Xiu snatched the plastic bag unexpectedly: “Don’t eat it, follow me quickly, and eat while walking in the car.”

Jiang Ting frowned and said: “What are you doing?”

“The Anti-drug Detachment has found out another shelter for Fan Zhengyuan besides his home, and is preparing to arrange for informants to take us there.” Yan Xi glanced at the buns in the plastic bag, and curled his lips in disgust: “Hey, milk. Yellow. Your appetite is quite picky, can you be more squeamish?”

He took the bun and turned around and walked out. Unexpectedly, he suddenly stopped, his cuff was pulled by Jiang Ting: “Wait.”

“What’s the matter?”

Jiang Ting Bafeng sat still in the armchair, while Yan Xiu stood, and saw him shaking the case analysis in his hand, saying: “Your investigation direction is wrong.”

Everything is like a repetition of an argument in the conference room three hours ago, except that Yan Xiu’s role was changed, and the one who argued for reason was replaced by Jiang Ting.

Yan Xi smiled secretly in his heart, but did not show at all on the surface, coldly said: “Why is it wrong?”

“The criminal investigation team’s suspicion of Fan Zhengyuan’s involvement in drugs was based on the discovery of drug residues on his body and his suspected armed robbery. But you and I know that Fan Zhengyuan himself has nothing to do with armed robbery. He appeared. The only purpose is to kill me, but I was cut off halfway.”

“So what?” Yan Xiu said deliberately.

“The person who killed Fan Zhengyuan could take anything from him and leave behind. How do you know that the drug residue in his pocket is not the murderer’s means to induce the police to shift the focus of investigation?”

Yan Xiu stood with his arms folded, seeming to think for a moment, and lazily said: “No, your speculation has almost no basis in fact. Besides, it’s okay for the police to investigate Fan Zhengyuan. Isn’t it good for the murderer?” /

——This question from Deputy Director Wei is precisely the key to Yan Xi’s arguing stuck in the case analysis meeting. He wants to know how Jiang Ting will answer.

“Yes,” Jiang Ting said, “buy time.”

Yan Xi was taken aback.

“I suggest you send someone to follow up Fan Zhengyuan’s line, and at the same time increase your efforts, personally review Hu Weisheng, and re-examine his residence, bank account, and mail exchanges.” Jiang Ting said: “The murderer will not hesitate to be in your deputy detachment. Killing people under long eyelids shows that for him, the situation that needs to be covered up has reached a very serious level. If the police are led by him and the speed of investigation is slowed down, then Feng Yuguang’s death is likely to evolve into the same unknown as the Gongzhou case. The end is not white.”

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Yan Xiu narrowed his eyes: “…When you investigated the case back then, something similar happened?”

Jiang Ting was indifferent in his scrutiny gaze, got up and took the plastic bag containing the buns from Yan Xiu’s hand, and threw it into the wastebasket.

“It’s cold,” he said.


Jianning Old Machinery Factory was once a dazzling pearl in the southwest. In the 1970s, a huge and busy industrial zone was established in the eastern suburbs, with vigorous production lines, independent hospitals, schools, post offices and other infrastructure facilities. . Workers retire, their children go to work, state-owned enterprises manage to issue food, oil, and meat tickets, and they also issue bicycle tickets and even refrigerator tickets during the holidays. The iron rice bowl is handed down from generation to generation. Most of the girls in Jianning are married to the workers’ families in the eastern suburbs. Rong.

The glory gradually declined until the end of the 1980s, and it was not until the 1990s that there was a wave of layoffs. Since then, the state-owned factories have fallen into disarray.

The former prosperous family area is now empty, and the walls are broken in the setting sun, and huge letters are written everywhere. The canopy set up by the plastic shed was affixed with colorful and faded instant noodle advertisements. A few dirty children squatted by the ditch to play, screaming with strong dialect accents from time to time.

Even if you drive a Ferrari in a place like this, Yan Xi finally gave up, pulled the handbrake and put it out, saying, “No, you will be playing acrobatics if you continue to drive. Trouble with Team Jiang, you are tired and walk away. Two steps.”

The dormitory in the industrial area is an old-fashioned tube building. Nowadays, there are at least five or six empty rooms without talking about ten rooms and nine empty rooms. Although the afterglow outside was still there, the corridor was dark, and I walked a little bit in. After years of dampness and mildew, I rushed into the seven orifices of people. Jiang Ting shivered unexpectedly: “See!”

Yan Xiu opened the way with the bright light of his mobile phone and said, “You are too delicate, right?”

Jiang Ting didn’t answer.

Yan Xi squeezed sideways through the mountain of debris piled up at the corner of the corridor, carefully stepping on the difficult steps, and finally climbed to the highest floor-the sixth floor. Clothes and quilts were hung outside the walkway facing the patio. Every door inside the walkway was tightly closed. Walking inside the fourth door, the old yellow wooden door was stuck with a police seal.

Jiang Ting hugged his arms and looked at the surrounding environment inch by inch. Suddenly he saw Yan Xiu handing out a military green jacket: “Uh-huh.”

“No.” Jiang Ting didn’t even mean to stretch out his hand: “I can’t afford to pay for it.”

Yan Xi only wears a black short-sleeved T-shirt. His solid shoulder muscles are particularly obvious. He can’t help but put his coat over his head: “Come on, in case you catch the cold and get sick, turn back to me Isn’t it…”

Jiang Ting finally told the truth: “When was the last time you did your laundry?”

Yan Xiu: “…”

The two of them stared at each other, and after a while, Yan Xiu opened the lock with a click with the key, and said coldly: “Be honest, don’t talk so much.”

The room was damp and dark, and when the door opened, there was an indescribable smell. Yan Xiu clutched his nose to turn on the light. Who expected that the meter had been pinched, so he could only continue to use his mobile phone to illuminate, but the ground was full of debris and garbage. The investigators thoroughly inspected it twice. The entire burrow was called Terrible.

Jiang Ting stepped in carefully, standing by the low wooden bed, frowning and watching the surroundings.

“The field team came and searched twice. Lao Gao’s method. Every mouse in this room is named and registered.” Yan Xi elbows him unceremoniously: “Why, Team Jiang Haven’t seen the living environment of the low-end population? What do you think?”

Jiang Ting took Yan Xiu’s cell phone and squatted halfway on the ground, shining along the bed, ground cracks and wall roots one by one, contemplating for a long while.

Yan Xiu teased: “What do you want to say?”

“No thoughts.” Jiang Ting said flatly, “I also grew up like this low-end population.”

Yan Xi was startled.

Jiang Ting got up and walked to the table, only a few thermos bottles were placed side by side. The sundries were piled up on the shabby plastic trays that were too old to see the color. The leftover instant noodles and the “skating” pot were just next to each other. Each other, a thick layer of white mold has formed on the oil soup.

Jiang stopped there and seemed to have encountered some inexplicable problem. The slender black brows were twisted, and the curve from the forehead to the bridge of the nose, lips, and even the neck formed an elegant and unique outline in the light and shadow.

He suddenly pulled the chair away and sat down. Yan Xiu had no time to stop, and saw him sitting straight in front of the already moldy bowl, as if reaching for chopsticks.

“Hey, you…”

Jiang stopped raising his hand, and Yan Xiu’s voice stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ting raised his head and looked to the opposite side thoughtfully, his gaze naturally fell on the broken window at the other end of the room that was barely obscured by the newspaper.

Yan Xi didn’t know what he was looking at, so he could only stare at him without blinking. Jiang Ting suddenly got up and walked towards the window, carefully searching for the greasy window sills and wooden ribs by the light, and suddenly stretched out his hand to push the deformed wooden window sash.


The window was opened, and the evening breeze came in, instantly dispelling the disgusting smell in the house.

“—come here,” Jiang Ting pointed to the outside window sill, his voice was calm, and said, “The work of your field team is rough enough.”

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